• Member Since 19th Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


You cannot appreciate the light without seeing the darkness. Donations welcome. https://www.patreon.com/Caladis

Comments ( 50 )

going from all of the down votes i am guessing you have a few haters stalking you..
this story shows a bit of promise.
give it a bit of polishing and fleshing out and you will have something good here.

Yeah. I wrote a foalcon story on a dare. I knew it wouldn't be popular but I wanted to broaden my horizons.

Should I unpublish the first story I wrote or continue to stand by even my bad works?

why all the down votes the story is good

sad to say it is just hatters being hatters.

this story has improved a good bit, the last two chapter look way better.

Thank you. Your advice did help

High praise, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

i can say i am rather impressed, your story has really developed nicely.

well i can say you have come a long way in your righting.

this is a really good chapter, and as for clop you did this right just the right amount of detail and let the readers mind fill in the blanks.

Yeah, I never really intended to write 'clop' so I go with a less is more style

Oh this is a really good chapter.
this story is really growing too be a amazing story.


This way of description is very embarrassing.
Maybe this girl is black.That would explain all the misfortunes in her life.
This girl reminds me of Disney's Black Mermaid and Black Snow White.
She has dirty-braided hair, sickly lips, and a face as white as coal.
Magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the woman who picks the whitest cotton on the plantation.
It's Snow White.
Therefore, the queen hated Snow White very much, because the cotton she picked was always as white as snow...

I'm not sure how to respond to this. Bad things can happen to good people regardless of age, race or religion. Most authors portray 'Anon' type characters as having green skin to avoid normal racial stereotypes.

In fact, anonymous is mostly male, and if you stick to women, you'll lose a lot of readers.
Because being a woman doesn't make them feel that way.Not to mention having sex with a stallion.

I wanted to try a female Anon specifically because it hasn't been done much. I'm just trying to write a good story, I don't claim to be an expert on relationships.

But to your other point. There are hundreds of stories with a male human Anon having intimate relationships with the Mare's of Equestria and I don't see people saying anything about that. There shouldn't be a difference if it's a female human with a pony or a male human with a pony.

The situation is different, this fan group is mostly male.
We were all drawn to the mare of this anime.We all like mares.
If you keep writing about this subject, you'll only get the attention of a minority of gay and transgender people.

i like the chapter.
things did feel a bit rushed but not to bade.

Ok, I just caught up and this doesn't deserve the downvotes at all. While it's no work of Shakespeare, its not too bad either. The story is pretty good. Your chapter scenarios are well done, your conversations are pretty smooth.



In fact, anonymous is mostly male, and if you stick to women, you'll lose a lot of readers.
Because being a woman doesn't make them feel that way.Not to mention having sex with a stallion.

Point I hadn't thought of. So your saying that reders imagine themselves as Anon and they cant get past this version is a female because of the name?

Perhaps renaming her FemAnon. There are several character uses of that name here. (or just Annie)

Either way, I don't see this as a failure of a story at all. Not even close. Its a strong start for a first story. Perfect? No, but not bad either.

After power reading through this I have to say I like it with the caveat that the romance was a tad bit rushed. I do so look forward to the next update

A pony who thinks he's running out of time might be tempted to rush things.

Thank you for the compliment though

this is going to be interesting to see play out.

Just started reading your story today and I like it so far. Always a fan of the style where things are "normal" like we saw in the show but you as the writer add a touch more depth to the world so it's not all rainbows and sunshine👍

It's been criticized as not being dark enough. I'm glad that you like it

well dang i was hopping for a little foal running around.

this is good. i like this chapter.

Original song 'Hurt' by Johnny Cash

at the risk of being that guy, no hurt was not by Johnny Cash its by Trent Reznor. To be fare Johnny's cover is amazing but it is a cover

I never knew it was a cover but I do like Johnny's version. I'll give the original a listen today


Good story so far! I'm hoping for a pregnancy from all there playing around

3 Awesome chapter but you missed a really good chance of Twi wetting herself. :pinkiehappy: :facehoof:

this story is progressing amazingly.

Can I hit unlike and relike again? damn this chapter hits hard

either this goes really bad really quickly or there is no reason for so many down votes.

Keep reading. I'd like to think it gets better

Why does it say I have not read any thing in this story, I definitely have, I'll just have to read it again then

Oh I see I am mistaken this story shares a cover art with another

So good! Only 10 chapters in and I’m loving it!

ok wow the last few chapters are really good love how Midnight got back at Luna.

really enjoying this story.

Good to see you back. Chapter 22 coming soon. Got side tracked with other more popular projects.

Crash read your story, which took up the entire afternoon. Gotta say, I wasn't disappointed. Thoroughly enjoyed the tale, even if it did take out of the original canon slightly in a manner.

Now, did you mean to finish this story? You last comment was near six months ago... :twilightsmile:

I have the next chapter halfway done but I keep getting side tracked with contest stories, requests and commissions. I do plan to finish the story.

Thanks for the reply. I will keep this story tracked. You character Midnight is quite a pony...


a new chapter wooohoo
amazing chapter,,
i can only think of 2 pony's i would make Death Lord.
Shining Armor

I've been wondering if this story would ever be updated, and yet here is another chapter! Saints above, and Holy Faust, I do hope to read more of Midnight and Anon in this alt universe setting. (I am also going to have to keep this Midnight and another Midnight character from a far different story I've been following separate...)
Life goes on again... :twilightsmile:

Man, I hope he gets a hold of the sick ---- that did that to the foal

Was shocked to see the update but man you did not fail to deliver on another great chapter!

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