• Published 16th Apr 2023
  • 1,617 Views, 34 Comments

Fury of the Dragon Princess - Autum Breeze

Somehow, I've become Bloom from Winx Club and have to help stop Equestria's demise. WTF?

  • ...


Fury of the Dragon Princess



“Ow! Fuck!” I growl, pushing myself up against the wall my head just banged against. “Seriously, is the bus driver half asleep or what?”

Today has sucked so far.

After my last workplace shutdown, I transferred to another site and today was supposed to be the start of my first week there, but there’s a rule in place that’s made me have to take the day off so I can follow it properly tomorrow, as it’s something you can’t just ignore and go about the day without having prepped for first.

And the driver of the bus I caught to go back home has either only just started or is trying to lose his license with the dumbass way he’s been taking turns, stopping suddenly and so on.

I wouldn’t even be in this scenario if not for that stupid rule not being told ahead of time.

How did my workplace expect me to know it had recently been put in place if they didn’t bother telling me ahead of time, like a quick text or email?

I mean, how was I supposed to know that… that…

Wait. What was that rule again?

Come to think of it, that surface I hit was kinda hard, more like rock. When was there rocks on the bus?

Opening my eyes, I am indeed met with a rocky surface taking up my field of vision.

Glancing around, I suddenly find myself very worried.

I am not on a bus. I’m in some rocky field, with what look like red veins viasble here and there.

“Where in the world am I?” I ask, glancing around. “And how’d I get here…? And what’s up with my voice?”

My voice sounds weird to me and… wait, why does my hair feel so long? I literally got it cut super short just yesterday because I was sick of having to deal with long hair and now, not only is it like I didn’t get the haircut at all, my hair’s even longer now, reaching just below my chest and… and who in the world dyed it red?

Getting up, I feel a little off balance for a second and look down to see what’s causing my feet to feel like jello… only for my eyes to bug out and my heart to stop.

I’m… I’m not wearing the same clothes I was heading for work. I’m wearing some kind of light-blue pants that open out towards the feet, yellow sandals… but what’s really grabbed my attention is the blue and yellow shirt that stops a little before my waist.

Or, rather, it’s what’s under said shirt, pressing outward from my chest, that has my eyes bugging out.

As if sight somehow triggered something, I’m suddenly able to feel what’s under my shirt, the signals my brain is receiving completely throwing me for a loop and telling me something is very, very wrong.

However, as if that isn’t enough to overload my brain right now, I’ve just as suddenly become very aware of a feeling where something is where something else should be, but isn’t.

“I… I… I’ve turned into a girl?!” I cry out, my hands, which I’m now realizing are far thinner and more delicate than they should be, covering my mouth, as if my instincts thought stopping the voice coming out might prevent this being real, but…

Nope. This is real. This is definitely, definitely real.

“What…? What in the world happened?” I hold out my hands, looking down at them with shock. “How did I change into a girl and… how did I even get out here, wherever here is?”

Standing up, I look around, frowning in confusion as something about the rocky terrain suddenly seems… familiar.

“Okay, you need to think—yah!” I cry out, having just gone to cross my arms and squeezing my new… ahem. Yes, well, you get the idea.

I growl, rubbing my forehead.

“Okay, Bloom. You just need to think. You were on a bus heading home from work and… wait. What did I just call myself?”

I frown, shaking my head, slapping my cheeks. “Come on, focus. You’re Bloom. You got… this?”

Okay, I definitely didn’t mishear that time.

Why in the world did I call myself Bloom when I meant to say Bloom and…


I pause, my mind putting several things together at once.

The outfit I’m wearing, the long red hair, the more feminine voice… and the only name I can think of when I try to think of my name is Bloom?

“This can’t be happening,” I murmur, putting a hand to my throat. “I can’t have turned into Bloom from Winx Club. That shit doesn’t happen in real life, only stories on the internet and in anime.”

Not only that, I recognize which Bloom I’ve turned into.

If you’re just a casual viewer or someone who doesn’t actually care about it, there’s several different versions of Winx Club. There’s the original version by RAI, the 4kidz version and the Nickelodeon version… oh, and that shitty live action version, but we don’t talk about that abomination.

By the sound of my voice, thought… I’ve turned into 4kidz Bloom?

