• Published 8th Aug 2023
  • 286 Views, 3 Comments

Extra Extra: Date Night - Lightning Sprint

Front Page has a night to remember when he goes on a date with Heiress Peppermint Tea.

  • ...

A Night To Remember

After the next few agonising hours, the time had finally arrived. After getting a check over from his mother and father as well as a pep talk from both of his older sisters, Front Page had gotten on his way, flying towards the train station. He had made the choice to go for a striking red suit with a white under shirt and black tie, accompanied by his hoofwatch he had been wearing throughout the day whilst at work. As the evening sky gradually grew darker, Front Page eventually touched down at the station. His attention soon turned to the main entrance as his mind began to replay the first time he'd walked through to catch the train, seemingly playing in slow motion. With no time to lose, he quickly moved through the station and down to the platform just like he had done the first time and promptly boarded the train heading for Ponyville. Once again taking a seat by the window, his mind began to wander, drawing in all possibilities of what the night would entail.

Compared to last time, there weren't as many travelling ponies this time which did initially surprise Front Page but he didn't pay it too much mind. Me? Going on a date with an heiress. Me?! Who would've thought that? He didn't realise the train was already beginning to move out of the station until the platform had physically disappeared from view. This was it. He was officially on his way for a date with an heiress. Having the entire journey to ponder what he would say and how he would conduct himself, Front Page had a pretty good idea of how his conversations would go should he be the one to start them up, although if she would be the one to start it up then that would prove to be something he would need to think quickly about.

Gazing out of the window, actually taking in his surroundings this time, he took note of the city one last time before the train passed into a tunnel and Manehattan disappeared from view. The darkness of the tunnel gave him more time alone with his thoughts. He sat there in a dreamlike fascination as he contemplated everything that had happened to him over the last few days and how he gone from getting the opportunity to interview an heiress to now going on a date with her. It's just like something out of a movie. Sure enough the train would re-emerge from the darkness of the tunnel on the other side, with lush green grass growing on either side of it. The sun was going about its slow and gradual decent from the sky and in turn the sky reflected the process with a glorious display of color. It wasn't quite sunset just yet but it was sure getting there, Front Page smiling as he took in the beautiful imagery of the surrounding scenery and skyline. Being so used to a hustling and bustling city landscape it was always a breath of fresh air to come out of that and leave it all behind in order to enjoy the little things.

His thought process lasted the duration of the journey and soon enough it was announced that Ponyville was the next stop. Getting himself ready to disembark, he got to his hooves and gradually moved down the car in order to get to the doors so he could leave when the time came. Sure enough, the time would come and off he stepped at Ponyville station.

As Front Page began walking, his thoughts returned to the heiress once again. He was really excited to see her again and was looking forward to their night together, although all those optimistic thoughts soon vanished in a puff a smoke as one large thought made itself at home in his head. I have nothing to give her. Immediate concern began to set in as he soon began to look around the immediate area around himself. I can't show up and not give her anything. She's going to be looking her best and I have to bring her something that's just as beautiful as she is. His intentions remained pure and chivalrous, although his upon checking his wallet, he only had enough bits in order to pay for dinner for the evening so couldn't spend too much if he were to get her something.

Beginning to think, picking his brain for any form of an idea, his thoughts would continously circle back to one main thing. Flowers. It was a koppout of a choice but it was indeed something. Looking around once again, he walked towards a pair of stallions that were in conversation with one another nearby to where he'd been stood.

"Pardon me, gents, I hate to bother you but do you think you could point me in the direction of where I could get some flowers?" Front Page spoke up, getting there attention.

"No problem at all." The first stallion, an earth pony, spoke up. "Looking mighty fancy there, night on the town planned?"

"You could say that yeah." Front Page nodded.

"Well, you're gonna want to head to the flower stall, best place to get you some mighty fine flowers." The earth pony continued.

"That's right." The second stallion, a unicorn, added.

"Where abouts is this stall? If you don't mind my asking?" Front Page asked.

"If you follow this road all the way into town you can't miss it." The unicorn told him.

"Awesome, thank you ever so much." Front Page said before getting on his way once more, the two stallions waving him off before going back to their conversation.

Following their directions, Front Page continued along the road until he would see the town they'd spoken of. This part of town was the heart of Ponyville and it was where all the life of the town seemed to be. As he came over the small hill that proceeded the entrance to town, he found himself smiling. The only time he'd ever come to Ponyville was the last time he was here so he didn't know every street and where they'd lead. Moving along the path, he'd soon cross the threshold of the town, making his way in the direction he was instructed. The ponies were all very friendly, each of them giving him a welcoming smile or a wave of a hoof as he passed by, his suit drawing in quite the bit of attention. The deeper into town Front Page went, the more ponies would acknowledge his presence and soon enough, the market section would come into view as he turned the next corner.

Stalls were lining the street on both sides, making Front Page have to shift his gaze in order to get a proper look at each one. To say it was getting dark was one thing but the fact that these vendors were still out and were selling their goods to paying customers was another. At the other end of the lineup of stalls was the one that he was searching for, with more than enough on display for him to choose from, buy and give to the heiress upon seeing her. It was only then that he took note of the looks he was getting, looking around at the townsfolk who were all looking back at him in return. Suits aren't common in these parts by the looks of it then, huh? Clearing his throat, his attention turned back to the stall a short way ahead of him and in turn the variety of flowers placed upon it. Approaching the stall his eyes flickered between each set, from tulips to lavenders to roses, there were a healthy set of options to pick from.

"See something you like?" A mare's voice sounded, making Front Page pick his head up to look in her direction.

Getting a good look at her, he took note of her two toned pink mane and her light yellow coat. She was sporting a friendly smile whilst waiting for his response.

"Y-Yeah, sorry, I'm looking for some flowers that would be worthy of an heiress." Front Page answered, composing himself.

"An heiress?" The mare asked in surprise.

"Yes ma'am." Front Page answered with a nod of his head.

"Do you know what kind of flowers this heiress is into?" The mare asked, glancing at the flowers he was currently looking at.

"Unfortunately I don't, so it'll have to be a stab in the dark." Front Page answered. "Although I was thinking about going with roses."

"You can never go wrong with roses, I think they're pretty special, if I do say so myself."

Her response got a smile out of Front Page, as well as a nod, before he shifted his attention over to the roses. There were multiple colors of roses on display, getting an impressed smile from the stallion. They do different colors of these? As he continued to gaze upon them, three sets caught his attention. The first was the classical red rose, a safe bet but a solid one nonetheless. The second, was the passionate burning orange rose which gave off the visage of passion and energy and the third set was the luscious pink rose, resembling elegance, grace and beauty. The trio of roses left Front Page spoiled for choice, seriously pondering the options.

"I'm torn between red, orange and pink. Is there one you'd recommend? I want it to be perfect for her." he spoke up, the mare coming over to look with him.

"Three wonderful choices. You really are aiming to impress aren't you?" She asked, getting a bashful nod in reply. "Well, we do also offer a mixed bouquet option."

This new slab of information sent a jolt of electricity through Front Page's entire body. "You do?!" he asked eagerly.

"That's right, it's one of our most popular options."

"That's perfect! I'll take a mixed bouquet of all three!" Front exclaimed, a wide smile on his face.

The mare giggled at his excitedness as she started to collect up an equal amount of each rose he had requested and began carefully threading them into the bouquet. As she did so, Front Page tucked a hoof into a pocket on his suit jacket and pulled out a pouch filled with bits, ready to pay for the flowers.

"I'm sure this heiress will adore your choice in flowers for her, sir." The mare spoke up once again.

"I sure hope so, thank you ever so much for helping me out miss...." Front trailed off.

"Roseluck." The mare answered, smiling.

"Roseluck." Front Page repeated with a nod. Fitting. Roseluck selling me roses.


After paying his bits and taking the bouquet in his hoof, Front Page would be on his way, waving as he went. Soon enough, he would be back on course to his destination of the manor house. Glancing at the bouquet in his hoof, he took a soft sniff of the flowers inside. Mmmm. Smells good. With a content look on his face, his walk would continue, his gaze shifting from the bouquet to the surrounding buildings and how different they were to the ones back in Manehattan. There were a few notable buildings his eyes landed on, mainly a bakery, a boutique of some kind and the town hall to name a few. Passing by each in turn, he took in their design and overall features before moving on. The further into the town he got, the more things he would notice. Really wish I had my camera. His thought process would continue throughout his time in the heart of the town and after he'd come through the other side and was back on course towards the manor house. The journey itself was much quicker than last time for him as he was well aware of where he was going now and nothing would stop him from getting there. Sure enough, after making his way through the streets and side roads, he would eventually turn the corner and saw it in the distance. Making his way down the street, his mind began to race once more about everything that could happen once he had arrived. He had no idea what would be on the agenda, but whatever it was he was ready for it. As the manor got closer and closer, step by step, Front Page began his last minute mental prep. Tilting his hoof to look at his watch, making sure not to tip the bouquet over, he checked the time. 7:40PM. Aiming to keep himself prompt and punctual, he pressed on towards the front entrance of the manor house.

Coming up to the main staircase, he made his way up the stairs, taking a deep breath in order to compose himself so that he wouldn't make a fool of himself during conversations. As his hooves clicked up the stairs, the situation became more and more real to him, the night that was soon to come only a few moments away. Upon reaching the top of the stairs and being greeted by the same two large black doors and the golden knocker that stood before him the last time he was here, Front Page simply stopped dead in his tracks and took everything in. Giving himself an internal pep talk, he took a few deep breaths and slowed everything down. Everything over the course of the week had happened so fast and now that he was here, the entire experience to this point was extremely surreal to him.

