• Published 11th Mar 2023
  • 1,774 Views, 55 Comments

My New Life as a Pony - Banshee531

Dying after saving three lives, a young man is given the chance to live again. Reborn into a world of magic and heroes, plus ponies, his quest to become a true hero begins.

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OVA 1: My Chaotic Vacation, as a Pony

It was a clear and beautiful day in Equestria, with not a cloud in the sky. The perfect day to be outside, where Flash just so happened to be.

Flash Sentry, Springer the Jakhowl, Soarin Skies, Trixie Lulamoon and Wallflower Blush were all walking down a dirt path, making their way across the lands with large rucksacks on their backs. Team Relic were all on vacation from school, the lot choosing to spend their time off visiting a place Flash was glad to see once again.

"There it is!" Flash cheered, seeing the walls of his home village off in the distance. He let out a sigh as he saw the place, "it's good to be home."

"So that's where you were born?" Springer asked, as they all stared at the village.

"Pretty cool, huh?"

"Not really," Trixie frowned. "Not being rude, but the place doesn't exactly look...breathtaking."

"Looks kind of standard," Wallflower agrees. Flash huffed at this, as Soarin placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax man. Who cares what it looks like? What matters is the experiences you have there." Flash smiled and nodded, as he continued to lead them towards the village. "Still, would have been nice if we didn't have to walk all the way here.

"Well we don't really have a reason to be part of Equestria's train network," Flash explained as they got closer to the village. "Most of the residents of this town were all born here, raised here and will probably die here. We don't get a lot of hoof traffic."

"Why did we agree to come here again?" Trixie asked, as the front gates came into view.

"Because the founding festival is taking place in two days," Flash smirked. "The best party ever, celebrating the creation of our village. Trust me, it's gonna be a blast!" They arrived at the town entrance and the guards spotted them, their eyes going wide seeing Flash before they all smiled.

"Hey kid!" One of them, a Terran, cheered as he moved other to put an arm around him. "We were hoping our town's shooting star would make it back in time for the party."

"Hey Quake," Flash smirked. "You been keeping out of trouble?" Quake laughed at this.

"With you gone, somepony has to make thing interesting around here." He patted Flash on the back before looking over at the others. "Friends of yours?"

"Yup," Flash nodded. "This is Soarin, Trixie, Wallflower and Springer." Quake and the other guards noticed Springer and looked a little worried. "Don't worry about him. He's with me." Springer smiled and the guards nodded, letting them all into the town.

As they did, they noticed how the town appeared to be decorated. Banners of many different colours were hanging from buildings, flags were hanging from string tied up between buildings and ponies were setting up booths and others fun things for the following day.

"Now this is what I call a party," Soarin smirked.

"Yeah," Springer nodded, "I can feel the excitement everyone's feeling."

Wallflower saw many ponies waving at Flash, who waved back as she hummed. "So this entire town only exists because of your belt, right?" Flash nodded.

"Pretty much. According to the legend, the kids of Omni that made it had sealed it away so nopony could use it for evil. But many adventurers tracked it down to the forest outside of town. They spent years searching for it, using this area as a camp to rest when they weren't searching. Eventually, some of them gave up the search but fell in love with the area. So they built a few houses to live in."

Trixie smirked. "Those few houses turned into a lot of houses, then a few shops and a school in order to look after the colts and fillies of those living there. Then it just kept going until the town was born, right?" Flash nodded, "pretty much the same story for every town and city. Something draws them to it, they stay and bam, new town."

Wallflower hummed. "So in a way, your belt is the reason you were born. It's also the reason your parents and everypony else was born as well."

Flash hummed. "You're mostly right." He waved at another group, "my parents are some of the few ponies who weren't born here. They were adventurers that retired to this little village after they met. But you're right about most everypony else."

They continued through the town, until they finally arrived at Flash's childhood home. Not having seen the place in months, Flash smiled before reaching out to check if it was locked. He smirked and opened the door, only to find the place was completely abandoned.

"Huh?" Flash stepped inside, the others following behind. "Weird. I told them I'd be home today. And they never leave the door unlocked. Where-" Suddenly, the lights flew on and several ponies appeared from out of hiding.

