• Published 21st Aug 2022
  • 719 Views, 21 Comments

Secondo: Shores of Zebrica - Lil Penpusher

After over one thousand years of banishment, the three sirens have been freed and taken over the kingdom of the Hippogriffs. With all resistance broken and shattered, they look to spread their voice and song further abroad. Zebrica calls.

  • ...

The White Severyanian

It was calmingly quiet underwater. Many creatures feared the depths of the ocean, dreading what might lurk beneath or even just the simple depth itself. It surely was not an environment most creatures could survive, let alone flourish in. A siren was not like creatures.

Down there, Adagio was more than 'just' a siren. She did not fear the depths as other, simpler minds and races did. She did not fear predators, because no matter how far she went, she was the predator that other maritime life would make a great curve around.

It was a little odd, actually. Trapped for over a thousand years in the confines of their magical prison in the Mareiana Trench, one may well have assumed that the three of them would forever forsake the waters, and while that experience certainly stung, it did not cut down on the joy they got from experiencing what may well be called their natural habitat. To Adagio especially, this type of journey was a pleasantry. The world above was all so new. It was changed from the ground up, and it was forcing its will and rules upon her, rather than the other way around. She had tried to resist that fact, but reality had begun to slowly settle in - helped in part by Aria's insistence.

But not here. Not beneath the waves. Underwater, she was still Queen. She was the alpha predator that was feared and dreaded by all, her yellow body flowing back and forth as her large tail fin propelled her forward at surging speeds. Sure the mortal races had developed underwater probes, and even submarines, but those were a far cry from what she was capable of. The siren felt... at peace, down there. A relaxing occasion, in a way, even if she was technically in hostile waters, and on a way to a rather obscure meeting.

She was lucky, in a sense. Chiropterra had attacked the desert tribes of Zarantia days prior, meaning they were going to be distracted, and although the tribes 'technically' had a coastline, desert tribes did not exactly offer up much in terms of a war fleet. Not a modern one, anyways, which meant the fleet of the lunarists was likewise absent, it seemed. No destroyer or submarine patrols in sight.

Then, Adagio froze. Like a sixth sense, she felt something reverberating through the waters. Prepared for anything, she flicked her large form around back and forth whilst showing her sharp teeth to any potential assailant.

And then she looked up. Small ripples originated from a likewise small motorboat. She saw it slowly proceed, the noise of the engine barely audible at her depth. This, she assumed, was her cue.

The yellow sea creature swam upwards towards the moon above, its light and form distorted by the waves. She gained more and more speed, but held back enough so that she wouldn't outright shoot out of the water.

She emerged with a loud splash and a hoof outstretched. There was a thunk as the vehicle bumped into her hoof, stopping it dead in its tracks. A single occupant, an earth pony with grey fur, a teal mane and blue eyes sat on the boat, eyeing the newly emerged siren. Her cold, determined glare did not betray any fear or fright from Adagio's arrival. The lead siren immediately took note of her military uniform, a khaki service uniform of unknown origin, and a simple, likewise khaki peaked cap - likewise unknown in origin to her. There was no iconography on any of her attire that would have hinted at the mare's allegiance. That was probably for the best, given current circumstances.

"So you really came," the pony began, her voice a little raspy, sounding like it was worn out. She turned around and shut off the engine behind her, returning blissful quiet to the scene.

Adagio grinned. "You sound surprised. I was the one who contacted you, was I not?"

"Forgive me if my trust is not self-evident for a creature enslaving the minds of the masses for their entertainment."

"Pah," the siren barked dismissively. "And what do you know about me and the others? What we do and why we do it certainly has more to it than petty lust for control!"

The mare looked on for a few seconds, remaining painstakingly silent.

"Well!?" Adagio reiterated with heated temper.

"Nothing. I was trying to recall an old tale my grandparents told me once back home. I believe it involved your kind... but my memory is foggy about it, now."

The sea monster let out an audible growl, and raised herself a little further out of the water, looming over the tiny boat.

"Don't mess with me, puny equine. You are here at my request, and I can just as easily throw you away as I called on you."

Again the pony appeared to spare some time to think before answering.

"And yet, I wonder why you called on me to begin with. You have two full realms now fully under your spell - literally - and an army of thralls with it. What made you seek out a lone commander such as me, I wonder?"

Adagio squinted her eyes.

"The reason for my request is of little importance to you. The only thing that matter is-"

"The only thing that matters to me is loyalty. It is what I expect of my soldiers, and what they expect of me. It is what you expect of me, evidently... and it is what I expect of you. You have come here because you are in need of somepony. Somepony such as me, and given the alternatives to my person, I am willing to stake a claim that I am the only one available for whatever job you need me for."

Adagio was silent, listening begrudgingly. The officer took one step forward, then another half-step to the very front of the boat. The siren lowered herself to see eye to eye with her properly.

"I value honesty as part of demonstrating loyalty, and so I will show the same to you now: I do not like you. I find your kind to be a potentially great threat to everycreature including myself. I am reminded of the tales about King Sombra, and his own attempt to control his subjects via magic. I want no part in it."


