• Published 29th Aug 2022
  • 324 Views, 5 Comments

Hoity: The Untold Story - CrackedInkWell

Anyone in the fashion world knows Hoity Toity. The fashion designer and critic that is respected as a trend setter. But what most ponies don't know is the pony himself. Who was he before his rose to fame? His life has remained untold... until now.

  • ...

1 - A Change in Blue

Hoity hoped that this would work. Inside an office with a big mahogany desk in the center, he sat across the stallion that weighed his future. The name of this stallion who would determine his fate was etched on a plaque on the desk - Prof Letter - a unicorn in a dark suit and tie who looked like he needed a coffee break. His tired eyes scanned the transcript application like a layer going through a contract. While he examined it, Hoity looked around the office that showed a couple of college degrees, a photo of the staff, a picture of a kitten, a bookshelf that had dozens of binders, and the large window that looked out towards the streets of Canterlot.

He heard a cough from the older stallion that demanded his full attention. “Okay, so from what I can see, you're overall a pretty good student from your classes. Grades are acceptable, paperwork is all in order.”

Hoity raised an eyebrow, trying not to show his nervousness. “But?”

“Nothing, it’s just… I’m finding all of this a little odd.”

“What do you mean?”

“For starters, from what I can see from this,” he held up the application, “there isn’t an address on this.”

“To be fair, we just moved to Canterlot from Ponyville. Currently, we’re residing at my aunt’s place and still looking for a house.”

“Even so… I still find it odd that a fifteen-year-old is here getting enrolled in my charter school but you don’t have either parent here. Only you.”

“But to be fair, it’s been chaotic over the past couple of days. Dad working and mom finding a new house - still looking. Their schedules had been in such a mess that I was told to come here to apply, being a student here myself. But still,” he pointed towards the bottom lines of the application, “they did sign that to have me enrolled.”

“I can see that,” Prof put the application down on the desk. “Normally I would ask the parents a few questions before we enroll any new students at the school - but given the circumstances, I suppose I will have to ask you. What made you want to enroll here at Polaris Academe?”

Taking in a deep breath, Hoity took a moment to gather up his thoughts. “Before I answer that, Mr. Letter, do you mind if I ask you something?” He was told to go ahead. “Is there any policy regarding students of sexual orientation?”

“Well, we have an anti-discrimination policy in place where it includes students and teachers ranging from being discriminated against by tribe, species, social status, income, sex, sexual orientation, and identity. Why?”

“Let’s say… I want to be in a school where me being uh… gay… isn’t a problem.”

“Oh…” Prof looked down at the application for a moment. “It shouldn’t be. All we care about is if you had good grades and turned in assignments and projects on time.”

“As opposed to Ponyville that isn’t as… how you say… as forward thinking. When moving here to Canterlot… I wanted to go to school where I would be treated like a pony. But to your question, this school makes the most sense because the idea of completing projects and problem solving is needed to pass. Honestly, I think it’s a perfect fit for me because I’m good with my hooves. And if I’m given the right materials, I can do all sorts of things. I promise I won’t be lazy but spend my time crafting a future.”

“Which leads to the next question: What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“Ideally? Perhaps go up as a designer or a critic.”

“For what?”

“Fashion. Learn how to make clothes and how to sell them.”

Prof hummed, “I hear it’s a tough business. Not many are successful in that field.”

“Which is why I want to come here. To learn what made those in the past so great and how I can build on that.”

“Like your mane, for example?”

Hoity paused to reach back to the ponytail. “What about it?”

“To me, it looks like one of those wings from a couple of hundred years ago. The white powdered kind with curls on the side of your head and has a ponytail that’s tied with a ribbon. You have the same look - black ribbon and everything.”

“This isn’t a wig. And… Yes, I may have taken some inspiration from it. But the point being I want to take the good stuff from the past to see if they can be useful in the present.”

“Sounds to me that you already have a vision for yourself. Which is always good to hear.”

“How come?”

“It’s the foundation of having ambition. You can’t have that unless you have the vision to anchor yourself to. A guideline in where you want to go.”

“Are there any other questions you have?”

Prof thought about it for a moment, “Do you know when you and your parents will be taking residence?”

“It’s hard to tell,” Hoity shrugged, “Dad said it’s rather frustrating that he can’t find anything yet.”

