• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 25: The Generations Saga (Part 5): Fragile Times

Episode 25: The Generations Saga (Part 5):

Fragile Times

At one point in time, there were buildings on fire. In one building, Tom, Hitch and Twist were huddled together, trying to keep away from the raging inferno surrounding them.

"Why is everything on fire?!" Twist asked.

"I don't know," Tom said.

"Wait a minute, I do," Hitch said. "We're back in my time. Most of the world was on fire because of the Flames of Disaster. But not in Equestria. We must be in Soleanna in my time." He then noticed something that the others hadn't.

"Look out!" Tom said, covering Twist, but the flames were diverted away. Blaze came from above and moved the flames away from the group. Hitch then quickly reached for the egg and put it in the large backpack he had brought.

"We need to get you all out of here," Blaze said. "Let's go." Blaze then led the three through the burning city. Eventually, they made it to the rift. MC and Knuckles were holding the rift open. In order, Blaze, Twist, Hitch and Tom made it out. MC then sniffed into the rift.

"Tom!" Maddie said, running up to her husband.

"Maddie!" Tom said, the two hugged.

"Guys!" MC called out. "Silver's still in there!"

"I'll get him," Sonic said, rushing into the rift. He then came out, Silver on his back and dirty.

"What happened to you?" Amy asked, looking at Silver.

"I had to fight off some of Iblis's minions," Silver said. "It involved a lot of trash. I need a deep scrub."

The group continued walking through the white space. Silver was now clean, and he currently held something out.

"Hey, as I was in there, I found this," Silver said, holding out a Chaos Emerald.

"Great," Sonic said, taking the Chaos Emerald. "Now, we've only got one left to go."

MC then started sniffing. He smelt something coming from Hitch. He walked over towards Hitch and asked, "You didn't expect that much fire outside of Equestria in your time, did you?"

"No I did not," Hitch said. "I can't believe everything was that bad in that part of my timeline. Not even Phyllis Cloverleaf would be prepared for all of that. Fire monsters, lava on the ground, a tornado mixed with a raging inferno! That is crazy dangerous!"

"I know, right?" Silver asked, coming up to the two. "I'd never thought I'd ever end up back in that time."

"When we go back to our time, that timeline will not be accessible through Chaos Control," MC said.

"He's right," Midpoint said, walking up to the three. "It's part of the multiverse effect."

"This place does seem to be where to view the multiverse," Silver said, looking around. He then noticed an area. "Is that the next area?"

MC then looked ahead and he sped ahead, looking into the rift there. He then started sniffing into the rift. He smiled and said, "Vector, Antoine and Marine. They're in there."

"Where are we looking at?" Sonic asked. "Or more likely when?" He then looked into the rift.

"Hey!" Sally said, looking into the rift. "That's Spagonia! That's near my castle!"

"Here they come!" Espio said as he was looking into the rift. They all looked into the rift and saw Vector, Antoine and Marine running for it.

"It's closing, mates!" Marine said as the rift started shrinking.

"Someone give me a hand!" MC said, holding one side of the rift. Applejack came and helped out with holding the rift. Marine jumped out of the rift first. Then Antoine. And finally, Vector.

"Boy, that was real tough there," Vector said. "Especially with those robots made by the doc."

"You're telling me," Midpoint said. "I've tried launching an explosive at an old Moto-Bug and it did nothing. Not one trace of damage."

"Zis place... something iz strangely wrong," Antoine said.

"Ah agree with ya, sugah," Bunnie said.

"MC," Twilight said. "Do you think the rest are in the next area of this place?"

"Well, we've only got Rotor, Charmy and Sandbar left, so that is a high possibility," MC said. "Mom, think you can lead us there?"

"Sure," Sarah Crayton said. Then she started leading the group towards the next area, but then the Time Eater came in and hovered above the group. It roared and then it disappeared into another rift it opened up.

"I'm starting to get the feeling that thing's taunting us," Rainbow Dash said.

"You may be right about that, Rainbow Dash," Sonic said. "Okay, right now we've got six Chaos Emeralds. One more, and we'll have the power to take that thing down, and we'll get out of this place."

"I'm starting to think that that thing is starting to get worried," Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Sally asked.

