• Published 24th Oct 2022
  • 586 Views, 46 Comments

Sea Dreams - Odd_Sarge

Sea Swirl, Sergeant Reckless, and Screw Loose. They're all broken, but together.

  • ...

1 - Nickers, Barks, and Clicks

Snip. Snip-snip.

“Rarity? Could I ask you something?”

“Why, of course, dear. I take it one of my ensembles has left you suitably impressed?”

“Well... c-can I try this dress on?”

The pair of working scissors snipped one last time. For a solid five seconds, it was the last sound to grace the boutique.

The dressmaker lifted her red-framed working glasses up with the same grip of magic. “Sea Swirl, why in Equestria would you ever think to ask that?”

“I... I don’t know.”

“Dear, of course you can!” Rarity set the scissors to the side. She stepped away from the half-clothed ponnequin, out from behind her privacy screen, and toward Sea Swirl on the shop-room floor.

The mulberry mare had been petrified: her withers fell in recess, and she laughed weakly. “Yeah, I guess that was a silly question.”

“You’re quite alright, darling. Though, I must ask, and please, don’t take this the wrong way, but...” Rarity pulled up alongside Sea Swirl. “Why this dress in particular?”

For a long time, Sea Swirl didn’t budge. It gave Rarity a chance to fiddle with her work-rustled coiffure, which she’d allowed on account of Sea Swirl being a comfortably local customer: less time on her hair, more time on the fabric.

Which... Sea Swirl was really quite fascinated by.

Rarity gave the rose-eyed mare a look, but she was surprised to see that those very eyes were tucked away; Sea Swirl’s eyes remained draped shut, even with all the shuffling Rarity was doing.

Eventually, Sea Swirl opened her eyes. She turned, a light smile gracing her muzzle. “I think it’d look good on me.”

Rarity smiled back, but couldn’t help herself from giving the dress a sidelong glance. “Why, yes. In a ah, turquoise, I believe, that would work wonderfully for you... but...”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to say it.”

“...You can still try it on, if you’d like.”

Sea Swirl gave it another, evidently longing look. Then, she shook her head. “No, no it’s fine. It’s for somepony else, I’m sure. I wouldn’t want to ruin their dress.”

“Well, this particular piece was made to-order for an upcoming... event, yes.” Rarity’s voice was curt, and while she hadn’t intended to say more than that, she had to; it was in her nature. “But if you like the style, I’d be more than happy to draw something up for you.”

“Like I said, it’s fine. Thank you, Rarity. Really.” Sea Swirl sighed. She briefly dipped her head. “It’s a wonderful dress. I know it’ll make the mare who wears it some very happy memories. A real day in dreams.”

“I hope so, too, dear.”

Sea Swirl turned, thanked her quietly, and started for the exit to the Carousel Boutique. Rarity watched the mare from where she’d left, smiling and waving, but unmoving all the same. The bell chimed as the door opened and shut. Then, Sea Swirl fell away, until finally, the last bit of her blue mane had disappeared into the corners of the front door’s little windows.

Rarity turned back to the conspicuous dress. “Opal?”

A meow echoed from the other end of the room.

“I forgot to thank her, didn’t I? I haven’t done one of these before. She was the first to appreciate my efforts.” She pursed her lips. “I suppose it can’t be helped, now.”

It didn’t take Rarity long to scrounge up her stray thoughts, recompose herself, and think to start back for her work. Although, it did take a bit of convincing to move her eyes away.

But ‘after all’, she told herself, she could admire the dress in full at the wedding.

Sea Swirl never took a straight road home.

Maybe it was that long-sunken desire to explore, or maybe it was just because she was a little more stubborn than she liked to admit, but she couldn’t bring herself to take the same route all the time. She looped all around Ponyville, making sure she was seen and had seen as much as she could, before ultimately finding her way back home. She’d been in Ponyville for a few months by now, but she still had yet to totally memorize the layout of the dirt roads: she hardly paid attention to anything more than the ponies around.

It was on one of these forays into town that she first met Morning Flame.

‘Reckless’, as her nickname implied, had caused quite a stir. The ‘event’ that had been had produced nothing short of awe in Sea Swirl, as she’d never quite seen a pony who was large enough to compete with the scale of the princesses’ forms, and especially not one who’d behaved with... destructive grace. There were quite a few ponies in town who she was sure had a little giraffe in them (if that was even possible!), but they didn’t have the body weight that Reckless did. Even for that stallion on Sweet Apple Acres, Sea Swirl was sure he’d have to put up a decent fight to have any chance at beating Reckless. And if it wasn’t mass that was the deciding factor, then it was surely technique.

But Reckless subduing three armored Royal Guards with her bare hooves was neither here nor there. In fact, she was one of the most friendly ponies Sea Swirl had ever had the pleasure of meeting, and she was surprisingly quiet, too.

Sea Swirl trot up to the ‘home’ of her friend. The door had been freshly painted, albeit with too-thin a coat. Still, for as dry as the wood seemed, she opted against knocking on the pink. “Reckless! It’s Sea Swirl!”

There was indecipherable speech from within, but it wasn’t for Sea Swirl’s lack of trying: Reckless’ first language hadn’t been Equestrian, and it was unlike anything else. That was just one of the many facets that really had Sea Swirl close to believing some of Reckless’ most far-fetched, and otherworldly, claims.

