• Published 27th Aug 2022
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My Little Pony: Clash of Dragons - RobtheMorpherPony

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Prologue: Before and After


Spyro had managed to at long last defeat Malafor, the dark master. But the world was being torn apart all around him and Cynder.

Is this...really the end? Spryo thought to himself. Cynder got close to him, and nuzzled him.

"...No matter what, until the end, I'm with you. I love you." Cynder said.

"And...I love you..." Spyro said.

At that moment, a blinding flash occurred.

When the flash faded, the two dragons soon found themselves on solid ground, and in some kind of medow.

"...Where are we?" Spyro asked.

"I...think we somehow stopped it..." Cynder said.

"I...I see..." Spryo said. "Then everything is fine...right?" He asked.

"It...should be. But...what about me? Others still look at me as you-know-what." Cynder said.

"I know. Which is why maybe it's time we created our own society. One that doesn't judge." Spyro said.

Cynder couldn't help but feel the tears in her eyes. "You'd...do that for me?" Cynder asked.

"But of course, Cynder." Spryo said before nuzzling Cynder. "Others need to know, you aren't her anymore." He said.

Cynder smiled. "...Have I mentioned how much I love you?" She asked.

"Mention it all you like, because you know I love you back." Spyro noted.

Present Day Equestria

"Nothing! There's nothing!" Twilight said, throwing another book in frustration into the wall of the Golden Oaks Library.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash flew up to avoid it. "What's with this sudden frustration Twi?" The cyan Pegasus asked.

"Oh...hi Rainbow. I've simply been trying to find something to the nature of Spike's origin after that Dragon Migration made him question things about dragons hoping to find something, but the only books on dragons only seem to reiterate what Spike has said about them with Spike seeming to be the lone exception." Twilight said.

"And it's causing you a lot of frustration..." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes!" Twilight said. But then blinked. "...Since when could you understand something as complicated as that?" Twilight asked.

"I've hanged around you long enough to understand more than I ever thought I would, Egghead." Rainbow Dash said. "Plus, I can just tell your frustrated considering both the mess and the book I just dodged." She added.

"Oh...sorry about that Rainbow. Maybe if you would try using the door next time." Twilight said.

"It's fine. Have you tried asking Princess Celestia?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I could I suppose, but what if she also doesn't have anything?" Twilight asked.

"You'll never know unless you try, Twi." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Your right..." Twilight said. "If only Spike was here right now. I suppose I can prep a letter for Celestia in the meantime." She said.

"Where is Spike right now anyways?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Where do you think he is?" Twilight asked.

"...Rarity's place...either that or probably getting something for her." Rainbow Dash said. "I swear, one of these days the drake needs to move on from her and realize how little she's returning his feelings. He's important to you, so I can't help but worry that one of these days, he's going to wind up with a massively broken heart when Rarity finally gives him a big fat dose of Rejection. Better he moves on from her now before he ends up with a pile of regrets." She said.

"That's...surprisingly wise for you to be saying Rainbow." Twilight said.

"See? Told you you're rubbing off on me." Rainbow Dash said with a smile. Twilight couldn't help but shake her head and smile back. That was close. Can't have her know that I've actually been studying a bit to try and impress her. Heh...who would've ever thought I'd do some studying. Guess having a crush on one of your friends really changes you. Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

Spike was on his way to the market when he caught something in the corner of his eye, it looked like a Griffon, but it wasn't Gilda. This one was black. They were talking to Applejack.

"...And if you would be so kind as to allow me to purchase a couple of apple seeds, it would really help out my special some pony as you would say." The griffon; a female judging by the voice; said.

"Is your special some pony taking up gardening or something?" Applejack asked.

"Something like that." The griffon hen said. "He only said that I should grab some apple seeds for a project that he's been tasked with over seeing." She added.

"Ah see. Well, I suppose I can't help but help out a pleasant girl like yourself Sonic Boom." Applejack said before handing the griffon a few apples and a pack of apple seeds.

"Well, I chose to relocate after practically every griffon in griffon stone started to only look out for themselves. So, I joined this society that's all about not judging others and accepting every creature for who they are. It's how I ended up meeting my special some creature." Sonic Boom said.

"Regardless, it was nice meeting you, Sonic Boom." Applejack said.

"It was nice meeting you too, miss Applejack." Sonic Boom said. Suddenly Spike showed up. Huh? It can't be... Sonic Boom thought to herself.

"Who is this?" Spike asked Applejack.

"Spike, this is Sonic Boom; she says she comes from a society that doesn't judge others and accepts every creature for who they are." Applejack said.

Purple hide, green sub-coloring...could it really be him? Sonic Boom thought to herself.

"Well, it's nice to meet you miss Sonic Boom." Spike said, holding out a claw.

He even has similar mannerisms to the Society's Alpha. Sonic Boom thought to herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Spike, right?" Sonic Boom asked, shaking the dragon's hand.

"Yep. That's me." Spike said before puffing out his chest. "The one and only Spike." He added.

...And then there's that. Some traits picked up from the Alpha's mate. Sonic Boom thought to herself. "This may seem a bit sudden mister Spike, but could I ask to see the one you live with?" Sonic Boom asked.

"Sure thing. Come on." Spike said.

I know Sunburn told me to get back as soon as I could, but if this male drake really is the Alpha's missing child, then I must get the one who found his egg and hatched it to meet with the Alpha and the rest of the Society as soon as possible. Sunburn will understand. Sonic Boom thought to herself.

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