• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 1,598 Views, 245 Comments

In Equestria - ARandomLonelyDude

I'm here because of circumstances beyond my control and now I serve the horrors. Things go good and bad from there; mostly bad.

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Chapter 13: Hospital :/

I heard a beeping sound to my right. I was on a bed, laying on my back and under a blanket that was too thin. I would have complained, but it was warm, like that kind of right temperature that feels like bliss. I tried shifting to lie more comfortably on my side and immediately regretted it as pain shot through me. Whatever drowsiness I had in me was gone with that attempted movement, leaving me laying on the bed waiting for the pain to fade away.

I opened my eyes and looked around. The room was mostly dark with a soft yellow light coming from a light fixture next to one of the two doors the room had. There was a window with its curtains drawn and the lack of sunlight told me that it was night. There was a small table next to my bed. I was hooked up to a IV thing and a machine that was monitoring my heart rate.

There were a lot of bandages on me, some on my body, some on my legs. Most of them were on the right side though and I was a bit confused about why it was that way. Then, I remembered the explosion. It must have been shrapnel or something that got me since I had turned away from it and put the right side of myself towards it.

Well, that doesn't really matter much now that I was in a hospital room once again. I didn't really know what to do. Maybe if I see that nurse or doctor I had the first time around, I could make a joke about me being back. Heh, look at me, thinking about making jokes about something that might be serious. I quietly laughed at that but it turned into a cough almost immediately.

I lay in the bed for a few more minutes, slowly nodding off. The door opened, making me close my eyes instinctively. I heard the quiet sound of hooves on tile approaching me. They stopped by my bed and I heard the sound of pen on paper. I cracked open my eyes and was blinded for a second by the light coming in from the open door. My eyes adjusted and I saw nurse Redheart. She was inspecting the heart rate monitor and the IV bag. She wrote down something on a paper on her clipboard and set the pen down on the table. She turned to leave the room, reading whatever she wrote before stopping.

"Where did I keep the pen?" she asked herself in a low voice as she checked if it was beneath one of the papers on the clipboard.

"It's on the table," I said as loud as I could, which wasn't much more than a whisper. It did get her attention though and made her jump a little in surprise. In hindsight, that was totally unnecessary but then, it was a bit funny and didn't cause any harm.

The nurse turned around and looked at me, not looking particularly amused but not unhappy either.

"It's nice to see that you're awake, though I'd have appreciated it if you made me aware of that earlier," she said as she came back to the side of the bed. "Say, you wouldn't mind answering some questions?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied.

"So, how do you feel right now?" she began.

"Eh, it hurts when I try moving too much, and it's kinda hard to breathe but everything else seems fine," I answered.

"Okay. Moving on, have you ever had to use inhalers in the past?"

"Yeah, many times."

"Hmmm, okay," and with that, it seemed the nurse was finished. She wrote some stuff down but then put it down on the table.

"I have another question though. It's not related to medical things," she said.

"What is it?" I asked, a bit confused. The nurse looked like she was finding the right way to ask the question, making me a bit nervous about what she may ask.

"Did... did you really talk Nightmare Moon out of her plan for eternal night?" she asked. "I'm just curious since princess Celestia said that a pony had done that in her address to the townspeople but she hadn't named anyone."

"What else did she say?" I asked, curious about the what the princess had said, since I'm pretty sure that I'm not supposed to know the true nature of a lot of the things that happened there.

"She thanked and rewarded the element bearers for freeing her sister, princess Luna, from the control of some dark magic demon and then talked about how a pony had saved Nightmare Moon from the darkness as well. That's about it."

"Yeah, that was me, and if you ask me, it went pretty well," I answered her initial question, still a bit surprised that I managed to pull that off, but then, Voth had done most of the work and I was just there to finish it.

"I don't think it went 'well' as you are saying," she pointed out, gesturing to me.

"It went well until she got possessed or something," I clarified, "I was able to convince her that it'd be a bad idea but then Twilight and her friends came in and started blasting. That and dark magic being pretty bad for you, probably did that."

"I still don't get how a dark magic demon can just appear and take control of an alicorn."

"Eh, it's easy to understand. Dark magic is like a... like a stream of sewage water that also has a lot of power in it. If you drink from it, it won't matter who you are, you will become powerful, but other stuff will get in and infect you and make you die or whatever."

"And you decided to go up against that kind of power?"

"Yeah, you could say that.

So, what happened to Nightmare Moon? The last thing I remember was that she was crying a lot."

"She was brought here for a brief period of time but I'll be honest, I thought it was some other alicorn. She was completely different from what she was when she was at the town hall. Last I heard was that she's going to Canterlot along with the princesses and element bearers."

We stayed in silence for a minute before I spoke up again.

"So, I may have forgot to ask this but how long have I been here?"

"You've been here since seven in the morning and now it's around 10 PM," she answered. "Besides the princess's address, you didn't miss much. Although, there was a pony who came to see you earlier but we had to turn her away. Her name was Feather Brush, do you know her?"

"Yeah, that's my friend. She's probably worried since I dipped on her and ran into the forest.

By the way, when do I get out?"

"In a few days. Till then, you'll have rest and after that, you'll try to stay out of trouble."

"Aw, but I like talking to you," I joked. The nurse rolled her eyes at that.

"I'd rather have you talk to me when you're fine than when you're in a hospital bed. It's getting late now, I'll be going. It was nice talking to you, Anya."

"Nice talking to you as well, nurse Redheart."

At least my hospital stay wasn't going to be particularly dull like I imagined.

Author's Note:

nurse nurse! get some ice, this dingus jsut got rosated!


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