• Published 28th Dec 2022
  • 843 Views, 19 Comments

Displaced: The Traitorous Gunslinger - 2themax

A man dressed up as MGS3 Ocelot goes to a con, met the merchant and is now in Equestria. Lies, Manipulation and secrets are tool of the trade, combine with a Colt SAA, who knows what will happen in the world of Tactical Espionage Action,

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Party time?

“Y-you’re… You’re Ocelot. The one that faced down Nightmare Moon last night!” Twilight pointed her hoof at me. I couldn't help but smirk as the rest of the ponies screamed. ‘What!?’ I looked down to the purple unicorn.

“I believe you have something that belongs to me, Miss Sparkle.” Twilights leaned back in surprise, eyes widened from how I knew her name. “Celestia already told me about you Twilight, her prized star pupil of magic. And these must be your friends.” I turned to face her friends, all still standing in bewilderment.

“T-that’s right, these are my new friends, they are-” cutting her off “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity.” This made the rest of the mares look even more shocked on how I knew them already.

The first one to shake off their stupor was Rainbow Dash as she immediately flew up to my face. “Just who the heck you are and how do you know about us already!?” she demanded as she stared at me. I stayed unflinching as she tried maddogging me, wearing a neutral looking face.

“The only thing I’ll tell all of you is this, I have eyes and ears everywhere. It’s my job to know what’s going on with the world and You, Miss Dash, are no exception.” poking her on the nose before stepping back from her as I look back to Twilight. “Where’s your pink friend at, Intel suggests there’s supposed to be six elements of harmony, not five.”

This made Twilight even more nervous as she nervously looked around “She’s around…somewhere.” doing her best to lie as I rolled my eyes.

“Right. Well, as much as I want to play twenty questions with you ladies, but I have a bit of a tight schedule to attend to, so the faster we get my robot, the faster we can go on with our lives.” as I walked past the rest of the mares.

“Robot?” Twilight parroted as she caught up and walked beside me, her friends trailing behind as Rainbow bore her angry gaze behind my back.

“That’s right, a robot, a miniature automaton that’s been expertly built by the roboticist, Hal Emmerich.” This peaks Twilight interest even more as she looks up to me.

“I’ve never heard of him before, tell me more!” a twinkle in her eyes as her scientist brain neurons have been activated .

So I humor the girl, giving her a quick rundown on who Hal Emmerich was, a brilliant roboticist, a nerd much similar to Twilight and how he tried to better the world with science, though I did hide his horrible family past; his forefathers cursed with creating nuclear weaponry or used for it, his sister's death and the tragic affair within his family.

This fascinates Twilight as she mutters wishing she met this brilliant stallion, I only let out a chuckle as we approached the library. ‘Christ, Twilight and Hal in the same room, wonder if Otacon is gonna turn Twilight into a weeb…’ as an image of the Otaku showing off anime collections to book nerd pony popped up in my head.

“Here we are, Golden Oaks library. How about you go first, Ocelot?” gesturing towards the door.

I just raised a brow as I peered into the window of the library, the inside was already dark, all of the lights were off and I knew a surprise party was set up for me. ‘Better take the surprise now and get this over with.’ rolling my eyes as I grasp the doorknob, twisting it as I opened the door and pushed the door.

As I walked in the library, I looked around the dark room before the lights flashed on, blinding me a bit as I heard the word ‘Surprise!’ yelled out. I only flinched from the loud yell before giving a small smile and shook my head. “Oh golly gee a surprise party, for me?” faking surprise as a bouncing pink mare hops over to me. ‘Hey that rhymed, I’m a poet and I don’t even know it!’

“Were you surprised! Huh! Huh!” happily bouncing in place with a great big smile.

“Yeah, I was surprised.” nodding as she happily giggles and claps her hoofs.

I looked around the room, plenty of ponies giving me a confused look as they were all hoping for a new pony rather than a strange biped. “Please, don’t mind me folks, I’m just here for a little while and I’ll be out of your manes.” I called out to the denizens as I looked around the library.

