• Published 23rd Sep 2022
  • 2,850 Views, 64 Comments

Dating Sim(p)s - 23 KM To Nerdiness

  • ...

A Nice Cup of Coco ☕️

Friday night. The day everypony unwinded for the upcoming weekend looming upon them. However, this particular night was what many were looking forward to.

Earlier in the week, the residents of Ponyville were graced with the sudden presence of a wide, fancy new restaurant—Mugs, Hugs & Cuddlebugs—now completed on the outskirts of town. No expensive catches, enough space to make reservations obsolete and lots of lonely hearts willing to kill for such an opportunity.

Coco Pommel, on the other hoof, came against her will.

Yes, what was meant to be just a friendly little visit with a certain fabulous fashionista soon became a forceful night of "fun". That night, the shy mare struggled to make an approach toward the love-themed establishment. Ponies strolled past her with no issue, leaving her alone in an aura of overwhelming shyness.

"Hey, you!"

The earth pony flinched, catching herself as she noticed a pale lime-green mare with a tan-brown mane waving her over from behind a wooden podium. "You've been quivering in fear in that same spot for almost a half hour. You okay there?"

Taking a heavy gulp, the timid dressmaker finally made her way to the pony. "Welcome to M,H&C, girl!" she chimed. "What can I do ya for?"

Coco kept her head down, frantically searching through her turquoise purse to pull out a red ticket with glistening gold trimming. "I-I have a coupon..." she uttered. "For a free mug?"

"Wonderful!" the mare collected the slip of paper. "Head right in. Pick a table, any table. Enjoy yourself!"

The shy gal gave a quick and silent nod, shuffling onward past the large dark doors. Inside, the bustling building was in full swing. Couples had taken in its romantic decor, exquisite and flavorful meals were being prepared and sizzled before the amazed customers, and the staff were quick and efficient—moving in perfect sync with one another.

While still nervous of her unfamiliar surroundings, Coco was equally astounded by the aesthetic and excellent service being displayed. Her state of awe was then cut short as a bubbly filly zipped circles around her on roller skates. "Hi there!" she yipped, screeching to a halt. "Everything going well for you, ma'am?"

"O-Oh, um, yes," Coco mumbled. "I was just about to find a...table."

"Of course, lemme take you to a real good one!" the young one escorted her guest further into the restaurant. "Meeting a special somepony?"

"Me? N-No, I'm not that interesting."

"Not with that attitude. No worries, I'm sure somepony wouldn't mind minglin' with you."

"Heh, I just had a coupon for a free mug. A friend of mine insisted I come here."

"Oooooh, do you know what a free mug comes with, right?"

"I don't think so?"

"Comes with a free snuggle sesh! With...additional features."


"Tell me, what do you like in a partner?"

"I-I don't know...

"Come on, girl to girl. Spill!"

"I guess I like a tall stallion. One who'd like me for me and—"

"Here we are!" the filly guided the stunned mare into a curved booth with blood red seats surrounding a sleek, oak table. "You'll love it, trust me! You're waiter will be with you in a bit!"

Within a few seconds, the rushing child was already gone before Coco could question further. Clearing her throat, she sheepishly scooted onto the center seat. Thoughts of a potential boo thang had plagued her mind, putting up a vigorous fight with her crippling insecurities. It wasn't long going into her thought process when an peach-colored earth stallion with a golden mane popped up. "Hey there," he greeted, giving a confident wink. "So, it's one free mug for the lady?"

Coco pressed her back against the seat in surprise. "Y-Yes, that's me. But...does it come only in mugs?"

"Of course not, cutie. We have regular cups, sippy cups, wine glasses—"

"Wine glass would be nice. With...wine, too, if that's available."

"Coming right up, Miss..."

"Coco Pommel."

"Xander," he scooped her hoof to smooch it kindly, chuckling as the flustered mare tried to hide a smile. "Pleasure to meet you. Be right back."

Left alone again, Coco let out a heavy sigh, letting her giddy emotions flood freely. Never had she been in the company of someone as caring or as handsome. She stared longingly at her hoof where he had smooched, smiling wide as a faint blush grew brighter.

Eventually, Xander returned carrying a single glass of cherry wine on a silver tray atop his head, kneeling to swiftly slide it between her hooves. "For the lovely gal." he hummed.

"Thank you so much." as she took a sip of her drink, she held her breath noticing the stallion in the corner of her eye sliding up beside her in the booth. Heart racing, she kept her eyes forward, watching other couples in the restaurant in each other's embrace.

"Nervous?" Xander chuckled.

"A-About what?"

"If you don't feel comfortable about free hug sessions, that's perfectly understandable. It's a unique concept we offer, but it's our motto: 'we all need love'."

