• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 14,105 Views, 664 Comments

Love's a Drag-on - The Lord Thunder

Trouble arises for Twilight when Spike meets a cute young dragoness.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Spike wasn’t in the library when Twilight reached the main floor the next morning. After walking into the kitchen, she used her magic to open a high cupboard and remove a box of Magical Trinkets cereal and a glass bowl, both of which remained suspended in midair until Twilight rested them on the table. She tilted her head. There was some sort of note scribbled out of a piece of parchment sitting next to the bowl. A sparkling aura surrounded it, causing the scroll to hover in front of Twilight so she could read it out loud to herself.

“Dear Twilight,
Sorry I didn’t tell you in person, but Celestia wanted me to take care of some royal business in Canterlot today. I’ll be home at sunset. Hope you’re not too mad.

Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof. Why hadn’t Princess Celestia told her about this “royal business?” Twilight shook off her irritation. It was probably none of her business, something strictly confidential between alicorns and dragons. Either way, the library was still a mess. With Spike gone, she’d have to clean up by herself and continue her research without any assistance. But that could wait until after breakfast. Twilight ate her cereal in silence, using her magic to manipulate the spoon.


Spike’s heart pounded as he made his way back to the meadow where the Dragon Pepper bush stood. He could hardly wait to see Sapphire since they’d arranged to meet up again the next morning. Lying to Twilight made him feel guilty about where he was really going, but he simply wasn’t ready to tell her about Sapphire.

For the moment, he could only think of his beautiful blue friend. What games would they play today? How much closer would they grow? How should he know when it’s appropriate to kiss a girl? So many thoughts raced through his head as he continued his trek for the meadow.

The Dragon Pepper bush came into view in the distance, along with a small blue form waving at Spike in a nearby tree. Despite his anxiety, the little dragon couldn’t help but smile and sprinted towards it. However, the closer he got, the more his smile melted to a frown. This wasn’t just any blue form. As he neared the bush, he realized this one had a rainbow mane and tail. This was not Sapphire, but a pegasus with a blue coat.

“Rainbow Dash?” Spike asked once he was within earshot of her. “What are you doing way out here?”

“Oh, just taking a morning flight, that’s all.” Rainbow Dash yawned and stretched her forelegs, then fluttered down off the tree branch until she touched the ground. “How about you, Spike? Does Twilight know you’re out here all by yourself?”

“Um, well... she knows I’m not home. If it’s any of your business.”

“Being a loyal friend is my business. Well, next to winning races, that is,” Rainbow said as she flew in a circle around Spike. “And I don’t think I could call myself a loyal friend if I were keeping secrets from anypony.”

Spike narrowed his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. “What are you getting at, Dash?”

“Spike, I know about your new friend. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you. But if you’re going to be running off like this everyday, I think Twilight should know the real reason why. And if you won’t tell her about your little girlfriend, then I will.”

“You were spying on me yesterday!” Spike shouted, pointing an accusing claw at the pegasus.

“And you didn’t even have a clue? Heh heh, so awesome. I’m like a ninja pony!” She tossed her front legs out in front of her, tail twitching as she darted her eyes back and forth in a manner that said she was ready for anypony. She stood back up and returned her gaze to Spike.

Now Spike felt the panic rising. “Don’t tell her! I’m not ready for her to find out yet!”

“Do it,” Rainbow replied in a stern voice. “Soon. Or I will.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll tell her. Sheesh.”

“So glad you could see reason.” Rainbow Dash turned her head to look behind her. The little blue dragoness was approaching from the horizon. “Alright, looks like your little friend’s on her way here. Have fun! And remember what I told you. Twilight’s gonna find out one way or the other. Do the right thing, Spike.”

Spike growled to himself. Rainbow Dash had been spying on him! A couple Dragon Peppers would not do now. He’d need at least three of them to exact sweet revenge on the pegasus. Sweet, fiery revenge. Enough to kill her taste buds for at least a month.

“Spike!” Sapphire’s sweet little voice yelled as she ran up to the purple dragon. With no warning, she embraced him in a hug. “I missed you.”

Spike trembled in Sapphire’s grasp. He hadn’t expected that. Unsure what to do, he wrapped his arms around her to return her hug. “I, uh, missed you too, Saph.”

Smiling, Sapphire tilted her head. “Saph, huh? I kinda like that! And I know what we can do today. Follow me!”


Eyes narrowed in annoyance, Twilight Sparkle manipulated a wash cloth with her magic. She’d have to find someway to clean up two days’ worth of mess and still have time to get some research done. Why would Spike and Princess Celestia conduct royal business without telling her? The more she thought about it, the more suspicious she got. She scrubbed harder to fight her irritation, causing a Dragon Pepper seed to fly off the table and land square into her eye.

