• Published 19th Sep 2022
  • 699 Views, 38 Comments

Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage - Babroniedad

Sunset Shimmer has seen her destiny. Now she just has to survive it! A Certain Magical Sunset prequel.

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13 - Sunset - Best Laid Plans

Sunset woke to the knock on Aiko’s bedroom door. The house mother opened the door and called out to them. “Time to rise, my leash. Time for breakfast.” She shut the door, leaving it unlocked behind her.

Sunset turned to her friend, gently shaking her. “Are you awake, Aiko?” She asked.

“No,” deadpanned Aiko, eyes still closed. “Sound asleep. Sorry, come back later.”

Sunset threw the covers back. “Oops,” she said as she bumped Aiko off the bed, then rolled out herself. “Oh, I’m sorry!” She smirked, helping her friend up.

“Brat!” Grinned Aiko as she got up off the floor. Together the two used the bathroom, performing their morning ablutions and washing up. They trotted and loped together to the dining hall, the other residents noticing Sleeping Flower’s decidedly improved condition.

Their leash mates laughed as Aiko hip checked Sunset into a nearby table as they passed on their way to their seats.

“Oops,” said Aiko as Sunset extracted herself from the chair she had landed on.

“Brat,” laughed Sunset, taking the seat next to her. “Fine, now we’re even.”

Their house mother brought in the tea and soup, then served glazed pastries filled with creamed fish. Breakfast finished, they cleaned up and joined their house mates in the Madam’s dojo for the day’s lessons.

After that was lunch then their free time. Sunset requested to be allowed time in the garden, so the house mother opened the gate for them allowing them access.

“I’ll be in the kitchen preparing our dinner. Just come let me know when you’re done and I will lock it back up,” requested the mother. Sunset and Aiko nodded, passing through the gate and into the garden. The mother shut the gate but did not lock it, returning to her preparations.

The friends drifted through the garden, enjoying its peaceful beauty and tranquility. After a full round of the garden path, they retired to the small pagoda in the center of the garden, lying atop cushions while masked from view from the gate and the surrounding windows.

“Going to take a quick peek at the neighborhood, be right back,” commented Sunset. With a flash of teal she disappeared from her mat.

Aiko’s jaw dropped. A few seconds later Sunset reappeared on the mat. “Okay got our exit. We’ll leave tonight during our client session. Eat a good dinner, we may not be eating for a bit once this starts. And probably won’t be getting much sleep tonight either. Are you ready for this?” Asked Sunset.

“Ever since you woke me up,” answered Aiko. Sunset nodded.

They enjoyed some time relaxing and talking about their time before being captured, old friends, and amusing stories. They left the garden well before dinner, not wanting to inconvenience the house mother. They went to the kitchen and knocked on the door. She returned with them, locked the gate, thanking them for their consideration, then returned to her duties.

Sunset and Aiko returned to her room to wait for dinner. It wasn’t a long wait, the mother appearing and calling them and their leash mates to dinner. Together they washed and joined them in the dining hall.

Dinner was a seafood soup with tea, fried prawns, steamed rice and vegetables. Both Shimmering Sun and Sleeping Flower ate double portions. They then retired to the bathroom to perform their ablutions and clean up, then to Aiko’s room to do their makeup and dress for presentation.

Lining up for presentation, Sleeping Flower and Shimmering Sun once again played their parts, Sleeping Flower again with her vacuous listless stare and insensate demeanor and Shimmering Sun with head bowed and timorous attitude. They entered and laid upon Sleeping Flower’s bed, Shimmering again in the service position.

The first client in was a Yak, dressed impeccably and covered by tattoos. With a grunt he pushed past the Madam and moved to Sleeping Flower’s bed, dragging her from the bed, her head flopping listlessly as he roughly pulled her after him headed towards her art room. Shimmering Sun followed along behind, head bowed as she scrambled to keep up.

As they approached the room, Shimmering ran ahead, opening the door then bowing to the floor as the Yak threw Sleeping Flower onto the bed and entered the room. Shimmering rose, entering the room to shut the door only to be back hooved into the hall by the yak. “Beat it pony!” He spat at her as he slammed the door.

