• Published 20th Oct 2022
  • 482 Views, 4 Comments

Magical Hearts - KukriRyuTsukino

Who can predict the different flows within the multiverse? Some worlds take certain forms with certain connections. This is one that isn't average, yet is far stronger than we may realize. Life has its own magic, as do emotions and the bonds forged.

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Meetings and Greetings

Pharast 3, Ungula - City of Canterlot

Early Evening

Sunset Shimmer was sipping a mug of hot chocolate as even though it was early in the month of Pharast, it was unseasonably chilly. Her crystalline aquamarine eyes darted to the infirmary door as it slid open, the dark copper stained Neighponese frame and slightly pink rice paper with a light bluish teal background rustling softly. Her eyebrows rose at the sight of Head Nurse Skyheart, who was of the Kenkōshinzō Clan who were well known for their members who tended to be talented medics.

"He is conscious, though he does have a bit of a tendency to mutter to himself. I do wonder if this 'Kytinn' was what attacked him as he claims. I do suspect there will be a bit of a scar and quite a bit of soreness for several days at minimum. You may check on him, being that you and Twilight were the ones who found him. How he got into the library without being seen, however, by either the Air Razors or Sol Guard, I do not know," she commented dryly.

Sunset tilted her head knowing nobody would know about the Yìnjì Zhàohuàn ritual they'd employed as the Sigil had burned itself out. It was entirely possible that Princess Celestia could have sensed it, however. "Curiosity, perhaps? I mean, from the outside, it is no more than eleven feet from the public walking paths and public gardens," she commented. "If someone were really determined, they could get to the lower windows. True, doing so without employing magic of any sort would be difficult," she commented in thought.

Mìsos blinked as he saw the door open before he saw the tawny orange skinned young woman. Her hair was an interesting reddish gold with streaks of copper, bronze, amber, wheat gold, and sunny gold. His head cocked, noticing the fur upon her skin before he noticed the light violet haired girl with slightly pale skin. His head cocked at her dark violet hair as well as the deep blue and pinkish violet streak blended into her hair.

Sunset blinked, noticing that his eyes were an eerie blend of both hers and Twilight's hair, being a deep bluish amethyst that held a ring of almost wolfish amber before his eyes shifted into a startling reddish gold with barely visible 'veins' of scarlet glowing outside the ring. His pupils, however, were those of a Dragonkin or Thestral… narrow slits. The hospital gown he wore was a pale cream, standing out sharply against his tawny skin, which she absently noticed utterly lacked fur. She saw his ears twitching, almost forgetting that they wore the lightly armored greaves and soles that deadened the subtle click of their hooves. She got the sense he could still hear it, though.

He grimaced after a moment, wincing. "Ugh… damn… other than those five… not many held strong auric signatures… but here… giving me a migraine with so many," he muttered after a moment.

"Then try to focus on just two or three closer to you… let the rest fade into background noise," Sunset said carefully in a soothing tone. She saw him cock his head as a small snort of laughter escaped him. His eyes drifted closed as she felt the almost feathery heat being pulled inward before her eyebrows shot upward as she saw the hospital gown charring before it fell away in ashes. Her eyes widened, realizing he wore little but a pair of boxers that looked painted onto his body as well as a bandage roughly three-quarters of an inch above his right hip. She winced as it, too, burned away before she heard a gasp from Twilight as they saw the inch wide hole that, even as they watched, was healing rapidly. It took perhaps twenty seconds for naught but a faint scar to be visible.

She saw the scales glowing faintly upon his skin. She swallowed hard as she felt her body warm up. "Um… do… Do you need some help bathing?" she said shyly, noticing the faded blood clinging to his scales.

"I can help if you need it. I do have some experience with Dragonkin, as my younger brother is one… and he does tend to get into mischief… when my parents aren't around nor my older brother or his girlfriend… um," Twilight said shyly.

His eyebrow twitched upward at her stuttering explanation. "Dragonkin? You have me confused," he drawled. "As far as I know, I'm human… not… anthropomorphic mares," he commented with a quirked eyebrow. He saw their cheeks flush. "Though I don't mind help from two cute mares. Though I'm pretty certain that if we're going to bathe, you might not want to do so in that finery," he drawled teasingly, "but as tempting as it would be to watch… I will wait in the bath chamber," he quipped half-jokingly. He seemed unaware of the pheromones lingering from his presence.