Twilight and the gang finally walked in as they saw Pinkie with me, talking a million words a second as I did my best to tolerate the hyper party pony as I looked back to Twilight. “Just tell me where my Mark II is and I’ll be on my way.”

This caught Pinkie by surprise as she looked at me as if I was crazy “Wait, you’re leaving so soon? But the party just started!” standing on her hind legs and grasping my coat with her hooves.

“Yeah, Pinkie made this party and you’re gonna enjoy it!” Rainbow Dash pointed at me.

“Indeed, she works very hard on making these parties and she enjoys making everypony smile. Would you at least stay for a little while?” Rarity fluttering her eyes at me.

I turn to Pinkie as she gives me puppy dog eyes and quivering her bottom lips, almost on the verge of crying, but I can tell these are all guilt tactics they’re using. “Listen, the best I can do is two cupcakes, one to eat now and the other to go. I know you did this all for me, and I’m flattered, but the princesses keep me busy with work. You don’t wanna bother the princesses and make them wait on me don’t you?” using the princesses as leverage as I know how fanatical most of these ponies were worshiping to these diarchs.

This made Pinkie really conflicted, on one hoof she gets to make a new friend and party with them but also makes the princesses kinda sad on waiting for him and the other hoof she lets Ocelot leave the party with a cupcake, not properly enjoying the party and hardly made any friends in Ponyville but he makes it on time with the princesses and make them happy with his early arrival. This moral dilemma makes Pinkie conflict with her party belief and loyalty to the princess.

I can see the struggle on Pinkie's face, to be honest, it wasn’t that fair on her since she genuinely wants to be friends and wants me to have fun, so I’ll cut her some slack. “Listen, I know it’s not fair I have to leave this party, and I gotta say it looks fun but sometimes being an adult and you have a very important job like mine, sometimes you have to make small sacrifices to make ends meet. So how about this, I promise next time I visit Ponyville we’ll have a proper party.”

She sniffles a bit as she looks up to me, with those big ol blue eyes as she gives a small smile. “Pinkie Promise?” she asked with hope in her eyes.

‘Shit I wasn’t ready for this, a Pinkie Promise… and knowing the MLP Fandom you never break those.’ I gritted my teeth and nodded my head. “Sure, I Pinkie Promise.” sticking out my pinky finger. She giggles at me for having my pinky out.

“That’s not how you Pinkie promise silly.” poking my finger with her hoof.

“It is where I’m from, how does your pinky promise go?” raising a brow to the party pony.

She steps back “First you say: ‘Cross my heart, hope to fly, and stick a cupcake in my eye.’ while doing this.” as she uses her hoof to draw a cross over her chest, doing a fluttering motion with her hoof and lastly motion sticking the cupcake in one's eye.

I let out a small chuckle from her little demonstration. “It sounds similar to what we say back home but instead it goes ‘Cross my heart, hope to die and stick a needle in my eye.’ But I think your version is nicer.” some of the ponies cringes at the mention of needle in the eye, more specifically Rarity since she’s been working with sewing needles in her profession.

“Well it’s a good thing we’re using my Pinkie version of the promise, so do you promise you’ll party with us next time you visit?” the party pony asked with hope in her eyes. ‘That is if I am coming back to Poville.’ thinking to myself.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly and stick a cupcake in my eye.” doing the same gesture Pinkie Pie taught me. With that the promise has been made. She let out a happy squeal and pulled me into a hug, and surprisingly, a really tight one! I let out a small grunt as I felt this bone crushing hug from the pink earth pony before I started tapping her shoulder “Pinkie… Too tight…”

She gave me a small sheepish smile as she let go of the hug. I take a deep breath of air as I lightly hit back. “For a second there I thought my head was gonna pop. You earth ponies got some real strength in those little pony bodies of yours.” I said as I tried to straighten out my back, hearing some pops. “Mind handing me a cupcake or two? Gonna need something sweet for this back pain.”

“Here ya go!” Pinkie just suddenly produced two cupcakes from out of nowhere, hell I didn’t even see her move at all. I looked at the pink mare with a small err of caution as I took them from her hooves.

