• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Diamond Sparkle

I am pleased I joined here and hope to rp on YM with someone.


After Diamond Tiara is tragically killed in a freak accident on a school trip, wanting to keep this from his wife Screwball in case it sends her into insanity, Filthy Rich does a deal with a Changeling to gain a replacement daughter. But things do not go according to plan, as the Changeling has it's own needs...

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 18 )

Diamond's last thoughts is that she wants her father to replace her with a Changeling after she dies. Wut.

I really don't see what everyone's wutting about. I was more "Wut" when i read the description and saw that Filthy was married to Screwball.

Although the concept was good, The writing style was a little lacking, and some of the characters were very out of character at points.
But I'll give you credit for the idea.

Why the sad label? no one likes diamond tiara

After Diamond Tiara is tragically killed in a freak accident on a school trip

You heartless bastard. I know, we all hate her, but she died. Be nice.

Swift Climb's horn glowed softly as he tapped another iron brace into the side of El Chevalier. From when he was a young foal he had deeply envied the pegusai with their ability to soar upon the winds. Since as a unicorn he could not fly, he had taken up the profession of mountain climbing, and a job as a waiter at a bar frequented by pegusai so that he could overhear their flight stories.

How would a horn glow any other way then softly? It's not going to glow hardcore. That just sounds stupid.
Nobody knows what 'El Chevalier' is.
How does a horse climb a mountain? How does that even become a profession? Unless he's an explorer of some kind, he's not going to get paid to climb mountains.
You misspelled 'pegasi' twice.

He well understood the possible dangers;even in the best possible weather a slip in the wrong place could lead to a painful death upon the rocks down below. He also knew that for years now El Chevalier had been closed to climbers due to the danger of dislodged rocks falling upon other ponies down below. The Princesses had decided that whilst they had nothing against mountain climbers risking life and limb it was another thing entirely when their actions put everypony down below in danger. As such he was on his own here; there was no pegusai rescue service for those who fell as there was at many other mountains. Yet the desire to scale one of the few mountains he had not yet climbed was too strong

'He understood'
Do you even know what a semicolon is for?
'Everypony down below'? How big are these mountains, and how long are the ponies watching for?
'As such he was on his own here'
This doesn't even fit into the context of the paragraph. What are you doing?
Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi. Pegasi.
'Although, his burning desire to scale an untouched mountain was spreading throughout his mind, day by day.'

Down below Miss Cherrilee gently shepherded her class off the train. For the annual school trip this year she had taken her class to see El Chevalier and the edge of the Everfree Forest, preserved as a national park at least partly because it was dangerous for anypony to live here in the long term. "Alright, everypony listen up. Nopony is to enter the forest, it's just not safe. That means you, Cutie Mark Crusaders."

You changed tenses here. Quit it.
Yes, I'm sure looking at nature - especially the Everfree, where vicious creatures lurk - is totally in the Equestrian School Curriculum. Also, it's getting more and more obivous that El Chevalier is a mountain, but you could have specified earlier.
Cheerilee is out of character. She's a teacher, not a drill instructor.
Why only partly? The Everfree is dangerous and shouldn't have anypony living inside it, anywhere. Except Zecora, she's one bad motherfucker. I digress. Normal pones shouldn't be able to enter without special privileges, it's dangerous as fuck.

Apple Bloom sighed loudly and rolled her eyes.

"I may seem to be a killjoy to you, but I'd really rather not have to explain to your parents how you vanished down the throat of a hydra or were eaten by a serpent because you decided to try and get an explorer's cutie mark. The other rules are...don't feed the animals if you see any and do not, whatever you do, take a parasprite home with you. Those things multiply like crazy and are a menace in the civilized areas. Here their predators keep them in check. Let's go."

'Applebloom released an audible sigh, followed by a roll of the eyes'.
She's not even in character. That's something Scootaloo might do.
Yeah, okay, talking about brutal death totally won't scar those kids. Great thinking, Cheerilee.
That's also a great idea! Take them into the forest full of vicious creatures, each of which whom have a passion to kill talking horses.

I haven't got the time to finish editing each paragraph, the errors continue in that same pattern, characters out of character, dumb plot development, plot holes, tense changes, the list goes on.
Your grammar is atrocious - worse than mine. That's saying a lot, although I'm fine with capitalization and spelling, my punctuation, formatting, etc. is way off.

-TeXXy, FCR member.
"I think I see a barrage of snowballs..."
(This isn't a rip off of TWE, we swear!)

It has that mindbuck style sad feeling too it while still feeding off of Diamond Tiara's inner evil...even her as a changeling.... love this!!!!

*sighs* The problem with this, is it just all...comes out of NOWHERE. It feels like...well, it feels like the characters are just puppets on a string. You're not establishing anything, not setting things up. Things just HAPPEN.

Essentially, as a coherant story, it collapses right around the "OH BUCK".

A bit strange, and especially in the second chapter, everything goes far too fast, but I think something good can come out of this.

Smudboy, can you just scan Mass Effect 2 and Deus Ex again? Doing this on Fanfictions is a bit harsh.
(The joke? TEH JOKE)

I don't want to upset you but,

whatever you do, take a parasprite

Cheerilee wants them to take a parasprite home?:rainbowhuh:

your concept as a story is great and I was looking forward to reading it.
But your execution is sadly lacking. and I found myself disappointed as soon as Diamond died. I stuck with it and read both chapters to see if it would improve. I'm sorry that it didn't.
Your story is rushed, your details are non-existent and there is little to nothing in terms plot or character development.
It's all cold and brief details, no interaction between characters.
Diamond just decided her dad should find a changeling? she willed herself to die? Rich decided to go along with it so readily? Trixie found one so easily?
the whole reason for finding a changeling; so that the Rich family -her mother especially- wouldn't have to suffer losing her. that detail of the plot never comes up again?
seeing some interaction between changeling-Diamond and her parents or her friends and even the CMC's would improve it, add depth to the story. Surely the changeling couldn't get all the information it needed from a diary, so it would have a big fitting in period. there should always be that tension brought from the danger of discovery.

the story could have been so much better.

3588353 Hey, at least you liked the basic idea.

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