Mìsos didn't mention he had no clue where the bath chamber was, but assumed. He didn't realize that both sorceress mares were blushing not just from his own comments, but the fact they'd offered to bathe with someone they didn't know at all. His eyes drifted half-lidded as he inhaled slowly, his ears twitching as he focused, listening for several specific sounds, namely, splashing water and humming. Giggling and conversation were optional, but not his immediate focus.

His head turned before tilting, catching soft humming as well as splashing, oblivious to the fact he was headed not towards the nearest bath chamber which was a bit down the hall, but towards someone else's private bath chamber. He didn't yet realize that his senses were inhumanly keen.

He paused at a surprised sound before he unconsciously pulsed his aura outward, gaining an awareness of everything near him. What especially caught his attention was the 7'2" woman with a layer of creamy white fur, amethyst eyes, as well as a mane that made him think of the aurora borealis. He noticed the sunburst on the slightly pink towel she had, but it was when two sets of hands grabbed his shoulders before his eyes opened, realizing it was the pair who'd looked in on him in the other room.

"So sorry, Princess! I doubt he knew what he was doing, right?" the purple furred mare commented, her voice tightly strained at the last word.

"Knew what? That implies I know something about this place," Mìsos said bluntly and very honestly.

He saw the cream furred, winged woman cock her head with a small smile. "I'm guessing you didn't think about grabbing a towel, hmm? Though you obviously look like you could use a good bath, and I think my students and I can take care of that, wouldn't you agree?" she commented with amusement.

He absently noticed her breasts were at least an H-cup, though he wasn't quite sure. He didn't realize that her students were C-cups and DD-cups respectively. He didn't realize that his mother's inheritance was awakening, giving him an almost pale reddish golden white coat of fine fur. He did, however, notice the brushes she pulled out.

"It's been some time since my students and I have bonded, you see," the Princess commented wryly, amusement in her voice. She tilted her head as a golden white misty aura of light glittered before three more fluffy towels hung themselves from hooks near the door, the same aura fading from them. "Well, come in. You three aren't going to get good and clean just standing there, are you? After all, what is bathing if not a way to bond and unwind? A way to relax the stress of one's day?" she commented teasingly. "And you do look quite tense, young man. We'll be sure to get rid of every drop of tension, after all, you do look quite swollen and backed up," she purred.

Mìsos blinked, noticing how her voice shifted as she spoke. He was still unaware of his body pumping out pheromones into the air. He did notice the redheaded girl's resigned sigh before she gripped his forearm as well as the bracer around it. A small flicker of pale bluish gray edged pale green energy flickered before both bracers loosened as he tugged away, one bracer falling with a clatter onto the floor as the other remained in the redhead's grasp.

He saw the pair jump at that as he flexed his wrists. "What? My arms were starting to itch, and I rather doubt you'd want fire in here… well… obviously I wouldn't want to damage anything in here, but I have no idea what I can do… though I just followed… well… I suppose it could be an instinct which manifested as Telekinesis," he commented wryly.

His hand drifted to the faint scar on his side. His eyes drifted half-lidded before he inhaled slowly. "Ah well… getting clean now is better to focus on than anything else," he sighed. He was seemingly unaware that his close to 2" thick, 11⅓" semi-flaccid cock and cricket ball sized orbs hanging beneath was very obvious.

He didn't realize that both the Princess and the redhead were watching him. "Sunset, do you mind brushing his hair out before we wash it? It is rather tangled, I notice. Have you ever had your scales scrubbed? Twilight can do that whilst I loosen those tense muscles," the Princess commented. "I'm Celestia, by the way," she introduced herself.

"Mìsos Trómoi," was his wry reply as he watched Sunset move over to the vanity counter where he noticed soaps and lotions. His head tilted slightly, noticing the markings upon the bottles glow slightly before his mind was able to translate them as 'mane moisturizer', 'skin and coat wash, and foaming coat cleanser'. He noticed Celestia beckoning him towards the nearby stool which was slightly higher than knee height, he noted.