“Thanks..” as I took a bite out of one of them and immediately I could feel the sugar rush from biting into it and already felt the tingling pain of sugar overload on my teeth. “AH! Ah… Too much sugar…” pulling the cupcake away as I quickly walked over to the beverage table. I grabbed a cup of water and took a gulp of it, swishing it around in my mouth to wash off the sugary snack before it starts to bore a cavity into my teeth. I let out a sigh of relief as I no longer feel the pain in my mouth.

This shocks Pinkie Pie as nopony had this bad of a reaction to her cupcakes. “What!? No way my cupcake is that bad! Everypony loves eating my cupcakes! Right Everypony?” She looked around the room as there were some hesitant nods and mumbles of affirmations. “I made sure to add extra sugar just to make it even sweeter!” as she walked over to a tray full of the sugary treat before launching out her tongue like a frog and pulling a cupcake into her mouth, swallowing down the whole treat.

‘Jesus christ this mare is more terrifying than I thought she would be… She’s an eldritch being disguised as a fluffy pink pony.’ as I stared in horror at her sudden frog act. “Well there’s your problem there Pinkie, you said everypony and I’m not a pony. Too much sugar will literally kill me.” as I placed the bitten cupcake down onto the table. “My body can’t handle too much or else I’ll go into what's called a Diabetic shock. Without Insulin I’ll most likely die without proper treatment.”

“Nuh uh, you’re lying! There’s no way sugar can harm anypony!” Pinkie pointed a hoof at me.

“Actually Pinkie, it is possible although very rare cases here in Equestria. There are ponies that have been medically documented to lack proper way to break down and digest sugar. I even have a book that documents these cases.” Twilight horn glowed as she pulled out a medical book from a shelf and hovered it with the title ‘Radically Rare Cases of Medical Conditions.’

This made Pinkie a little sad knowing that her sugary snack could have made me ill. “It’s okay Pinkie, it tasted good but too much sugar for my liking, so next time I do visit you can make cupcakes with less sugar in them that way I can eat more of them” encouraging the Pink mare.

This puts a smile back on her face as she nods her head “Yeah, I’ll make sure to measure it right.”

Twilight, still holding the book in her magical grasp, trotted over to me. “Here, lemme take you to your… Robot as you called it.” leading me through the library as the party was being quietly enjoyed by the rest of the denizens of Ponyville. Soon we made a small crate with a bunch of heavy textbooks on top of it. “Well here it is, we didn’t have any proper way of containing this strange machine so this was the best idea I can come up with.” using her telekinesis spell to lift the books off the crate. She neatly stacks the book on a table and lifts the box as under the box was the small metal gear,unmoving.

I walked over to the inactive Mark II and crouched down, seeing that the little robot was on standby mode. I pressed a button to turn it back on. After a few seconds the Mark II slowly boots up and stretches. It looked up and saw me, in a strange happy way zoomed up to my leg and pressed close. “Yeah, I miss you too little buddy. Next time stay close when I’m about to get teleported or at the very least let me put you back into my inventory.”

The Mark II nodded his little camera head as I leaned down and picked up the robot and put him under my arm like a football. “Alrighty, I got my Mark II back. Thanks for holding on to it Twilight, maybe later in the future we’ll see each other again as well as the rest of your friends.” giving her and her friends a finger gun point before picking up the second cupcake. “Until we meet again.” walking out of the library and shutting the door behind me.


Twilight and her friends watch the door shut, walking over to the window as they watch the stranger known as Ocelot climb into the chariot and take off into the air, flying back towards Canterlot. “Well, there he goes, the owner of a very advanced and professionally made construct in Equestria. Shame I didn’t get a chance to study it…” Twilight sighed, bummed out that such a wonder of technology slipped away from her hooves.

“I say good riddance with that hunk of junk and to the weirdo that took it too.” Rainbow said as she gave an angry look through the window.

“Not only that dear but he already knew our names. This Ocelot character has a lot of mystery to him, like one of those spy novels I read and the man had such a dangerous look about him too.” Rarity shuddered.

“P-plus he did say he has eyes and ears e-e-everywhere… Y-you think he has ponies spying on us?” Fluttershy looks around the library, already suspecting the ponies in the party are spies.