"No, no, it's just I...I never had a guy want to do anything like that with me before. I don't know what to do, or say."

"Let me help you. Tell me what you want."

"I want...tuh-bee-snuhuh."

"Could you repeat that?"

"I want to be...snuggled."

Xander held his arms out wide. "Of course."

A bead of sweat came down Coco's forehead. Taking a big swig of her wine, she placed it down and hesitantly inched toward the open stallion. A minute or two went by before Xander carefully guided her chin atop his shoulder, wrapping his toned hooves around her back. Shocked and breathless, Coco practically melted like butter into his warm hug.

"I find that hard to believe," the cheeky stallion uttered, rubbing down her fuzzy back. "Any stallion would be lucky to have you."

"I'm just an average..." Coco managed to huff out, getting lost in the sensations. "An average mare."

"Nonsense. I'm sure you're very fascinating. Tell me about yourself, Miss Pommel."

Face hotter than ever, the flattered mare rested her head against her hugging buddy's chest, raising her hooves to caress his sturdy back. "Mmm, I'm a dressmaker. I-I make special costumes for plays. Sometimes, I sell dresses across some big cities."

"Well that's wonderful! I myself enjoy a lavish production," Xander looked down at the smol creature now staring back at him with glistening eyes, leaning in to plant steady, delicate kisses upon her off-white-coated cheek. "Very impressive."

Coco bit her lower lip, reacting to the moist contact. "Mmm, you're just saying —AH!"

The stallion's sweet kisses then trailed off down her slender neck, her grateful grip on him growing tighter.

"Is that the 'additional features' I've heard about?" the mare giggled, closing her eyes in delight.

"That it is, indeed. I can stop if you want."

"No, I...I love it. Please, tell me about you."

"Hmm, before working here, I babysat a lot of foals. A lot."

"Wow, sounds like a hoofful."

"They may be gremlins, but at least they listen to me. The adults, not so much."

"Aww, you poor thing. Hey, I'm listening. Always."

The stallion's ears perked up wholeheartedly. "Thank you. That's a first for me, it really means a great deal."

"Of course. So, um..."

"What is it, Miss Pommel?"

"Can you...keep going?"

"Oh! Yes, ma'am."

Xander's playful pecks transitioned into light nibbles, ocassionally tugging her skin between his lips and earning sweet moans from the customer. Coco's grip grew even tighter as she instinctively leaned up to return a kiss to the stallion's neck. "Eep!" she blushed. "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, a low but hearty belch escaped the stallion. "Oof, pardon me," he snickered. "It's okay, we consider that our own personal tips. You got quite a strong grip, I must say."

"Hee, thank you. I just never felt this way before with anypony, it feels so good."

"You deserve to feel good, Miss Pommel."

"C-Call me Coco if you want...mmph."

"Well," Xander lifted a hoof to boop her nose. "Do you feel special, Coco?"

"Very much..." the mare nuzzled into him with a pleased pout.

"Anything special I could do for a special gal?"

Coco popped her lavender sailor collar, puffing her fluffy chest out with an adorkable smirk. "I-I've always wanted a stallion to play with my floof."

"What an amazing floof," Xander licked his lips, placing his hooves deep within her fluff-filled forest. "Am I doing it right?"

"Hmmmm, yes..."

Every strand of fuzz on the worker's neck stood on end as Coco's happy coos send a wave of ecstacy up his spine. The two struggled to keep their hums of affection low and under the sounds of chatter and clatter. The sensual, strawberry aroma of the candle circled around them, their cuddle upgraded to a passionate snuggle. All throughout the session, a restless—but simultaneously pleasing—sensation gradually built up within the stallion's gut as he and his cuddle bug explore each other.

Everything came knocking up every corner of his being, Coco's vigorous snuggling squeezed it up. There was no return. It was coming...


The vibrations of his throaty roar shook the restaurant, reducing the chatter to a deafening silence. Soon, all the staff erupted into supportive cheers as everypony continued on with their cuddling dates.

"Sweet Celestia," Coco laughed, poking her recovering bud's back against his seat. "You're just a gassy type, aren't you?"

"Heh, I, uh..." he muttered. "Had a big lunch."

"That oughta do it."

As the mare rested with her cup of wine, Xander reached for the small, fancy vase on the table beside the candle, plucking a rose and placing it behind her ear. "Beautiful." he sighed, locking eyes with hers.

Coco rubbed a hoof on his cheek. "Handsome."

"Much appreciated. So...how was my service to you?"

"It was...magical. I felt special, more than I've ever felt in my life. Nopony's ever looked at me this highly before. But I have to tell my friend Rarity it was decent enough or she'd never let me hear the end of it."

