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Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.

Comments ( 665 )

nice cant wait for more soon

And so starts a long road.

I can't wait this is going to be awesome.

i do think that all the chapters need to be long one's to get the best out of it:heart:

This is what I'm talking about of a good story idea. 👍

And also have more dialogues and separate paragraphs.

Time to learn the art of patience

"it is by Will alone i set this world in motion. it is by the juice of the Ambrosia that the Body acquires speed, the Blades acquire Stains, the Stains become a Message. it is by Will alone i set this world in motion..."

So begins a story crossed with a game series whose releases jump all over the timeline randomly like Pinkie does. I mean, the game's chronology versus the release dates of the installments goes as Ascension in '13, Chains in '08, Original in '05, Ghost in '10, Betrayal in '07, 2 in '07, 3 in '10, Norse GoW in '18, and Ragnarok in '22.

Only question would be how much of the previously mentioned installments will be included in this story?

Well he normally follows the time line, only game I think he might pass over would be Betrayal, for that game is a mess, and I am not sure if it's canon. so I looked it up it's canon ignore me.

11607903 How many? I intend to go from the very start to the very end... I have big plans for this story.

So the Travels of Kratos and Girl, starts

It was a peaceful day in the Crystal Empire, under the protective dome that kept everything and everyone safe from the cold and harsh weather that existed in this portion of the world, the Frozen North, and the crystal ponies were happy to have another uneventful day as they went about their business. .

I'm going to take a quote from Silver Quill, here.

I'd like to know whose idea it was to build a city in the Frozen North. Where a magical artifact is the only barrier between its inhabitants and a Frozen tomb. That was not a smart pony. Not at all.
I'd like to point y'all to an excellent book called Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. And one of the very important points that this book makes is that if you know an environment is hostile and you can't naturally adapt, YOU SHOULDN'T LIVE THERE!

And that is how girl of war took up her first weapon

So many mysteries surround Flurry. Some of which I can't help but think Harmony had nothing to do with, or perhaps it did. Did Harmony provide her with her initial abilities? Or did she have them all along? Given her connection to Death, I wonder if she will play a bigger role in Ghost of Sparta.

With that done he dropped down into the cistern they had been traveling towards and unleashed his power on his enemies once more, channeling the power of his inner fire into a fiery explosion as he stabbed the ground, where Flurry found that it did no damage to any of his surroundings and burned most of the hounds away, informing her that the magic only worked on Kratos' enemies.

To quote Deadpool,

Whoo! Superhero landing

The first one is always the worse one.

"Come, we have a lot of ground to cover." Kratos said, speaking as the ship reached a dock, where he and Flurry were off of the vessel without wasting too much time, as they had stopped training as soon as they got close to their destination, and he made sure Flurry had her quiver of arrows on the back of her waist, since between her wings seemed wrong.

Reminds me of

"I... I don't know. Does it get any easier?" Flurry inquired, because if witnessing the death of a human being did this to her, and it didn't get any easier with time, she wasn't sure what she was going to do, as she was sure that they would have to fight more people like the Amazons in the future, especially with the rest of the statue in front of them.

Don't let it, if you can help it.

And so the Furies, gain themselves a new target.

11618908 I'll be honest, I've never seen those Furies before, so I have no idea what game you were thinking about.

Judging by the design of them, I'm guessing they're from the game Hades. I've not played it or watched a playthrough, it's just a guess based off art style.

11618948 Ah, that would explain why I don't recognize them, as I haven't seen the game either.

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted Jun 24th, 2023

friend, training partner and playmate most likely...i would give good odds we will be seeing that little snaky again...

While he climbed Kratos had to wonder how the little girl had been able to see through Tisiphone's illusions, as if her eyes were blessed by the power that the Eyes of Truth possessed, but considered it a small blessing since it meant she wouldn't be confused by anything the Furies used against them.

It's part of my ponysona's backstory that a gem of Truesight was embedded in his eye.

Fear the Fluffy pony girl!

She also expected enemies to show up and found that they didn't, meaning the Furies likely had no idea that someone in this world was capable of reaching this point in fixing the statue, though she did discover something interesting, which was the fact that the contraption that raised and lowered the main beam was unlocked.

Was there a reason the enemies in the head chamber were omitted?

11624061 It was mostly to give the pair a bit of a break before the next major part of their venture. In later games all enemies will be present and accounted for.

Well she found Flurry fast.
And a return of the Friend

Great fight, and the first 3 gods down, or Demi I am not sure if they are gods or not.

The Fury barely had time to react as both warriors threw a weapon at them, both digging into her flesh as they pulled her off her ride and caused her to fall for a time, hitting a platform that was below the head, though as her back hit the floor Kratos landed on top of Megaera and stabbed her chest with his blades, going for the heart, and when she tried to push herself up Flurry wrapped the insides of her sickles around her neck and severed her head.


It was all just a diversion, really, for her to slash at Alecto's legs as she accomplished her true goal, stealing the Eyes of Truth that were, rather foolishly in her eyes,


and New friends has been made, the two smarts of the Greek gods

Can’t wait to see what 5 years of training and adventures do to flurry.

Give it a few years Flurry and you will look back at this day, knowing what that meant:rainbowlaugh:

giver her enough time, and training...yes, Flurry will make a fine little....Witch from Mercury...

Is the next chapter going to start chains of Olympus?

11637696 Yes, the next chapter will be the start of the Chains of Olympus arc.

Flurry use Fireball it's super effective!

Comment posted by arc5162 deleted Jul 14th, 2023

So the efreet awakened some of flurry’s magic, cool.

Flurry found that the next five years were mostly the same as what she experienced after their escape from the Prison of the Damned and the deaths of the Furies, as in she and Kratos spent most of the day training with him teaching her how to fight and move her body to avoid taking damage. Of course she didn't train with just the spear and shield combination, or with both of her sickles, rather Kratos pulled out each of the weapons that happened to be in the armory and had her practice with all of them, since there was no telling what the future held for them. They also found that Artemis and Apollo stayed true to what had been said previously and came to see how Flurry could do with her bow, often watching her practice while the ship was docked somewhere where they had set up targets nearby, though they did make sure not to get in the way of any quests the gods had for them. In addition to all of that Kratos even asked Albis to join them every now and then, mostly so Flurry could get used to fighting fast monsters, though their sessions were either unarmed or sed sticks to represent their weapons, since Kratos didn't want them to injure each other during training.

Taking a quote from Battletech,

"Congratulations, Cadet you have successfully demonstrated the ability to do what I tell you to. I like that. My dog does what I tell her to. I like my dog. I should introduce you to each other. Remind me to do that."

Not that!:flutterrage:

Cross training is the key to success; Specialization is the key to failure.

Also, Just saying, but Artemis would be one of the few remaining Greek gods at the end of GOW3

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