“He’s probably just messing with us, trying to get into our heads.” Rainbow retorted as she looked back to the party. “Probably…” quietly muttering.

The Cowpony Applejack was just standing there, deep in thought. Soon a hoof shook her out of her deep thought. “Huh wha.” looking at the pony shaking her. “Oh, just you Twi.”

“You okay Applejack?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, just thinking is all… I don’t trust that Ocelot feller, something about that stallion just irks me the wrong way.” Applejack explained.

“What do you mean Applejack?” This peaks Twilight’s curiosity. “I get that he’s got an Air of mystery but what don’t you trust about him?” asking her country friend.

“There’s sumthin about this feller I don’t like, he’s like the polar opposite of what I represent… He’s a snake in the grass liar, he tells half truths and white lies, that metal varmint thing of his, I swear to Celestia I saw before at the farm.” stomping her hoof on the floor as she tries to remember.

“And you’re positive you’ve seen this… Robot before right?” Twilight asked, looking unsure.

“I’m quite positive Twi, and now that I got a better look at this Ocelot feller, he looks similar to what Applebloom described. She said she saw this tall pale looking creature wearing a brown outfit and such.” the country pony explained.

“Wait, you think Ocelot was already at your farm, but why?” confusing Twilight even more.

“I’m not sure if it was him or not, just something tall, white and wearing clothing. From what I can really remember Big Mac found that weird robot thingie by the barrels behind the barn. Then we did a look around the farm before passing out. It was Apple bloom, Big Mac and I were the only ones passed out on the farm.”

“And you think Ocelot was somehow behind you and your family passing out?” Twilight asked.

“If I was a betting mare, and at times I am, 20 bits says it’s this Ocelot feller doing. Don’t know what fancy tricks or spells he got, I’ll trust my gut it was him.” Applejack nodded her head.

Twilight wanted to be skeptical here, wanting to think it’s just a case of mistaken identity and maybe that Applejack is just stressed out from farm work but she can see her friend is telling the truth. She sighs as she has a look of mixing between confused and tired. “I believe you’re telling the truth Applejack but he has already left for Canterlot, maybe I should write a letter to the princess and request Ocelot to return to Ponyville to answer some questions?” suggested to her cowpony friend.

“Hmm… Don’t send that letter Twi, he seems like the kinda critter to immediately suspect us and Find an excuse to not come. Plus I get the feeling he ain’t coming back to Ponyville for a long while.” gazing over to Pinkie Pie, seeing her enjoying the party as she plays pin the tail on the pony.

“If we can’t write a letter about him to the princess then what can we do?” asked a worried Twilight.

“The best thing we can do is keep this under our hats and wait, it's the only thing we can do. For now.” said the Apple farmer as she trots over to the party. “Plus if he acts a bit fishy, the princesses will keep an eye on him for sure.” assured the cowpony to her unicorn friend and patted her back.

“I just hope you’re wrong about him, he doesn’t seem that bad of a stallion.” Twilight muttered as she reconvined with her friends at the party. Hopefully to put this robot business behind and this Ocelot character.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the bit of a wait on this chapter, had a bit of a minor writers block on how to approach this but I think having a somewhat short chapter helps. Now the plots thickens, AJ suspects our boy Ocelot at the farm and already on edge. Will our gunslinger keep his Pinkie Promise or will he suffer the consequences?

I Wonder what the boss is up to at Gryphon's Empire........

Also! I want some reader suggestions, I want ideas from you, the readers to help make this an interesting story.

Like here's an idea I want to know if you wanna see in my story. Do you want me to write up some codec dialogs as filler chapters, having paramedic fill our boy with Knowledge of the fruits and animals he's been snacking, Lore Master giving out lore dumps of Equestria and the other kingdoms, and Drebin on gun facts OR you want me to write some Game Over scene with the support team screaming out for our boy Ocelot, granted there's always continues to use so he will remember his death and learn from his mistake RE: Zero style.

Lemme know if the comments and I'll take my time to read and answer them, Thank you.

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