He took a deep breath before he did sit upon the stool. He felt her warm hands upon his shoulders and upper chest as he heard water running before he heard something being squirted into the water before he heard the soft splashes as he felt a brush being dragged through his hair. His eyes drifted half-lidded before he stiffened at the feel of a soft brush being massaged over his forearm gently.

"I decided to go with a soft brush since I could tell by the gleam, they're 'new scales' and not hardened yet. I know since Spike's were a lighter shade of purple but darkened a few shades as his scales hardened over time, though that sometimes depends upon how much magic you have and how well your body absorbs ambient magic too," the light violet furred young woman commented wryly as bubbles formed from her gentle brushing.

"Hmmm… one of the few friends I had was Amber Sky. She was Matoka," Mìsos commented thoughtfully. He exhaled softly. "Though Outworld would be more familiar with the concept of Magic, though I never grew up there," he commented wryly.

"You would have had you known of your true origins," he heard the giant draconian growl in his mind, making him wince though he felt Sunset dragging her fingers through his hair at the same time before he noticed a subtle coconut and lemon scent as well as something squirming from a spray bottle.

"Detangler," he heard Sunset comment before she went back to brushing his hair. He tilted his head slowly back so it was easier for her to take care of his hair. His ears twitched at the sound of gurgling water as he noticed something that foamed up in a lather in a nearby tub he estimated to be a bit under four and a half feet deep within the same golden aura before the bottle was set aside.

"For a bit later," Celestia quipped half-jokingly. She watched him sitting there, though she did notice that what appeared to be smooth skin was, in fact, very tiny, almost microscopic scales. She was quite intrigued by this fact. She did notice he didn't seem to mind the pampering her students were giving him.

She could sense latent power that rivaled her own in some ways and even outstripped it in others. She hummed softly in thought as she half turned, seemingly unaware of showing her barely clad derriere beneath her thin silken bathrobe.

Mìsos' eyebrows shot up as the creamy furred Princess turned away from him before she turned back with a couple of washcloths as well as a couple of different shampoos and conditioners. He was almost certain she swayed her hips deliberately when turning away, a fact neither of the other two seemed to notice. He noticed one said 'Fur Shampoo - Honey Apple' and the others said 'Skin Conditioner - Honey Pecan', 'Mane Shampoo - Sakura Lavender' and 'Mane Conditioner - Sakura Blossoms' respectively. He cocked an eyebrow before she spoke.

"Is his hair tangle free? We do need to clean him thoroughly, every single inch," she spoke.

"Yes, I've gotten most of the more irritating tangles out. The rest should work out whilst washing and conditioning his hair, Shisho-hime," Sunset commented, her tone respectful and deferential.

"I'm not sure why you find it amusing to call me that," Celestia teased as she passed over the mane conditioner and shampoo.

"I'd guess it's probably because you're her 'senior' in Magic and Life Experience as well as being a Princess?" Mìsos quipped half-jokingly. He heard Sunset huff before he felt warm, borderline hot, water stream over his body.

"I've never seen anypony with scales that all but reveal their musculoskeletal structure," Twilight commented before she yelped. She saw the presumed Dragonkin glance her direction before his cheeks flushed as he quickly looked away. Her head tilted at his shyness. "Though I do have to wonder how you'll squirm at our thorough physical examination," she teased.

Mìsos shivered at how she purred the last two words, unaware he was putting out pretty strong pheromones that were all but starting an early heat cycle in the two younger mares.

He could feel Sunset's fingers dragging through his hair as he could feel the water running over his body before he heard the soft pop before he smelled cherry blossoms and lavender. Unknown to him, unlike on Earth, the soaps and lotions were truly all natural and very… foamy… in a way very few planets could match, save for Lymphea and a few others.

He could feel Twilight going back to using her brush, this time on the scales on his sides and ribcage. His eyes drifted half-lidded before he jerked as he felt his foot being lifted before he saw Celestia with a similar brush as she giggled as his reaction before he blinked, seeing the scales which had been on the backs of his hands and the tops of his feet flatten and recede, realizing there was no threat. He didn't expect her to drizzle a trail of the fur shampoo in small circles from the top of his foot all the way up to mid-thigh before she started washing her way up his leg. Though he didn't want to admit it, their pampering was causing blood to flow southward.

