• Published 11th Sep 2022
  • 326 Views, 2 Comments

Gladmane's Speech - Lamasioux

Gladmane just won New Mareland's first presidental election and is now giving his inauguration speech.

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The Speech

Gladmane looked out at the crowd that awaited before him below. Guards surrounded him, not in a way to protect him firstly, but in a ceremonial way. The seats that surrounded the upper deck above the crowd were packed full with ponies from the government. They, among many of the citizens down below in the crowd, had all played some part in not only the election of him, but also the independence of the country.

All preparation had been completed and Gladmane had made it. All he had to do now was give his inauguration speech, finish the day and he would be on his way to pathing history for the new found country. And so it was time. Gladmane stepped up onto the podium and got right to speaking, as he had done through all his campaigns before.

“Governor-General Jet Set, Princess Celestia, Kingfisher and all fellow creatures of New Mareland, thank you. We creatures with our new found independence in this world are now tasked with furthering our interests and building a great country that we can all call home in this corner of the world. Together we will determine the direction the country will take. Regardless of what challenges and hardships we face, whether we go through our own Storm King or deal with the unstable growth of the griffon empires that surround us, we will get the job done.

For the first time in our country's history, we gather here on the steps of Sunset to carry out the first transfer of power to the first elected president. Governor-General Jet Set has my thanks and support for his aid in this transition.

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we not merely transfer the power from Equestria’s last hold on the country over to it’s own independent, self ruling government, but back to you, the creatures.

For too long, Equestria has ignored us as a subject, leaving us to our own in our times of need. Equestria flourished, but it did not share its wealth during Black Wednesday. Equestria prospered in jobs, but neglected to help build us up. Equestria put in the time to help and bring back Luna, forgiving her, but couldn’t put in the same effort to help us through our Depression. Their victories and success have been without us for some time now. That all changes, starting right here and right now, because this independence is also your independence.

What matters now is the prosperity of ourselves on this continent. February 3rd, 1008 will be remembered as the day the creatures themselves became the true rulers of this nation. At the center of this change is the conviction that this country is to serve its citizens. New Marelanders want a prosperous life for themselves and their family. They want the best education money can provide and good jobs. These are just and reasonable demands of righteous creatures, but for too many of our citizens a different reality exists. Mothers and fillies held under by poverty and fathers unable to provide during this depressed time, schools funded by us but being pocketed by the administrations running them which prevents our future generations from succeeding, and the northern and eastern griffons causing worry unneeded in today's time. Today, that stops, here and now.

We are our own country now and the pain of its people is solely our pain now. Your dreams are our dreams and your success is our success. We share one home and one destiny together. The oath of office, I take today, is an oath of allegiance to all New Marelanders. For decades we’ve relied on Equestrian support to help us through troubling times, but in recent times have we seen empires collapse and prove that subjects to others at the end are always on their own. After Equestria left us to our own economic downfall in ‘99, do we now realize we must build ourselves up beyond their expectations and show them that domains under their watch can be powerful and wealthy if left to their own.

But Equestria is in the past, separated by the wall of an ocean. We assemble here today to move forward from the ideas and thoughts of Canterlot by solidifying our spot on Griffus as our home. Even with the bordering griffons and their antique ways of leadership, we will put New Marelanders first, everytime.

Every decision on trade, taxes, immigration and foreign affairs will be made to benefit the families and creatures of New Mareland. We will advance faster than our neighbors and become a bastion of freedom. Griffons will flock to us as they see our country rise and theirs fall, but we will not let them undermine the citizens of New Mareland. New Marelanders will come first, and in order to do this, we will follow two simple rules so no outsider can disrupt our new country. We will buy New Mareland, and hire New Marelanders.

We will seek friendship and goodwill with what nations will us their ears, but they will not be our priority. We will form alliances when possible so we can stand our ground against whatever nation threatens us, but they, nor us, will impose our ways of life onto you.

At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to New Mareland, and through our loyalty to our country, we will discover our loyalty to each other. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements, but always pursue solidarity. When New Mareland becomes united, we will be unbreachable. We will be protected by the great creatures of our military.

Finally we must think big and dream even bigger. In New Mareland, we must understand that a nation is only living as it is striving. We won’t accept politicians who are all talk and no action or ones who only bark orders and don’t help. The time of empty talk and action is over. Now arrives the hour of action. Do not allow anycreature to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the coming heart and spirits of New Mareland. Our country will thrive and prosper, just as the rest.

We stand at the birth of a new, ready to unlock the mysteries of the world. We will harness the industrial advancements and the technologies of tomorrow. A national pride will stir our souls, and lift our sights. It’s time that we all enjoy the same freedoms. Whether a foal or cub is born in the urban sprawl of New Manehattan or the windswept plains of Hoovesplain, they will look up at the same night sky and fill their heart with the same dreams.

So to all New Marelanders, in every city near and far, small and large, from islands to rivers, hear these words. You will never be ignored again. Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our new destiny. And your courage and goodness and love, will forever guide us along the way. Together, we will make New Mareland strong. We will make New Mareland wealthy. We will make New Mareland proud. We will make New Mareland safe, and yes, together, we will make New Mareland great. Thank you!”

As Gladmane finished off his last remaining words, the crowd below erupted in cheers and hollars. They showed no signs of stopping so Jet Set, who was seated behind him, stood up and came to the podium and got the crowd's attention.

Jet Set, along with what seemed to be an endless stream of government officials came up to Gladmane and said various things and the whatnot, all of which passed through him the moment he realized it was worthless, with the occasional comment being worthwhile to remember.

At the end of the inauguration, when all farewells were said for the day to the crowd and to each other on the balcony, Gladmane finally had his break and was able to leave. It was only now that Gladmane started to get all giddy and smiley about the situation.

The speech? He didn’t care. The government? He didn’t care. The presidency? He didn’t care.

The money? He cared.

All he could think about now was how would he profit the most out of this position.

Comments ( 2 )

Wow, quite a plot twist. Gladmane's speech was rather convincing. Good job!

What do you mean plot twist?
Also thank you for liking it.

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