• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2021
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Joe Toon

Administrator of a Pocket Universe that monitors other worlds. You can offer your support here in Ko-fi. Your contribution is most appreciated.


S.G.I. Case file #313787
Subject name: Sunset Shimmer
World of Origin: Equus
Species: Unicorn
Power classification: Magic
Listed Abilities: [REDACTED]
Threat Assessment: High
Listed offenses: Five counts of minor nuisances, three counts of theft, one count of identity fraud, three counts of forging documents, four counts of breaking and entering, sixteen counts of reckless endangerment, three (confirmed) counts on misuse of power(s), eight involvements of supernatural phenomena, three hundred and seventeen counts of mind-controlled enslavement, one count of hostile takeover, and two (confirmed) counts of instigating apocalypse-class disasters (one currently in progress).
Current status: Alive; under S.G.I. interrogation.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

No one thinks of the consequences until it’s too late! Pretty good short. Even for just the length of a small chapter, you have a knack of making compelling narratives.

Can’t speak on the conversion as I haven’t read Words of Advice yet, but at least from a surface level understanding the rules make a lot of sense.

Something isn’t right. I don’t trust them.

Thanks for the feedback.

And you never should.


Same. This feels too clean and easy. Personally I feel like they killed Sunset's human counterpart thinking she was the anomaly and framed Sunset staying as part of the problem.

You mean they were gaslighting her?

I want the director of this organization to be this world's Tirek.

Same method but with different motives.

FIM Tirek wants to collect magic for himself. EG Tirek wants to collect magic to destroy it.

Nice story. I do always wonder what the government would do with magic existing in real life

It would make sense.

Is it possible to destroy magic?

Probably use it for their own benefit.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

Still doesn't solve the problem.

The source is equestria, the solution is termination because if they are allowed to exist magic WILL spill into the other reality simply by virtue of them being the equivalent of holes in a water barrel.

Furthermore, if sirens can exist using minor magic for a millennia or so, then why can a native, whom uses conduits, how can they be any more harmful? (Rainbow Bomb-laser aside)

This sint even counting the amount of unknown trash magic items Starswirl dumped into EQG's earth, like the memory stone.

All of whom would act as additional spill holes and would exist prior to Sunny's excursion into reality.

Such is fishy. No?

Not sure about this fic. definite mixed feelings.

It seems too much of a contrivance to have all the stuff listed here be Sunset's direct fault, up to and including the end of the world. It's possible, as one commenter said, that they're gaslighting the hell out of her, but the text doesn't contain enough to confirm that. They don't provide much in the way of evidence, and they don't say how they know all that stuff that they really should have no way of knowing. It's mostly just someone yelling at and intimidating Sunset Shimmer for a few hundred words.

Honestly, this could probably have stood to be a lot longer.

Honestly had this not been a one-shot chapter you could very well make an entire story out of this I was seriously hooked from beginning to end

This is definitely not SCP. :pinkiecrazy:

But now seriously, secret organisation trying to contain anything unnatural? I'm in. Cleanly written, interesting start for a longer story etc.

What kind of bothered me is the amount of information thrown out all at once. Yes, it's an audio file, so one couldn't work with a lot, but it feels for me like the tempo should be lowered down. It's basically a bombardemont of information, which does what it's supposed to do, but I personally think we needed more of Sunset reacting to it — or something, I dunno.

Also, the organisation is kind of stupid. If they knew about her, why wait so long to finally explain the stupidity of Sunset's choice? SG acts like Sunset was aware of the consequences, did it ever occure that maybe the pony from another world isn't aware of the dangers? No, let's wait further until it will be uncontainable and then all blame on her instead of our passivity :facehoof:

And the end of the choice is kind of… interesting? Something doesn't add up with all what was said before. Maybe some comments here are right and it's all a lie.

Don't know if that will remain as a Oneshot or if Sequels will follow, but an interesting start nonetheless :twilightsmile:

True. You have a point. Something to consider in the future.

Yeah, not my best I'll admit. Though I did want to explain why they didn't come after her before but I thought it would complicate matters and remove focus on the point of the story.

Still, baby steps. I guess I'm more suited for long drawn stories than one shots.

please continue this

I actually considered addressing that, however consider this; tossing those artefacts and sirens didn't trigger immediately. They've been dormant or too small to make an impact. (The Sirens though, I might have to plan for a follow up to them in the future.) In my head I thought, they've been dormant for years, even centuries; meaning they've either been powered down or lost their magic upon entering the world.

However, one spark from an object that is a centrepiece, an icon that is the equivalent to the likes of the Ark of the Covenant, a source of magic, and you got yourself the ignition to activate and/or increase Equestrian magic.

I know, still a few gaps and all; but that was how I theorised the situation. I mean seriously, ever since Sunset activated that crown, magical stuff started appearing from nowhere and all in one location that is gradually expanding.

Welp, this was interesting, and it shows it was written fast, too many laws, worlds realities words tossed around XD.

I don't quite get why the Human Sunset Shimmer was merely killed instead of being somehow pushed out of the universe (a scenario which could've still killed her, to be clear) considering a living body & a corpse aren't especially different in the grand scheme of things for the universe. Shouldn't the duplicate matter be what, um, matters in this case more than the status of living or dead? (Or factor in more than it did in-story?)

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