• Member Since 21st Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen June 5th


Tell me I'm wrong, baby.

Comments ( 20 )

Does the Mary and Celestia series also have all of those tags?

Many of them, yep. And more besides.

What is "Mary and Celestia"? It's not clickable, may I have link to it?

They're my previous 7 stories here, starting with my first, "Holding Fast and Letting Go."

mmmmmm well

idk what to say

This is super cool. I surprisingly like the framing device and how it ends up filling in a major bit of Twilight in the other series; but that's ultimately pretty minor. Tia is amazing and my favorite kind of hot invincible and knows it confident bitch stud champion, and it scratches a very nice itch you've given me over... a year? It's lovely to see how she truly has become so much of a more mature, reasonable, and nuanced character over millenia, and your successful ability to portray that — but fuck if I don't want to see Tia's raw selfishness in the more fun contemporary trappings.

Tangent to that - the olde fantasy feel was pretty nice. Even apart from the hardcore transparent smut, I was compelled by Ophelia's tale and the dangerous world presented and, mmph, it was nice and I like your writing.

Fuck, though, engineered manipulated spiteful crushing betrayal is fuck fuck fuck so godamn hot thank you I love you

Thanks for writing!

Oh, you'll see Celestia without any restraints in the modern world, most definitely. I've got plans...

"The sheltered princess wants to learn something of worldly pleasures, so she can make herself a more valuable bargaining chit. Such a noble sacrifice. Well…I am a sell-horn. I do not work for free. Cross my hoof with gold, and I will be yours for a time. What is such an education worth to you, little pony".

Straight pimpin'. :trollestia:

Nicely done! Had a vaguely Game of Thrones feel, and I knew somehow this would end with Celestia's rule but didn't quite expect it to go that way.

Don't anger the beast Twilight! Don't reawaken it!


Okay, just gonna say it... as fucked up as Celestia might be, and we'll cover that, I'm gonna have to x to doubt on her being a corpse fucker. This is Ophelia's fan fiction, isn't it?

This is just some random book in the Archives. Could've been written by anyone. It's probably nothing.

Again I'll be covering it later, but yeah. That particular form of psychosis doesn't jibe with the old girl. A mercenary more then likely, but I doubt she was ever so drunk or want for company as to want, never mind need to sling a fuck up whatever snaggle toothed inbred mongoloid monstrosity Ophelia was.

I can just see that inverted equine Marque De Sade making gooey eyes at a alarmingly unaroused Celestia who just sits on the other side of their campfire with a look of utter horror on her face at even the thought of sex with that while a put upon Kath does needle point and decides Celestia may need a bonus.

And cake.

And possibly Belgium.

This story is very good, however I wanted to read the story that this story makes reference to as it was mentioned in the description, but I ended up not finding it in your profile, if you could send me the link so I can read and enjoy such a magnificent world, I will be eternally grateful!

The most direct prequels would be Lessons of the Faithful and Quite Contrary, in that order, but you'd probably like the whole series starting with Holding Fast and Letting Go.

Incredible stuff, I love the mix of lore with clop!

Thanks! Hope you enjoy the rest. The next is coming soon.

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