Sunset picked herself up from the floor, wiping the blood from her muzzle with a forehoof. She opened the door and trotted in.

The yak looked up from the bed in anger. “You deaf, mare? I said beat it!” He yelled as he leapt up from the bed. He stormed over to Sunset, cloven hoof cocked back to knock her out. As he closed on her, Sunset wheeled and bucked him hard, knocking him clear across the room and onto the bed.

Seeing her buck, the insensate vixen came to life, rolling quickly off the bed before the large and now completely unconscious yak landed on the bed, breaking the frame and sending the mattresses crashing to the floor.

“Damn, Shimmering, give a vixen some warning,” commented Aiko as she rose from the floor.

Sunset kicked the door shut, then leapt up on the bed and straddled the yak, placing her hooves on his forehead. “Special delivery,” she mumbled as she implanted her suggestions into his psyche. Rolling off him, she joined her friend by the bed.

“You okay?” She asked.

“Yeah, fine,” answered Aiko. “Though a few more seconds it might have been a very different story.”

“Yeah, didn’t see that coming. Being bitch slapped into the hallway and locked out definitely wasn’t part of the plan,” agreed Sunset, staunching the flow from her cracked muzzle. She placed her hooves on both sides of her muzzle. There was a flash and a slight crack, then the flow stopped as she crossed her eyes and swore softly.

“Okay, that even sounded painful,” commented Aiko.

“Ya think?” Groused Sunset. She turned to the yak. “Enjoy your personal hell, asshole,” she growled.

“So not the usual fantasy package for our client today?” Smiled Aiko to her friend.

“After what he did? And what he intended to do? Nope. Rot in hell,” affirmed Sunset.

“So what’s the plan?” Asked Aiko.

“For now? We chill. Once everyone has had a chance to get selected and busy, we ditch our guest and start our journey,” replied Sunset. They sat by the side of the bed leaning back against it.

Several minutes later, Sunset turned to her friend. “Ready for this, Aiko? Time to head through the looking glass. Ever been teleported before?” She asked. Aiko nodded. “Good, so you know the basics. Whatever you see, don’t scream and don’t trash or kick. Don’t panic. I’ve got you. Let’s go.”

Sunset reached over, placing a hoof on her friend. With a snap and a flash of teal, they were back in the pagoda. “Lay down,” Sunset instructed. Aiko complied, laying out on her stomach, head resting on her forelegs. Sunset climbed on top of her friend, legs clasped tightly around her.

“Now remember what I said, keep completely quiet. Not a word or a peep. And stay completely still. Okay, here we go.” There was a flash of teal and they disappeared.

The flash startled Aiko, her eyes popping open to see the brothel several stadia below them as the hurtled back down towards it. She opened her muzzle and screamed in fright.

“Damn it!” She heard Sunset swear. There was another flash of teal, then she was surrounded by a cloudy hazy fog.

Sunset trotted up to her as she hung there, suspended in the haze. Sunset looked at her crossly. “Seriously! What did I say? Don’t. Scream. Don’t. Panic. I’ve got you. Sound familiar?” She asked crossly.

“Holy smoking hells, you didn’t tell me you were going to kill us by throwing us into the sky to smash into the ground!” Screamed Aiko, eyes still wide in panic. “Then this! Holy hells, what even is this?” She raged.

“This is your mind, this is the calmest I could get you so I could hopefully get through to you. We don’t have much time, so I need you to listen,” growled Sunset.

“Why? Why do we not have much time? Where are we?” Asked Aiko suspiciously.

Sunset facehooved. “Really? We are falling through the clouds, heading back to those cute little cushions we were laying on back in the pagoda. Oh, but we’ll be close to terminal velocity by then, and we will need to pass, rather violently and suddenly, through the pagoda roof before we land on the cushions. And drive them into the ground with energy from the impact of our about to be quite suddenly dead bodies! So I guess it doesn’t matter that our stealthy escape is ruined because everyone for hundreds of statia around knows something weird is happening because there's some vixen screaming her damn fool head off just under the clouds. Thank you for that!”

“What did you expect!” Yelled Aiko back. “Like I have so much experience with falling out of the sky and not dying! You want me to stop screaming? Fine. I’m not screaming. Happy?”