Well, if I’m honest, that’s at least one good thing. I always thought 4kidz Bloom was the superior out of all the different Blooms. I’d have hated turning into the RAI or Nick versions. And the less said about the live action abomination, the better.

I blink, shaking my head and hitting my fists against it.

“Listen to yourself. You’re debating which version of a fictional fairy is the better version for you have turned into instead of the fact you’ve turned into her in the first place!”

After several minutes of clobbering my cranium, I take a deep breath and sigh.

Well, this is certainly going to be interesting.

So, I’ve turned into Bloom and… judging by the rocky landscape surrounding me… I’m on that dragon world she unlocks her Enchantix powers on. Great.

“Help!” a voice cries out.

Looking around frantically, my eyes widen as a trio of young dragons come around the corner of the rock I’ve been keeping my back to, which I now realize is a small mountain.

Upon seeing me, the three try to skid to a halt, but fail.

They collide with my legs and I’m toppled over, the four of us ending up in a pile.

“Ow,” I say, pushing myself up, feeling them all slide off of me. “Could you dragons be a little more wary of where you’re going?”

Instead of an answer, I hear growling.

Turning to look to the trio, my eyes widen as they fall on the tallest of the dragons.

They have orange scales, those on the stomach being a lighter shade, a purple frill-like spike at the end of their tail as well as a purple frill on their head, a horn either side of her head…

I just stare, wide eyed. I… I know this dragon. She seems a little younger than I remember (though that could be due to how tall I am compared to her) and her being here just threw what I thought about where I am completely out of the window.

I’m not in the dragon world where Bloom gets her Enchantix powers. I’m in the Dragon Lands in freaking My Little Pony.

What the fuck?

My inner mental breakdown is halted with Smoulder gives a loud snarl, pulling my mind back to the present.

Glancing behind her, I see two dragons I don’t recognize, one blue, the other green.

They both look somewhat similar to Spike did in that flashback Twilight has during Sparkle’s Seven, only these young drakes seem a little bigger.

“You strange creatures have already taken so many of us!” Smoulder shouts, flames licking around her mouth. “I won’t let you take these little ones, too!”

I just blink. Um… okay, I’m lost. What’s she talking about?

I cry out as she releases a torrent of flames and I duck, barely avoiding them.

“Hey!” I yell, quickly getting up. “What’s the big idea, Smoulder?! What did I do to deserve that?”

She pulls her head back for another shot, but pauses. “You… you know my name?”

I blanch. Whoops.

“Lucky guess,” I say quickly, before pointing. “Now, mind explaining why you just attacked me? I know seeing a fairy might confusion a dragon, but is attacking really your first instinct?”

Now she’s looking more confused. “Fairy? What in the world’s a fairy?”

I don’t get to answer her question as, suddenly, her face pales, her expression and eyes telling me there’s something behind me.

Glancing back, my eyes widen as what looks like an Alicorn made of shadows is stand atop the small mountain, leering down at us.

Its eyes pass over me, fixing on the three young dragons.

It lunges forward, spreading wings that billow like the wind.

I… honestly don’t know what happened next.

One second, I’m staring in confused horror, my brain questioning why some smaller version of the Pony of Shadows is in the Dragon Lands, the next, I’m running with all three dragons under my arms, Smoulder under my left, the two little one my right.

“Hey!” Smoulder grunts, struggling against my grip. “What’re you doing?”

“What’s it look like?” I yell, picking up the pace as I glance behind me to see the shadow pony coming after us. “Getting us as far away from that pony made of shadows as fast as possible.”

“No! Not this way!” Smoulder yells as I leap over a small gap, where I can see lava flowing below and round a corner of a nearby outcrop of rocks… only to skit to a halt at what I’m seeing.

Dragons of different shapes and sizes are all held in cages made of shadow.

I just stare blankly.

What…? What in the world is going on around here?

“Look out!”

Smoulder’s yell comes too late, as something slams me from behind, causing me to fall forward, the dragons tumbling out of my grasp.

Before I can react, the shadow pony from before swoops down from behind, concealing the three.

When it reforms, it’s holding the three, their arms and Smoulder’s wings bound to their sides by a tendril of shadow.


The booming voice causes my bones to shudder and I look up to see the hulking form of former Dragon Lord Torch hanging in the air, his daughter, Ember, holding the Bloodstone Scepter in her claw.