"SURPRISE!" Misty Vail and Trail Blazer smiled at their son, who was shocked to see them along with his old friends Streak, Guster and Stomps. "Welcome home!" They all cheered, seeing the surprised teens.

"Wha?" Was all Flash could say as his parents rushed up to him.

"It's so good to see you!" Misty pulled him into a hug, as Trail patted him on the head. When she pulled away, she looked Flash over and smirked. "I think you've grown a little."

"I have?" Flash looked himself over, not thinking he had grown at all.

Trail laughed as he patted Flash on the shoulder. "I think he just looks that way because he's buffed up." He tried to pinch Flash and found his arms was almost all muscle. "Yup, that school's certainly got you a few extra muscles." Flash blushed, as his friends laughed. "So, you gonna introduce us?"

"Oh, right." Flash stepped to the side and gestured to them. "Everyone, these are my friends from school. Soarin Skies, Wallflower Blush and Trixie Lulamoon."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Wallflower bowed.

"Yeah," Soarin smirked, "thanks for having us."

"And thank you for keeping our son safe," Misty smiled at them. "I'm sure he must have pulled you all into a lot of trouble since meeting him." Flash frowned at her, as the others laughed.

"You have no idea," Trixie stated. "But we're happy to have him on our team." It was in this moment that Springer stepped forward, surprising Flash's parents as Flash knelt down.

"Mom, dad. This is Springer. He's my esprit partner. Pretty much, he's part of the family now." The two were shocked by this, but then smiled when Springer gave them his cutest look.

"Aw," Misty knelt down, "aren't you the most adorable little thing." She started scratching Springer behind the ear, the jakhowl melting into her touch.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff." Everypony laughed at this, whilst Trail turned to Flash.

"I've heard of esprits. Never thought you'd get one." Flash shrugged, "but isn't he supposed to be bigger?"

"He's as big as he needs to be," Flash replied. "Wait until you see him in a fight. He'll evolve into his battle form and show the world just how powerful he is." Trail nodded, as Flash turned to Streak, Guster and Stomps. "Long time no see."

"Yeah," the three smirked, "not everypony was able to escape this place." Flash rolled his eyes, as Misty told them the party was beginning. She had gotten all of Flash's favourite party foods and they had begun to celebrate his temporary return home.

As they did, Flash learned that his friends were all working in different parts of the town. Guster was now a mail-pony, whilst Streak was studying to be an electrician and Stomp was apprenticing with the local baker. Despite how mundane their jobs appeared, they were enjoying them.

What they weren't enjoying were the eye rolls Wallflower and Trixie were giving them, whenever they tried to flirt with the girls. To say they weren't interested was an understatement.

The group began telling them tales of their adventures. Flash had already told his parents in a letter how his first real quest with Shining went, so they moved on to telling them about how their quest with Princess Luna went. All the amazing places they went to and the challenges they overcame, eventually leading them to saving the princess herself.

Flash's parents were quite impressed, having never heard of a golem like the one Flash had faced. Streak, Guster and Stomps were amazed, since Flash doing what he did sounded like something out of a superhero comic.

The party went well into the night, though Guster had to leave early since he was on early mail delivery tomorrow, with Streak and Stomps leaving when the sun was beginning to set.

Misty had cleaned Flash's old room so Trixie and Wallflower could use it, whilst Trail had gotten a blanket and sleeping bag out for Flash and Soarin.

Once the house was cleaned up and everypony had washed up in the bathroom, they headed to bed looking forward to having some fun in Flash's hometown the next morning. They planned on taking a proper tour of the town, with Trixie even suggesting they check out the forest and see how well they did in such a monster filled environment.

And so, Flash found himself sleeping on the floor whilst Soarin laid on the bed above him. Springer had returned to his amulet and now they were just listening to the quiet sound of nothing, letting it slowly drift them off to sleep.

"This place is pretty peaceful," Soarin smirked. "Growing up here must have been great."

"It was," Flash nodded. "Though back when I was younger, most of my spare time was spent training so that I could get into the Adventuring Academy." He laughed. "Ironic. I spent my whole life training to get out of this town and as soon as I got into the academy, I start missing this place." He and Soarin laughed as Flash remembered all the fun times he had had there.