“I thought you said your mother was looking for a house?” Prof raised an eyebrow.

“Uh well… She is, dad has been looking as well.” Hoity lied, hoping the older stallion wouldn’t notice.

After a hum, Prof handed the application back to him. “Well as soon as you do know where you’ll be staying, let us know. In the meantime, go over to an adviser so you can know what classes you’ll be taking.”

Hoity blinked, “You mean…?”

“Welcome to Polaris Academe, Hoity. Be sure to come on time tomorrow morning at 7:30.”

Before Prof could get up, Hoity had rushed around the desk to hug him. “Oh thank you! Thank you so much!”

“Your… welcome?” Prof gently pushed him away by his hoof. “Now go finish picking out classes.” After Hoity went away, closing the door, Prof had the feeling that perhaps, this fifteen-year-old wasn’t telling him everything. What exactly? He didn’t know.

Bright and early, students for the Academe came, and there was already talk about the new colt in town. It was thought he had suddenly appeared before the school was even open. A gray Earth pony with a white wig and tail that looked as though it was a powdered wig. He strode through the halls like a runway model. And given what he had on, he seemed to be much better dressed than anyone in the school.

A dress shirt of light blue with a copper tie, and an overcoat of turquoise that drew most of the attention. Stitched along the coat was the pattern of peacock feathers that had dozens of eyes with reflective buttons. It was certainly more eye-catching than anything the students wore. Even the young mares eyed him with a mixture of awe and envy.

There was certainly a sense of grandeur and mystery since many students were sure they’d never seen this face before. Hoity as he went up and down the halls could hear the whispers that were aimed at him. Was he a foreign exchange student? Maybe some rich kid that had recently moved to Canterlot? Where did he get the clothes from? Who was he? It brought a smile to Hoity’s face at keeping these students guessing, letting their imaginations fill in the blanks. The longer he went about, the more fantastical the rumors became before the first bell was heard.

“Maybe he gets his clothes tailored-made?”

“I’ve heard that he’s a prince from Manedia.”

“His family must be wealthy to have him go around like that.”

“Where can I buy that?”

So much intrigue is being generated around the young stallion. Strode about like the lead actor in a play with the attention of everyone in his hoof. It gave him a sense of control over how they see him - and he preferred that. Let them guess, let them gawk and wonder. Let them come up with theories about who he was and where he came from.

For all he knew, it was better than the reality.

“Where did you get the clothes from?” Hoity stopped to see who spoke to him. A unicorn that was clear to him that had wealth written all over. A bright red mane that obviously had gold extensions, a pristine light blue coat that was perfumed in lavender and orange blossom, and she had on a white sweater that was brand new.

“What? This old thing?” Hoity held up his foreleg that the sleeve had the reflective eye design. “I figured that I made some improvements beforehoof. To give it some character.”

“So you made this?”

“I wouldn’t say that; more like I improved it.” That wasn’t a lie. It was true that Hoity didn’t make these clothes, but the stitching and extra buttons were his own invention from the night before. “Personally, I think it’s much better this way.”

“Even so… It looks like something you would see in a high-end boutique.”

“Why thank you… I’m sorry, I don’t think I got what your name was.”

“Orchid Drop, and what about you? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“Hoity,” he offered her his hoof to shake, “Hoity Toity. I’ve just recently moved to Canterlot.”

“Oh! No wonder why I didn’t recognize you.” She shook his hoof and added, “I’m good at recognizing faces and I was confused. Still, welcome to Canterlot.” Orchid leaned her head over to the side and asked, “So what does your cutie mark mean?”

Hoity looked over at the mark on his flank - an old folding fan that has golden handles. “It means that I have the talent of taking something old and creating something new out of it. Like these clothes, for instance. I wasn’t kidding when I say that these are old clothes. Yet with some stitching and well-placed buttons, even this can be made stunning.”

“Still… that is impressive. You could give my friends a few pointers.”


“Well, don’t tell them that I said this, but they’re the kind that could buy the most expensive clothes and still look a bit… off.”

“What can I say, I have an eye for detail.”

Just then, the bell rang.

“I gotta go,” Orchid picked up her books, and before she went off to her first class of the day, she asked, “Hey, would you mind sitting with my friends for lunch? We’re always by the big window, right in the middle.”

