• Member Since 7th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


"Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender." G'Kar - Babylon 5

Comments ( 13 )

I feel like this could have been avoided with better work safety protocols. Pony OSHA would have a field day with the lack of PPE around dangerous biohazardous material.

In all seriousness, I've been looking forward to reading this story since I first saw you talking about it on the Discord, and it doesn't disappoint. Most horror I read tries to be viscerally scary. This is not that. This is slow and delightfully haunting, which is not something you typically see in this genre, and I appreciate that. And yet it can still dip into the visceral when it wants to, and that too is impressive. Kudos for making something this bittersweet out of a single-episode bit of fridge horror.

Love the additions you made! I'm gonna second RB_ up there. A really, really awesome horror story that's not jump scare or overly "edgy". It's an almost realistic descent into the unreal that makes you pick apart what it is and what it means. I'm impressed you wrote so much so well so quickly.

Smh you uploaded this and didn't even tell me

Sorry. I thought saying "I'm getting ready to publish. Would you like a prereader credit?" got the message across. My bad. :scootangel:

Might be the first time ive read this new age stuff not entirely played as a joke

the suspense is killin me!

you just know once twilight hears about this shes going to publish the most rigorous safety guidelines equestria has ever seen

Oh wow that whole journey was beautiful, and the ending o.o gave me goosebumps.

Watching Heart deal with what's happening and come to terms with each stage of her disease and her emotions was a lovely experience. Sweet at times, bitter at others, and both experiences felt important. I had trouble getting through the anticipation of the first couple chapters though—awaiting her fate and hoping that it's at least not her fault is just hard for me to deal with.

holy shit. im absolutely floored by this story. this was amazing, beautiful, haunting, and sad all in one. im typing this comment with tears in my eyes.

Seeing as disease themed MLP stories have enjoyed something of a renaissance lately, I decided to give this a shot.

And it did not disappoint. You managed to take one of the most bizarre bits of MLP lore and turn it into a truly haunting tale regarding incurable disease. Documenting the decline of a terminally ill person (as, let's face it, infection with swamp fever is effectively a death sentence) in real time really stuck with me, and was oddly reminiscent of a similar sequence in one of the Resident Evil games.

Much, much better than many of the Infection animations I've watched. I'm putting this in my bookshelf.

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