Wrapping his wing around the knocker, he pulled it down and gave three distinct knocks before taking a step back. The wait for the door lasted an age, Front Page bouncing on his tippyhooves in order to try and control his nerves but soon enough it would open.

"Mr. Page!" A familiar voice would exclaim upon seeing him.

The nerves were immediately shoved to the back of his mind upon seeing a familiar face smiling through the threshold at him.

"Feather Duster! Good to see you again." Front Page said, giving a respectful bow of his head and being given one in response.

"My, you're looking extremely well dressed this evening and oh, those flowers look beautiful." Feather Duster commented, softly flapping her wings, keeping her smile.

"Thank you kindly. I want to look my best for Heiress Peppermint." Front Page said gratefully, briefly showing off the suit. "Is she around by any chance?"

"She's actually just getting ready now, she should be down any minute. Would you like some tea whilst you wait?" Feather Duster offered, gesturing towards the living room.

Warming to the idea, Front Page nodded. "Yes, I would love some tea."

Without a moment's hesitation, Feather Duster turned and began walking in the direction she'd motioned towards. Front Page wasted no time in following after her, his eyes scanning the corridors as he walked. His gaze momentarily turned to the door room he'd walked into the last time he was in the building, watching as Heiress Peppermint Tea was getting her hair done whilst he interviewed her. It seemed like such a long time ago since then, so much so that he'd almost missed being here. As he followed Feather Duster into the living room, he watched as she moved into the next room along.

"Take a seat Mr. Page, I'll have your tea ready in no time at all!" She told him with a smile.

Taking a seat on the sofa, Front Page patiently waited whilst Feather Duster went to make his cup of tea. He heard the sounds of her working away in the kitchen, plus the sound of the kettle beginning to whir to life. He was strangely at peace with everything that was going on in the room, allowing his mind to wander whilst letting out a gentle exhale. His wait didn't last too much longer as soon enough, Feather Duster came back out with his cup balanced on her hoof. An almost childlike giddiness enveloped him momentarily as he took hold of the tea cup in his hooves, gently blowing the brewed liquid to cool it.

"This looks wonderful." Front Page said before taking a sip, then letting out an audible gasp. "This tastes wonderful! I'd expect nothing less from Equestria's best tea company."

Feather Duster giggled softly at his reaction. "Oh Mr. Page you're too kind. I just follow the specific instructions for making the perfect cup of tea."

As Front Page continued to drink his tea, the two of them would continue their small talk, learning some more about one another and discussing what could potentially be the agenda for the night for Front Page and Heiress Peppermint Tea. Their conversation had done equally as well to put his mind at ease in regards to the whole night, so much so that he actually began to relax in his seat. Although, as fate would have it, his relaxation would be cut short when the door to the living room was pushed open and a second maid stuck her head around the door.

"Um, Miss Feather Duster?" The mare asked softly, making Feather Duster and Front Page both turn to look at her.

Looking at the mare, Front Page caught a glimpse of her attire. Her apron was a different color to the one that Feather Duster was currently sporting, black in color instead of golden.

"Dust Bunny, is everything alright? Feather Duster asked.

"She's almost ready. Do you think you could help me with the last few sections of her outfit?" Dust Bunny asked, bashfully rubbing the back of her neck.

"Of course, I'll be right up." Feather Duster told her with a nod.

With that, Dust Bunny disappeared back through the doorway and Feather Duster made her way after her, letting Front Page know that they wouldn't be much longer. Giving her a wave as she left, Front Page finished up his cup of tea and spent a few minutes getting himself ready to see the mare he'd been waiting for. His mind began to race once again, thoughts bouncing around in his head. Looking between the door and the cup in his hooves, he took a few deep breaths in order to mentally prepare for the sights he would see in mere moments. What will she be wearing? Will she like my suit? How does my suit look? Scratch that, what do I even say to her? What can I say? Something is shaking.... is that me? Am I shaking? Why am I shaking? And now I'm talking to myself. Frantically shaking his head, Front Page pulled himself out of his funk and promptly jumped to his hooves.

"Come on, get a grip, Front." He said to himself. "How are you going to be able to even talk with her if you're-"

"Mr. Page!" Feather Duster's voice called out from the next room.

Turning in the direction of her voice, he pulled open the door and stepped out into the hallway, making sure to grab his bouquet before leaving. After looking around for her, he located the maid, standing at the bottom of a staircase that lead up towards the next floor. The staircase itself was wide enough for at least three ponies to walk in one direction at any one time with smoothed off wood decorating the bannisters. Front's gaze continued to scan the staircase, his eyes slowly panning up all the way to the staircase's summit.... and then he saw her.

His eyes widened in awe and disbelief as Heiress Peppermint Tea slowly descended the staircase, flanked by two of her other maids, Dust Bunny one of them. His eyes met hers as she descended, Front Page almost getting lost within them before moving to her mane. It was not in the same permed style as he had last seen it, but it had unfurled from its tightened state, falling to both sides of her head. It was slightly more curled on one side than on the other, but it suited her, as did anything she ever did. As his gaze shifted downwards, he marveled at her dress. The majority of the dress was blue in color, the shoulders made up of frills and curled materials which fed into small sleeves. The skirt portion of the dress was poofed out like a ball gown, the color the same throughout the design, although fading into a lighter blue towards the bottom. Along the bottom of the dress we're white flower designs that had been sewn into the fabric, the design wrapping all the way around so that it could be seen whichever angle he looked from. Glancing slightly higher, he was able to only just make out the top of a decently sized bow on the back of the dress, which made him softly smile. Finally, his gaze dropped to her hooves, taking note of the stunning shoes she was wearing. All gold shoes on her two front hooves with a small bow on each. Wow. The beauty of an heiress knows no bounds.

"I do hope you haven't been waiting for too long." The heiress spoke as she walked, her words dancing through the air and twirling into his ears.

"N-No not at all. I wouldn't want you to feel rushed in any way." Front Page responded.

"Well that's good. I assume you have been well looked after whilst you waited for me." The heiress continued.

"Very well looked after, I can assure you. I must say that you look astonishing tonight. Your dress compliments your figure in all the best ways." Front Page complimented.

"You're too kind and I must say that you look extremely dapper, Mr Page, dressed to the nines." Heiress Peppermint Tea returned, reaching the bottom of the stairs as Front Page gratefully bowed.

"You're too kind m'lady." he said, eventually coming back to a standing position.

Soon enough, the two of them would be standing facing one another, looking into each others eyes. Front Page was bright red, his brain trying to think of some jumble of words to put together in order to say something else, but nothing would come out. He was simply captivated by her astonishing beauty and the way she fluttered her eyelashes at him was certainly not helping matters at all. An eternity passed by as the two stared at one another, the rest of the room seeming to dissolve into the background, leaving him alone with her. I must be the luckiest stallion in the whole of Equestria. A small smile curled its way onto his face as he looked across at the heiress, being matched and responded in kind. Then, from the depths of his mind something sprung forth as his eyes traced down to her hooves, which he noticed just how much her pristine golden shoes were sparkling, just like the stars in the night sky above the manor.

"Something the matter?" Heiress Peppermint Tea asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Nothing at all m'lady, may I?" Front Page responded, gesturing to her hoof.

With a nod of approval, the heiress lifted her front hoof off of the ground slightly, the golden shoe glistening in the light of the room. Taking her hoof and leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on the end of her hoof.

"Oh, Mr Page~." The heiress swooned, bringing her other hoof up to cup her cheek.

"Once again, I must say that you look utterly astonishing tonight." Front Page reiterated, looking up at her. "I'm looking forward to whatever event you have scheduled for this evening."

Gently placing her hoof back down on the floor, he raised his own free hoof to hold up the bouquet that he had bought for her, the heiress covered her mouth with a hoof in surprise at the gesture.

"Oh Mr. Page, you shouldn't have." Heiress Peppermint Tea said, taking hold of the bouquet and taking in the scent of the flowers. "They smell just as lovely as they look."

"I wanted to find something to match your beauty." Front Page commented, the smile not leaving his face.

"Oh, you have such a way with words~." The heiress swooned once more before turning to the unicorn maid beside her. "Golden Lace, if you would be so kind could you please put these in some water and take them to my room? I want to always be able to marvel at this wonderful gift."

"Of course, mistress." Golden Lace said softly.

As the couple had their moment and Golden Lace had taken hold of the bouquet, the three maids gathered together just off to the side, smiling at the pair of them.

"Wow. Was he this courteous the last time he was here?" Golden Lace, asked quietly as she looked between her fellow maids.

"This is a first for me too, he seems really respectful." Dust Bunny added, the two maids then turning to look at Feather Duster.

"He was extremely respectful, the way he carried himself, how he spoke with the heiress and her ladyship, even with his questions. He was clearly brought up to be a gentlestallion." Feather Duster answered, smiling softly. "Dust Bunny, Golden Lace, keep a watch for this one. Who knows? If he makes her happy, we may be seeing a lot more of him."

Having been only focusing on the heiress, Front Page hadn't heard the maids and their discussion amongst themselves.

Letting out a soft giggle, the heiress turned her attention to the mares watching on. "Ladies?"

Her voice immediately dissolved their conversation and the trio turned to face her once again.

"Yes heiress?" They all asked in unison.

"Would you please inform mother that we will be getting on our way? She is in her study at the moment and I do not wish to keep her from her work for too long. Plus, if we hang around too long then Gwen and Blueberry would surely ask to accompany us." The heiress requested, another soft giggle escaping her lips.

The three mares all nodded their heads simultaneously.

"We'll get on it right away for you ma'am." Feather Duster spoke up.

"The two of you deserve a night to focus only on yourselves." Golden Lace added.

"We want to hear all about it when you return!" Dust Bunny chimed in, smiling at the pair.