"The more we get our friends and the Chaos Emeralds, the more that thing fears that we'll defeat it," Twilight said. "We're gonna have to take it down if we're gonna get out of here."

"I just hope I don't end up in a time loop," Sunset said.

"Tell me about it," Midpoint said. "If someone I knew was in a time loop, I'd be in it, too. With my rings off, I'd be a part of it, and the whole thing would give me a headache."

"Well, I guess that would be hard on those who can see all possible futures," Sunset said.

"There's no such thing as a time loop," Tails said.

"Actually, there is," Twilight said. "Sunset told me that when she was RV camping near a concert, she live the same day over and over... for three weeks. She even knew what was going to happen."

"Kinda made the Pinkie Pie of that world upset on the last loop," Sunset said. "So, I had to make it up to her on the one loop that we found the Time Twirler."

"Still sounds like an Infinity Stone from the Marvel Universe," MC said.

"A what stone?" Nyx asked.

"You'll understand when you're older," MC said. "Speaking of which, how old are you, biologically that is?"

"Good question," Nyx said. "We might have to figure that out."

"Yeah, we should," Twilight said. "We'll get on it when we get out of here." They continued walking through the White Space to the next area, all of them hoping to find the last of their friends.

Somewhere in a grassy area, Sandbar was waking up. He sat up and looked around. He saw that he was in a place that was unfamiliar to him.

"What is this place?" Sandbar asked. He then looked and saw both Rotor and Charmy with him. "Whoa! Guys, are you two okay?"

Rotor and Charmy sat up, both of them had a hand on their head. Rotor then said, "I don't know what happened, but that was really uncool!"

"I know," Charmy said. "I was just wanting to get to that cake portion of Sonic's birthday." He then looked around. "Oh, look! Aliens!" Sandbar and Rotor looked where Charmy was looking and they saw a bunch of Wisps flying around.

"Looks like we're on the Wisp Home World," Rotor said.

"Wow," Sandbar said. "This place looks amazing." Just then they saw some Egg Pawns with construction helmets and tool belts stomping around the place, gathering up Wisps. "Oh, that's not good." The robots then noticed the three. One robot went over to a pole with a button on it and pushed it. Then alarms went blaring.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

"That's not good," Rotor said.

"Let's get out of here!" Sandbar said. Then the three started running off somewhere.

Outside of the area, the group made it to the rift to look inside it. MC got a whiff of it.

"Sandbar, Charmy and Rotor," MC said. "That's the last of our friends."

"Good," Vector said. "No way we're gonna leave here without Charmy."

"Didn't you want to leave Charmy back at the beach when we were helping you with that client who turned out to be Eggman?" Gallus asked. That made Ocellus, Silverstream, Smolder and Yona laugh.

"Meh, we were just messing with him," Vector said. "Even Charmy knows that."

"You guys are messed up," Midpoint said. "Where is that?"

MC looked into the rift and went wide eyed. He then said, "That's Planet Wisp!"

"Planet Wisp?" Twilight asked. "That's the home world of all the wisps."

"Oh, boy," Sonic said. "That might not be a cake walk as they think. They could be anywhere on that planet. It might take them a while to..." Sonic then noticed something. "Oh, wait. There they are."

On the other side of the rift, Sandbar, Charmy and Rotor were running, Charmy really flying, towards the rift as fast as they could. MC and Knuckles were holding the rift open so they could get through. Vector looked into the rift and had a hand out for them to grab.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon!" Vector said. Charmy was the first to be pulled through by Vector. Then Sandbar. And lastly, Rotor. MC and Knuckles let go of the rift and it closed up.

"Rotor, you okay?" MC asked.

"Meh, that was a little freaky returning from a place we've been to lately," Rotor said. "I bet you can't top that."

"I've been to the night of the ritual that originally created Nyx," MC said. "That was long before Equestria came back to Earth. And before Sparkles even became an alicorn."

"He interrupted the ritual that night with a beacon that was supposed to get the attention of Princess Celestia and the Pegasus guards searching for Twilight from above," Gallus said.

"That was a lucky break," MC said. "That energy I used somehow transformed into a piece of my DNA and merged into the black sphere, that eventually became Nyx."

"Making Nyx a biological daughter of MC," Twilight said. "I still can't believe it was you all that time ago."

"Okay, you've topped me," Rotor said. "Perhaps we should focus on getting out of here."