“And stop kicking. You nearly bucked me completely off! Do you really want to just fall back into the pagoda? Or do you want to maybe get out of here?” Informed Sunset.

Aiko screwed her eyes shut. “Fine! Let’s just do it.” She shuddered slightly.

“Fine! Then just keep it together. Trust me! I’ll get us out of here,” commented Sunset. “Change of plans, thanks to the screaming sky show. We’re going to cruise for a bit. Try to make yourself comfortable.”

The haze and clouds faded, replaced once again with the sight of the clouds and ground racing up to meet them. Aiko clamped her jaws shut, forcing herself to keep quiet and still. A teal glow surrounded her, then they disappeared once again.

They reappeared with a pop flash of teal just over one of the clouds drifting below them, skimming just over its surface. Glowing teal briefly, they slowed then dropped gently onto the cloud, coming to rest laying on the cloud as it drifted away from the brothel and that portion of the city.

Aiko looked out over the edge of the cloud In amazement, Sunset still on her back, legs tucked tight around her. “Okay, no idea how you made us able to sit on a cloud. And if you say Zebrican Magic I get to smack you,” said Aiko.

“Zebrican magic,” snarked Sunset. “Seriously, it’s the basic cloud walking spell, applied through Zebrican magic because our dear captors effed my horn. So smack me later, busy now. We just need to hitch a ride for a bit to get some distance between us and the, uhm, sky show, then we can pop down and work our way back to your family and freedom.”

“So what happens when the cloud walking spell wears off?” Asked Aiko.

“Duh. We rip through the cloud, finish our brief trip to the ground, and maybe bounce once. Which is exactly why I won’t let that happen. So why do you ask?” Groused Sunset.

Aiko shut her eyes and took a shuddering breath. “No reason,” she answered.

The cloud drifted slowly away from the brothel and their previous excitement, Kitsune sill pointing up into the sky and looking where they were before as they drifted away. Sunset just shook her head ruefully. “Ah well. Since when does anything go according to plan anyway. I lost the connection with our last client too, so safe bet our former masters know we’ve, uhhh, terminated our employment at this point. So good time to bunker down and enjoy the ride, as it’s a safe bet a cloud bank is the last place they’ll be looking for us. I’ll take the first watch if you want to get some rest.”

Aiko looked back at Sunset, eyebrow arched. “You’re kidding, right?”

“What? Cloud beds are supposed to be some of the softest, most comfortable beds ever crafted. When are you going to get a chance like this again?” Sunset smiled.

“Ah, don’t know if you noticed, but no wings on this vixen. I don’t do clouds. I’m trying hard not to think about that bounce you mentioned. Not really ready to sleep with all that going on,” Aiko replied.

“Okay. You can have the first watch then. Wake me if something happens or we drift out of town. Good night,” responded Sunset. She settled down into her friend, settling her muzzle into the small of her back.

“Uh, wait. If you go to sleep, who’s going to keep the spell going to keep us on the cloud instead of falling through the cloud?” Asked Aiko.

“The spell maintains itself until the magic runs out. We should be fine for several more hours,” mumbled Sunset sleepily.

“And if it runs out before you wake up?” Nervously asked Aiko.

“I’m sure the fall will wake me,” answered Sunset as she fell asleep.

“Great,” grumbled Aiko.

Several hours later, Aiko called out to Sunset. “Shimmering Sun, we’re leaving the city. What now?”

Sunset yawned, stretched a bit, then opened her eyes. Looking down, she saw the harbor passing beneath them as they drifted out to sea. Her eyes popped wide open.

“Ah crab nuggets! That’s not good,” she responded.

“What’s not good?” Asked Aiko, worried now.

“I would have sworn we were drifting inland. I thought we would drift clear of the city and we could hide in the countryside. Now I have to get us down quickly before we’re completely out of range and we have to pin our hopes on a passing ship. Or my flying. I’d bet on the ship as the safer of the two,” answered Sunset.

Aiko buried her face in her paws. “Bacca,” she swore quietly.

Sunset scanned the harbor, looking for a safe place to land before they drifted too far out. Spying a warehouse roof that looked fairly abandoned, she charged the spell.

With a flash of teal and a soft pop, they appeared a few feet above the roof and dropped down with a slight thump.