"Thank you ever so much girls, I don't know where I'd be without you." The heiress responded, smiling back at each of them in turn. Her attention would then turn back to Front Page. "Shall we be off?"

"Of course heiress." Front Page nodded, then glanced towards the maids. "Thank you ever so much for your wonderful hospitality."

The trio of mares all bowed their heads respectfully.

"You are most welcome." Feather Duster said.

With that, Heiress Peppermint Tea and Front Page turned in the direction of the main door of the manor house. Pulling it open, Front Page held open the door for the heiress, allowing her to pass through first. Gratefully accepting his gesture, she made her way past him, however stopping at the threshold of the door which briefly raised concern from all other parties.

"Is something the mat-" Golden Lace began, but before she could finish, the heiress turned and rushed over to the three of them, wrapping her hooves around them in a loving hug.

"Take care of yourselves girls." She said as she held them.

The maids were taken aback but returned the hug without so much as a second thought, Front Page smiling from the door. They spent a few more moments talking with one another but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Soon enough, their conversation finished up and they said their goodbyes as the heiress turned around to walk back over towards Front Page. As she passed by him and out through the door, he gave a wave to the trio of maids then followed the heiress out of the door, closing it behind him.

"So.... who's going to tell her ladyship?" Dust Bunny asked, looking at the others. As fate would have it, they were both looking at her. "Oh."


Having passed down the stairs and off of the property, the dressed up couple made their way down the street and into town making some conversation, mainly about how their days had been and what they'd been up to since last seeing one another. Front Page was surprised at how regular their conversation seemed, all things considered.

"You have me intrigued, heiress." Front Page said, getting her attention.


"A mare with such grace and beauty as yourself should be spending her time in the finest establishments. I'm not familiar with Ponyville but I'm sure they'll have some of the best evening events that are fitting of a mare of your reputation." Front Page clarified.

"You need not flatter me so much. Please do promise to be yourself tonight." The heiress replied, her answer taking Front Page by surprise but he nodded in response. "Also, what makes you think that we're spending tonight here?"

Her question also caught him off guard, almost making him stop walking. As he processed the question, his mind began to race on what they were going to possibly be doing.

"We aren't?" was all he could come out with.

"Oh my dear Front, follow me." Heiress Peppermint Tea giggled softly, walking on ahead.

Front Page paused for a few moments, watching as she walked on ahead. She called me by my first name. Quickly scampering after her, he quickly caught up and continued walking by her side. The further they walked together, the more familiar he got with his surroundings. Looking around at everything around them, he noticed the route he'd taken to get into town and in the distance was Ponyville station.

"Heiress, forgive me for asking but, are we getting on the train?" he asked, turning to look at her as they kept walking.

"That we are. But I can't tell you where we're going, cause that would ruin the surprise." Heiress Peppermint responded.

Not questioning her word, Front Page continued to walk with the heiress towards the station, the two eventually making their way onto the platform and taking a seat on one of the benches situated on the platform. Some of the ponies who were also at the station gave a few subtle glances at the pair, one filly in particular was astonished at how beautiful the heiress looked in her dress, the youngster's mouth hanging wide open as she looked at her. The heiress noticed the filly and without much hesitation gave her a friendly wave of a hoof.

With a gasp, the filly turned to the mare standing next to her. "Momma, the mare in the pretty dress waved at me."

Glancing over her shoulder, the filly's mother gave a warm smile in the direction of the well dressed couple, to which Heiress Peppermint Tea gave a friendly giggle.

"You sure have a way with everypony, huh?" Front Page asked.

"No harm in interaction is there?" The heiress asked in reply, smirking at him with a flick of her tail.

"None at all m'lady, not at all." Front Page responded, sporting a smile of his own.

The two would continue making small talk for the next ten minutes or so before a thought promptly thrust itself to the front of Front Page's mind. He would turn to look at the heiress but found her looking right back at him.

"Is everything alright?" The heiress asked. "You seem deep in thought?"

"Y-Yeah, it's just that I've been wondering, why exactly did you want to see me again?" Front Page asked, turning his whole body to face her.

A few moments of silence followed as the heiress appeared to be pondering the answer, her gaze shifting from the stallion beside her. Oh ponyfeathers, I didn't upset her with that did I? It didn't take long for her eyes to land back on him once more, as well as a warm and caring smile.

"You intrigue me, Front." She told him.

Her response threw him for a loop, not only by the fact she used his first name again but also how to the point it was.

"I- I do?" Front Page asked in reply, getting a nod in return.

"I'm intrigued as to how a reporter who came all the way from Manehattan, actually lives when he's not on the clock. I wanna see the real Front Page."

If the first reply threw him for a loop, the one that just followed almost made his brain slide out of his ear. Wanna. A respectable and very upper class heiress just said 'wanna'.

"The real me? Well what exactly do you want to know about me?"

"Anything at all. Your hobbies, interests, even your favorite color!"

Hearing that made Front Page think for a few moments. She really does want to know me more. Going over each request in his head, he plucked out the answer and turned to look at her once again.

"Well, I love photography for one." He began. "It's a shame I don't have my camera with me cause right now I'm unable to capture your beauty."

"I see." Heiress Peppermint Tea giggled, tracing a hoof along the skirt of her dress. "What things interest you, besides your photography?" She then asked.

"Well, I'm learning to play guitar, so there's that." Front Page answered, giving a soft shrug.

"Oooooooo~" the heiress cooed. "It seems I'm graced with the presence of a musical prodigy." Another giggle soon followed as the heiress batted her eyelashes at him.

"You give me too much credit, m'lady." Front Page deflected. "I only started a few weeks ago."

"Are you better than when you started?"

"Well, yeah, I'm able to play proper chords now."

"Well there you are then, your credit is deserved."

Front Page chuckled, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck from her words. She truly did know what say and how to go about wording it. He was still struggling to come to terms with how everything was happening and real it all was. He didn't have long to dwell on the matter however as the sound of wheels approaching along the tracks made his ears twitch. Soon enough, his eyes made contact with what he could hear as the train pulled up to the edge of the platform, two blows coming from the whistle.

"All aboard that's coming aboard!" A stallion at the end of the platform called out. "Have your tickets ready!"

Promptly standing up from his spot on the bench, Front Page turned to look at the heiress and held out a hoof to help her up, which she gladly accepted. Once they were both standing, Front Page gave a respectful bow.

"After you, m'lady." he said softly.

"How very kind of you." Heiress Peppermint Tea replied, smiling at him as she walked forward and stepped into the train car. Front Page quickly followed after her and the two found themselves a seat, sitting by the window.

After getting settled in and patiently waiting for all other passengers to board safely, the train doors would eventually be closed and the train would slowly pull out of Ponyville station and head off down the tracks to destinations unknown. Unknown to Front Page at least. Surprisingly not much was said between the pair in the first part of the journey as they were both taking in their surroundings, enjoying the view out of the window, looking at all of the fresh growing plants and nature just being itself. Front Page would give an occasional glance towards the heiress from time to time, his eyes moving from her mane down to her dress and all the details upon it, taking it all in before picking his head up once more to look out of the window once more. With the train not showing signs of coming to a stop for a while yet, Front Page sank into his seat slightly, his body loosening off as for the first time throughout the day, he could properly relax and go with the flow. That was until the voice of the heiress caught his attention.

"Oh oh, Front Page, look!"

Her exclamation made him briefly brace up, although he didn't stay braced for long as he turned to look at what she wanted him to see.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Over there." She told him, pointing a hoof.

Narrowing his eyes, he gave a smile at what she'd seen. Following her hoof, which had been angled upwards, his eyes focused in on the large cloud city that was slowly passing overhead. Cloudsdale.

"Sure is a sight." Front Page said.

"Oh how wondrous it must be to live up there." Heiress Peppermint Tea said, clasping her hooves together in awe of the large cloud city.

"It's even better up close." Front Page commented, immediately being met with a gasp.

"You've been up there?!" The heiress asked in disbelief.

"Being a reporter allows me to travel to a great many destinations all across Equestria. But I must agree, Cloudsdale sure is something alright."

The heiress smirked at him. "Well you sure know how to make a girl jealous, don't you?"

The look she was giving him almost made Front Page become mistaken for a strawberry with how red he went.

"J-Jealous? N-No, I would never do that Pepper- I mean uh heiress." He stammered, clearing his throat.

"You said my name." The heiress noticed, making Front Page immediately regret the last ten seconds of his life.

"My most sincere apologies, heiress. It won't happen again I can assure you." He responded, bowing his head in apology.

A soft giggle from the heiress turned into a brief moment of laughter. "I never said I didn't like it~"

The silk that resonated in her voice made Front Page's heart skip a beat as he picked his head up to look at her. "Y-You don't?"

"Why would I?" The heiress responded. "We're getting to know one another more, aren't we? You don't need to talk to me as though you're below me."

Front Page sat there for a few moments in silence, not saying anything. Is she for real? His thought process was broken with another giggle.

"You really don't mind if I call you by your name?" he finally spoke up.

"Hey, come on Front, you worry too much." The heiress responded in a tone that made Front Page tilt his head slightly. That shift in her tone of voice again. It's as if.... is she trying to sound like me? No, I'm probably just thinking too much into things again.

"You're being completely honest?" he asked, his eyes meeting hers once again. "You don't mind me calling you by your name?"

Turning her body towards him, she place a hoof on her chest, over her heart. "I give you my word. It is perfectly fine."