Hoity said that he would as he too left for the first period.

As promised, when the lunch bell was heard that the students stampede to the cafeteria, and Hoity got his food, he went looking for the filly he ran into that morning. On the other end of a large room is a big window that looked out towards Equestria. Going between several tables, he found the one that was in the middle where Orchid was. Sitting by her were two other fillies - whom she introduced as Ivy Petal and Cinnamon Glow.

Ivy was a green unicorn that carried around the latest magazine of the latest trend in her pursuit. At first, Hoity secretly thought of her as shallow, but she looked through these developing trends with a critical eye where she would critique them in telling how long this or that will last. If something meets her approval, she would proclaim that this or that will be the next best thing - and if something was ridiculous or impractical, she was the first one in the group to rip it into pieces.

Cinnamon on the other hoof had an obsession with trying to get her hooves on the latest thing. It didn’t matter what exactly. It could be the latest hat, the latest makeup brand, the latest horseshoes - she had to have it. Every few days she would come to school with the newest and latest, as a way to “keep up with the times.”

Orchid, as Hoity grew to know, had an eye for aesthetics when it comes to fashion. Someone who had put the extra time to put whatever on that made her look good. On some days, Hoity would be impressed by her for her creativity in mixing and matching her wardrobe to make it as though she was a run model.

For Hoity, years later, he had learned a great deal from these three that helped him gain an identity in the fashion world.

At the time, however, Hoity made the effort in befriending them. Try to find common ground in their interests, listen to their latest gossip over this and that, and from time to time crack a joke that would get them laughing. Whatever it took to make sure that he would find security.

Weeks went by, and behind Hoity’s back, Orchard, Ivy, and Cinnamon had noticed a few… strange things about the new colt. For one, he never says where exactly he lives nor goes into detail about who his parents are. Hoity would gladly talk about nearly anything else - from trivia facts about what fashion was like during the Renaissance to cracking a joke about how awful this or that teacher is. But if asked what his parents do or where he had moved from, he immediately would change the subject.

By the third week of school, it was apparent that Hoity was hiding something. What exactly…? None of them knew. They never see him leave the school except asking if he could sleep at one of their places over the weekend. No one had any idea where in Canterlot Hoity was living, or who his parents were. It was altogether odd, but on the other hoof, Hoity was pretty entertaining to be around. And the sense of mystery only added to his character.

As secretive as Hoity was, that didn’t mean he never shared any with his friends.

On a Thursday during lunch hour, they gathered around their usual table when Ivy came to their table, distracted. While they gossiped over this and that, Ivy was unusually quiet. Her attention was directed elsewhere.

“Hey, you okay Ivy?” Cinnamon asked.

“Huh?” Ivy snapped back to her friends.

“Were you listening at all or what?” Orchid looked over, trying to see what Ivy was looking at.

“Sorry, I’ve got a lot on my mind today.”

“Did something bad happen?” Hoity inquired.

Ivy shook her head, “No, no. Nothing like that just…” She glanced over her shoulder for a second before saying, “I think I might have landed a date.”

“Wait, really?” Orchid blinked, taken aback at what she said. “Who with?”

“Over there, at the table that’s over by the drinking fountain. Do you see the one with the blond mane with glasses?”

They spotted the unicorn Ivy was talking about. A milk chocolate-colored young stallion that had a golden mane, wearing black glasses and a white collar shirt.

“Seems cute,” Cinnamon commented, “who is he?”

“Trenderhoof. He’s in my second-period math class. We had a study group where he was in it and I got a closer look at him. And Celestia, he’s adorable! He pays attention to the latest trends like me, he’s sweet, and has a mane like you would see in a magazine.”

“In other words, you’re into nerdy colts,” Orchid smirked.

“Oh c’mon! I can’t just help who I happen to like, you know? He has such a soft face that just makes you wanna hug him like a plushie. He has a personality which you can talk for hours with.”

“I guess I can see that,” said Cinnamon, “everyone has a type.”

“Oh yeah? What’s yours?”

“Well,” Cinnamon twiddled her hooves around, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I tend to lean towards the more… fit kind.”

“Like athletes?” Hoity asked.