"Oooh, you like being pampered, don't you? I'd wager you've never had a Princess as well as her two most talented protegès making sure every inch of your body is relaxed… and sated," she purred.

---Spicy content warning!---

He wasn't sure if it was deliberate, the way she leaned forward as she spoke, engulfing his near 16" long, 3" thick engorged length between her upper valley as she washed her way up his leg. She then started moving up and down, stimulating his shaft. “Does that feel good?” she asked, smiling.

His eyes widened as he shuddered as he felt himself twitching at the sudden stimulation as a groan of pleasure escaped him as his head fell back. Unknown to him, his slightly sharper than normal finger and toenails lengthened, revealing themselves to be retractable claws. He growled softly, the sound almost a purr.

While the princess was doing that, Twilight grabbed one of his hands and put it on her chest, more precisely, her left breast and made him squeeze it, slightly moaning with a blush as she gave him a seductive look, “Is my chest soft to the touch?” she asked him, smiling.

He blinked, turning his head to look at her. "Hai, though I'd wager every part of you is soft, considering your fur… though it might not be a bad idea to get rid of the clothes… since I'm pretty certain they're expensive," he commented wryly. "Though I have yet to meet someone with amethyst eyes," he commented. He felt heat coiling low in his belly before he blinked as he felt something cool that quickly warmed, unaware it was edible warming massage oil.

Twilight blushed at the remark but pulled the shirt over her head, revealing her bra-clad C-cup breasts, “Like what you see?” she asked, smirking at him.

Mìsos' eyes widened, noticing Celestia still moving with a small smirk. He knew nothing about breast sizes, but guessed hers were F or G cups. "They're cute and adorable, much like you. Though I'm guessing you're a reader, yes?" he commented wryly. "I notice the very slight calluses from what I'd wager to be hefty book pages on your fingertips. Unless you're an archer, which could create similar calluses," he acquiesced as he knew nothing about these mares.

“Aww, thank you for the compliment, I guess you want to see them in their full glory though, right?” Twilight said, teasing him by pulling on her shoulder straps, “If you do, say the magic word…” she continued, smiling sexily.

"Please, dear, keep being adorably cute," Mìsos commented teasingly. "Though I do wonder how thorough that 'physical examination' will be," he teased.

"Oh, just washing every inch of your body, massaging every bit of tension from your body until you're as tense as water," Sunset teased as she washed his hair thoroughly, as she'd used some of the foaming shampoo initially, though she also planned on using cream shampoo, then conditioner.

Just then, something warm and soft wrapped around his shaft, the Princess had started sucking him off. “Does that feel better?” she asked, a bit muffled, vibrating his shaft as she did, she licked along the length of his shaft then flicked the tip with the tip of her tongue, smiling.

Mìsos' eyes fluttered at the sudden surge of sensations, missing Sunset passing the fur shampoo to Twilight as his gaze shifted at the Princess' words. "Ugh… feels unlike anything I've felt before. To me, bathing like this is as intimate as I've experienced," he admitted with a groan, seeing her slowly rubbing her breasts up and down his shaft.

Then, the Princess started rubbing and teasing his sensitive vein underneath his shaft, “Come on, it’s alright if you ejaculate into my mouth, I allow you, so go on…” she told him, rubbing him there continuously while sucking on the tip of his shaft.

Mìsos shivered at her teasing as he felt the tightening coil abruptly release, unaware a thick burst of sweet, tangy, and slightly sour cream erupted into her mouth, though he remained still very aroused.

Twilight had already unclasped her bra and her chest was showing as she stood in front of the boy. “Would you like to try sucking on them?” she asked, squeezing them together and winking at him.

He trembled slightly, breathing a bit hard as he tugged her closer before he tilted his head, teasing first one nipple, then the other, unaware the way he'd shifted her all but left her slit in the Princess' face. He didn't stop teasing her body, however, just to see how she reacted.

“Ah!” Twilight moaned as he teased her nipples, “You can suck on them if you want to, alright? I do lactate, you know.” she teased him, bringing his face closer to her chest.