“Oof,” groaned Aiko. “That hurt.”

“Sorry,” apologized Sunset, rolling off her back and sitting next to her as she painfully got to her paws.

Shaking herself off, Aiko turned to Sunset. “Okay. So what now?”

“Now we sneak our way through a city probably full of really pissed off yaks who are looking for us, and get you back to your family. Then I get my tail to the Equestrian embassy and go home,” commented Sunset.

“Oh, is that all? So we’ll be all set before breakfast. Nice,” snarked Aiko.

“You don’t seem convinced,” noted Sunset.

“Small update for you from a vixen that grew up here. The yaks? Specifically the Yak-uza clan? You know, the happy gentlebeings we just left the employ of? Yeah, well, they own the harbor. Like, completely. Getting out of or through this area without them knowing will be difficult,” informed Aiko.

“Oh,” sighed Sunset. “Yeah. Need to think a bit then.”

Sunset looked out over the city, stretching out thousands and thousands of stadia from them out to the horizon and covering the hills off in the distance. The issue was fairly straightforward. How do two creatures, one of whom stood out like a giant purple dragon in a field of daisies, sneak through the city without drawing the attention of those looking for them. Too bad she never met a changeling. That would be useful magic. The only two useful spells in her arsenal for this case were a notice me not spell which would quickly be overwhelmed by the sheer number of creatures noticing them. And invisibility, which she could maintain for maybe an hour, certainly not long enough for them to clear the city's boundaries, not to mention how useless it would be as creatures who couldn’t see her plowed into her then realized there was something amiss.

No, low or no magic was the key here. She just needed a simple disguise. Yes, that would do. A vixen and her servant out in the city. Running some simple errands, or maybe just the vixen having a simple relaxing day out on the city, her servant stepping and fetching whatever was needed for her vixen mistress. Yes, that was it. She would need a covering, something to completely mask her colorations, mane, and especially her cutie mark. As proud as she was of her mark, showing her close relationship with the mare she most considered to be her mother, it was worse than useless now. There was also the issue of the gaudy jewel encrusted ring on her horn. Being ringed only marked her as a slave or indentured servant. The jewel encrusted blight that currently ringed her horn only belonged in two possible places. A circus or sideshow, or a brothel or harem. She needed to do something to change that.

She reached out through her hooves, sending her senses out through the warehouse below them. It was large, a completely open space below. There were no creatures currently inside. The warehouse was filled with crates full of shipments headed out to distant destinations. She scanned the crates, searching for anything that could help them with her plan.

Aiko watched her working, a slight teal glow coming from her forehooves and leaking out from her tightly shut eyes. After several moments the glow faded and Sunset opened her eyes. “Okay my mistress, I have a plan,” she stated. She reached out and placed a hoof on Aiko.

“Mistress?” Asked Aiko In confusion as they disappeared with a flash of teal and a soft pop.

They appeared in the darkened interior of the warehouse, sunlight visible through the thin strip of windows near the roof barely providing enough light to make out shadowy shapes of the crates around them. Sunset’s hooves glowed teal, banishing the darkness around them.

“Yeah I know, weird, right? Best I can manage with a locked horn. I think I’ve found something we can use over here, mistress. Let’s get dressed for our day out,” Sunset explained, trotting towards a stack of crates against the far wall.

Looking over the crates, Sunset reached out her hoof. There was a flash of teal and a fashionable Kitsune headdress appeared on the floor before her. Three more flashes and it was joined by a pair of flowing coats and a cream colored vail with an embroidered hole in the center. One more flash and a set of jeweled saddle bags joined the pile. “That should do it,” said Sunset, turning to Aiko. “So here’s the plan. We dress up for a day in the market. You’re a Vixen mistress out for a day of shopping and fun. I’m your indentured servant along to carry your finds and accompany you. We work our way out from the docks. We go as far as we can, then find an inn and get a room for the night.”

“How will we pay for the inn?” Asked Aiko. “I don’t have any coin. And I’m fairly sure you don’t either.”

“Not yet. But I’ll take care of that. By the time we get to the edge of town I’ll have plenty of coins in the satchel to pay for what we need,” answered Sunset.