All at once Twilight dropped the cloth and held her hoof to her mouth in dread of what was sure to follow. She gritted her teeth and braced herself. It wasn’t enough, as a scream of pain echoed through the library.

“My eye’s on fire! Somepony help me!”

Half blind, Twilight ran frantic circles around the kitchen looking for something, anything to stop the burning pain

Pinkie Pie, who had been out for a stroll, overheard the screaming and charged headfirst into the library. “Holy macaroni and cheese with peas!” she exclaimed. There were books lying all over the floor, flasks and tubes strewn about, and the remains of what was once a whole statue of Wilhelm Shakesfoale.

“Burglars!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Twilight’s shouting and loud clattering came from the kitchen. Pinkie gasped in shock. “You picked the wrong library, robbers!”

Pinkie took a breath of courage and charged into the kitchen, where she found Twilight Sparkle pouring a jug of milk over her face. Pinkie couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. “Hey, Twilight! If ya wanted to have a milk drinking contest, why didn’tcha invite me?”

“Pinkie?” Twilight Sparkle asked. She turned her head to verify she had actually heard her friend’s voice. Milk still poured down the side of her face from the upended jug. “What are you doing here?”

“Well first you were all like 'somepony help!’ Then I was like 'I’ll save you Twilight!’ And then I came inside and there were books and sci-ency stuff all over the floor so I thought there might be a burglar and I came in here to scare them off!" Only now was Pinkie calm enough to look around and see that nopony but she and Twilight were in the Library. "But it looks like you took care of 'em!”

“Pinkie, there were no burglars. I just got a pepper seed in my eye.”

Pinkie tilted her head inquisitively “There weren't? Then what about the messy mess in your lobby?”

“Spike’s been gone the last couple of days and I haven’t had time to do any cleaning.” Twilight Sparkle stopped then, raising a flattered forehoof. “Wait a minute. You were going to fight off burglars for me if there were any?”

“Sure!” Pinkie Pie said with a big smile. She wrapped a foreleg around Twilight’s neck and pressed their cheeks together. ’I’d do anything for a friend!”

Twilight smiled back and raised an eyebrow. “Aaaaanything?”

“You betcha!”

Twilight pushed Pinkie away so she could look her in the eye. “Then how about getting this place cleaned up while I go out for some supplies? And for pony’s sake, don’t touch anything breakable!”

“Okey dokey lokey!”


“The pond?” Spike asked after Sapphire had led him back to the pond they were at yesterday. “Why are we here again?”

“Wanna see a cool trick?” Sapphire answered, completely ignoring Spike’s question.

“Uh, sure.”

Sapphire held her little arms to the air, her eyes closed tight as she concentrated with what seemed to be great effort. Before Spike could inquire, a frigid air surrounded the pond, sending fingers of frost darting through the water until the pond became rock solid. Spike knelt down and tapped on the surface. It was cold and hard. Real ice and not an illusion.

“How did you do that?” Spike asked, barely able to contain his amazement.

“You couldn’t tell?” Sapphire asked. “I’m an ice dragon!”

Of course Twilight had told Spike stories about certain species of dragons that could manipulate nature’s elements. Red dragons could control fire. Yellow dragons had power over lightning. Greens could have power over plants or wind, depending on the species. Blue dragons were usually either water or ice dragons. But he’d never been sure if there was any truth to these stories until now.

“Sapphire, that’s amazing!” Spike said.

Sapphire giggled as she stepped out onto the frozen pond, waving for Spike to join her. “Come on, Spike!”

For a few moments Spike watched as the dragoness skated gracefully around the pond, hands cupped behind her back. She spun around several times, causing her hair to flow about in a manner that made Spike’s heart flutter. Sapphire really was beautiful!

Spike walked onto the ice, fighting to keep his balance as his feet slid across the surface of the pond. He fought too hard and fell face first onto the chilly ice, sending him spinning and sliding across the pond like a hockey puck.

Sapphire laughed at this as she skidded over to Spike. “Oh, that was smooth.”

Ignoring the comment, Spike picked himself back up to his feet, only to slip again and fall on his rear, causing Sapphire to laugh at his clumsiness. If Spike didn't know better he'd have though she found it endearing.

“Here,” Sapphire said, offering both paws to Spike. “Let me help you up.”

Spike accepted her paws and pulled himself to his feet. The two dragonlings skated in slow circles, eyes locked onto each other. Spike had never felt his heart pound so hard. He longed to kiss her just once, but was this the right time? Distracted as he was, Spike’s little feet slid out from under him before he could stop himself from falling. His weight pulled Sapphire down on top of him as he landed back-first onto the ice with a grunt. A few seconds passed before he realized Sapphire had him pinned down against the surface of the pond, her face only inches away from his. The little dragon trembled. Was she going to kiss him?

