• Published 12th Oct 2022
  • 2,247 Views, 141 Comments

Chromatic Aberration - Avery Day

Sunset knew making friends after the Fall Formal wouldn't be easy, but some make it so much harder than it needs to be.

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Epilogue – Calm After, Calm Before

The next few days after the sleepover were some of the scariest days I ever lived through. That felt weird to acknowledge. Even aside from the fact that every night, I’d go to bed thinking there was a nightmare waiting just around the corner of unconsciousness, nothing out of the ordinary really happened. But that was exactly it—when was the other shoe going to drop?

It was still hard to believe that night with Fluttershy was real. The understanding she gave me, the emotions I felt, the catharsis from letting out months of bottling things up—all of that was very real; uncomfortably so. It was progress, but that was terrifying. Every step forward presents the risk of a longer fall back down. Even if I didn’t trip, there was nothing saying I wouldn’t be pushed, and I was still owed more than a few shoves.

As scary as everything was, and as shaky as my footing might have been, there was one thing I could take comfort in: if this was all real, then it was true—I didn’t have to do this alone anymore.

And it did get a little easier. Not only was Fluttershy behind me, but the girls were right by my side, too. When I arrived at school in the mornings, my friends were always there to greet me, and would walk with me to my first class of the day. If we shared a class, they’d usually walk me to my next, even if their next class was in a completely different direction.

Admittedly, I kind of resented that at first. It felt like another expression of pity. I would have never asked them to do something like that; it wasn’t something I thought I needed, but they did it anyway. Once I realized how much that lessened the ordeal of navigating through the school, I learned to quiet that voice. Because the truth of the matter was: that was something I needed.

Slowly but surely, the sharp stares from the other students softened. That didn’t mean they smiled at me as I passed them by—the discomfort my presence caused was still immediately palpable most of the time—but I didn’t get shoved anymore, and all things considered, that was enough of a reason to be happy.

After that sleepover, things between me and Rainbow Dash still felt uncertain, but the well of tension had dried up. Considering how awkwardly our reconciliation had gone, I wasn’t exactly holding out on us becoming best buds.

But she found ways to surprise me.

At lunch, she made an effort not to talk over me, and the times in which she did, she’d stop and tell me to go ahead. And after lunch, she’d be there waiting for me at the door of the cafeteria before heading back to class. Granted, our classes were right next to each other, so she was headed that direction anyway, but that was something I never expected her to do.

I couldn’t tell what her angle was anymore. That might seem like a bad thing, but I preferred it that way. Since our confrontation in the bathroom, I’d fully convinced myself she was doing this just so Fluttershy wouldn’t be mad at her anymore. Maybe that was still the case, but how often she went out of her way for me made it hard to say.

But it was like Skates had said: as long as we got along, what did her motivation really matter? If things stay cool between us, then eventually, she’ll find more reasons for us to keep being friends.

And so would I.

Still, this wasn’t where I expected our conflict to go. I always imagined it ending in one of two ways: we settle our differences entirely and become best friends, or (more likely) I’d be ejected from the group because we couldn’t stand being around each other anymore. Somehow, we’d landed vaguely in the middle of that. Even if that exceeded my expectations, something about it still felt kind of unsatisfying. I guess a combination of the girls’ reuniting as friends and Princess Twilight’s rousing speech about the power and magic of friendship had given me too much of an idealistic vision of what our future could be.

But hey, at least I won't be a complete social pariah at the Musical Showcase coming up soon. That counts for something, doesn't it?

Author's Note:

Originally, this story had a lot more ahead of it than just this, but after struggling to make it fit on top of the foundation built by this story, I've decided this is the end point for this part of the narrative. If I were to try to accomplish all I set out to do in the beginning, this story would become bloated, and the other parts of this I had planned would not have enough breathing room. This is a good stopping point, and the next part of the narrative will be told one day, but it needs its own roots to grow from.

I'm sorry it took me this long to finally come out with this. I genuinely tried and tried and tried, but if I try anymore, my heart just won't be in it.

Big big thanks to EileenSaysHi and Nudistsquid for all their time, work, and patience.

And thank you all for reading and leaving me so many wonderful comments. I honestly never expected my gay little stories would ever resonate with anyone the way I've been told they do. I want to keep doing that, and that's why I need to call it on this story. So I can deliver more. There will be more to come from me soon. Until then <3

Comments ( 9 )

Sunset Shimmer didn't know it yet, but that vision she had of her friendship with the girls would soon become a beautiful reality.

But not before they were tested by things big and small...

The harmonic wordless vocals of the Sirens echo softly in the background.

To be continued in: Rainbow Rocks!

Seriously though, this was a great story that definitely helped to shed light on what could have contributed to Sunset getting five wonderful friends before the second film. The tension between Sunset and Rainbow Dash made it really clear that not everyone in the friend group was gonna honor Princess Twilight's request right away.

I love that Rainbow definitively changed her tact soon after Sunset's breakdown. I'm not sure as to how much she knows about that moment. But, I suspect she knows just enough to realize that, you know, maybe being a bully to her former bully isn't such a good idea. Cycles and all that.

Is Lancerguy right? Is there really going to be a sequel?

I have no idea who that is.

Its a shame it had to end here, but i can respect choosing a definite end point over drifting off into oblivion.

i cant say i wasnt surprised to see this end, but i respect your decision to do so and will look forward to what you have in store. now that this is 'properly' finished, i think i can still say this is one of the best EQG fics on the site!!

At lunch, she made an effort not to talk over me, and the times in which she did, she’d stop and tell me to go ahead. And after lunch, she’d be there waiting for me at the door of the cafeteria before heading back to class. Granted, our classes were right next to each other, so she was headed that direction anyway, but that was something I never expected her to do.

Good to hear. :twilightsmile:

But it was like Skates had said: as long as we got along, what did her motivation really matter? If things stay cool between us, then eventually, she’ll find more reasons for us to keep being friends.

And it did. :yay:

Sure wasn't expecting this story to be over, but I can understand it's reason for ending here. Still, I'm looking forward to whatever is coming next. I'll be waiting!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Oh thats kinda disappointing
well at least its better than a story being hold in "incomplete" forever

This was a nice story about redemption and understanding.
Everyone was in character and you wrote it very well.

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