"Alright, everyone," Sarah Crayton said. "No more delays. It's time we get out of here." She then led the group over to the next area, only to be blocked by another gate. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

MC walked over towards the gate and opened it. He then lifted his hands to his ears to hear what was at the end. He then heard evil laughter.

"What?" MC asked.

"What is it, MC?" Maria asked.

"Your cousin," MC said.

"Julien?" Maria asked, surprised. "I thought he was taken away by that thing that brought us here." She then looked towards Classic Sonic and Classic Tails. "That is what happened, right?"

Classic Sonic nodded while Classic Tails said, "That's what happened. How he's in there or why is a mystery."

"I'm going in," Twilight said.

"Me, too," Sonic said. "Let's go." Twilight and Sonic then started walking into the gate. The others watched as the two went into the gate.

"What else did you hear?" Tails asked.

"I think I heard that machine that Eggman used after Sonic, Sparkles, the other five and Light Gaia come out of that temple under that theme park that Eggman made back in America."

"The Egg Dragoon?!" Pinkie Pie asked.

"That would be an insult to the Crayton Heritage," Sarah Crayton said. "It's been that way for centuries."

"And why is that?" MC asked.

"Because the Dragoon Force has awoken within you," Sarah Crayton said. "If it's awoken within you, it just might be within Nyx as well."

"Within me?" Nyx asked.

"Who knows when it might awaken," Sarah Crayton said. "Even I have no idea when it might happen." Nyx then looked back at MC with curiosity. She then decided to walk up to him.

"MC? When did that force awaken?" Nyx asked.

MC sighed and said, "On my seventh birthday. Right after I saw Mom get crushed."

"I knew it was that moment he would be the greatest version of himself," Sarah Crayton said.

"What were you feeling when it happened?" Nyx asked, looking at MC. "Emotionally that is."

MC sighed. "Sorrow... Anger... Fear... I was just a kid when that happened." He then looked at Nyx. "I really hit rock bottom back then. But I guess when you're at the bottom, there's only one place left to go. Up." He then picked Nyx up and gave her a hug. Nyx hugged him back, with both her arms and her wings.

"Awww..." Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Dinky and Twist all said in unison.

"Eww!!" Scootaloo said.

"Oh, grow up, Scootaloo," Sally said. "He's actually having a father-daughter moment with his own child." She then smiled at MC. "A little sooner than expected, but still sweet."

On the other side of the gate, Twilight and Sonic were running and flying through a long hallway, looking around for Eggman. But then, a flying machine came in front of them.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't that pesky princess and that annoying blue nuisance," Eggman said. "It's time I take you two down, here and now!" It then started flying backwards, making Twilight and Sonic chase after it.

"This thing was a pain to take down when we were monsters," Sonic said. "But as our true selves, it might be quicker."

"But not as easy," Twilight said. "It might be tougher for us in our normal forms. Let's be careful and coordinate our attacks. That way, we might be able to get some good shots in."

"I see," Sonic said. "Good thinking. Let's do it!" Sonic and Twilight then started accelerating to catch up with the Egg Dragoon.

The Egg Dragoon then began to launch its drill towards the two. Twilight caught it in her magic and threw it back at the base of the machine, damaging it.

"Urrrrgh!" Eggman called out. "You little...! You little...!" The Egg Dragoon then ripped out two floor plates from the ground and had put them in the path between Twilight and Sonic, an energy field surrounding them. "It's time you got crushed!"

Twilight then used her magic to prevent the plates from crushing them. Sonic then used his agility to jump from wall to wall. He jumped up to the top of the plates, and did a spinning homing attack towards the Egg Mobile, sending the Egg Dragoon down to the ground.

"Why you...!" Eggman said. He then launched another drill up and then it started coming down to the ground, sending both Twilight and Sonic down a shaft, the Egg Dragoon below them. The Egg Dragoon then launched its laser cannon, trying to hit the two. Twilight used a barrier spell to block the attacks.

"Twilight, launch me towards him!" Sonic said.

"Gotcha!" Twilight said. She then used her magic to grab Sonic who was in his spinning position. She then launched him towards the Egg Dragoon, going directly through the center of it, and exploding in mid-air. Sonic landed on the ground and got out of the way of the falling debris.