“Release all my subjects at once, you ponies of shadow!” Ember yells, thrusting the scepter forward. “I don’t know why you ponies are doing this, but it will not go unpunished!”

There’re cheers from all the dragons, but I feel worried.

The shadow ponies aren’t speaking. They all just turned their heads towards the two dragons and are just staring up at them.

“The Dragon Lands are our home,” Ember shouts firmly. “You have no right to come and take our young away!”

At her words, I glance at all the caged dragons again and, to my alarm, I realize it’s only young dragons.

I recognize most, like those who hung around Garble a lot throughout the show and those who were present when Torch gave up his role as Dragon Lord… but no adults.

“The elder dragons are on their way!” Torch booms down at the shadow ponies. “Release our young now, or you will feel the true fury of the dragons.”

Instead of saying anything, all the shadow ponies, save the one holding Smoulder, fly into the air, turning into a swarm of shadow.

I watch on in horror as Ember and Torch circle around in the air, spewing flames, doing their best to fight back against the horde, but it’s not enough.

Within minutes, the two have been engulfed in the shadows and drop to the ground, where they become bound in shadow-like chains.

A clang to my right makes me jump and I see it’s the Bloodstone Scepter. Ember must have dropped it.

I return my gaze to the dragons as the shadows reform, before moving towards the bound Ember and Torch, each raising a foreleg, it turning into a scythe.

“No!” I yell, grabbing the scepter, it being so small to me that it’s barely a scepter at all and running towards them. “Leave them alone!”

I start swinging the scepter like a club, trying to push the shadows away, but they reform and several quickly start moving towards me, while the others prepare to strike.

“I said,” I growl, my worry and rage boiling, myself seeing red, “leave them alone!


Ember struggled against the strange shadow-like chains binding her.

She didn’t understand what was happening.

Who were these strange shadow ponies and why were they attacking the dragons?

Spike had made it quite clear ponies didn’t want to fight dragons, the few talks she’d had with their Princess Celestia even further proving it.

The white mare had a calm yet firm nature to her, giving Ember the strong impression that fighting her would’ve been quite the challenge if the pony ever got serious.

This being the case… why were these ponies attacking her kind and why did they all seem to be Alicorns and made of shadows?

Spike and the princess had confirmed there were only four Alicorns in the whole world, yet all of these shadow-like beings were clearly Alicorns. The horns and wings made it pretty obvious.

And why did they not say anything? It was honestly alarming.

She watched helplessly as several of the shadow ponies moved towards her and her bound father, each raising a foreleg that turned into what looked like a large single claw.

Her eyes widened. They were going to kill them. These ponies were going to kill her and her father and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

And, once they were dead, what were these ponies planning to do to the younger dragons?

She shut her eyes, bracing for death.

“No!” a voice she didn’t recognize yelled. “Leave them alone!”

Ember opened her eyes… only to be met by a very strange sight.

Some tall creature with pink skin with what Ember thought was blue and yellow fur, before realizing the blue and yellow were some type of clothes was running towards them, holding the Bloodstone Scepter over her head like a club.

The creature had long red hair they was billowing behind it as it reached the shadow ponies and started swinging the scepter around, trying to push the shadows away, but they quickly reformed and several started towards it, while the others prepare to strike her and her father.

“I said,” the creature growled, flames seeming to form from nowhere around it, its hair billowing around it, “leave them alone!

At once, a tower of flames shot up from where the creature stood, before spreading out.

As the flames grew larger, all the shadow ponies caught in the blaze whipped out of existence, as if extinguished.

Even the chains binding Ember disappeared and she got up to see the figure had changed.

Now she was wearing different clothing. The shirt had no sleeves now and was all blue, save what seemed to be long light-blue gloves on the creature's hands that reached to its elbows and a small golden locket near its neck.

The long pants were gone, replaced by a blue skirt of some kind, both it and the top sparkling like gemstones.

On her back, stretching out from holes Ember assumed she couldn’t see, were wings of some kind. They weren’t dragon wings. They reminded her more of small bugs, only somewhat different and much bigger to fit this creature's size.

Atop her head was a small golden… tiara?

“It… it can’t be,” her father’s words made Ember turn, only for confused worry to settle in.