The chugging and clattering of the train's wheels against the track had synchronised itself with Front Page's heart. Listening to the way the heiress was.... the way Peppermint Tea was talking was something that he'd never imagined. The gentle smile on her face had taken a permanent spot in his memory and nothing and nopony would dislodge it. The more he continued to think about everything currently going on, the faster his heart began to beat and the more flustered he became, the redness in his cheeks a testament to that. How can I be sitting here with a mare as gorgeous as this? Have I won the lottery or what?! Before he was able to open his mouth again to speak, everything went black, the train having disappeared into the inside of a tunnel. With their surroundings now darkened, Front Page paused and took the time to compose himself once more in order to resume the conversation once the light returned. His composure would refrain from returning as he felt something come into contact with him, making him curious. Moving his hoof to take a hold of what touched him, he could feel soft, gentle fur, making his eyes widened in brief surprise.

"Something the matter?" Peppermint Tea's voice sounded from directly in front of him.

"N-Not at all, is everything alright?" Front Page responded.

"Yup, just getting comfortable."

"Oh, alrighty." Oh. Is that what this is?

The train soon re-emerged out of the other end of the tunnel, the night sky and light of Luna's moonlight shining down on the train as it went. Having been looking in the direction of the window, Front Page softly smiled as a result before turning back to look towards the heiress. This then led him to discover the source of whatever was touching him. The heiress had shuffled over in her seat in order to lay against him, resting her head on his shoulder. She had momentarily closed her eyes but soon glanced up at him, catching him staring at her. A gentle blush then appeared on her face, the same occurring for Front Page but neither of them moved for a large remaining portion of the journey, enjoying one another's close company.


Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, the heiress shuffled around and picked her head back up, stirring Front Page and getting his attention.

"Is everything alright, m'lady?" he asked, looking at her.

"Indeed, my dear." Peppermint Tea replied. "However..." She trailed off before pointing a hoof out of the window. "We're almost there."

Turning to follow her hoof, his eyes fell on what she was pointing to and his heart almost stopped in the process. On the cliffside up above the tracks, the unmistakable sight of the towers and outer spires, the royal shades of purple and gold adorning the tops of the buildings and several flags blowing in the nightly breeze. No way. Front Page continued staring in disbelief at the view that was gradually approaching. The train curved around the tracks as it made its final approach towards its destination, giving several more angles to marvel at the architecture from afar.

"You know if you keep your mouth open like that you'll catch flies." Peppermint Tea playfully teased with a giggle.

Realising his mouth was hanging open in amazement, Front Page promptly closed it and turned to look at her.

"Heir- Peppermint, this is unreal, is this what I think it is?" he asked.

"Our capital is a wondrous place, is it not?" The heiress replied, softly smiling at him as she then looked out towards the elevated city.

The capital. Canterlot. A city that had always eluded Front Page in his reporting travels was now to be explored in his free time, which would allow him to truly enjoy his time instead of being focused on his work. The shining light of Equestria. It's so beautiful. As the train continued on along the tracks, the city of Canterlot crept ever closer before disappearing out of sight once more as the train passed through another tunnel. This second tunnel wasn't as long as the last one they had passed through before as the train remerged in no time at all. Upon exiting the tunnel, the train began to curl around the rock face, its goal being the city at the summit, resting on the cliff side.

"An entire night of enjoying Canterlot, wow, what more could you ask for?" Front Page said, letting out a content sigh.

"I do hope you are satisfied with my choice in location, Front." Peppermint Tea said.

"Satisfied? M'lady I'm ecstatic!" Front Page responded, turning to look at her.

A giggle escaped her lips in response to his reaction, the heiress fixated on him once more. Their eyes locked once again and she simply nodded her head.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that."

Silence would hang over them as they gazed at one another for a few moments as the train continued its ascent towards Canterlot, a few of their fellow passengers trying to get a look through their respective windows as the train went. The wait didn't last long, however, as soon enough the tracks levelled out once again and the train was once again moving in a straight line. The shifting of the train succeeded in diverting the gazes of the well dressed couple and resulted in them turning to look out of the window, seeing the edge of the closest buildings in eyeshot. Coming to a brief stop at the main gate to the city, the train was halted by two royal guards, adorned with spears. Upon speaking with the driver, the train was soon allowed to pass through and grace the Canterlot streets.

Passing down the street immediately ahead of them, the train made one last turn before eventually pulling up towards Canterlot Station. With the train coming to a stop and a whistle of smoke sounding, the doors opened and the passengers began to disembark. Front Page promptly stood up from his seat, holding out a hoof for the heiress to take so she too could get to her hooves.

"Thank you kindly." She said with a warm smile, to which Front Page happily reciprocated.

Stepping off the train, the duo made their way through the station and came out onto the other side. As they stepped through the doors to the station, Front Page got his first look at Canterlot whilst standing on his own four hooves. With it already being quite late, he had expected the streets to be quiet but that wasn't the case as he got a good look at well dressed mares and stallions trotting along with their heads held high whilst being adorned in the finest garments. Street lights as well as lanterns decorated the glowing infrastructure in every direction he looked in, making him truly marvel at just how alive the capital looked at this time of night. Jeez, and I thought Manehattan was the city that never slept.

"This is amazing." Front Page muttered out loud.

"You ain't seen nothin yet." Peppermint Tea replied, making him turn to look at her with a raised eyebrow, in turn making the heiress clear her throat. "Are you ready to truly get our night underway?"

"Indeed I am, let's go." Front Page answered with a nod. "Do lead on."

Taking their first steps, Front Page followed Peppermint Tea's lead, walking alongside her and taking all the sights and sounds of their surroundings. The fascination on his face got a smile out of the heiress.

"You really do look so sweet pulling that face." She complimented.

"Huh? O-Oh, sorry, I got lost in the scenery." Front Page bashfully apologised.

"Oh worry not, my dear, take it all in. You only live once after all." Peppermint Tea waved off. "Plus, if you think these streets are good then wait until you see the main square."

"Now I'm invested. Onwards!" He exclaimed, however shying away when a few ponies looked his way upon hearing him.

Saying nothing more, whilst shielding his face from the looks of the elite along with giggles from the heiress, Front Page walked down the street with her and when they were out of sight he would lower his hoof once more. He would continue to marvel at the designs and coloration of the buildings that surrounded them, truly taking it all in as they walked. Cause that wasn't embarrassing at all... Not only were the designs and physical makeup of each building they passed a sight to behold but so was the attire of every pony that walked by. Whether it be the stallions with their suits and top hats or the mares in various dresses and evening gowns, everyone looked a million bits. Front Page couldn't help but stare, as much as he tried to refrain from doing so.

"They all look astonishing. Is this how ponies in Canterlot dress everyday?" he asked, turning to look Peppermint Tea's way once more.

"Oh but of course, Canterlot is the location where you dress to impress, no matter the occasion." she replied, nodding her head.

"I see. I guess I'll need to update my apparel choice if I ever visit here again, huh?" Front Page said, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck.

"A shopping spree? Oh you simply must let me attend." Peppermint Tea chirped with a near childlike giddiness.

Chuckling in response, Front Page nodded his head. "It's a date."

A gentle blush appeared on the face of the heiress, who gave a head nod of her own.


Some more small talk and the remainder of their walk later, the couple arrived at the main Canterlot square. In the centre of the square was a gorgeous fountain in the centre of an equally stunning floral display that several ponies were stood near and admiring. Along the outskirts of the square were several cafés and restaurants, each looking as enticing as the one that came before it. Front Page's eyes flickered between each one as he walked alongside the heiress, each restaurant having its own theme and sense of style to it, varying from Canterlot's own specialities to different foods and spices brought in from all over Equestria. Front would've happily eaten at any one of these places but his brain quickly corrected, the image of just how much a meal would cost splashing all throughout his mind.

"See anywhere you like?" Peppermint Tea spoke up, breaking his train off thought.

"Hm? O-Oh, yeah, they all look amazing. I can imagine their food tastes even better."

"Well then, might I make a suggestion?"

Her question made Front Page turn to look at her, giving a gesture to go ahead. Peppermint Tea would simply point to the end of the street that was opposite to where they were currently standing. At the far end of the street that she was pointing towards a large building. It was another restaurant but it was significantly larger than the ones currently situated around the two of them, so much so it was clearly deserving of a street of its own. The way it was sectioned off from the other restaurants and businesses filled Front Page with intrigue, making him take a step towards it out of pure reflex.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" Peppermint Tea spoke up again, giggling softly and immediately making Front Page stop dead in his tracks.

"Y-Yes, yes of course. My apologies." he responded, clearing his throat.

"Oh my dear Front, worry not. Let's go."


Continuing on, moving past the fountain display and out of that section of the square, the duo made their way down the following street towards the building the heiress pointed out. Passing down the main path of restaurants, noticing a sign labelled 'Restaurant Row', Front Page truly took in the quality of fine dining he was about to experience. The features of the restaurant gradually became more and more clear with each step and soon enough the sign adorning the front of the building came into view. With each of the letters held up in lights, it was much easier to read when they had gotten close enough.

"Lux.....chat.....ew?" Front Page made the mistake of saying out loud whilst tilting his head, resulting in laughter momentarily bursting from the heiress, accompanied with the most adorable little snort.

"Oh Front my dear, you are just precious." Peppermint Tea managed, steadily collecting herself whilst also enjoying his attempt at speaking fancy.

"I'm sorry, Peppermint. I'm not so good with fancy pants words like that." Front Page said bashfully, his face turning red from embarrassment.

"Oh no, oh no no no don't be silly. You weren't to know." Peppermint Tea reassured before placing a hoof under his chin and tilting his head up to look at her, giving him a kind and understanding smile. Turning to look back at the sign, she pointed up at the writing. "It's pronounced Luxe Château." The silk and passion in her voice threatened to make Front Page's heart spontaneously combust. Va! Va! Voom!

"L-Luxe Chayto?" he tried again.



"Almost there. Châ."