He blinked up at her before chuckling a bit. "I'll believe that when I see it. Though I'd bet you taste like sweet blackberries," he teased.

Just then, Twilight grabbed his dangling balls and squeezed it lightly, “Does that feel good?” she asked, bouncing them in her hands and squeezing them occasionally, she giggled when they became warm to the touch, “You ARE liking it, huh?” she said, even rubbing the extremely sensitive vein under his shaft.

Mìsos groaned as he shuddered. "Careful, lass. Never had anyone play with my body," he said in a low, very slightly growling voice. "Unless you want a face full of cream," he teased, the corners of his mouth curling upward slightly.

"That would be kinda funny," Sunset said jokingly, smirking as she rinsed his hair before she draped her arms over his shoulders. "Though it's supposedly good for not just moisturizing skin and fur, but supposedly magic regeneration too," she purred.

Twilight smiled, "I don't mind…" she said, smirking. She continued massaging his balls and shaft.

Mìsos' eyes drifted half-lidded as he shivered. He didn't notice the crimson Sigil no larger than the head of a push pin burned into the base of the underside of his cock which prevented any and all pregnancy unless he desired it.

His head cocked as she kept teasing his length as he watched her before he erupted right in her face and coated not just much of her face and hair, but a good ⅔ of her breasts as well. "Hmmm… if that's how much it coats the outside, how much will it coat the inside?" he mused. "Four, five months pregnant, perhaps?" he teased. He distinctly heard the soft whistling before his fingers on his right hand shimmered pale bluish gray edged pale green, the clay jug of conditioner hovering just above the floor on a cushion of telekinetic force.

"Damn… that sounds so hot," Sunset breathed unintentionally. She shivered at the thought of the engorged length stretching her out.

"Wanna put it inside me?" Twilight teased, turning around and showing him her drenched slit, seeing him not doing anything, she just sat on his shaft, moaning loudly, “Ah~ yes~ knock me up…” she said, rubbing his cheeks against her breasts.

Mìsos was unaware, at least for the moment, that her request was unlikely to be fulfilled. He instinctively rocked his hips, unsure what he was doing, though from the sounds she was making, she certainly seemed to enjoy it. He didn't realize that both of the younger mares were slightly taller than himself, as he was only 5' 11 1⁄2 `` whereas both younger mares were 6' 2 `` and 6' respectively for Sunset and Twilight. His eyes were half-lidded before he instinctively motorboated her breasts. He blinked as he noticed a sweet nutty scent before he closed his eyes, realizing her intent with the skin conditioner as a thick trickle ran over his forehead and down his face. He was, in fact, unaware it wouldn't have mattered as he could have opened his eyes underneath molten rock without harm.

Sunset hummed softly as she began working the cream shampoo as well as the conditioner through his hair. She knew the cream shampoo didn't lather near as much, though it was very moisturizing for the hair and scalp. Twilight kept moaning as she moved up and down his shaft, “Ah! At this rate, I’m gonna-” She said, then squirted all over his shaft, moaning loudly.

"Have you warmed up yet?" Mìsos teased. He saw her head tilt as if surprised. "Something tells me you're going to be wobbly afterwards," he teased.

Sunset felt him shift a bit closer to the edge opposite her before she heard soft slaps as his hips started rolling.

Feeling that, Twilight started moaning louder and more frequently, “Ah, ah, ahh…!” she said, face getting red and head falling back, breasts bouncing as he began knocking her up faster.

He shivered as his hips rolled as he felt Twilight's fingers tangling in his hair, holding his head to her chest, lathering his face in the process with the skin conditioner. He could feel Sunset's fingers dragging through his hair.

“Please, let me bear your babies!” Twilight screamed while moaning, tears forming in her eyes, “Please, I can’t hold it back anymore- ah, ah, ahh?! Oh, yeah!” she said, squirting again.

Mìsos grunted softly as his hips pumped faster, lengthening her orgasm. "Not sure… possible… but more… than willing… to try," he managed between thrusts.

Twilight moaned more loudly and frequently, “PLEASE, MAKE ME A MOM!!!” she screamed, not able to contain the pleasure.