“Uh-huh. Just anyone who has developed some muscle. Anyone on the Hoofball team comes to mind. Or on the track team. Or-”

“Basically, the idea of going into the colt’s locker room would be a dream come true.” Orchid jokes.

Cinnamon huffed yet had a blush on her cheeks. “Says the filly that went out with Buck Monterbank. And everypony knows he’s the typical jock.”

“Hey, I didn’t know that he has the personality of cardboard.” Orchid remarked, “Besides, I’m not exactly into meatheads myself. Just… ya know… someone who’s fit without being a bodybuilder. I want to have a coltfriend that isn’t afraid to bend the rules a little and does it with a wink in his eye. Someone that would fight if anyone upsets me.”

“Huh, I never noticed that you have a bad colt fetish,” Ivy remarked.

“It’s not a fetish!”

“Uh-huh, I’m sure it isn’t.” Cinnamon rolled her eyes. Then turning to Hoity, she asked, “And what about you?”


“Yeah, what’s your type? Are there any fillies that caught your eye?”

“Oh! This I gotta hear,” Orchid rubbed her hooves. “Is there anyone you like so far?”

“I u-uh…” Hoity hesitated, feeling tense as his friends waited for an answer. “I mean… I haven’t got a marefriend or anything like that.”

“Okay, but what do you like anyway?” Ivy leaned up to him. “C’mon, you can tell us.”

“It’s just that uh…”

“What are you into anyway?” Cinnamon asked.

Hoity felt a familiar sense of uncomfortableness. Being interrogated by nearly all sides over something he didn’t want to share. There was barely room to breathe like being in a tight corset where his friends want answers. What made everything so tense was a single thought - should he tell? On the one hoof, he was in a city that, in theory, is more progressive than any place in Equestria. It was why he came to Canterlot in the first place. On the other… he had only known these three for less than a month. That isn’t nearly enough time to get to know anyone. Even in the most tolerant place in the world, there would always be those that can’t see past pride or prejudice.

Then again… they never come off as bad ponies either. For all he knows, perhaps for once, he could take the risk. Yet… suppose it backfires? It wasn’t just outright rejection he was afraid of, but if this secret gets out to the rest of the school. Who knows what would happen if this would be found out in the wrong hooves - he might be bullied until the day he graduates.

And yet… would they do that? Would Orcid, Cinnamon, and Ivy do something like that?

“Hey, Hoity? You okay?” Ivy waved a hoof in his face.


“You spaced out there for a moment.” Then after a beat, Ivy asked, “Do you wanna see the school therapist?”

“No, no, it’s just…” Hoity took a deep breath. He knew what he was about to say was a gamble. Given his current situation, it’s a big gamble. “Well… the thing is… I don’t have a type for uh… for fillies.”

All three friends looked at him blankly.

“So… are you gay or something?” Orchid asked.

After a long, hesitating moment, Hoity nodded.

“Huh…” Cinnamon blinked. “Somehow, I should have seen that coming a mile away.”

“Ha!” Ivy smirked, “I tried to tell you that there’s no way he’s straight but did either of you listen? Nooo.”

“Wait, you knew?” He asked Ivy.

“Not really, but you kinda give off that sort of vibe, ya know? I mean no offense to you, but how many colts would go that extra mile in looking like a runway model every day he enters school?”

“Hey that doesn’t mean anything,” Orchid spoke up, “I mean, have you seen Twilight Velvet? She often looks and behaves more like a colt but we all know she’s straight as a ruler.”

Hoity blinked. “So… you don’t mind that I’m…?”

“Well, why would we?” Cinnamon asked, “You seem like a cool enough guy that knows a bunch more about fashion than we do. Although… you’re the first colt we know that’s for sure gay.”

“What does that mean?”

“Meaning that you’re the first gay guy we know.” Ivy explained, “And yeah, there are rumors that some of the students are gay but we don’t fully know if they’re true or not.”

“Still,” Orchid added, “I don’t think it changes anything. Rather that we have more stuff in common than we thought.”

“Huh…” Hoity blinked before a small grin grew on his face. “Like… colts for instance?”

“Yeah, and since you brought it up,” Cinnamon scooted over to him. “As a gay guy, I gotta ask, what is your type anyway?”