"Perfect. Now all at once."

"All at once?" Front Page gulped. "Okay..... Luxe... Château. Luxe Château."

"Wonderful! Spoken like a true aristocrat." Peppermint Tea chirped, gently tapping her front hooves on the ground in applause, the soft clicking sound her shoes made equally as gentle.

"Hopefully I can dine as one too." Front Page responded. Now that fancy talk 101 is over.

Stepping forward and taking hold of the long metallic door handle, he pulled open the door all the way so that the heiress would be able to pass through with no issues at all. Pass through she did, giving a respectful curtesy before passing and flicking her mane out of her face with a mix of sass and determination, Front Page moving through after her and promptly following her into the main seating area of the establishment. As the pair stepped into the main area, a unicorn stallion dressed in an all black suit, stood behind a podium, gave them a welcoming grin.

"Madam, so wonderful to see you this evening. It has been too long." he said, addressing the heiress respectfully.

"It's lovely to see you too, Bow Tie. Are you well? How is your family doing?" she replied, her mannerisms and body language shifting to the atmosphere of the room.

"I am doing well, your grace. My wife is thriving at her new job and we recently celebrated little Tallulah's fourth birthday, so all is good." Bow Tie happily answered.

"Four? Oh heavens. What a little bundle of joy." The heiress cooed.

"But of course madam." Bow Tie nodded before his attention turned to the stallion beside her. "Oh? Who might this be?" he then gasped. "Are the two of you out on a special night together?"

"Indeed we are." Peppermint Tea confirmed, turning to look at Front Page with a gesture for him to speak up.

"Front Page. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." he introduced, respectfully bringing his hoof up for a hoofshake, to which Bow Tie reciprocated.

"A pleasure to meet you too Mr. Page." Bow Tie said, his attention then turning to the podium. Levitating what was on it slightly, to the point where the heiress and Front Page could see the sheet of paper he was looking at, Bow Tie gave another warm smile. "Ah, there we are, your reservation."

Front Page turned to look at Peppermint Tea with a smirk. She planned for us to come here the whole time.

"I do apologise for any hassle I may have given you with my double checking on everything." Peppermint Tea said, immediately being waved away by Bow Tie.

"Oh stop, m'lady. You wanted everything to be perfect for your date, I understand fully." he told her.

"There were many factors for us choosing to come here. Not just the very kind staff." Peppermint Tea added.

"But of course madam. So, will it be your usual table?"

"Oh, you know me so well."

Turning to the side, Bow Tie began walking, followed by heiress Peppermint Tea with Front Page quickly shuffling after them. As they walked, Front looked around at the ponies that were seated at the tables. Each and every one of them appeared as though they had money to burn, however, listening to some of their conversations, he caught sounds of laughter and chats of old friends catching up with one another. It sounds like any other type of restaurant. As he followed after Peppermint Tea and Bow Tie, his eyes continued to move between the tables and sure enough his gaze would fall on the table they would be sitting at. Stepping past a large table with several well dressed mares and stallions sitting at it, he soon approached the one belonging to him and the heiress for the evening. The table was a simple table for two with a black and red table cloth draped over it and was located off to the left side of the restaurant. On one side of the table was the remainder of the restaurant and on the other was a wide glass window that took up the entire wall, giving the pair a few of the street they had come down as well as the remainder of the street that the restaurant currently rested on, lanterns illuminating the street as the occasional single pony, couple or group would walk by.

"You have a usual table?" Front Page asked, looking across at Peppermint Tea as she moved over to her side of the table.

"Indeed I do, my dear Front, I've always had this table." Peppermint Tea answered as Front Page walked over and pulled out her chair for her. Once she had sat down, Front Page moved over to his own seat and sat down.

"Well, I will leave the two of you to get settled in and two of our finest waiting team will be over to take your orders." Bow Tie said. "Enjoy your night and a pleasure to meet you Mr. Page." Placing their menu's on the table, Bow Tie bowed his head before taking his leave and moving back the way they had just come from.

No sooner had Bow Tie left and Front Page picked up his menu to look at the food and drink options did the heiress' silk laced voice dance its way into his ears once again.


"Yes, m'lady?"

"I've been curious about a few things."

Her answer had gotten his full attention, resulting in him putting the menu back down on the table. "What things would they be?"

The heiress shuffled in her seat momentarily before looking across at him. "Well, you know a great deal about me, but I barely know anything about you. So please, tell me about yourself."

She does have a point. I've gotten all her info but she barely knows anything I've got going on at a personal level.

"Well, what would you like to know about me?" Front asked, open for anything.

"Well, for starters, what is your family like? Do you have any siblings at all?"

The first question was one that Front Page almost expected to be asked, as one does when someone is getting to know you.

"My family is lovely. I live with my mom, dad and two older sisters." he answered, watching Peppermint's eyes light up upon hearing his answer.

"Two older sisters? So you're the baby brother it would seem." She continued, smiling at him.

"That's one way of putting it. They're twins too." Front added.

"Ooooooo, twin older sisters, how exciting."

"Yup. Mint Condition and Limited Edition."

"Such similar names too!"

"Yeah, if they were identical you'd barely tell them apart."

The revelation seemed to take the heiress by surprise as she listened.

"Oh? Are they fraternal?" She asked.

"Yeah, Mint Condition has green fur, like her name states, but Limited Edition has fur closer to mine but more of a shade of grey." Front Page explained.

"I see, but what of your parents?" Peppermint Tea asked, now truly invested in the conversation.

"That's just it, I'm the spitting image of my dad. Although, he doesn't have the blue streak in his mane like I do. My mom on the other hoof is like if you smushed my sisters together to make one mare, she got parts of them to make up her..... if that makes sense." Front Page answered, getting a giggle out of Peppermint Tea once again.

"Well then, I shall just have to meet them one day." She said, almost making Front Page fall out of his chair.

"Come again?"


"Y-You want to meet my family?"

"Only when you're good and ready of course."

And breeeeeeaaath.

"I'm sure they'd love to meet you." Front Page said after regaining his composure.

"I'm glad to hear it. I am the oldest of my siblings."

"Oh really?"

"That's right. It seems that I am the opposite to you as I have two younger sisters. Blueberry Tea and Gwendolyn."

The variation in names took Front aback, making him ponder their origins. "There sure is a difference between the two of those names, but hey, who am I to judge what anypony names their kids."

Peppermint opened her mouth to say something more but stopped when a stallion and mare in waiting attire approached their table, the mare hanging back slightly.

"Good evening ma'am, sir, I hope we're not interrupting at all." The stallion spoke up.

"Not at all, what is it?" Peppermint Tea asked, shifting her attention to face the stallion.

"My name is Main Course and this is Iced Tea." The stallion introduced, gesturing to the mare behind him as he spoke. "We'll be looking after you both tonight. We were just wondering if we'd be able to take a drinks order, if you were ready?"

"I'm ready. How about you, m'lady?" Front Page asked.

"Yes, I'm feeling quite parched, let us-....." Peppermint began before halting herself. "Hold on. Did you say Iced Tea? Icy?"

Main Course nodded his head.

Upon hearing her name and the way it was spoken, Iced Tea stuck her head out from behind Main Course and locked eyes with Peppermint Tea.

"Cuz? She asked, receiving a wide smile from the heiress. "Oh my celestia, I barely recognised you!"

"Working hard on the job I see, little cousin." Peppermint responded.

"You guys are cousins?" Front Page and Main Course asked at the same time in disbelief.

"We sure are." Peppermint Tea replied before looking at Iced Tea. "How's aunt Peach?"

"She's good, she's been asking about you." Iced Tea replied.

"Oh we simply must have a catchup when you're off work."

"I'll send you a copy of my schedule."


As the two talked, Front Page and Main Course looked at one another and gave a shrug. Welp, alrighty then.

Their talk didn't go on for too long, however, as they soon remembered where they were and the fact that Iced Tea was meant to be working currently.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. I got carried away." Iced Tea apologised.

"Hey, no sweat, you're catching up." Front Page said.

Clearing her throat, Iced Tea went back into work mode and looked between the couple. "So what'll it be for you both?"

"Could I please have a medium glass of your finest Vanhoover Red Wine, if you please?" Heiress Peppermint Tea spoke up first.

"Make that two of those please." Front Page added, smiling warmly across the table.

"Alrighty, two Vanhoover Reds coming right up." Iced Tea nodded, smiling at the couple individually. "We'll be back to check in with you about what meals you'd like later on."

Soon enough, Main Course and Iced Tea took their leave and left the heiress and Front Page to chat once more. Their conversation would continue back and forth with questions and answers being exchanged, from learning about Front Page's friends and his time working in the Manehattan Daily Print to Peppermint Tea disclosing what made the best possible cup of tea.

"....So adding the honey and then mixing it gets you that extra flavor?" Front Page asked, leaning in to fully take in what his partner was saying.

"Precisely." Peppermint Tea nodded. "Doing it as soon as the tea is poured makes the mix between the already mixed honey and the milk absolutely splendid!"

"I'd never thought of doing it that way."

"Well, I hope the next time you make yourself a cup of tea you'll think of me."

"That won't be the only time I think of you m'lady"

Front Page's reply caught the heiress by surprise, her face turning bright red and cause her to fan herself with a hoof.

"My my, Mr. Page, you really do have a way with words." She said as she fanned herself.

Front Page couldn't help himself but smile at the heiress as she tried to calm herself. Having genuinely stumped a mare of her reputation made him feel some kind of way. The smile remained on his face as he watched the heiress compose herself once again, although his attention would soon be broken by a voice on his side.

"Two glasses of Vanhoover Red, for you both." Iced Tea spoke up.

"Thank you, dear cousin." Peppermint Tea responded.