"Whoo!" Sonic said. "That was a rush!" He then heard Eggman groaning. Twilight then came down. Then a rift opened up, letting in Tails, Classic Sonic and Classic Tails.

"Sonic!" Tails said.

"Ooooh... I can't believe this!" Eggman said, sitting up. "I was supposed to beat you this time."

"Aw, I'm sorry! I didn't get that memo," Sonic said. "I beat you every time!" He then turned to Classic Sonic. "No, seriously, we beat this guy every time. It's like it's our job or something!" Classic Sonic just did a laughing motion.

"What's Eggman even doing here?" Tails asked, looking towards Classic Sonic and Classic Tails. "I thought you said he'd been kidnapped by that big weird thing that sent us all to this place!" Just then, the Time Eater came in and swooped up Eggman, taking him somewhere.

"See? He was kidnapped," Classic Tails said. "This is getting stranger all the time." Then the five of them went through the rift and it closed up behind them. Before Twilight walked into the rift, she saw something on the floor.

Twilight picked up the Chaos Emerald, and then she walked through the rift.

The rest of the group watched the five come through the rift. MC walked up to the group.

"Did you find it?" MC asked. Twilight just held out the last Chaos Emerald. "Okay, that's good." He then looked ahead. "I saw that thing head over yonder." He pointed towards where he saw the Time Eater hovered towards. "If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna have to take that thing down."

"Michael's right," Sarah said. "We don't know who's controlling that thing, but whoever it is needs to be taken down." Then they all started walking and they soon came across a huge gate.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said. "That gate is huge!"

"This gate can only be opened by the machine, or seven small time cores," Sarah Crayton said. "But I combined all the time cores into one, making it the power source to the machine."

"But how can we open it without any cores?" Olive asked.

"There's gotta be a way to open it," Starlight said.

Nyx then flew up to one gear that opens the gate. She inspected it. She then said, "I wonder..." She then looked at the group. "Someone, I need a Chaos Emerald!"

Shadow sighed and held out the Chaos Emerald he had. Nyx took it in her magic and put it into the slot in the gear. It fit perfectly and the gear started turning.

"They need the Chaos Emeralds!" Nyx said.

"Get the other six Emeralds in those gears!" MC said. In one gear, Rainbow Dash put the light blue Chaos Emerald into one slot. Then Fluttershy put the green one into another. Scootaloo put the red Chaos emerald into another. Then Bunnie put the purple Chaos Emerald into another.

Midpoint then launched the blue Chaos Emerald into the slot of another one. Midpoint then said, "Bullseye."

Twilight then gave MC the yellow Chaos Emerald and said, "You wanna do the honors?"

"Of course, Sparkles," MC said. He then jumped up onto the last gear and put the last Chaos Emerald into the gear. Then all the gears started spinning, making the final gate open up.

"Alright, everyone," Sonic said. "This is the last fight. If we're gonna do this, we're gonna have to do this together."

"This might be the most difficult fight we've been through," Twilight said. "More than when we fought the Storm King. Or Lord Tirek. Or Perfect Chaos. Or Shadow's Prototype. Or the Black Aliens. Or Solaris. Or Nega Mother Wisp. Or even..." She then tried thinking of someone that was missing. "Who am I missing?"

"How about that giant reptile that's living underneath the planet's crust?" Midpoint asked.

"Dark Gaia," Applejack said. "That one was tough."

"I still couldn't believe you guys took on an immortal beast with a god," Sunny said. "That thing was scary in its final form. It had eyes in its mouth."

"It was disgusting having to go in through its eyes," Rarity said. "Especially with that stuff that went in my hair. Luckily, Pipp helped me out that day."

"It was my pleasure," Pipp said. "I'm thinking of actually starting a salon back in Station Square."

"That would be a good choice," Sonia said. "In fact, I'd like to help with promoting it."

"Thanks, Sonia," Pipp said.

"Okay, everyone," Twilight said. "Let's get ready. This is the final fight of our lives. Let's go in there, and take that thing down."

Everyone there nodded and they all walked into the gate. When they went in, the Chaos Emeralds left the slots and followed the group into the gate, and it closed up behind them.

Author's Note:

Next Episode: Season Finale:
The Generations Saga (Part 6):
All the Time in the World

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