Though Spike had heard Sapphire do a fair share of giggling the past couple days, none made his nerves tingle more than the soft, nervous chuckle she gave off as her beautiful face looked down on him, lost in his eyes. Sapphire brought her face closer to Spike’s and touched his cheek with her muzzle, an action that set his heart on fire. The elation was short-lived, as an unpleasant sensation made Spike remember what it was he was laying on.


"Yeah, Spike?" she whispered in a voice that told Spike she was still caught in the moment.

"My back's going numb."

"Oh, sorry," she replied with a chuckle She stood up. Spike held his arms up, which she took and pulled Spike back to his feet. "Sometimes I forget not all dragons are as tolerant of ice as we are."

A gleam lit Sapphire's eyes, followed by a coy smile. Spike could tell she was planning something, but what? His answer came before he could ask when Sapphire let go of his right paw and wrapped that arm around his waist. "Here, let's try this!"

Now Spike's whole body tingled warmly despite the surrounding ice. The smile was indomitable. "You don't have to ask me twice!"

Here they were, embraced, just the two of them enjoying the moment. And in that moment, Spike realized he may have found the best thing that ever happened to him.


A full backpack draped around her back, Twilight Sparkle dragged herself into the library a couple hours after leaving to gather some supplies for her research. As she opened her door, blaring music and falling streamers nailed her in the face—at least two dozen ponies had gathered in the library, drinking punch, dancing to the music, conversing and laughing amongst themselves.

Twilight groaned in annoyance and gnashed her teeth, but still found herself unable to suppress her anger enough to keep from yelling out, “Pinkie Pie!”

At the shout of her name, the pink curly-haired pony sprang up to the front door, eyes closed and smiling with glee. “Hiya, Twilight! Welcome back!”

“Pinkie, I thought you said you were going to get this place cleaned up!”

“I did get it cleaned! But you were taking so long to come back and I was bored so I decided to throw a party!”

Twilight's scowl hardened. “You mean make a bigger mess than the one that was here before I left!”

“Oh, don’t you worry about that!” Pinkie waved a hoof to dismiss Twilight’s outburst. “We’ll get this place cleaned up before you can say ’jelly beans!’ Okay, everypony! Anypony who wants to keep partying has to help clean up afterwards!”

All at once the party went silent. Everypony stared at Pinkie in horror. Only a few seconds later, a stampede shook the floor and rattled the books against the wall, leaving only Twilight and Pinkie in the library after the dust cleared.

Twilight narrowed her brow to give Pinkie a cross gaze. “You were saying?”

Pinkie took a moment to assess the chaos she'd orchestrated. There was confetti all over the floor. A streamer had fallen from the ceiling, draped over an oak chair. Frosting and sprinkles covered the counter. Candy wrappers, straws, paper decorations and other such trash was strewn all about the library, making Pinkie smile in embarrassment.

“Um… jelly beans?”


The sky started to darken when Sapphire and Spike returned to the Dragon Pepper bush, paw-in-paw. A beautiful orange sunset cast itself over the horizon, seemingly setting it on fire.

“Um, Spike?” Sapphire asked.

Spike turned his neck to see Sapphire brushing her foot across the grass, eyes looking to the ground instead of at him. “Yeah, Sapphire?”

“I um…” She choked on the words with a nervous giggle, took a deep breath to gather her courage and continued. “I don’t know how to ask this, so I’m just gonna come right out and ask. Would you... um... like to be... my boyfriend?”

Knees shuddering at the question, Spike took a few seconds to think. Boyfriend? As in boyfriendboyfriend? A special romantic friend to be closer to a girl’s heart than any other friend? “Do you mean, like, a-a-a boyfriend you’re dating? Like, I’m your boyfriend and you’re my girlfriend?”

“Of course that’s what I mean, silly!”

Like he was going to turn that down. “Would I ever!”

Sapphire continued to fidget. “So, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend then?”

“I guess so,” Spike replied as he scratched the back of his head.

For a few moments, the young dragons stared into each other’s eyes, slowly moving their heads closer together. They shut their eyes as both braced for the moment, hearts fluttering.

Sapphire dared a slight peek. She was only a few inches away from kissing Spike. But was she ready? No, she wasn’t. Not yet. Besides, there was something else weighing on her mind. Maybe Spike would know what to do about it, but no need to tell him just yet.

In that moment of indecision she lost her nerve and took a step forward to snare Spike in a hug instead.

“Thanks,” Sapphire said. She rested her chin on Spike’s shoulder as he wrapped his little arms around her. “Boyfriend.”