"Heh, well your secret's safe with me."

Coco flipped her two-toned blue mane to the side, giving the stallion a grateful boop. "For that, here's your tip."

Xander's hair spiked as if he'd been struck by lightning. He fell petrified, helplessly watching the sneaky mare plant a generous peck on the lips, eyes half-lidded. "I should probably get going," she whispered in his ear. "All that cuddling took the energy right out of me."

"U-Understandable," the stunned pony fumbled to say, composing himself. "We close in less than an hour anyways."

"Lovely," she finished her drink, being politely guided out from the booth. "We should...do this again. Soon, at least."

"I would love that."

Coco's face scrunched into a cute pout as her hoof is smooched one last time. Her gentlecolt stood there curiously while she rummaged through her purse before setting a ladybug pin against his beige-patterned shirt. "To remember me?"

"You're my first legit client...ish, of course I'll remember you!"

The two briefly exchanged smiles before the mare turned heel and headed for the exit. Once she was out of sight, Xander pocketed the precious gift and let out a light sigh, swishing his tail in gleeful satisfaction.

"Enough gawking, Casa-neigh-va," a gruff stallion waiter gave him a friendly slug in the arm. "Let's get to it!"

"Yeah, yeah...coming..."

"Dang, I haven't eaten this well in months!"

Closing time.

Mugs, Hugs & Cuddlebugs was a rousing success with Ponyville. Tables cleaned and customers satisfied and long gone, the vast staff waited idly by in the center of the establishment. Xander, however, sat alone, fiddling dreamily with the ladybug pin.

Eventually, a huge booming THUD from the front doors grabbed everypony's attention. Stading before them was the green mare, a mischievously twisted grin across her face.

"So..." she hummed, popping her neck. "How was everyone's dinner?"

All but Xander erupted into triumphant celebration and/or belches.

"I'll take that as an 'absolutely!'"

With a heavy stomp of her hoof, the mare's soft cheekbones twisted and morphed to appear harder and less rounded. A glowing green wall of blinding fire surrounded her. Her appealing skin faded into a coal black coat as features from the entire staff followed suit, rabidly ripping their uniforms to ribbons. Now populating the room was a horde of ravenous changelings, reveling in their deceit under the proud authority of their queen, Chrysalis.

Soon, Xander changed into his dark, bug-like form last—begrudgingly—not breaking his golden-eyed gaze on the pin.

"Why didn't we think of this sooner?" Chrysalis cackled, strolling through her subjects. "Creating a lovey-dovey dump like this and those pathetic simpletons just come flocking in. We will no longer starve, no longer scavenge. We have a love farm on our hooves!"

Chaotic applause shook the roof.

"So savor every tasty drop remaining on your vile tongues," the queen continued. "A goldmine has blessed us tenfold, and we must exploit every sad sour single sap that walks through our doors! Their hopeless love is their only ounce of significance...and what could be more valuable than love?"

Under all the cheering commotion, Xander closed his eyes, the thought of the dressmaker's presence elicited a dreamy yet dopey grin as he chuckled to himself. "Couldn't agree more."

"And next time, my subjects, please just remove your bucking uniforms instead of tearing them up. These things are very, very expensive!"

Author's Note:
Comments ( 63 )

I have a feeling this will be adorable.

It (hopefully) is, and a li'l twisty :3

Chrysalis is a evil genius truly worthy being called Queen ♤♡

Ohoho, how cunning. A fantastic twist.

Taking advantage and prying upon the lonely? Ingenious on the Queen's part. I love it! Certainly fits her devious nature...

Ooo I can't wait so see where this goes. At first I thought it was gonna be one shots with a bunch of characters, but it sounds like there's an over arching plot in mind

So many people independently came up with this idea. Usually it's rated M though.

What a twist!

We joke for years in a series made from 'Hiver' about it :rainbowlaugh:

A more general "we" has been joking about it since their dietary needs were first revealed. And not all of them were joking.

With a heavy stomp of her hoof, the mare's soft cheekbones twisted and morphed to appear harder and less rounded. A glowing green wall of blinding fire surrounded her. Her appealing skin faded into a coal black coat as features from the entire staff followed suit, rabidly ripping their uniforms to ribbons. Now populating the room was a horde of ravenous changelings, reveling in their deceit under the proud authority of their queen, Chrysalis.

Soon, Xander changed into his dark, bug-like form last—begrudgingly—not breaking his golden-eyed gaze on the pin.

I sensed this the second he said, 'personal tips' and started referring to food

This is good. Reminds me of those cafes in Japan which each one has themes like cats, dogs, owls, etc. This makes sense glad it isn’t a human cafe story :raritywink:

This kinda is a one shot, I only had the drive to make this one and I didn't wanna leave it incomplete and never finish it, lol

If I have any good enough ideas of how it goes down, I might make a sequel. Maybe.