The self-proclaimed ‘warhorse’ was at the door in moments. The top portion swung out slowly, and with it came a chestnut hoof, and its natural white sock. Craning her neck down, the large mare peered out muzzle-first, her lips pressed into their usual flat, resting line.

Sea Swirl smiled earnestly. “Hi, Reckless.”

“Hello.” The mare nodded, and retracted her hoof. “You here early.”

“Yeah, I figured I’d come check on you.”

Reckless nodded again. It was kind of her thing. “Good. Can see Screw Loose, now.”

Sea Swirl cocked her head. “You know you can go to Ponyville General whenever you want, right?”

This time, the warhorse shook her head. “No. Doc bring her here. Say keep eye on her.”

“Wait, really?”

“Yes.” Reckless pushed the lower half of the door open with a lazy kick. “Come.”

Sea Swirl stepped inside the warmly lit home. Her hooves clicked against the wood, and she stopped just a few more hooves in. Behind her, Reckless finished closing the door.


The mare sitting on the couch looked at Sea Swirl with a wide-eyed stare. Her neck moved, but her hooves kept her as stiff as a statue.

Smiling brightly, Sea Swirl made her way across the carpet, past the other couch, and to Screwy’s side. “I heard you caused a lot of trouble the other night, filly. But clearly, they must’ve been wrong, right? Because you’re a good pony!”

Screwy’s stare lasted for a lot longer than most ponies would find comfortable, but Sea Swirl had the patience to match.

The light blue earth pony blinked her cherry eyes, then broke out into a full smile. She bounced to her hooves, reared up, and wrapped her forelegs around Sea Swirl. The unicorn was well-prepared, and had already swung her horn out of the way.

“I’m so happy to see you again,” Sea Swirl whispered. Lifting a foreleg to half-match Screwy’s hug, she leaned into the mare’s bath-softened mane.

Reckless approached from behind, stopping beside them both. The corners of her mouth twitched slightly before she spoke. “She okay. No trouble.”

“That’s always a good thing to hear.” She glanced at Reckless. “Did Doctor Horse say anything else?”

“Yes.” This time, Reckless used her trademark eager nod: two fast, full nods, but brief. “Keep eye on Screw Loose. Don’t leave alone. Help with bathroom. Earlier, I try.” She gave Sea Swirl a flat look. “I not best at toilet.”

Careful to avoid spooking Screwy, Sea Swirl only just managed a restrained giggle.

As she continued, Reckless slowed to enunciate her words. “Continue work on behavior and habit. Talk like pony. Treat like pony. Act like pony. Also not say d-o-g.”

Sea Swirl pat Screwy: the mare loved her hugs. “The ‘d’ word, huh?”

“Yes. That how doc say.” Reckless paused, mulling over her thoughts on her own. “Doc also say nurse visit. Snowheart. She come check-up, every day. Noon.”

Sea Swirl couldn’t see the kitchen clock from within the living room, and she was still a little predisposed. “Is it noon already?”

“Yes.” Reckless even managed to predict Sea Swirl’s next question. “But Snowheart come in morning with doc.”

“Ah, well that’s nice.” Feeling Screwy getting a little shaky against her, Sea Swirl slowly eased her down to all four hooves. The mare was beaming, and immediately rushed over to Reckless. “I’m going to guess that means you’ve both had plenty of time to catch up.”

“No.” Reckless leaned down for a moment, brushing her neck against Screwy’s own: the little mare was practically on her tippy-hooves trying to reach. “Screw Loose sleep. Dream, but not nightmare. Rest good. She wake when you come.”

“Then that means it’s time to get her out and about to stretch those hooves.”

Reckless looked down at the little pony working up against her, then to Sea Swirl.

“What? Don’t give me that look. It’s a good idea.”

“You not lie?”

Sea Swirl gasped. “Reckless, I would never! Especially not to my best friends.”

“...Okay.” The big mare peered down. “Screw Loose. We go outside.”

Screwy’s lips wavered for a moment, but the words—or more likely, sounds—died right then and there. Instead, she nodded, and slinked back over to Sea Swirl. Her tail was working ever-so slightly, but hey...

Sea Swirl leaned over. “Screwy... guess what?”

The mare froze, crouched slightly, and tweaked her ears high.

“No more leash.”

And that was all it took to get the mare yapping like a pup.

It took two minutes—with both Reckless and Sea Swirl working together—to calm the mare down. It took another two to assess the chance that Screwy would bolt the moment the front door opened. A final two for them to be sure that the doctor would approve.

“She’s not going to get better if we don’t try.”

One by one, the three mares stepped out into the Ponyville afternoon. The streets were alive, and for all intents and purposes, the day was still young.

Sea Swirl kept a wary eye on Screwy while she trot alongside Reckless: with her long stride, Reckless could certainly run Screwy down, but none of them wanted a pony pancake. After a full minute’s walk from the home, Sea Swirl finally joined up on Reckless’ other flank.

“You girls want to go for a swim in Saddle Lake?”

“Not swimmer.”

“C’mon, it’ll be fine. I know plenty of spells on the water. Don’t you trust my magic?”


“I bet I could swim across the lake faster than you can run around it.”

Reckless squinted at Sea Swirl.

Sea Swirl grinned back.

“We go lake.”

With that, Reckless was gone.

Gawking at the galloping mare, Sea Swirl turned to look at—

She did a double-take.

“Hey!” Groaning, Sea Swirl forced herself to run after the two mares racing neck-and-neck. At least she’d be getting some practice in for the Running of the Leaves...

Author's Note: