• Published 21st Aug 2022
  • 1,006 Views, 21 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime--Wallace and Gromit in Diamonds Are Not Best Friends - PlymouthFury58

The New Life of Wallace and Gromit seems alright, until an old adversary threatens not only themselves, but their new friends.

  • ...

VII. All's Well, Then?

Graduation day had come.

Today was the day. Today was the day that the girls would leave the confines of school to make their own journeys in the adventure that was life.

The past few weeks had actually been somewhat relaxing compared to the adventure that involved the infamous Feathers McGraw. Fluttershy had been rescued, the diamonds returned, and the criminal had been shipped back to England, oddly enough wanted by Interpol themselves.

Fluttershy had reluctantly sold the diamond Rarity gave her, and the buyer had given her enough money to reinvigorate the funds to the Animal Shelter. New investors signed onto the complex and it was as if there wasn't such a financial struggle in the first place. She was just happy that the animals now had a home to stay in where she could care for them so that they could go to new owners.

School was thirty minutes from starting, but of course the seniors of the hour were given leave until the official ceremony, and at the moment two friends were taking a relaxing stroll down a residential neighborhood.

"Such a lovely day," Rarity smiled.

"It definitely is," Fluttershy agreed. "Though, I'm a little nervous."

"That's to be expected, darling. It is the next stage of our lives. I'll admit, I am slightly nervous myself."


"Of course. I suppose that after all our little...adventures, I had forgotten about the stress of this coming day."

"O-Oh, yeah, I agree."

"So, which house is it? They all look the same."

"I don't know."

At that moment, a loud explosion rocketed the roof off and back onto a nearby house, followed by the smell of smoking cheese.

"That one, I think."

The two friends entered the front garden of the house in question, walking up to the front door where upon they discovered a note.

To whomever is at the front door:
Gromit and myself have decided to have our Memorial Bank Holiday on the moon. We will return in a few days time. Until then, hold off on my order of Wensleydale.

"They're out of town?" Fluttershy wondered. "And Memorial Day was a few days ago. Do you think they're back and forgot to remove the note?"

"Perhaps, but what does he mean by 'on the moon'?" Rarity added.

"I don't know."

"Well, let's ring the doorbell and ask."

Rarity pressed the button to the side of the door, followed by a "I'll just be a minute!" and the door opening to reveal a smiling Wallace holding a flat-head screwdriver and his face covered in soot.

"Oh, hallo girls. Fancy seeing you here today. Isn't it your graduation day?"

"Yes it is, Wallace," Rarity replied. "Fluttershy and I were just coming here to invite yourself and Gromit to attend.

"Oh, why yes, yes of course! I would an honor!" He took a rag and wiped his face. "Why don't you come in? We were just about to have some cheese! Courtesy of the moon!"

Fluttershy stammered for a moment. "O-oh. W-Well, that's...that's very nice of you, Wallace, but we...we..."

"Would be honored to join you," Rarity answered.

"Charming!" He then went upstairs. "I'll just be there in a moment! I'll need to change into something clean!"

The two then entered the parlor hall, removing their shoes and jackets as per basic houseguest manners.

"Why did you answer for me?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy, darling..." Rarity sighed, calming her nerves. "These past few weeks have been stressful for all of us, you and I especially with that thieving penguin."

Fluttershy shivered, visually remembering the exact details of that monstrous penguin. "He nearly killed you..."

She felt her friend's hand calmly rubbing her shoulder. "But he didn't. The worst that happened was my hair getting rustled from the rushing wind on that flying balloon cart. That is why we need this moment. We can't have either of us clamming up before one of the most important moments of our lives."

She remained silent.

"O-Okay, I...I'll try to be strong...I Will be strong."

Rarity smiled warmly. "We owe it to Wallace and Gromit. Besides, I've never tasted Moon Cheese before. I wonder what it will be?"

The two sat in the living room on the sofa, each with a plate of cheese and Gromit pouring them a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Gromit," Rarity said.

"Mmm...this is great cheese, Gromit," Fluttershy complimented. "Where did you get it?"

Gromit nodded his head up in the direction of the sky.

"Um...I'm sorry, but did you say that you and Wallace got them...from the moon?"

Gromit nodded.

"And you went skiing with a...um, a 'Robot Cooker' over the hills?"

Gromit nodded again.

"So you and Wallace went to Switzerland?" Rarity asked.

Gromit replied by raising his brow, followed by shaking his head while rolling his eyes.

"Um...actually, I think he meant they actually went to the Moon," Fluttershy said.

Rarity was taken aback. "Are you serious?" she asked Gromit.

The canine placed his paw on his hip, unimpressed.

"How is that you and Wallace managed to reach the Moon...all on your own?"

Gromit nodded to the basement door.

"He said that they..." she nervously took a sip and a light nibble, "rebuilt the one from before after modifying the plans of the prototype."

"Prototype?" Rarity carefully set her dishes on the coffee table before turning to Gromit. "You mean to tell me, that yourself and Wallace, had previously built a rocket to the Moon, and had modified the plans to do it again?"

Gromit nodded again, this time with a hint of pride at the unintentional praise.

"That's very clever of you guys," Fluttershy complimented.

And then blushed at the intentional praise. Fluttershy just seemed to always say the right set of words to make anyone feel better. It was rather sweet of the young girl.

Rarity sighed in defeat, though with a visible smile. She sipped her tea and took a small bite. "It's a good thing Twilight isn't with us. We would never hear the end of how 'The Moon is not made of cheese, for the last time!'"

Even Gromit found the exchange funny.

"I think she would be more excited at how Wallace and Gromit managed to build a rocket from their own basement."

"To that I say: 'That's Wallace and Gromit for you.' I can only wonder what could be next from that inventive mind of his."

Gromit then took the empty plates and cups onto a tray heading for the kitchen, right when Fluttershy noticed the time on the parlor room clock.

"Oh, my goodness! Rarity, we got to hurry! School's starting soon!"

"Huh? Oh, right, darling! Of course!" Rarity was slower after Fluttershy, but managed to give a polite farewell to the dish-washing canine in the kitchen. "We hope to see you both at Graduation, Gromit, and I absolutely loved the cheese! Goodbye!"

Gromit waved after her as the door closed. He sighed wistfully, getting back to work. It seemed that the pair of himself and Wallace could never get a moment's rest in their never-ending adventurous life. But, that was to be expected when your best friend was a crackpot cheese-loving inventor.

Speaking of which, the man in question came down the stairs in a clean outfit.

"Have they left already?" he asked.

Gromit nodded as he set the dishes to dry.

"Well, that's a shame. I was looking forward to our light conversation over a plate of splendid Moon Cheese." He sighed. "Oh, well, all the more for us, and we got invited to their graduation. All after another successful Bank Holiday to the Moon. Heh, all's well that end's well, eh, Gromit?"

In his monologue of praise, Wallace managed to miss hearing and seeing Shaun the Jumper Sheep casually eating the remnants of the block of cheese that was sitting right in the middle of the coffee table. Gromit saw, but shrugged his shoulders at the sight as he hung up his apron.

"Right," Wallace grinned, "now I'm ready for a great big plate of...uh, Gromit, lad? You wouldn't happen to have seen where the cheese went?"

Gromit again shrugged his shoulders.

At the same time, Shaun was happily eating away at his ill-gotten meal, licking the crumbs from his lips and the plate.

"Shaun! You little tyke, you! Get back here with me cheese!"

Shaun immediately caught onto his master's shouting and made a break for it.

Wallace gave chase. "Get back here, you thieving monster! Ah...I'll teach you not to steal other people's cheese!"

Except he wasn't watching his path, and managed to slip on the plate Shaun left by the open door to the basement before tumbling down the staircase.


Gromit winced as he heard the sounds of splintering wood and crashing metal.

"GROMIT! You'd better the screwdriver! I think I've bent me tubes again!"

The dog facepalmed his shaking head. Just what would it take to have a relaxing day for a change, was it that hard to ask?

Author's Note:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnd...that's a wrap folks!

Curtain Call:
Wallace: Ben Whitehead
Spike: Cathy Weseluck
Rarity/Vice-Principal Luna: Tabitha St. Germain
Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie: Andrea Libman
Rainbow Dash/Applejack: Ashleigh Ball
Twilight Sparkle: Tara Strong
Postman/Announcer/Assorted Voices: PlymouthFury58

Written and Directed (and produced) by: PlymouthFury58

Have a cracking good day, everyone!

The events depicted here take place right before the events of Cinematic Adventures: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

I have absolutely no excuse for delaying the ending. All I can say is that it happens to the best of us. Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 6 )

Well done! Glad you finally got around to finishing the story! Looking forward to whatever you come up with next!

Great conclusion. Even before the link, I could imagine some of the BGM coming in.

BGM. I am unfamiliar with that acronym. What does it mean?

background music. not just the main theme but various tracks from the series in general.

Hey there. Not much I can say beyond wonderful job on this epilogue. Definitely appreciated the dialogue and characterizations. Glad Fluttershy was able to use the money gained from selling that donated diamond to save the animal shelter as well as the girls' reflections as they were getting ready to graduate from Canterlot High. Also liked that scene with Wallace, Gromit and Shaun at the end too. This took a while, but the ending was more than worth it.

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