Mìsos cocked an eyebrow as he pulled back, seeing her blushing face as he kept pumping his hips, unaware the slaps of his balls were loud in the room. "We barely know one another, are you sure?" he deadpanned seriously.

He could feel that coil ready to flare out. He was unaware of his irises shifting from a gentle, warm golden orange to a shocking bright burning green as wisps seemed to burn from his eyes, unknowingly tapping into his father's very potent powers, though they didn't feel like Dark or Corruptive Magic, as they weren't.

Celestia's eyebrows shot up at the change in his irises, though she could sense it was unintentional on his part. It was an unfamiliar power, but she could sense it was very powerful.

"I… I don't mind… if we love each other, it's okay, isn't it?" Twilight said, hugging him close and pulling him deep inside her again.

"I suppose, though, wouldn't you say that knowing each other better would create a deeper, much more lasting bond?" he commented. Admittedly, being a few months shy of his seventeenth birthday, he didn't feel ready for children.

"Will you marry me?" Twilight suddenly asked him, smiling and moving up and down on his shaft.

"I could, though I'd like to know you all better before such a decision," Mìsos replied, unaware he wasn't quite human as he assumed. In truth, he was of Strúmdövjūn blood.

Celestia noticed the glow fading from his iridescent irises with mild interest. 'So he has some instinctive control over his powers. I am curious what sort of powers he has as he's already exhibited telekinetic abilities,' she mused silently.

Sunset blinked as she rinsed his hair, very well aware of how thick and unruly his hair was now. She had a feeling that he might well discover things they didn't know yet.

“C’mon… we can decide that later, can’t we?” said Twilight, moving up and down his shaft faster while rubbing his sensitive vein underneath, “Please, make me a mom…” she said again with a cute smile.

Mìsos chuckled a bit, still unaware of the Sigil preventing pregnancy. "Considering the fact we aren't using protection to my knowledge," he commented, unaware that wasn't the case, "I don't see how that can be avoided," he teased as he let his fingers glide over her body, not just her breasts. "Though I am curious as to what runs through that mind of yours," he teased before leaning closer and whispering in her ear, "Both innocent and naughty, as I'm certain you have quite a few fantasies. Though admittedly, I would need a teacher to actually teach me Magic… sensei."

Twilight then saw something, “Hey, what’s this?” she said, tapping on his sigil, noticing it, “It looks like… something’s on your shaft…” she said, rubbing him there.

Mìsos cocked his head, unaware it was a slightly raised sigil upon his skin. "I don't know. It's not like I take the time to examine my body when I bathe… especially not at the Shaolin Temple… ugh… speaking of… I was headed back to the Temple from the market when Kytinn attacked me. Though I have no idea how I kept her from driving her stinger through my skull," he said quietly, distinctly remembering the stinger deflecting off a golden barrier… which had shoved that Kytinn bitch far enough back it ripped her stinger free from his abdomen. He paused, looking down at his abdomen, noticing a very slight scar that looked decades old, not hours old.

“Hmm, this looks like an anti-pregnancy sigil…” the Princess said, somehow under the two, exactly where his shaft is. “I think I can take it off…” she said, using her magic to undo the sigil.

Mìsos cocked an eyebrow. He felt an intense heat as well as an intense tingling. Unknown to him, he could, in fact, block the chance of pregnancy by retracting the life energy from the seed. Had they seen internally, they might have noticed tendrils of emerald teal light fading, rendering the next few of his loads inert so pregnancy was a non-issue. What he did know, however, was that the tingling heat as well as the coaxing heat within Twilight's core as she clenched tighter caused him to fill her up to the point of looking just shy of five months pregnant. He most certainly felt her hugging him close as he felt her clenching around him.

"Ah, fuck… now I'm way tempted to get some for myself," Sunset muttered under her breath as her eyes widened, unaware that her voice was heavy with last, desire, and need. She then started fingering his anus, teasing his sensitive part inside.

He groaned softly, glancing back at her. "Planning on cleaning that too, or no? Admittedly, I've never played back there, though I will admit beauty is one way to entice as well as distract," he quipped. He didn't realize turning his head exposed a particular marking upon his skin.