Feeling his cheeks warming, Hoity said, “Well… Currently, I’m still trying to figure that out but…”

This got the girl’s attention. “But?” They collectively asked.

Hoity looked over his shoulder, “I would be lying if I said there isn’t someone that I find attractive.”

“Who is it?” Orchid asked.

“He’s someone that isn’t in any of my classes,” Hoity said, not looking at any of them but still searching, “I don’t know who he is, but he has a distinctive face…” After a moment, he pointed, “Over there. Sitting at the corner of that table.”

Curious, the three fillies looked towards where Hoity was pointing at.

Several rows of tables away from theirs, there was a white unicorn with a blue mane who had on a dark overcoat. What was noticeable was the three golden crowns on his flank, each having a violet jewel in them.

“Oh! That guy?” Orchid asked.

“Uh-huh.” Hoity nodded, a smile creeping on his face.

“The one with the silky, shiny blue mane?” inquired Ivy.

“Yeah…” Hoity’s smile grew wider.

“What, you mean Fancy Pants?” Cinnamon questioned.

This got Hoity’s attention, “Is that his name?”

“You know him?” asked Orchid.

“Eh… kinda.” Cinnamon waved an uncertain hoof. “I’ve heard bits and pieces of the guy. All I know is that his family is rich and had moved from Trottingham about a year or so ago. A nice guy too and he regularly has fundraisers for the school. That, and he has founded an afterschool club.”

“Which one?”

“The Designer’s Club. I’ve never been to it, but from what I’ve heard it’s like an art club where they cover practically everything from drawing to making short films. Honestly, you might wanna check it out to see what it’s about.”

“Oh! Not a bad idea,” Ivy suggested, “it would be perfect to maybe get to know Fancy over there.”

“I see but…” Hoity hesitated, looking over his shoulder to Fancy who is animatedly chatting away with what he thinks is his friends. “.... I don’t think it would go anywhere.”

“And why not?” Orchid raised an eyebrow.

“Because even I know that not every colt you’ll run into is going to be gay. For all I know, Fancy over there might not be capable of liking me that way. He probably would prefer to have a marefriend instead of me.”

“Ehh…” Cinnamon’s face scrunched up, “I don’t know about that. But I do know that Fancy never had a marefriend.”

“Really?” Ivy tilted her head, “Never? But that guy looks like an ancient Pegasi statue with a near-perfect face. How has he never had a marefriend?”

“Well that’s just it, I know several students tried to get him to be their coltfriend but no one has ever hooked him. Now I’m not saying he’s gay, but… who knows? Maybe it might be possible for Hoity after all.”

“But that doesn’t… I mean it’s not like…” Hoity tried to come up with a reason why that may not be the case. After all, his friends were merely guessing on a pony they didn’t know that well. For all he knows, perhaps Fancy might be in a relationship already and isn’t known to the school. Perhaps he might be really picky. Maybe he hasn’t found the filly that would make him happy. There were hundreds of retorts that Hoity could give that were swarming around his head. Yet, as much as he doubted the optimistic possibility… it still was a possibility. After all, he doesn’t know how that handsome colt would react otherwise. For all he knows, he might like him back enough. On the other hoof, he doesn’t know either. It’s that sense of not knowing what made it equally frustrating and hopeful.

“Why don’t you go up to him?” Orchid asked.

“Go up to…!” Hoity came close to shouting but caught himself before asking, “Me going up to him, are you crazy!? I can’t just go up to him!

“Why not?”

“I mean, look at him, he’s probably talking to his friends a-and I don’t want to make it weird. Just waltz up to him to ask him out.”

“Whoever said about asking him out, just go say hello. You don’t have to overcomplicate everything or make it look flawless either. Just go up and say ‘Hey, I’m Hoity, what’s your name?’ Let him get to know you a little and start from there.”


“I get you’re nervous, Hoity,” Ivy said, getting up and using her magic to pull her friend by the collar. “But you can do this.”

“Hey! Wait a minute!” Despite Hoity’s protests, he was dragged out of his seat and being pushed towards Fancy’s table. Some students were giving him weird looks as he tried to halt Ivy from getting any closer. His hooves slid across the tiled floor, he tried to grab on to whatever was nearby, but he was inched closer towards the one pony he didn’t want to look like an idiot too.