“So pick-pocketing is another one of your skills,” snarked Aiko.

“Among many others you may also mock,” agreed Sunset.

“Far be it from me to mock the mare who rescued me,” grinned Aiko.

“Yeah, not really a rescue until I have you home safe, so we’ll put a pin in that,” commented Sunset. “Speaking of which, actual introductions. Aiko, I’m pleased to meet you. As you know, Shimmering Sun is not my given name, nice as it was. My name is Sunset Shimmer, member of the Equestrian Battle Mage Corps, personal student of Princess Celestia, Regent. I’ve been sent by my Princess at the request of your embassy to rescue you and bring you home safely.” She held out her hoof.

“Pleased to meet you, Sunset Shimmer. As you know, I am Aiko Adobaizā, attaché to the Nipponies Council to Equestria. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.” Aiko bowed, and Sunset returned the courtesy.

“Very well, pleased to make your acquaintance, Aiko. I think for the time being, just call me servant, or Sanī if my name is needed. I will be your servant for the time being, and you will lead us on our little excursion through town to our eventual destination, your family’s residence so I can get you to safety,” responded Sunset.

“Where I will be required to commit ritual suicide to protect my family honor,” sighed Aiko.

“I will not let that happen,” assured Sunset. “Trust me, Aiko, after all we have been through, I’m not going to abandon you. If it comes to that, I’ll rescue you from that as well. I swear.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” smiled Aiko.

They dressed in the outfits Sunset found. Sunset’s highly visible coloration and marks were covered by a draped cream colored covering that reached almost to her hooves. Her tail was completely covered. Her mane and the gaudy bejeweled ring were covered by the cream colored vail, her horn protruding from the hole in its center, her eyes peering out, masked by gauzy films of fabric. The jeweled saddle bags were secured about her barrel over the draped dress by leather straps. She looked every bit the elegant servant ready to serve her mistress on her day out to market.

Aiko wore the dark rich robe Sunset selected for her, loosely laid across her shoulders and nethers secured only with two straps of dark fabric to keep it from slipping. The headdress completed her ensemble, giving her the air of a Vixen mistress out for a day of enjoyment with her loyal servant.

“Alright, I think we’re set. Aside from coinage, which I will gather as we travel, can you think of anything else we will need?” Asked Sunset.

“One of our first purchases should be a set of skins of water so we can drink as we travel. We will look out of place without them. Other than that, I do believe we are ready,” agreed Aiko.

“How much coin will we need to purchase those?” Asked Sunset.

“For two jeweled bags, and the juice to fill them, two gold pence and three coppers for the juice,” advised Aiko.

“Okay. I’ll give you a nod when I’ve pilfered sufficient coins to cover it. And maybe something to eat. I for one could definitely do with some food,” agreed Sunset.

Sunset reached out a hoof to Aiko. With a flash of teal they were outside of the warehouse. “This way,” advised Aiko, walking through the warehouses and heading into the city proper. Sunset followed along, to her right and one step behind. Together they passed into the marketplace, stopping occasionally to examine the offerings of the different merchants.

Aiko played her part to perfection, showing just enough interest to justify stopping and looking, but enough disinterest that her failure to engage with the merchant's efforts to capture her interest raised no one’s suspicions. As they passed through the merchants' stalls, no one noticed the slightest of teal glows on her servant’s hooves, nor the imperceptible slightest of pops from the merchants' money bags as they passed. Within a few minutes, Aiko got an almost imperceptible nod from her servant, and led them to a stall with jeweled skins to hold their beverages. She purchased two of them, bartering the merchant down to a gold pence apiece. He happily took them from her, placing them into his coin purse and providing the bags to Aiko, draping them over her servant, who was grinning under her coverings as with a slight pop her coins returned to her saddle bags, along with a few new companions.

Thanking the merchant, Aiko led them to a juice vendor who filled both skins with cold sweet nectar. Aiko helped her servant to drink her fill, then drank from her skin as well, in keeping with the teachings of the goddesses to show charity to those who serve them. She then led them to a food stall, where she purchased pickled eggs and prepared fruit which she again shared with her servant.