Sunset put another finger in, stretching him. “Does this feel good or does it hurt?” she asked, giggling and teasing his sensitive area inside his butt.

"Closer to the former than the latter. Certainly different," Mìsos commented thoughtfully. His gaze shifted to Twilight, who seemed a bit dazed and trembling. "Might not be a bad idea to help her up… something tells me her legs may not be very supportive," he commented wryly.

The Princess helped Twilight from behind, "Go on, cum inside her, I removed the Sigil from your shaft." She said, smiling at him.

A small smirk crossed his face as he kept pumping his hips, hearing her pleasured moans and coos. "Already did, why else would she look five months pregnant?" he teased. "Though I'd wager that times like this are one of the few times you really get any semblance of relaxation. That's how those with great power or great skill tend to be… swamped by idiots who don't have enough intelligence to use what the Elder Gods afforded them," he sighed. He shivered at the feel of Sunset's fingers dragging slowly up and down his back.

“With great power comes great responsibility.” the Princess told the boy, “I hope you’re ready to take responsibility for Twilight’s kid.” she continued.

Mìsos tilted his head. "If she has one, I'll take care of him or her. If not, I'll still watch over Twilight. Besides, I suspect if I do have a talent for Magic, I'll need tutors and teachers to grasp it… so as to not put others in danger," he commented.

“Would I be a mom now?” asked Twilight, kissing him on the cheek, “If I do, please marry me…” she said with cute eyes.

"I dunno. Though I'd wager once you try standing up…" Mìsos commented teasingly, "it's likely your legs may give out from under you. But either way, I have a feeling things may turn out rather… interesting," he commented as his fingers trailed over her thighs and hips before he purposely massaged her ass just to see her reaction.

Twilight gasped as he touched her butt and jumped up just to fall back, though he caught her before she tumbled to the floor, his ears twitching at the soft gurgling he heard from her belly despite the inert seed.

"Careful, there. Though you do have a cute butt," he teased.

“Stop teasing me and just marry me!” Twilight said, hugging him again tightly.

"I could, but I barely know anything about you. Wouldn't you agree that a bond like marriage comes from a relationship… which we presently lack? Besides, I've got no clue how I got here," he commented, unaware that his own magic had actually latched onto a summoning rite they'd inadvertently attempted which retracted, landing him on their world and really awakening what was already waking slowly regardless.

“Yeah, I agree, wanna date me until we figure out that I’m pregnant?” Twilight asked, flicking his nose lightly and smiling.

"We can start out as friends. Though I wouldn't be surprised if others decided to join in… hmm?" he teased, his head turning to the mare with her fingers pumping in his rear hole. "Though if you want to clean out back there, I don't mind," he teased. He didn't notice the nearby motorized microfiber brush intended for deep cleaning in the anal cavity. He also didn't notice it was refillable with soap.

“You gonna cum soon?” Sunset asked, “You never did, did you?” she kept teasing him there, “C’mon, cum!” she continued, smiling and licking his ear, then she picked up the brush and stuck it in his butt, turning it on its highest level.

"Did you miss your friend's swollen…?" he started before he shuddered, his eyes narrowing before a low unintended moan escaped him as chills rushed through his body.

“So that DOES feel good, huh?” Sunset said, moving it in and out of his butt, “How’s that? Better?” she said, teasing his sensitive vein under his shaft.

A low groan escaped him, unaware she could easily squirt soap or water inside with a push of a button. "Mmmm… never felt this before…" he muttered.

Sunset began going faster, “C’mon, release your liquid! You’ve been keeping it in all this time, right? C’mon, come on!” she said, teasing him there.

Mìsos groaned softly, unaware that he could easily spin if he chose and fill her up just as he had the other young mare. "Careful, unless you want to…" he muttered gruffly as he felt her shift abruptly and smoothly.

Sunset suddenly got up and sat down on his shaft while the brush was still inside his butt, “C’mon, do me just like you did to Twilight!” she said, moving up and down on his shaft.

He noticed the Princess moving, but didn't really pay attention to where she moved, unaware that the brush was very exposed to manipulate and tease him further. His eyes drifted almost closed as he felt Sunset settle herself over him. He noticed she was a bit hotter inside than Twilight, but his hips instinctively pumped in long, fluid thrusts.