Iced Tea shuffled to the side, sliding the tray on her back onto the table and softly using her hooves to place the glasses in front of each of them in turn.

"Having a horn would make this so much easier." The earth pony softly giggled, getting a giggle from Peppermint Tea in return.

"You're still doing a stellar job regardless, Miss Iced." Front Page spoke up, getting a look from both mares.

"Oh, why thank you very much." Iced Tea replied, a soft shade of pink forming on her cheeks.

Front Page gave a warm smile in response and soon enough, Iced Tea went on her way once more. His attention then turned back to the heiress, the smile still on his face.

"Well, my dear Front, I propose a toast." Peppermint Tea said, taking hold of her glass with a hoof and raising it.

"To what are we toasting?" Front Page asked, taking hold and lifting his own glass.

"To a wonderful night in a glorious city."

"Here here."

Bringing their glasses together with a harmonious clink, the pair took a generous sip of their wine before placing their glasses back on the table.

"This truly has been a wonderful night." Front Page said, smiling across at the heiress.

"Has been?" Peppermint Tea asked in an almost insulted tone, making Front Page wince slightly, fearing he'd spoken out of turn. "Front, the night is not nearly done yet."

"I-It's not?" Front Page stammered.

"Oh no, tonight will surely be a treat~" the heiress answered, batting her eyelashes at him.

"Oh, I see. W-What did you have planned for us?" Front asked.

"Well once we have wined and dined." Peppermint Tea began, Front Page smirking subtly. "We will depart this fine establishment and head to a little soirée that a pair of good friends of mine are hosting."

Swa....Soi....Sa what now?

"Pardon my perplexment, m'lady, but... what is that?" Front Page asked.

"It's a little event, similar to a party." The heiress clarified, much to her companion's relief.

"Ah, I understand, my apologies."

"No need to apologise my dear."

With the clarification established, the two would continue their conversation once again, Front Page only then noticing the gentle playing of music from somewhere in the restaurant. Violins. More than one of them. For some reason, the sound of the music passing through his ears really allowed him to relax into his seat and not feel as though he needed to worry about maintaining an upright persona. He truly could be himself. He was able to relax that much that he almost didn't respond when Main Course had returned to take an order for their food, although the unicorn was very understanding about things, seeing how much the couple were enjoying themselves. To refrain from keeping the order process from dragging on for too long, the pair would order the same deluxe salad, which Main Course wrote down on his notepad. However, Front Page would substitute his beetroot dressing for a side of spiced hay fries, which surprised him considering that they were actually on the menu. Taking their menus in his magical aura, Main Course would give a bow of his head before turning around and making his way in the direction of the kitchen to disposit their order to the chefs that were tirelessly working away. Once he had departed, the two would once again return to their conversation.

"There's one thing I do have to ask though." Front Page spoke up, after taking a sip of his wine.

"Oh? And what, pray tell, would that be?" Peppermint Tea enquired.

"Your staff. Have they always been around or was there a process to them arriving at your home?" Front Page answered.

"Well, my dear, like any other profession, a lengthy process is conducted to ensure they are right for the position." The heiress began, taking her wine glass in her hoof. "They must show all the right qualities and attributes of someone that is the best possible fit. Although, we make our utmost priority to ensure that they are happy, comfortable and well accomdated for. It is not just take take take with our family." Peppermint Tea informed, her answer leaving Front Page in silence for a few moments.

Softly smiling at her answer, he took another sip of his wine. "I would expect nothing less. I imagine it truly is an honor to work for you."

Front Page's reply earned him a smile in response as Peppermint Tea took a sip of her own wine.

"However, the attire of your maids, is there some form a meaning behind it?" Front Page continued.

The heiress raised an eyebrow in response. "Are you checking out my maids, sir?"

"N-No, I would never. I just wondered-" Front Page stammered before seeing the heiress smirking teasingly at him. "Oh..."

Another sultry giggle would escape the heiress and flow out into the space between them. "Please, do continue."

"W-Well, uh, I was just wondering why the aprons they wear are different colors. Miss Feather Duster's is golden, although Miss Dust Bunny's appears to be black. Is there a reason for that or is it just personal preference?"

"Oh, yes, there is a reason for that. The golden aprons are provided for maids who have finished their training and a fully fledged members of staff."

"Ah, I see, so the black apron is for those in training?"


"Well, if I may say, your selections have all been good ones."

"Oh, you are too kind my dear Front, but it is a family decision, not just my own."

"But you get on so well with them all, surely you have the biggest say, right?"

There was a short pause as the heiress took another sip of wine before her eyes met Front Page's. "Mother once told me, if you treat your staff as though they were your own family they will run through walls for you." She said. "I willingly make friends with all of our home staff, because I choose to."

"That's very genuine of you, m'lady." Front Page complimented.

"What you see is what you get." Peppermint Tea responded.

The straightforwardness of her answer resonated with Front Page, a warm tingly feeling tying itself around his heart just from how passionate she was about the matter. He tried and failed to stop himself from smiling at her as she continued to speak, losing himself once more in her passion and her beauty. The way she carried herself and held herself in such high regard, he couldn't help but respect it, Front Page had always been taught respect by his family and it was a core value of his that he held dear. With more time passing by the minute, Front Page continued to listen to the heiress as she spoke, also chipping in with his own responses.

Accompanied with their conversation, their meals would soon arrive to the table, brought out my Main Course. Once he took his leave, the happy couple soon tucked into their food. Front Page almost melted in his seat at just how tasty the food was, more than impressed with the high quality.

"Wow, just wow. Certainly not in Manehattan anymore." he commented, continuing to eat.

"I assume that you're enjoying it then?" Peppermint Tea asked with a small smirk.

"Enjoying would be an understatement." Front Page answered.

His response radiated a reaction from the heiress, a gentle smile and eyelash flutter coming his way. The two continued to enjoy their delecatable meals, savoring each succulent bite. Their conversation would continue throughout the duration of their meals as they both savored every last morsel of their meal. Front Page had truly loved every minute of his night, even though, according to the gorgeous mare opposite him, it hadn't even got going just yet.


It was only after Front Page had chowed down on his final hay fry and looked at his empty plate that he realised just how long they'd been sitting there. Princess Luna's moon hung its highest in the sky above the buildings, Front Page able to see it from his seat. He gave a content sigh of satisfaction as he then looked across at Peppermint Tea, who was wiping her mouth with a handkerchief.

"How was that for you, Peppermint?" Front Page asked, going with her first name this time. The look she gave him almost made his heart explode.

"Oh Front~ That was positively wonderful~" She cooed, with a gentle bite of her lip.

The way she spoke made Front Page genuinely have to shake his head to get rid of the thoughts that just threatened to creep their way into his brain. "

"W-Well, I'm glad that... that you enjoyed your meal." He responded.

"Indeed I did." She added, smiling at him. "Anywho, shall we be on our way to continue our night?"

"Yes." Front Page cleared his throat. "Yes, of course."

After paying and saying their goodbyes to the staff that had helped them, Peppermint spending a couple of minutes saying goodbye to her cousin. Once completed, the couple would make their way out of the door. Front Page gave one last look over his shoulder, scanning the room as they left. One thing he'd not expected to see, however, was when looking at the same large table that had the well dressed mares and stallions on it. His eyes landed on a purple coated earth pony mare, with golden segments in her black mane, dressed in an all black evening gown. You've got to be kidding me. As fate would have it, the mare would turn to look at him and sent a friendly smile his way. Sending a smile back and waving a hoof to her, their interaction soon ended as quickly as it began as the mare continued her conversation with the esteemed company surrounding her and Front Page turned to walk back outside into the Canterlot nighttime.

"Everything alright, Front?" Peppermint Tea asked him as he joined her outside.

"Yes, m'lady, completely fine." He answered, smiling at her. Totally didn't just see my boss in the one restaurant that I didn't want to see her in. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Peppermint responded, the two interlocking forelegs and getting on their way.

Making their way out of Restaurant Row and back into the main streets of Canterlot, Front Page would soon become a passenger in the journey once again. Getting lost in the regality and luxury of his surroundings, it all felt extremely surreal, even now. His eyes constantly jumped between the buildings and in turn the ponies coming and going from them. The fact he was as well dressed as them currently didn't help in not making him feel out of place with it all. Turning into the next street, Front Page's attention was grabbed by the sound of laughter and joy, but not laughter in the way he knew it, regal laughter. Never thought I'd see the day where a laugh sounded rich to me. Looking at where the laughter was coming from, his eyes landed on a group of very important looking ponies that were making their way into a building a short way ahead. Tilting his head up towards the sign on the building he quietly sighed with relief that it was something he could read and wouldn't be laughed at for saying out loud.

"Canterlot Hall of Dance and Fine Arts." This screams fancy. Well... fancy that I can actually read.

"Everything alright, Front?" Peppermint Tea's voice came from beside him.

"Y-Yes of course. Just taking in the grandness of this building." Front Page responded.

The building was indeed a marvel to behold, looking right at home in a city as grand as Canterlot. The lights of the sign shining brightly to welcome in waves of ponies, the cleanly painted and built outer walls and overall structural integrity evident at any and every angle. The building itself seemed to call out to him, beckoning him towards it. So, he obliged. His body then seemed to move on its own, wanting to truly experience an event involving these kinds of ponies first hoof. That sensation, however, promptly vanished when he almost tripped over his hooves trying to look cool in front of his date, earning a giggle in response as she came over.

"Very suave, my dear." Peppermint Tea said, playfully nudging Front Page as she joined him.

Promptly straightening himself up again, followed by a brief check to make sure no one saw him nearly make a fool of himself, Front Page cleared his throat.

"I think it's probably better I just follow you." He said.