Before he got his memories back, Flash was always having fun. Going out for picnics outside the town, playing in the streets with Streak and the others. Going to the Founding Festival with his parents every year. When he got his memories back and his spark to be a hero was fully ignited, Flash's focus shifted.

He still got to have fun, occasionally hanging out with his friends, but he spent much of it learning how to fight with swords and shields or studying at the library. It wasn't until he was finally in the academy that he let himself relax a little, resulting in his free time doing magic shows with Trixie, helping in the gardens with Wallflower and just playing around with Springer.

Yup, Flash had certainly been getting the most out of his new life. And he had Faust to thank for it.

He hadn't actually thought of the god that had reincarnated him in a while. He had asked her to give him the chance to be a hero and Flash was certainly on his way to becoming one. But he couldn't help but wonder about her choice of locations.

He was thankful she had reincarnated him as Misty and Trail's son, but had she done so only because of the ancient relic that was now laying beside him? Was she the one that had made the belt chose to bond with him, setting all of his adventures into motion?

He would probably never know, though he had a feeling he would meet Faust again when this new life came to an end. But that, hopefully, wouldn't be for many many years to come. Until then, Flash would just be thankful for everything he had and enjoy his time off from school.

The sound of Soarin's snores filled the air and after living with him for a while, Flash had learned to tune them out. Soon, he followed Soarin in to the realm of dreams.

But as he slept, something happened to the town.

From a distance location, a wave of white light rolled over the land and appeared to be spreading throughout all of Equestria. As it did, the ground, plants and animals all began to glow.

The next morning.

Flash let out a yawn as he laid on the living room floor, Soarin sleeping on the couch above him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, his stomach telling him he needed to fill the tank. So he headed into the kitchen and grabbed a snack to hold him over until breakfast. But as he did, a loud banging suddenly sounded through the room coming from the front door.

"What the?" Soarin suddenly sat up and looked around, clearly confused after being drawn out of his sleep. "Dude, what's with the wake up call?" Flash shrugged as he grabbed his amulet and put it on, giving Springer the energy to come out and take form.

As he did, Flash opened the door only to find Guster standing on the other side looking freaked out. "Flash!" He cried, "you gotta do something!"

"About what?" Flash asked, only for a giant purple fish to suddenly swim behind Guster like it was nothing.

Flash stepped out the house and looked around, his eyes going wide as he realised his hometown had been completely transformed. Every other house had been morphed into something else. One was made out of gingerbread, another had been transformed to be made out of legos and another appeared to be upside down.

Giant flowers were growing out of the ground, whilst rain clouds filled the air. Only they were pink in colour and raining out a brown substance, which Flash hoped was chocolate. The group was checker-boarded, being either two shades of blue or two shades of pink.

But the strangest thing had to be the sudden influx of wildlife in the town. The aforementioned giant fish, was only one of the strange things filling the town. Ballet dancing bulvines, giant frogs with wind up keys spinning on their backs and what appeared to be a giant slinky with eyes in the middle.

"What the heck am I looking at?" Flash asked, as Soarin and Springer ran out. Trixie, Wallflower and his parents weren't far behind, the lot looking around and being in just as much shock as the boys. Screams then filled the air and Flash rushed inside, quickly grabbing his clothes to change.

Soarin did the same as the girls ran upstairs, returning a minute of so later dressed in their clothes and with their weapons at the ready. Flash placed on his belt and they all ran outside, Team Relic charging in to battle whatever was causing this insane situation.

"Be careful!" Misty cried, as Flash gave them a thumbs up before taking to the air.

As he did, he spotted something a few streets over. A giant creature that looked like a white potato, covered in black panto masks that all had opened mouths. And from out of those mouths came a long tentacle, that allowed whatever it was to move around and hold stuff.

And one of the things it was holding was a magi mare Flash recognised. "Crinkle Cut!" He shot down and used his belt to summon his twin Gauntlet Claws, which equipped themselves to his arms.

The creature seemed to notice him and sent one of its tentacles towards him, but Flash spun around and used his claws to cut through the tendril before getting to the one holding the mare. And with a mighty swing, he slashed through it and the mare fell towards the ground.