Together they drifted through the marketplace, always heading towards the city center. They reached the city’s center just before lunch, stopping again at another food vendor, this time for baked pears and seasoned fish for lunch. They refilled their juices then Aiko led them to a bath with private stalls, allowing them to relieve themselves and clean up for the day. Sunset gratefully performed her ablutions then joined her mistress in the bath, scrubbing them both then enjoying a brief soak before drying and redressing to resume their journey.

They continued towards the edge of the city. Aiko picked the pace up, moving them along so by the evening they were at their goal, an inn just before the road out to the surrounding countryside. Aiko purchased a room for the night, along with a dinner for both of them to be brought up to the room. Together they ate and relaxed, delighted that they had made it so far without incident. Aiko gratefully thanked the goddesses of the hunt for their success and survival.

Cleaning up from the meal, Sunset returned the dishes to the innkeeper, then returned to the room where the two elated but exhausted escapees turned in for the night, sleeping in a shared bed snuggled up together.

The next morning they rose with the sun. Sunset dressed quickly then went down to the inn’s tavern to request breakfast for her mistress and herself. While she was out Aiko performed her ablutions and washed up, dressing for the day. Sunset returned with their breakfast, porridge and dried fish, fruit, and eggs with tea. She laid it out at the table, then they ate together when Aiko returned. Sunset returned the tray to the innkeeper, then took her turn at ablutions and bathing for the day. Dressing again, she returned to her room, finding Aiko packed and ready to go. She slipped on her saddle bags and turned to Aiko.

“So, how far to your family’s estate?” Asked Sunset.

“About a day’s travel,” answered Aiko. “We should arrive by early afternoon if all goes well.”

“Lead on then,” smiled Sunset. “The sooner we get you home the quicker this nightmare is over.” Aiko led them out of the inn, settling their debt with the innkeeper on the way out. Together they headed out into the countryside, following the winding path through the brush and brambles of the wooded hillsides. They passed other travelers along the path, mostly merchants heading to or from the city to ply their wares.

They stopped in a clearing for lunch, salted fish, pickled eggs and vegetables, with the last of the juice saved from breakfast. Cleaning their skins, Sunset filled them with fresh water from a nearby stream. They headed back down the path.

A short time later Sunset turned to Aiko. “We’re being followed,” she said quietly. “Two foxes on the path behind us, another four tracking us from the woods around us. I do believe we are being hunted.”

“It’s probably a band of bandits. They have been known to roam these woods. They likely find us an attractive target, a single vixen and her servant. They most probably intend to rob us, have some sport with us, then either ransom us or sell us back into slavery. So what’s the plan?” Responded Aiko in a whisper.

“I’ve prepared a few defensive spells. We wait for them to strike, then respond,” answered Sunset. They continued along, acting as if nothing was amiss.

“So sport, huh? Why does that not sound like something I would want to experience,” whispered Sunset.

“Because our services at the brothel were considered sport,” answered Aiko.

“Oh,” replied Sunset. “That figures. I don’t really want to be anyone’s sport.”

“Nor I,” agreed Aiko.

They trotted and loped for a few more minutes. Sunset turned to Aiko. “They’re closing in. Get ready.”

Aiko nodded almost imperceptibly. A moment later there was a snap from the brush as a fox leapt out at them, claws extended as he flew through the air towards Aiko and her servant. Sunset wheeled into a buck, her hind hooves smashing into the foxes chest, sending him spinning and flying back into the brush.

Almost immediately five more foxes burst from the brush, completely surrounding them as they leapt at them from all sides. With a flash of teal they all bounced off of a bubble shield then dropped insensate to the ground. They sixth fox reappeared, levitating in a teal glow to be dropped alongside his leash mates.

Aiko watched incredulously. “What just happened?” She asked.

“Zebrican battle magic,” snarked Sunset, catching her breath.

“I thought you had to touch them to do that,” asked Aiko, confused.

“Oh, I definitely put the touch on them,” agreed Sunset. “They’ll be feeling that for a while.”

“So, what, we just leave them?” Asked Aiko. “Won’t they just hunt us down again as soon as they wake?”

“I don’t know,” admitted Sunset. “You tell me? Would they think to cut their losses? Turn tail and find easier game? Or would they feel dishonored and chase us down to avenge the insult?”