Sunset grabbed one of his hands and guided it to the top of her slit, making him touch her sensitive nub, “Ah!” she gasped as she made him do that. “Rub me here, please…” she begged him, eyes fluttering, then the Princess sat behind him and began twisting the brush inside him.

Mìsos groaned softly as he teased her body before he felt a chill abruptly inside, unaware it was the body wash within the brush before the brush agitated it into a lather within him. "Ugh… not gonna last long, I suspect… though something tells me you two are just as needy if my sense of smell is right," he managed.

“It feels so good… c’mon, cum inside me! Make me a mom as well!” Sunset said, moaning loudly, she began moving faster, making his shaft hit her womb, she gasped each time it did.

He rolled his eyes, but kept rolling his hips quickly. "How full should I fill you? Hmmm? Just as much as Twilight? Or more?" he teased.

“Fill me up more please! I can’t hold back anymore… Hnngh!” she said, squirting all over his shaft before she could finish, drenching his crotch with her wet substance.

Mìsos smirked a bit. "Fill you up more? Hmm…. maybe after you cum again?" he purred, unknowingly employing a compulsive urge to do precisely that in his voice.

“Huh…? Ah~! What’s going on- Haa- AHHH!” Sunset said, suddenly stiffening and cumming the hardest she had in her life, she fell back onto him, unconscious due to the pleasure she felt.

"Huh…" he grunted as he filled her up to just shy of seven months pregnant, dead seed, unfortunately, "damn… she really was backed up, wasn't she, Princess?" he commented teasingly. "Though I have to wonder when you last were satisfied, Princess," he commented. Her manipulating the brush had most certainly helped in stuffing her older student, but he could all but smell the pheromones, almost like cinnamon sugar mixed with peppermint, in the air.

A couple of weeks later -

Twilight woke up a bit groggy then she actually ran over to Mìsos’ bathroom and threw up in his bathroom, she got worried so she went to the Princess without apologizing to Mìsos, “Can I get a checkup? I don’t feel well…” she told her, sitting down in front of the older woman.

Mìsos, in his own bedchamber, stretched and got himself ready for the day. He knew Twilight had chosen to spend the night, assisting him with catching up on studies she and Sunset had years of practice with, yet he was getting the hang of it almost as quickly as Twilight herself by her own admission. She'd also told him she and Sunset were seen as 'prodigies'. He'd said that was a term he disliked as he knew of so-called prodigies who had let themselves fall into arrogance and self-pride and it always ended badly. He blinked at the smell of vomit before he noticed Twilight wasn't in the room. He suspected she'd only recently vacated as her subtle blueberry-lavender scent still lingered. He flushed the toilet before exhaling softly.

Princess Celestia noticed her student's distress as well as the slightly sour scent of bile and stomach acid. "Sunset guessed similarly, though for her, it was negative. For you… I cannot quite tell. Did you sneak those snickerdoodle cookies again?" She teased her student. She was well aware, though Twilight and Sunset both denied it, that they both had certain study habits when they were really, deeply focused.

For Twilight, she tended to sneak cookies, most often snickerdoodles or white chocolate chip chocolate cookies. For Sunset, she was a bit of a gambler with coins, flicking them into books or wastebaskets. Sometimes even the pockets of Guards, whether female or male alike, just to see their confusion at coppers or silvers in their pockets without their knowledge.

Twilight groaned as nothing came up but she threw up on the Princess’s room floor, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Princess Celestia!” she said, noticing her vomit on the floor a moment later.
“Please forgive my insolence for vomiting on your floor!” she continued, trying to clean her floor using her magic.

Princess Celestia smiled faintly as she focused. With a flick of her fingers, she sent a pulse of controlled solar heat from her magic not only baking the vomit on the marble, but trailing a breeze that scattered its dusty remnants out of sight.

Mìsos blinked as he paused near the doorway, spotting the Princess and Twilight. He cocked his head as he watched them. He saw the Princess' gaze shift before her eyes widened ever so slightly as he bowed slightly, his right fist touching, palm down, his raised left palm. It was a sign of deep respect.