Luckily, Soarin shot in and caught her. "I gotcha!" He flew her away from the monster, as Flash began to use his Hellfire Spiral to burn through the creature. Breaking through to the other side, he landed on the ground behind it as the creature let out a mighty roar. Then it did something unusual.

Instead of exploding into specks of light, its body began to inflate like a balloon before popping with a burst of smoke and confetti. "Huh?" Flash looked up at the falling confetti, wondering what the heck had just happened.

"Flash!" He looked around and saw Trixie and Wallflower running towards him, Springer right behind them. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "a little weirded out." He brushed the confetti off his body. "I don't think we're dealing with normal monsters right now." As if to prove his point, pink bubbles shaped like elephants suddenly flew into the street.

Soarin had chosen this moment to return and fired a blast of wind at the creatures, hitting one of them and causing it to explode. But when it did, snakes fell to the floor.

"Wow," Springer jumped back. They watched, as the snakes began to slither along the ground. But oddly enough, the snakes appeared to be moving backwards. Their tail tips were lifted slightly off the ground and moved along it, whilst their heads were being dragged behind them on the floor. "Alright, that's just freaky."

The snakes reached them and started trying to bite the group, forcing Flash and Soarin into the air whilst Springer, Trixie and Wallflower started dancing around to avoid their fangs.

Springer leapt into the air, as light exploded out of Flash's amulet. "Esprit, EVOLUTION!" The light swirled around him before exploding off, revealing his more adult form. "Aura Blast!" He slammed a sphere of spirit energy into the ground, the following explosion knocking the snakes away.

"Super Freeze!" Trixie unleashed blasts of lightning, which turned several snakes into ice sculptures whilst Wallflower crushed them with a single bunch from her gauntlet.

Flash flew further up and saw more insane things happening around the town. And as he flew higher, he saw it wasn't just the town that was being affected by...whatever the heck this was.

Outside the town, creatures of many different shapes and sizes were roaming around. And the landscape had also been drastically altered, as the forest's trees were now walking around and giant beanstalks were sticking out of the ground. "What the heck is going on?"

"Boot!" He heard Soarin cry, making Flash look up and see a leather boot with wings flying towards him.

"AUGH!" He somehow found himself getting kicked in the face, causing him to go flying out of control until he crashed into the ground. "Ow."

"You okay?" Trixie rushed over to him, helping the avian pick himself up.

"Boot strike," Flash rubbed his nose. "Log it." Trixie looked confused by this, but they had bigger issues to deal with when the ground suddenly stopped being solid. "WOW!" Those on the ground could barely keep their balance, as the ground acted like it was a giant balloon or bounce house.

"What now?" Wallflower asked, as Springer started bouncing around trying to get to the others.

Flash once again jumped into the air, grabbing Trixie and pulling her up as Soarin did the same to Wallflower. Springer started running along the sides of the buildings, as they heard more screams filling the air. "There's gotta be something causing this," Flash stated.

Wallflower looked around, seeing many different insane things happening without rhyme or reason. "It's so...chaotic." That word struck a chord with her, "chaos magic."

"Come again?" Trixie asked.

"I read about it...once. A type of magic not usable by any kind of pony. Only a special group of creatures are capable of wielding it, but I can't remember what they're called."

"You think one of those things is here?" Soarin asked.

"I'm only guessing. Chaos magic is supposed to be able to do anything, but is almost impossible to control. Cast a spell with it and anything can happen."

"That doesn't sound good," Flash frowned. "We need to try and get these creatures out of the town. I don't know how the heck the guard let them in in the first place, without sounding the alarm."

"They didn't have time." They all looked around and saw Trail flying behind him, carrying Misty with him. "I just talked to the guard captain. He said there was a bright flash of light and suddenly, everything was different. The creatures all just appeared out of thin air."

"Sounds like chaos magic," Misty stated with Wallflower nodding.

"So how do we stop this chaos magic?" Soarin asked, but Misty and Wallflower just frowned.

"Barely anything's known about this magic," Misty explained. "It hasn't been seen in over a thousand years." Before anypony could say anything, the ground suddenly ripped open as a giant green and yellow polka dot worm appeared beneath them.