“I don’t know. But given how aggressive their attack was, I suspect they are long on attitude and short on common sense. More experienced hunters would have kept something in reserve in case of a surprise like you gave them. They just barreled in, clearly expecting to overwhelm us completely,” observed Aiko.

“So basically young, dumb, and full of..” Sunset started to say.

“Yes, exactly,” agreed Aiko, cutting her off.

“Lovely. Okay, I guess we have to leave them for another to find. One moment,” Sunset commented.

Her hooves glowed teal, and the bandits were raised up from the ground in a teal glow, levitating towards some larger brush. They were pushed roughly up against the bushes as vines and brambles over grew them, wrapping them tightly against the brush. A hedge grew up before them, spelling out “Bandits” in flowing kanji’s for all to see.

Aiko laughed. “They’re screwed. Don’t think anyone will want to let them go seeing that,” she commented.

“Glad to hear that,” agreed Sunset, heading down the path. Aiko loped after her.

“Remind me not to piss you off,” laughed Aiko.

Sunset grinned at her friend. “Don’t piss me off,” she snarked.

Aiko smacked her flank with a paw. “Smart flank.”

“Why thank you,” laughed Sunset.

They traveled together the remainder of the day with no further attacks or incidents. By that evening they were in sight of Aiko’s family home. As they approached the home’s main gate, Aiko turned to her friend. “Remember what I said, and don’t be surprised when this goes as I said. I’m counting on you to save me. I don’t want to die here,” she whispered.

“I promise you won’t,” assured Sunset.

They stopped at the gate, where Aiko rang a bell. As the tones died away, a servant approached. Bowing, he called out to them. “Please state your name and purpose,” he requested.

Aiko and Sunset returned the bow. “I am Aiko Adobaizā, returning home with my friend,” she stated.

“I am Sunset Shimmer, Equestrian Mage, and friend of Aiko,” replied Sunset.

“Aiko?” Responded the servant. “How can that be? We were told she had been kidnapped in Equestria?”

“As I was, and now I am here,” responded Aiko.

“One moment,” responded the servant, hurrying back to the house.

Moments later, the doors burst open and a pair of Kitsune rushed forward, an older vixen and fox. They pulled the gate open and rushed out, embracing Aiko.

“I thought I would never see you again,” sobbed the vixen. “They said you were kidnapped and had been sold into slavery. We thought you were gone forever!”

The fox cried quietly, holding tightly onto his lost daughter with his weeping wife. Sunset stood back, smiling at the family reunion.

Together, the pair led them back into the house, where they sat at a short table as their servant served them tea. Aiko launched into her story, describing her last day at work, her abduction and fight back against her attacker, her capture and journey in a crate as a captive back across the ocean, then her drugged use as a sex slave in a brothel until being rescued by her friend.

Sunset gave them a brief version of her story, how she had been tasked by her princess to rescue Aiko at the request of the Consul and her friends. She told them she had arranged to be captured by the same group then searched for their daughter as a sex slave at the brothels until she found her, than arraigned their escape together. She described how they had become friends as they planned their escape and their escapades to get Aiko back to her family.

The couple tearfully thanked her for returning their beloved daughter to them and invited her to stay with them for a while before returning to Equestria. Sunset gratefully accepted.

Her parents left to go spread the news of their daughter’s return. Sunset turned to Aiko. “See!” She said, “They’re overjoyed to see you! Not one peep of disappointment or dishonor. They would never ask you to do such a horrible thing.”

Aiko smiled at her friend. “Do not forget your promise. The evening is young and we have not heard from the rest of my clan. I will hold you to your promise,” she whispered.

“And I will not fail you should you need me,” assured Sunset.

A while later her father returned, sitting with them at the table. “We were able to contact your uncle. He will join us for dinner,” he informed them. They shared stories, Aiko of her work at the Consulate, and he of the family events since she had left overseas. Sunset just listened and nodded, smiling at the tales. Eventually her father had to leave to prepare to greet his guest, and Sunset and Aiko retired to her bedroom to clean from their journey and prepare for dinner. They used her private bathroom to perform their ablutions and wash, dressing in simple silk robes for dinner.

Returning to the dining room they were greeted by a three tailed Kitsune fox, already seated at the table with their parents.