Watching as the heiress led the way, Front Page closely followed after her, the two passing through the large doorway and into the building. Upon coming into the foyer area, Front Page nearly fell on his face from what he saw, looking around the room. A red carpet trailed from the floor he was standing on towards a staircase on the far side of the room, the same material covering the stairs from bottom to top. To his left were several small group of ponies engaged in conversation with one another, each and every one of them was dressed as gloriously as he expected them to be and to his right, were a pair of doors that led into another section of the building, marked 'staff area' and 'basement storage' respectively. The structure of the room itself appeared marble in nature at a first glance, several pillars dotted around to support the upper floors. This room alone is without a doubt worth more than I will earn in my reporting career.

"Everything alright, Front?" Peppermint asked, getting his attention.

"Yeah, just taking it all in. I've never been inside of a dance hall before. It's certainly a sight to see to say the least." Front Page answered.

"If you think this is impressive, my dear, with all respect, you haven't seen anything yet. Shall we?" Peppermint responded, raising a hoof to him.

Raising his hoof to take hold of hers, Front Page nodded his head and began to walk alongside her in the direction of the conversing ponies. He could sense the eyes on the two of them, mainly on him, as if they knew that he wasn't a well known individual just by his presence alone. That didn't matter however as a new area of the building presented itself to the couple as they walked. On the other side of all the conversing ponies was another room, which also contained conversing ponies although they were sitting at tables sipping glasses of wine and champagne and enjoying themselves. Getting a look at some of the individuals sitting in this area, he truly realised the level of company he was in the presence of.

"I can't believe I'm in the same room as some of these ponies." Front Page began. "That's Booted Suit a-and his wife Feather Boa. They're two of the biggest names in the Manehattan Business District." He pointed towards the two pegasi as he spoke, trying not to make it obvious he was looking at them before looking around the room again. "Oh, look, that's Shiny Coin, she only ever attends exclusive events that she is given a written invitation to. A baltimare businessmare with bits to spare." Try saying that five times fast.

"You really know your important ponies, don't you?" Peppermint Tea asked with a smirk.

"All part of the job m'lady." Front Page responded as a trio of well dressed stallions walked by, immediately making his gaze lock onto them. "No. Way. The Lucre brothers and Esteemed Column are here?"

"Oh, you've heard of them?" Peppermint asked.

"Heard of them? Anyone who is anyone in the reporting world knows who the three of them are." Front answered. "The Lucre brothers practically funded the entirety of the publishing industry in Manehattan and Baltimare put together and Esteemed Column used his own money in a gamble that paid off to start his own business in promoting young uponcoming authors and creative minds by making his own book agency from the ground up. He's revolutionary!" He could tell by the look that the heiress was giving him that he said something to her liking. "I...I got carried away a bit there didn't I?"

"Not at all." Peppermint Tea replied, running a hoof through her mane. "Your passion is extremely admirable."

Her response gave him a warm tingly feeling in his stomach as the pair walked past several tables until finding an empty one, an empty one which had a small steel reserved sign sitting on it. Leaning in close to look at the sign, he saw what had been inscribed on it.

Heiress Peppermint Tea

Golden Horseshoe Tea Company

"A fancy table fit for an heiress of the greatest tea company in Equestria." Front Page commented, looking at the table itself and all its decorations. A silk purple covering was laid out on the table with a pair of napkins neatly folded on top, a third in between having been folded into the shape of a swan. A pair of champagne glasses and a pair of wine glasses had both been placed either side of the swan napkin. Moving over towards the closest chair to them, Front Page pulled it out for Peppermint Tea, patiently waiting until she sat down before tucking it back in for her and then moving back to his own seat and sitting down.

"So, what do you think of the setup?" Peppermint Tea asked, looking across the table at Front Page.

"This truly is something special. These friends of yours really do make an effort, I'm extremely impressed." Front Page replied, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Well, with a pairing as influential as them, this is but the norm for them. They never fail to surprise me."


"If you don't mind me asking, Peppermint, who are this pair of friends that you are referring to? It's just that I know you are very well connected yourself but I'm positively itching to know." Front Page asked. Positively itching? Wow. I'm starting to speak fancy talk now...

"But of course, my apologies, I am referring to Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis." she answered.

The names immediately resonated in his brain, making him tap his hoof against his chin. "I recognise the names. I just can't put faces to them. I've heard the names before but I just can't picture them."

His reply made the heiress actually pause in order to take it in. "Oh?" she asked. "Well, believe me my dear, you can't miss them."

Nodding his head, Front Page took a quick glance around the room, spotting a few more ponies that he knew by name before looking back towards the heiress across from him. That look didn't last long however as the faint sound of hooves stomping on the ground getting closer and closer to the area they were sitting in.

"Speak of the devils." Peppermint said, turning to face in the direction the applause was coming from. She would soon untuck her chair and stand up, Front Page following her lead, straightening himself up to look as presentable as he could. Walking over to join Peppermint Tea on her side of the table, he watched as the crowd of well dress ponies moved aside in order to let the couple of the hour through in order to greet them all.

That was when he saw them.

The couple came into his line of sight as they spoke to the Lucre brothers he'd spotted earlier on. The longer he looked at them, the more he began to recognise the pair. The unicorn mare with her slim but stunning figure and a white coat, light pink mane and tail. Alongside her, the unicorn stallion who also had a white coat, and was sporting a pristine suit with a monocle over his left eye. His mane and tail that same shade of blue, matching his moustache. Front Page's brain finally completed its task of recalling their appearances, knowing where it was he'd seen them before. The picture in Premium Feature's office with the pair in front of him standing with her.

"That's Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis?" Front asked, turning to look at Peppermint Tea once more. "My boss has a photo with them hung up in her office back at the MDP."

"Oh really? Wow, it truly is a small world then isn't it." Peppermint Tea responded.

"You can say that again." Front nodded.

As the two of them conversed, Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis had made their way over towards the table that Front Page and Peppermint Tea were sitting at, Front Page not seeing them until they were practically in front of them.

"My, oh my, Peppermint Tea!" Fancy Pants said, stepping forward towards her.

"Fancy! Fleur! Oh, it is so good to see you both." Peppermint replied, the three of them sharing a tender hug for a few moments. "It really has been too long."

"How have you been? The tea company still going strong I hope." Fleur de Lis asked, a caring smile on her face.

"I have been splendid, my dear, and the Golden Horseshoe Tea Company is positively thriving. We are truly making great strides to become the face of tea in Equestria." Peppermint answered.

"We're so glad that you could make it." Fancy Pants spoke up before turning to look towards Front Page, the pegasus immediately clearing his throat. "I see you have brought a guest along."

"A pleasure to meet you sir." Front Page said, raising a hoof for a hoofshake, Fancy Pants happily reciprocating.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Mr...." Fancy Pants trailed off.

"Front Page sir." Front said.

"Ah, Front Page, once again a pleasure." Fancy Pants said before turning to Peppermint Tea. "So, what brought the two of you together?"

"Well, we're actually on a date as it happens." Peppermint responded, getting a gasp from Fleur de Lis in response.

"Peppy, you're on the dating scene?!" she asked.

"That I am. I was quite smitten with Front here after he interviewed me, I just had to see more of him." Peppermint answered, getting puzzled looks from Fleur and Fancy Pants in turn.

"Interviewed you?" They both asked.

"Front Page here is a reporter." Peppermint clarified.

"Oh I see." Fancy Pants said. "Where abouts do you work, young sir?"

"The Manehattan Daily Print, sir." Front Page answered. "You both actually took a photo with my boss, Premium Feature. She has it hung in her office."

"Premium Feature is your boss?" Fleur asked. "Wow, small world it seems."

"That's what I thought upon seeing the two of you."

"Well, please give her our best regards when you see her next."

"I will make sure to."

Giving a pleasant smile in return, Fleur turned to look at Fancy Pants as the conversation continued for another few minutes. However, the time would come where they would have to cut the catchup short as they would need to move on in order to speak to the other guests that they hadn't seen yet.

"Well this has been lovely." Fancy Pants said. "We simply must catchup again over a cup of your gloriously brewed tea, Peppermint."

"Oh, we must. I will make sure to write to inform you of a date." Peppermint responded.

"I'll make sure to note it in my diary once that letter does arrive. I would not miss it for the world." Fleur de Lis said, sharing a hug with Peppermint Tea once again.

"Before we go, I must let you know, once the two of you are both ready, make your way up to the main hall and we can truly get the evening underway." Fancy Pants said.

"Yes sir. I'm looking forward to what you have in store." Front Page said.

After saying their goodbyes, hugs and hoofshakes being distributed, the regal couple would be on their way to the next table. The table they went to next just so happened to be Shiny Coin's table, the businessmare that Front Page had spotted moments before they found their table. Front Page watched as Fancy Pants and Fleur de Liz began conversation with the unicorn before turning back towards Peppermint Tea and continuing their own conversation for a short while to properly settle themselves in.


The night had drawn on for a while, around an hour or so before Front Page had noticed that a few of the tables had begun to clear out as several groups were making their way out of the seating area and making their way in the direction of the staircase leading up to the next floor. Making the agreement to follow after them, Front and Peppermint stood up together and gradually made their way up the stairs, hooves interlocked, chatting amongst themselves. Taking note of their surroundings, Front Page looked at the carpet as it snaked around the staircase and reached all the way up to the following floor. Two sets of open double doors stood before them, with ponies moving into the room beyond them. It was soon the turn of Front Page and Peppermint Tea to venture into the room ahead of them, the sights, sounds and dimensions of the room coming into full view.