The creature opened its mouth and showed a bunch of rotating teeth, that almost swallowed Flash and Trixie. But Springer shot forward and slammed a foot into the side of its head, sending it crashing into the side of a building. As it did, Trail dropped Misty onto the roof of a building before taking out a shield and spear.

"Flame Javelin!" The tip of the spear burst into flames and when he swung it around, the flames shot off the spear and pieced the worm's head. This made it roar in pain, keeping its mouth open as Misty held up a magi-staff.

"Star Cluster!" A sphere of light exploded out of her staff and shot towards the creature, flying right into its mouth. As soon as it did, the sphere separated into multiple smaller spheres that started blowing up.

The worm screamed as its body was blown up from the inside out, causing it to burst into confetti like the other creatures. Flash and his friends were all impressed by this. "Your parents are pretty awesome," Trixie told him.

"Well," Flash smirked, "they were adventurers." They heard more screams and saw more strange creatures attacking the citizens. Those ponies could do nothing but run, as almost every house was just as dangerous as the creatures out on the street.

Flash learned this the hard way, when he flew down to tackle what appeared to be a T-rex made out of a kitchen sponge.

He slammed it into the ground, only to bounce off the ground and fly towards a building. And when he did, the door opened before what appeared to be a long red carpet flew out and wrapped around him. "Uh oh!" He was suddenly pulled into the building and found the place was moving, the carpet dragging him through it like a frog's tongue would drag a fly through its mouth.

He let out a roar as he ignited his claws, allowing him to slash through the carpet and free himself. He then charged back towards the door, only for a bunch of metal spines to almost hit him and impale the wall instead.

"Yaaaar!" Flash gulped as he ducked under them, then leapt out of the doorway. "This is getting insane!"

"We're gotta find a way to stop these things!" Soarin cried, launching a blast of wind at a buck ball with teeth.

Flash agreed, as another house tried to grab him with its carpet tongue. He quickly cut it up and decided to change his strategy, dispelling his claws and summoning his lightning sword and fire shield.

The ground quickly turned to jelly again and they all flew into the air, Flash's eyes surveying the town and seeing many more monsters around them. More creatures were also making their way past the walls from outside, the guards too busy dealing with the current horde to stop them.

"We've got no choice," Flash stated. "We need to split up and take everything in the city out faster then it can replenish. Then, we can focus on keeping everything else out." He pointed at the girls. "Trixie and Wallflower, you two head to the eastern part of town. All the creatures there seem to be earthbound." They nodded as he pointed at Soarin and Springer, "you two head west and deal with the creature on the ground and in the air."

"Got it!" Springer nodded as Soarin smirked.

Flash then turned to his parents, "can you guys deal with the creatures in the south?"

"Of course," Misty nodded. "But what about you? You're not seriously going to fight the northern creatures on your own?"

"Nope. There's already a large collection of guards up that way. I'll join with them and help take out the monsters." He pointed his sword in the air. "This is what we've been training for. Let's show everypony in town why we were allowed to study at the Manehatten Adventurer's Academy!"

"YEAH!" They all cheered before they split up and headed off in different directions. As they did, Misty and Trail were amazed.

"Our son really has grown," Misty whispered.

Trail nodded. "Yeah, he's not the little kid we raised anymore." He smirked. "He's gonna go places. He won't fail like we did." Misty smiled before a roar pulled their attention away from their parenting epiphany. They rushed off to take down the monsters, hoping they could defeat them all before the numbers grew too large.

Over the next two hours, the warrior ponies of the town were forced to fight continuously. Whenever a pony managed to defeat a monster, another one seemed to pop up to replace it. All they could do was keep fighting against the creatures, but it was growing more and more exhausting with every fight.

It didn't help that barely any of the fighting ponies had had anything to eat that morning, causing their engines to slowly run low on fuel.

"Accel!" Soarin cried as he shot forward at a blinding speed, cutting through several flying sharks, whilst Springer used his Bone Breaker staff to deflect the water balloons being thrown by an elephant dressed like a clown. The water balloons were full of a strange liquid and whenever it splat against something, that object would have something strange happen to it.