“Uncle,” Aiko bowed deeply, Sunset following her lead.

“Rise,” commanded her uncle casually. “So the prodigal daughter has returned home. Your parents have informed me you have had quite an adventure. Perhaps we may speak more about it later, after dinner.”

“As you wish, my uncle,” replied Aiko, taking her seat at the table, Sunset at her side.

“And who might this mare be?” Inquired her uncle, turning to Sunset.

Sunset was about to introduce herself when a paw from her friend stopped her. “Uncle, this is the mare that rescued me from the slavery I had been sold into. She is a Samurai of the Equestrian Princess, sent to rescue me, and a dear friend. Her name is Sunset Shimmer,” responded Aiko, bowing to her uncle. Sunset again followed her lead.

“A pleasure to meet an Equestrian Samurai, Miss Shimmer. I have heard tales of the mages. Thank you for your efforts to rescue my niece,” replied her uncle.

“It was my honor, sir,” replied Sunset, still bowed. He nodded, acknowledging her bow, releasing them both to return to sitting.

The dinner was then served, while discussions turned to family matters and affairs of state. After dinner was cleared away, her uncle turned to Aiko. “Okay my niece, please tell me the complete story. I got some bits from your parents, but need to hear from you exactly what happened. Please, tell me,” he requested.

Aiko related again the story, how she was captured on the street while running errands, her fighting back against her attacker, being subdued then shipped as live freight back to Nippony. How she was handed over to the Yak-uza, drugged and used as a sex slave in their brothels. She related how Sunset had tracked her down, arranging her own capture by the same gang that had captured her, then following her through the brothels until she found her, then had helped clear her body of the drugs used to sedate her, and plan and execute their escape from their captors.

As she related her tale, her uncle appeared saddened. When she finished, he turned to her deeply moved. “Aiko, what you have been through breaks my heart, and it pains me to say this. But what has happened to you will be seen as bringing dishonor to our family and our clan. Aiko, I am so sorry, but I must ask you to ritually suicide. You must do this to protect our clan’s honor. I’m so very sorry.”

On hearing this, her mother wept bitterly, held tightly by her father, his own head bowed in disappointment. Sunset started to speak out in defense of her friend, but Aiko put a paw on her shoulder, silencing her friend.

“I will not dishonor my family or clan. I will do what I must,” replied Aiko, bowing to her uncle.

“I am truly sorry, my dear niece,” her uncle rose, and crossing over to her enfolded her in a hug. “Please forgive me for adding to your suffering. And thank you for your heroic sacrifice. You will not be forgotten,” he promised.

Sunset looked on in complete shock at her friend. Aiko smiled gently at her. “If I may, I would like to spend the night with my dear friend. I will perform the ritual tomorrow evening, with my friend as my second. I will explain to her what is required, and she will protect my honor.”

Her father and uncle nodded sadly as her mother continued her heart wrenching sobbing. Aiko rose, and hugged each of them, then retired to her room with Sunset. “Well, hate to say I told you so, but there it is,” commented Aiko, shutting the door.

“Tell me you don’t really intend to go through with this,” asked Sunset incredulously.

“Only if you can’t save me from it. At this point I have to appear to have done this, and disappear. Can you help me with that? Is that something you can do?” Asked Aiko.

“Tell me exactly how this has to happen, and we’ll work back from there,” replied Sunset.

Aiko explained how Seppuku worked. Sunset was horrified, but listened intently, trying to put together a plan to save her friend. When Aiko finished describing what would happen tomorrow, Sunset suggested they bathe then retire for the day.

They performed their ablutions, scrubbed then soaked in the bath, relaxing quietly together. After an hour of silent soaking, they returned to Aiko’s bedroom and climbed into bed. Sunset snuggled up beside her friend. “We got this,” she whispered. “I’ve got a plan. Just do as I say and we’ll get through this, and I’ll get you out of here, with your family’s honor intact and your life spared. We’ll get through this.”

Together, they fell asleep, ready for the following day.

Author's Note:

Sunset and Aiko finally get her home. Too bad home isn’t what they hoped. Death by Honor is exactly what Aiko expected. But not what either of them is willing to die from.