I am glad that you enjoyed it though. :heart:

Will there be a sequel to this, I hope where coco and xender meet hmmm?

I direct you to my previous comment below you, lol

So theirs a maybe eh I’ll take it

Also if you need some ideas for a sequel the don’t be afraid of pm me

Heh, wish others were as open to help/give feedback with my original works.

Much appreciated, keeping it in mind 🙏

I must crack the case of this mystery restaurant. Oh the theories. (There has to be a sequel.)

and worst of all, boopies

:raritydespair: Noooo! The worst of all indeeeeeddd!
(very adorable)

Thankies! :heart:

Glad to see I'm not a ghost to you anymore :3

Loved the twist!

Hey no problem I’m one of the rare ones

Hug the buggos, this was cute...Coco got herself a fan.

I really liked this story :twilightsmile:
It's such a good concept! Really enjoyed every moment of it.

Halfway through the story, I was guessing what was going on with Xander. I have to ask: This made me think that Chrysalis sounds evil and all that, but they are actually not harming anypony. They are just using a really clever idea to feed. TL;DR this is an honest cute fluffy story with Chrysalis being herself but other than that there is no harm.

Is that what the story is going for?

I'm not asking for a sequel, I'm just saying that if you wrote it I'd wish you a very much thank you.
I wanna see the two get to know each other.
Either way, this was nice. thanks

With all these comments, I just might :3

This is super adorable. I love it.

Devious little twist there, I enjoy Chryssy , being Chryssy.

This was so cute! :heart:

That cover art is basically cheating.
Excellent choice.

I love the adorable plot of this story! Well done on the twist! :rainbowdetermined2:

Hey, why be an evil queen plotting a coup when you could be a small business owner instead?

I could totally see this as an off-screen side story in the episode "Slice of Life".

This was a neat lil' story with a neat lil' twist, very well done!

This is hitting all the right buttons right there!
A lovely and cute story with a great twist at the end! And it seems like everypony and everyling has their own version of a happy ending there.
It's absolutely adorable! c:

Comment posted by Herald of Opera deleted Sep 25th, 2022

Eventually, they'll be addicted to the service and won't bond with other ponies

Lovely to see Chrysalis left the conquest trade in order to delve in small business
A lovely short story, though the openness of the place really seemed a bit out of place at the start, glad to see my suspicions were confirmed later on. With "Cuddlebugs" in the name of the restaurant, I was waiting for the changeling drop at some point.

Two things I'd point out are some grammar errors and just a stylistic choice.
This reads more like censored clop than actual romance.
"Anything special I could do for a special gal?"
Coco popped her lavender sailor collar, puffing her fluffy chest out with an adorkable smirk.
"I-I've always wanted a stallion to play with my floof."
"What an amazing floof," Xander licked his lips, placing his hooves deep within her fluff-filled forest. "Am I doing it right?"
"Hmmmm, yes...

And the grammatical mistakes

"You'll love it, trust me! You're waiter will be with you in a bit!"


Stading before them was the green mare, a mischievously twisted grin across her face.


Thank you for writing this, it was a nice read


Jeez those are some serious content warnings, this might be too lewd to make an audiobook of for Youtube!

Well good thing this one isn't lewd at all 🤪

Cool, I'm putting it on my agenda to audiobook soon.

That was a good story.


Never have I felt so confused reading a story. Never has something so wholesome made me feel so awkward and uncomfortable. This is like... soft softcore porn; or a parody of a clopfic; or a G rated version of a porno. I was left feeling emotions I didn't even know I had. I don't know if I enjoyed this story or not, but it made me feel something no other story yet has, and that's an accomplishment.

Not self-inserting, I just chose a name off the top of a "bug name generator".

Sorry to disappoint...

I was extremely confused about the belching until I remembered Cuddlebugs was in the name. Then it all fell into place before the “surprise”.

Also I love all Coco stories. Yay.

:moustache: Wow another uniform contract?
:duck: Yes Precious Scales that new business is doing quite well if I must guess
:moustache: Can we go there some time?
:duck: No I think not our style darling but we can go out and get a meal next door you do like hay burgers, No?

:moustache: Mmmmmm good
:raritystarry: What was that?
:twilightoops: Cuddle bugs just exploded!
:moustache: Changelings?

:trollestia: Spike, Rarity? The Cuddle bug establishment says you two need to stay at least 300 hooves away from their place of business
:facehoof: Over loaded buggy systems causing a massive explosion?
:moustache::duck: flammable gas?

Nice story, cool twist. I have recorded reading it out loud for the Audio version, coming soon!

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