Parts of the ground Springer batted the balloons onto transformed into doves, giant screaming heads and a robotic T-rex claiming to be the son of god...whatever that was.

"Steel Paw!" He then shot forward, the spike on the back of his paw morphing into a trio of claws that he used to slash through the clownepant. Like the other creatures, it expanded like a balloon before popping with a bunch of smoke and confetti flying out of it.

"Illusion!" Trixie cried, turning herself and Wallflower invisible to the eyes of the giant spider they were fighting. Said spider had a bunch of roller skates on its legs and when it fired its web, it was actually firing silly string.

Wallflower ran forward and transformed her gauntlets into the Web Slingers, which she used to grab its front four legs before sliding under the creature's large body. Doing so pulled its front legs under it and caused it to roll forwards onto its back, as Trixie leapt into the air and summoned the blade on her magi-staff.

"Take this!" She stabbed the creature in the chest, making it scream as it began to balloon up before popping. The two gave each other a thumbs up, looking around and seeing there were any more monsters around them.

At the same time, Trail surrounded his entire spear with fire. "Blazing Thrust!" He threw the spear and it soared through the air, cutting through a line of purple monkeys with hands on their tails. Each one soon had a hole through their chests and they exploded, Trail sighing as he saw several more monkeys hanging off the sides of buildings.

Misty raised her staff as the end glowed. "Black Lightning!" She unleashed a spell that was exactly what the name suggested.

Bolts of black lightning exploded from the staff and slammed into the buildings, destroying many of the monkeys and allowing Trail to rush over and grab his spear to dispatch the last few primates that had escaped his wife's attack.

The pair nodded before hearing a large explosion off at the northern part of the town, making them worry and causing the pair to rush off in the direction their son had run off to.

Said son was currently blasting his way through the many monsters, using his lightning sabre to shred the Frankenstein teddy bear fusions to ribbons. "Flame on!" He cried, launching a blast of fire at a bunch of sheep made out of marshmallows, roasting them into exploding as he turned towards the final creature left to fight. A large collection of multi-coloured pipe cleaners, twister together to resemble an actual horse.

The horse charged forward and Flash flew at the beast, spinning through the air as he swung his sword around. The guards watching were amazed, as they watched flash turn into a lightning covered spinning top that shot past the creature in the blink of an eye.

When Flash reached the other side of the creature, he stopped spinning with his blade pointing forwards. Meanwhile, the pipe cleaner horse let out a neigh before it started falling apart and turned into a pipe of differently sized pipe cleaners.

The guards all cheered at Flash's skills, amazed at how strong he had gotten since leaving home.

"Flash!" He looked around and spotted his parents, Trail carrying Misty towards him. "You okay?" Flash nodded, as he flew up higher. His parents followed suit and they all looked over the walls of the city, but saw that they had apparently destroyed every creature that had crawled into the city from outside.

Flash sighed, hoping this meant the assault on their home was over.

However, he soon came to regret thinking that. For the ground suddenly started shaking. "Oh, come on. What is it now?" The shaking was growing heavier and they all realised it was coming from outside the town, making them look towards the forest.

Many of the trees had walked away, but there were still a great many of them left. And soon, something ripped itself through those trees and stepped out into the open.

It was like nothing Flash had ever seen. It appeared to be some kind of centaur creature, though only in shape. Its body was very different, being yellow in colour.

It looked like a giant yellow skull mask had grown a body similar to a hippos, only it was made out of yellow stone and had a long tail sticking out the back. Out the top of the mask part was a humanoid body, also made out of stone, with four arms and long white horns sticking out of its shoulders and back. It had no head, but did appear to have a pair of eyes in its chest.

The creature looked around the size of an elephant, making Flash wonder how the heck it had managed to shake the earth. But with every step, the ground did shake. Clearly, it was a lot heavier then its size indicated.

"Everypony get ready!" They nodded as Soarin, Trixie, Wallflower and Springer arrived on the scene.

The beast approached the town and as it did, Flash got a better look at it and noticed its lower arms didn't have hands. Instead, they ended in a pair of tubes that the beast was now pointing at the wall. The next thing they all knew, the creature fired a strange black liquid towards the wall.

