• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Jamin P Rose

I write fetish clopfics and other things. Commissions: Not Open, working on existing commissions.


Sometimes you push fate too far, sometimes your great idea isn't so great. I learned the hard way that sometimes your mistakes will haunt your for the rest of your life. My name is Red Shade, and this is how I nearly became a monster.

Day 12 of One Shot-tober

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

I'm really liking the character of Red Shade as I learn more about him. I'm often one who enjoys tragedies, and seeing him be self-sacrificing in this way really speaks to me.

I want to see him brought before this beast again, when he's much stronger, after having been beaten down time and again. I want him to know that he's losing the battle, but still confident in his abilities to provide some form of barrier. His body a broken mess by the end, his shield failing and having to stop a blow with his flesh, only for those he's been protecting, his wife, his son his friends, to step in and push him that last little bit forward. Maybe he dies, maybe he lives, but it doesn't matter, because he wasn't planning to survive.

And then he has a short conversation with death itself, they chat for a bit, and Death tells him that he has a choice: to go with him peacefully and end all of his suffering, or to return to those he loves.

And I mean that. I want to see him win pyrrhic victories or fail into the arms of those who support him.


This is something that will have to be done after one shot-tober, as I will give it my all and that will take more time that I can give to it during this challenge.

That's perfectly fine, and even preferable. I would rather it had the space to explore its facets in a novella than be rushed to tell its whole arc in just over a thousand words. No rush.

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