It was intimidating for him to be this close to someone this… well, the only word that Hoity could come close to describing was regal. Getting this close to Fancy was like approaching a masterpiece brought to life. From the mane that curled and swept like a renaissance painting, to the body that would make any ancient Pegasi sculpture envious, the marble white coat that looked as soft as velvet, and even the sapphire blue eyes - Hoity felt inferior compared to him. Perhaps “inferior” wasn’t the right word, but having been pushed closer and closer to Fancy with his friend not letting off…

“Hey, excuse me,” Ivy called out, getting Fancy’s attention. “Are you busy?”

“Not…exactly?” Fancy replied, confused. Speaking in his Trottingham accent that to Hoity’s ears, was so lyrical that it sounded better than any music he’s ever heard. “Do you need something?”

“Me? No. Though this guy wants to meet you,” She pushed Hoity up close to the table, “Go ahead, say hi.”

Hoity’s throat became dry as a dessert on a summer day. To his horror, his mind was completely blank as to what to say or do. Fancy blinked at him, expecting him to do… something, anything. He had no idea how to react as he felt second after second that felt like hours. He didn’t want to mess anything up, but then again he wanted his numb hooves to work and run off to some distant dark corner where he would be forgotten from this awkward moment. But his hooves were like they were glued to the floor. Despite how dreadful it was to be in front of someone like Fancy, he felt he couldn’t get away.

He had expected to have Fancy so weirded out that he would try to distance himself from him. Perhaps turn around and say something along the lines of “What a freak.” Or even outright ignore him entirely. In those few short seconds, he thought up hundreds of scenarios, all of which ended with him looking like an idiot.

What he didn’t count on, however, was that Fancy would hold out a hoof to him. “Well uh… hello. My name is Fancy Pants.” Still unsure what to say, he knew that he should at least shake his hoof - and did so. “I’ve seen you in the halls in those new clothes. Very unique, did you buy these somewhere or did you make them yourself?”

“Um… I uh… made some of these.” Hoity answered, his voice crackling.

“Really, all this is your work?” Fancy asked, taking a closer look at a short-sleeve shirt he had on. “Even the embroidery?” Although it was a white shirt, what made it stand out was the stitching of blue and green threads that made it so that it looked like vines growing. “It must have taken you months to get all of this right.”

“Well, I… I don’t want something that would be forgettable.”

“Indeed. And all of this by yourself too… You must have a remarkable talent…” Fancy paused, “Oh… I’m terribly sorry, I don’t think I’ve caught your name.”

“It’s Hoity… Hoity Toity.”

“Well, the point is, Hoity, that you have quite the talent. How do you manage to find the time to make something like this?”

“Oh it’s not that hard,” Hoity said shyly. “It’s just using a needle and some thread. The rest is just figuring out what you want to do with it.”

“Still, it’s amazing what you’re able to do.”

Hoity felt his face getting warm, “I mean… it could be better.”

“Of course, but you have quite the talent for detail nevertheless.” Fancy shot a smile as though he had spied a grand opportunity, “Are you in any after-school clubs?”

“Well… no. Why?”

“You would be perfect for the Designers Club. I don’t know if you have ever heard of it, have you?”

“Kinda… but I don’t know what it’s about.”

“Think of it as a sort of art club that has a bohemian-like atmosphere where creative types are in the same room. Both working on projects and critiquing other works as well. You would fit right in with the others there. We’ve got ponies that draw, a filmmaker, a couple of painters, a sculptor, a few poets, one that’s into creative writing, and even an interior designer. At the end of the semester, we would host a gallery for the school to see our work. Would you like to come? If you can’t, that’s alright but I think you’d contribute greatly to the other members.”

“.... Would I have to bring my own materials or…?”

“That won’t be necessary, I could send in supplies so you wouldn’t have to spend anything. If you’re seriously considering joining, then I will bring those materials tomorrow. But you can come to the classroom to see if you like it.”

In the past few months, Hoity had to use whatever opportunity he could get. While this was no different, this is certainly unique - he would have all the materials to make new clothing, as well as an excuse to get closer to Fancy. As far as he saw it, this was a win-win.

After telling Fancy that he would like to come, he was told that they would meet up in room 909 at 3:45. Hoity said he would be there.