When it hit, the wall instantly melted and allowed the creature to walk into the city. With every footstep, it shook the ground and made the building around it fall apart. And as they did, the mouth of the stomach mask opened up and started breathing in.

Doing so caused a powerful suction, which pulled the wreckage into it. And as it swallowed, its entire body began to glow before it grew larger. "That's not good."

"Aero Shot!" Soarin launched a blast of wind, which struck the creature but did nothing to even scratch it.

"Super Freeze!" Trixie fired the ice beam at its legs, trying to freeze and break them. But as soon as the ice formed, the creature pulled its leg up and ripped its foot off of it. "Gross!"

"At least its can't walk right," Wallflower pointed out. But as soon as she said that, the creature's leg stump bubbled before a new foot materialised out of it. "Or not."

"Everyone!" Flash cried, "fire together!" He launched a fireball at the creature as the others launched their long distance attacks. Several magi guards and a few others with long range weapons unleashed their own attacks, which began slamming into the creature.

But each and every attack simply bounced off the creature like it was made out of rubber. None of them left a scratch or graze, shocking them all as the creature turned its attention on them.

It raised its tube arms and pointed them at the ponies on the ground before unleashing a blast of black liquid, which shot towards them.

"Everypony move!" Flash cried, as they leapt into the air to avoid the ooze. It slammed down onto the ground and flooded the streets, turning the buildings into an melting mess. Flash and the other flying ponies all unleashed their attacks at the ooze, pushing it back so that the grounded ponies could escape.

When the ooze stopped following them, Flash looked up at the creature and shot towards it. His parents called out to him, but he pointed his sword at its chest and attempted to stab it in what he hoped was its heart. But before he could even get close, the creature swung a giant arm at him and almost sliced him in half with its claw.

The creature had now grown to over sixty meters in height and was still growing, as it sucked up more and more of the town that it destroyed. "I don't know where you came from!" He told it, "but I won't let you destroy my home!" Flash shot forwards and sliced his lightning sword through the creature's arm, running up it as he carved a long gash into the limb.

But when he reached the shoulder and pulled away, he looked back and saw the creature was already starting to heal.

"ACCEL!" Soarin shot forward and used the blades of his bow to cut into the creature's legs, hoping to knock it off balance. But the beast's legs were so thick, he might as well have been using a needle to cut a slice of bread.

Wallflower saw its stomach mouth close and slowly open up again, preparing to suck in more of the city. She then had an idea and and smiled as she ran forward. "Wallflower!" Springer ran with her, "what are you doing?"

"Giving it something else to chew on!" She cried, as the sucking force began. "Paralysis Cannon!" Her arm morphed into the maroon tube, which she pointed at the beast before firing. The mist shot out of the end and was quickly sucked up by the creature, all who knew that weapon's power smiling since it meant the creature would be frozen solid.

However, as Wallflower finished unleashing the mist, the creature didn't seem to be slowing down or freezing at all. Instead, it simply stood there, as if trying to determine if it liked the taste of the paralysing mist or not.

Then, it opened its mouth again and breathed out. Doing so sent all the mist flying down towards Wallflower, making her gasp as Springer shot forward.

He quickly threw her over his shoulder and ran away, the mist flying behind them. The other grounded ponies also ran, as the mist barely failed to overtake them and eventually faded away. The ponies on the ground panted as they stopped running, whilst the creature stepped forward once again and crushed several building its then swallowed.

As it grew larger, the eyes on its chest started glowing. "That doesn't look good." Flash was right for in that moment, each eye unleashed a beam of light that shot down towards the ground.

They expected it to explode upon contact, but it didn't. Instead, the ground and houses it touched, both the ones affected and not affected by this bizarre magic, were transformed into ice cream versions of themselves. The ice cream began to melt, filling the streets with a flood of strawberry, vanilla and chocolate cream.

The ponies on the ground screamed at the oncoming tidal wave, fearing they were going to drown in it. But before the wave could reach them, Flash landed on the ground and slotted a card into his belt.

He had just made this on the fly, but hoped it would work to protect his friends and family. His arms were both surrounded by light and when they faded, Flash was revealed to be wearing a pair of black metal gloves similar to Wallflower's. Only these ones had purple gems on the back of the hands, which glowed as Flash slammed his fists together.