Her father was staring at the strange creature holding the scepter, which had somehow grown larger, as if he was seeing something amazing.

“Let those dragons go, now!” Ember returned her gaze to the creature as it pointed the specter at the remaining shadow ponies. “Leave now or I swear, you won’t live to regret it!”

If the shadow ponies cared about her words, they didn’t show it.

They all just stared at her, cocking their heads to one side.

Flames burned around the creature as it narrowed its eyes at them. “Leave. Now!”

As if it were a trigger, the moment she finished talking, every shadow pony shot forward, forming together into a mass of shadow and slamming down onto the creature.

A second later, a scream of rage came from within the mass of shadow, before it was blasted away by a bright light, a roar like a dragon, but like none Ember had ever heard, ringing out.

When the light faded enough, Ember’s eyes went wide as she saw the creature was floating in the air, the wings on her back fluttering faster than the eye could track… but that wasn’t what caused her mouth to hang open.

It was the long red dragon made of flames that was seemingly coming out of the creature.

The creature thrust the scepter forward and the dragon let loose a torrent of flames that scorched the land.

When the flames faded, all the cages and the shadow ponies were gone.

The creature nodded, before her eyes closed and she fell, her clothes suddenly changing back to what they were before.

Faster than Ember could blink, Torch shot forward, catching the creature in one claw.

He landed, having barely left the ground and stared down at the creature lying unconscious in his claw.

Ember and several other dragons flew up to him, looking down at the creature.

“Dad, what… what just happened?” Ember asked, turning to her father as he continued to stare down at the strange unconscious creature as if he’d found the motherlode of all gems. “What is this… thing? And why did a dragon come out of it?”

Torch only said three words, his tone awe and fear. “The Dragon Princess.”


The pony sat in the darkness of the cave, her eyes wide with fury and confusion.

“What? How is that even possible? My drones were all snuffed out so quickly? The dragons aren’t meant to have that kind of power, not without my harnessing it first.”

She lit her horn, her bright blue eyes shining in the light cast by her teal green aura.

She levitated a scroll, scanning it carefully. “Once I have enough dragon fire, my spell will be complete and I will finally take my rightful place in this world.”

She glanced at the cave entrance, snarling. “Your days are numbered, Twilight Sparkle. I’ll show you the true might of the Alicorn race.” She sneered. “And there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

Author's Note:

So... for someone who says they want to get back to fics they've arleady got in the works, i have a bad habit of posting new stuff, don't I?

Yeah, this idea's been on the backburner for a few months now.

One day late last year i was rewatching the three season 1 4kidz WInx Club dvds i have and the fact Bloom's power comes from the Dragon Fire (yes, i know in the RAI and Nick versions it's called the Dragon Flame, not Fire, but I always felt 4kidz had the right idea calling it the Dragon Fire instead of Flame, as Flame kinda made it sound a lot weaker than it should be seen as it IS the very source of the magical universe itself) and, due to having watched a theory video about G5, the idea just slammed into me and, much as i've done my best to ignore it and set it aside for later, today, it just grew too much and i had to give in and at least write a prologue.

Can't say when i'll get back to it, but i hope you'll have fun speculating what might be going on. even if you guess the pony at the end of the chapter, you'll only be partly right.

How? That's for me to know and you to wait to find out:trollestia:

Sorry i haven't gotten much else out lately, getting used to my new workplace and the issues with travel to and from there have been way more stressful than i'd thought they'd be and i hadn't been very hopeful in the first place, so, a lot of my drive to write my existing stuff just wasn't there these last two weeks.

as i get more used to my new workplace and schedule, hopefully things will improve and i'll be able to get more done. I honestly hate making you all wait, but we all know the writing bug and IRL rarely like working together, so me must make due.

and, yes, if it isn't obvious, the reason the Bloom in this story is going to be 4kidz Bloom is because that is the one i grew up with and was the best of them, as far as i'm concerned.

4kidz, for all it's flaws, at least made Bloom believable as a teenager, something all the other dubs for some reason seemed to forget when it came to her dialogue. 4kkidz Bloom had the fiery attitude the keeper of the Dragon Fire SHOULD have.

that's all for now. can't really think of anything else to say without rambling, so i'll just end it here.

hope you enjoyed this new story and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you later everybody