Classical music sung out from a collection of instruments, the gentle tones dancing their way through the air. Golden chandeliers hung down from the ceiling, light cascading down on the crowd below. Looking around the room, Front Page found the source of the music, having spotted the band on the far side of the room, playing in sync with one another and harmonizing effortlessly. Looking towards the centre of the room, his eyes landed on the group of pairs of ponies that were making their way in that direction. It seemed as though they were all preparing for something. He continued to scan the room, finding a stage at the far side of the room, adjacent to the raised platform that the band was currently playing on.

"This room is equally as stunning." Front Page said, unable to stop himself from smiling as he took in his surroundings.

"I told you, did I not?" Peppermint Tea asked, nudging him softly.

"That you did, m'lady. That you did." Front Page conceded.

As they stood there for a few moments, a new sound greeted their ears. The band had begun playing the next song in their repertoire as the room quickly filled up. It would become apparent that the heiress and reporter duo were not the only ones to notice the change in music, as those who had were all beginning to find pairs and make their way into the centre of the room as a large cohesive unit, although in said pairs. Watching as each of them made their way forward, Front Page held up his hoof towards Peppermint Tea, giving his most charismatic smile with an accompanying bow.

"Would you do me the honor of joining me to dance?" he asked, looking into her enticing dark red eyes.

For a few moments, Peppermint Tea didn't say a word. She just looked upon the humble stallion before her, who was doing his best to take the initiative in a night where he had been none the wiser as to what had been in store. She found it a truly redeeming quality of his and the smile on her face only proved that even more.

"I would be more than honored to accompany you for a dance, Mr. Page." she replied, placing her hoof on his.

Front Page could feel his heart in his chest and butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't tell whether it was the way she spoke to or looked at him but there was something about this interaction that rang home just that little bit more, not that he was complaining. As the song continued to play, Front Page walked alongside heiress Peppermint Tea in the dead centre of the room before turning to face her. In that moment, the rest of the room fell away, leaving only the two of them together. This was unlike any sensation that he had ever felt before as he looked at the heiress, his heart threatened to soar out into the night sky. As the music continued to serenade the room, Front Page raised a hoof once more to which Peppermint Tea accepted. With that, their dance would begin, the pair would step and move together in pure synchronization, moving as one. The golden tinged symphonies carried through the air, seemingly boosting the levels of passion between the two as they spun and twirled across the floor in the space they had. The heiress draped her forelegs around Front Page's neck and stared into his eyes, the smile never wavering from her face for a moment.

"You look as radiant as ever tonight, m'lady." Front Page told her, his gaze softening and a lovestruck smile of his own on his face. He couldn't take his eyes off of her and her astonishing beauty.

"And you my dear stallion are as dapper and as clean-cut as can be." Heiress Peppermint Tea replied, looking into his eyes.

"I cannot thank you enough for inviting me to join you in this glorious city this evening." Front Page said, spinning the heiress around before pulling her in close once again.

"As I had told Fleur, my dear, I was quite smitten with you and decided to take the plunge." Peppermint Tea told him.

Her words slithered into his brain and danced around inside his head. An heiress....smitten with me....wow~. The entire night would be one he would remember fondly for the rest of his life. "I know it may sound corny, but I've dreamt of a moment exactly like this."

"Well, here is to a night where dreams do come true." Peppermint Tea said.

The pair would continue to dance and twirl across the ballroom as the band continued to release their dulcet tones which flowed through the air and into the ears of their esteemed guests. Grace and poise radiated through the heiress as she moved, Front Page having to keep himself composed at all times so to not trip over his own hooves just from how beautiful she was. Words could not begin to describe how happy Front Page felt, his entire body tingling from his head to his hooves. This is amazing. This feeling.... in my heart. I can't describe it but I am all for it. Front Page kept his eyes focused on Peppermint Tea's as they gracefully moved around in their space, nothing else on his mind in this moment but her and the night that they had enjoyed together. With the tone of the music shifting to a more gentle one, he knew that their dance would soon have to conclude, as much as he did not want that to be the case.

"I could stay here all night." Front Page said, his tone of voice both soft and gentle.

"I would truly not want to be anywhere else in all of Equestria than right here with you right now." Peppermint Tea cooed in response. "Although it does appear that our fair musicians have other ideas for the time being."

The words of the heiress would indeed come true as soon enough the music would die down and eventually come to a stand still, the dancing pairs all giving their partners a respectful bow. As the music would be replaced with sound of voices, whilst the musicians prepared themselves for the next song, Front Page and Peppermint Tea simply enjoyed each other's company. Whether it be small talk or simply gazing upon one another, it was a memorable time for the pair of them.

"For the sake of sounding repetitive, Peppermint, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I've truly enjoyed myself more than you can believe." Front Page said.

"It has been my pleasure, Front, it honestly has." Peppermint Tea replied, stepping forward to wrap her hooves around him once again in a caring hug.

The gesture took Front Page by surprise, leaving him standing motionless for a few moments but he would quickly break himself out of his statue-like state and returned the hug, holding the heiress in close, gently rubbing his hoof on her back. His nostrils were blessed with the perfume that she was wearing, a mix of fragrances coming to him all at once. Strawberries. No, raspberries. Wait.... both~. The scent only intensified when Peppermint Tea gently nuzzled against his neck, making his legs turn to jelly in the process and threaten to give out from under him. Her fur is so.... so sooooft~. His perfume fuelled trance was just about to reach its peak when the heiress pulled back and looked up at him once again, that same beautiful smile on her face.

"I don't know about you, but I still feel in a dancing mood." Front Page said.

"You and I both, my dear. The night is still young. Let's enjoy ourselves." Peppermint Tea replied with a playful wink.


Minutes would become hours as the dancing continued with little disruptions, the only time any dancing ceased was when a song would end or when Front Page would grab the two of them some refreshments in order to quench their thirst from all that dancing. As the night progressed further and further, the late hours of the evening soon transitioned into the early hours of the following morning. Slowly but surely, the dancing would come to a stop and a pair at a time, the partners would all make their way back downstairs towards the refreshment area for one last drink before they would head back to their homes. As the musicians finished their final song, they would begin to pack away their instruments and would join the guests downstairs for a goodbye drink. Once everyone was downstairs and had their drink of champagne in hoof or magical aura, the sound of a spoon tapping against a glass to get everyone's attention could be heard. Front Page and Peppermint Tea both turned to look in the direction of the sound. Standing on the staircase they had all come down a few minutes prior was Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis, levitating glasses of their own.

"Well my friends, it has now come to the time where we will all travel our separate ways but myself and Fleur would like to thank each and every single one of you for joining us here tonight." Fancy Pants began. "Having you all here from various walks of life means so much to us. Whether it's from a business background, old friends or young love just beginning, it really means a lot."

"Seeing you all gussied up and looking as astonishing as you do is just wonderful." Fleur de Lis added.

"Now, before we depart, I would like to raise a toast." Fancy Pants said, using his magic to raise his champagne glass. One by one, every glass in the room was raised, from the guests to the musicians to the staff. "To friendship."

"To friendship!" The crowd of ponies all said in unison.

"Please do take care of yourselves and we shall see you all again soon." Fancy Pants concluded before taking a sip of his champagne and wrapping his free hoof around Fleur.

"He always knows how to make himself the centre of attention." Peppermint Tea giggled softly.

"An important pony like him?" Front Page asked. "I can see why he would."

"This is the Canterlot lifestyle, Front. I hope the experience has been a memorable one for you." Peppermint continued.

"Oh, it most certainly has. I shall not forget this as long as I live." Front Page responded, before a small smile found its way onto his face. He would race his champagne glass towards her in a toast of his own. "To a successful date?"

"To a fantastic date." Peppermint Tea responded, bringing up her own glass to clink together with Front's.

The couple would both contently down their champagne whilst engaged in conversation, even being joined by their gracious hosts who joined in with the chit-chat. Although, it would soon be time for the guests to take their leave. With thanks given as well as hugs and hoof shakes distributed, guests would exit the dance hall one by one. The exit should have been smooth sailing, although a sneaky and sudden downpour had sprung to make the return journey significantly wetter to say the least. Standing in the doorway, Front Page and Peppermint Tea would share a glance and then once more turn towards the rain. Several other guests had joined them in looking out at the less than favorable weather before them. As general discussion began amongst the group standing by the door, Peppermint Tea nudged Front Page, getting his attention.

"If we go left from here and move to the end of the street, there is actually a lovely little hotel that one could assume has rooms free. If you catch my drift?" she whispered to him.

For a few moments, Front Page's brain stopped working as he pondered the suggestion. Glancing between the heiress and the pouring rain that was soaking the streets just metres ahead of them, his thoughts spun around in his head as he considered the options, even surprised at himself for even doing so. The image of the train station briefly flashed into his mind, accompanied with the image of the heiress and himself soaked through but on the train heading back towards Ponyville. Giving a small shake of his head, he then thought about the words of the heiress once again. A hotel? For the night? With a gorgeous heiress?! Is this actually happening right now?! It didn't take him long to turn to look at heiress once again and smile at her pleasantly.

"I like the way you think~."

Author's Note:



I can only apologise for the long wait between stories. Whilst going through school and also having been on vacation, I'm locked in now and will be back making more stories for you all. I've got quite a few ideas I've been brainstorming, so stay tuned!

Fly High Everyone!

Comments ( 3 )

Amidst the vibrant energy and bustling streets of New York City beckons a hidden treasure, carrying echoes of decades past and offering an escape from the modern world. The Tavern, located in the heart of the city, is more than just a tavern, it's a place where history, music and conviviality converge. Join restaurants near me nyc to experience the highlights and learn the most interesting facts that make the Tavern a timeless gem worth discovering.

It's a lovely sequel to the first one. Will there be another sequel to this?

I was thinking about doing so. If that's what people wanted to see :twilightsmile:

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