He then thrust them upwards, beams of light firing from the gems and flying up. When they collided above them, the beams flew outwards and forms a dome of light that surrounded everypony.

The ponies of the town were amazed by this, Streak, Guster and Stomps shocked at the sight of their friend looking like a badass hero.

The wave struck the shield with incredible force, so much so that Flash had a hard time keeping his balance when it did. But he stayed up and forced the barrier to remain, as the ice cream washed over the dome and continued to fill the rest of the town. When it did, the ice cream surrounding them slowly lowered and eventually reached only to their knees.

Flash finally stopped and the barrier disappeared, everypony flinching at the cold feeling of the ice cream on their hooves.

The avians took to the air, Flash amongst them as he dispelled the gauntlets and summoned his sword and shield once again. The beast stared at him and he knew they had to find a way to stop it. But how? It seemed almost impossible.

It was then that something happened that came out of nowhere.

A brilliant beam of rainbow light, which shot into the air in the far distance. It was likely hundreds of miles away, but so bright it could be seen even from there. The only ones that saw it were those in the air, the light making them look away from the creature.

That beam of light then exploded into a wave of some kind, which spread out across the land and began to move towards Flash's hometown. "What the heck is that?" He asked, as he dodged a claw and unleashed his own fireball at the beast.

Whatever it was, it moved across the land faster then anything Flash had ever seen. It only took a minute to travel from its starting point and reach the town, allowing them to see that it was a wall of rainbow coloured light that filled everything between the earth and the sky.

And as it spread across the land, anything it touched that had been created or changed by the unknown chaos magic was undone.

The houses it flowed over were reverted back to their original states, whilst the strange creatures were completely vaporised. This included the giant stone centaur, which let out a roar as it vanished from existence the moment the wave struck.

Flash flinched at the brightness of it and braced himself, unsure what this light would end up doing to him.

But as it flowed over him, he only felt a gentle warmth that caused all the pain he felt to disappear. And when the light past him, he looked down and saw all his injuries were gone.

He looked over and saw the light pass over everypony else, healing them up the same way. And the wave just kept going, undoing all the strange things that had been done to the town. It passed over the entire village and once that was done, it just kept going spreading over the forest and anything else behind the town. It kept going and going until it disappeared, either dissipating or simply leaving their field of view.

The ponies looked themselves over and when they realised they were all okay, they started cheering and celebrating the end to the insanity they had just had to survive.

Flash flew down and hugged his parents and friends, only for the exhaustion he felt to catch up with him. The others were just as exhausted and once they made sure there was nothing left that had somehow survived that light wave, they headed back to Flash's house.

There, they gorged themselves on as much food as they could stomach before going to bed and sleeping until late the next day.

They ended up glad they had slept so long, for the next day was full of excitement for them. Despite all the insanity that had occurred the previous day, the light that had spread over the town had fixed up everything to its original state. As such, the ponies of the town saw no reason to cancel the Founding Festival.

So that day was spent playing many games, watching many shows and eating all kinds of fun foods. When the sun eventually set, the festival was brought to a close by a fireworks display. To say Team Relic enjoyed themselves was an understatement.

In the days that followed, news spread about the chaotic near apocalypse. Turns out, Flash's village wasn't the only one hit by this strange event. All over Equestria, insane things had been going on. The cause had been the return of an ancient evil from Equestria's distant past, a master of Chaos Magic.

He had escaped from his imprisonment and began to spread his chaos across the kingdom. But before it could spread too far and cause too much damage, a group of ponies had defeated him using a bunch of magical relics. The same relics that had apparently restored Princess Luna.

That group of ponies had been given great honours. But that did not overshadow the hard work many adventurers did, in order to keep the chaos magic from doing any harm. As such, Flash and his friends were treated like heroes for the rest of their stay at Flash's hometown. And when they returned to school, they had quite the story to tell.

Author's Note:

This was probably out of nowhere, but I hope you enjoyed it. All the best animes have OVAs, so of course mine had to have one. And there'll be another coming, next week. Hope to see you then.