"However," the mare continued, "I likewise admit that my hate for you takes second place now, with the dreaded lunarists and thestrals being priority one. They stand to oppose all I hold dear, and destroy all that is sacred to mark it in their image after. The scorch your home, kill your family, make you do forced labour and force you into some abstract 'faith' of theirs - and then, at the end, you are told to be thankful for it all."

She shook her head in defiance.

"I may only be a simple mare, but I am willing and able to use my skills to advance my goals. If that means accepting your... help, then that is a sacrifice I am willing to make so that ends meet."

Both of them fell into silence. Adagio blinked, and spoke up to break the deadlock.

"For a mortal," she said, "you certainly have guts. Few in history have stood this close to me and dared such words."

"If they were untrue, I would not have uttered them."

"Perhaps so..."

Silence, again, as both sides stared one another down.

"So. Are you going to kill me for supposed insolence? Are you going to control my mind, also?"


Adagio's laughter rang out in the dead of night, all while her companion stood idle, waiting for a proper reply to be given.

"Oh, certainly not, my silly little pony friend. After all, I have need of you, and unfortunately our magic spell has this awful tendency to make creatures... not so bright. They are obedient, but don't make for good leaders, scientists or teachers."

"All of which are things you need, I presume," the pony deduced.


"Meaning you intend for me to serve you willingly after all. Why risk it? I am in foreign territory and could easily sell this information to the lunarists."

"Why, you've already told me you hate them with a passion, first of all. Beyond that? We may look to support you for a more permanent position of leadership once the thestrals are beaten. A friend of mine, Aria Blaze, is busy in Colthage at the moment," Adagio explained. "She informed me that she is looking for loyal but skilled leaders for the armed forces which she has put together."

This time it was the pony that was silent and listening.

"And finally? I hear you value... loyalty. Luckily for you, so do I, though usually that is enforced through means that should appear obvious."

"Forgive me, but how can I be assured of my own safety if I am speaking to a creature that mind controls its own subjects?"

The siren sighed, then grumbled.

"A common misconception, actually," she corrected. "Though we do possess the ability to fully control somecreature's mind if we desire, we usually do not. For the lack of a better term, the 'standard state' of any of our thralls retains individuality and free will, though they retain absolute loyalty to us. The only other change is that they will come to be easily annoyed by mostly everything and everyone, creating hate and strife which we can then feed on."

"Feed on?" asked the mercenary, furrowing an eyebrow.

"Oh, I assumed you knew," Adagio admitted. "You appeared like such an observant and overly prepared one to me."

"I cannot produce ancient literature out of thin air, however."

"Hah," the yellow creature chuckled. "Well, yes. We sirens survive by feeding on negative emotions of others. It is both what sustains us, and what increases our magical powers ever further."

"I see... and so you keep on conquering your way across north zebrica to increase your powers?"

"It's a byproduct, yes, but not the main show. We have a few old friends to meet up with, shall I say?"

The pony perked up, cocking her head slightly to the side.

"Revenge?" She earned a faint smile from Adagio, which was enough in her mind to confirm her theory. "Hmph. I wish I could condemn you for such a petty motive... but I find myself tied on that front."

"So I was told. You are from Equestria, originally, correct?"

"Severyana," the pony corrected, "not Equestria."

"Which isss.....?"

"It's an autonomous region of Equestria. Or it was, before the marksists popped up and tore it all to shreds."

"So it was a part of Equestria then," Adagio insisted.

"No," the pony likewise insisted. "We were not ruled by the Princesses, but by our Tsaritsa. It just so happened that when our ruling dynasty died out, the college of nobles elected... Celestia, who became our new Tsaritsa as a result."

"So it-"

"No it was not," the proud pony adamantly pre-empted. "Our culture and identity was far different from what you might know as Equestrian. Our heritage is our own."

The siren was close to laughing but kept as much of a straight face as she could. She had been there long before the three tribes even migrated to what is now Equestria, and even when she was banished the tribes had yet to unify.

"I believe my idea of what makes up a pony from Equestria may be a little... outdated," she admitted, simply. "Which is entirely deliberate, obviously, as I am in no need or rush to learn anything more about those puny ponies."

"I will presume I should take no offence to that comment." The officer sighed, before finally removing her peaked cap, lowering it and holding it in front of her chest. It revealed just how ruffled and messy her teal mane was. "I suppose I never did introduce myself properly during all this. My apologies for... skipping pleasantries, as it were."

She bowed her head slightly and immediately looked back up.

"I am Alesia Snezhnaya, former general for the Republic of Tobuck, and exiled from home across the sea."

"Adagio. Adagio Dazzle," the siren introduced, raising herself a little higher out of the water once again. "You can consider me the lead figure of our... 'government', so to speak."

Alesia nodded, and placed her hat back where it belonged. "A pleasure, I suppose. An unexpected one, I admit."

"I suppose I agree," the yellow beast muttered, her tail fin briefly splashing across the waterline loudly. "I had read and heard about you, little pony. They told me you were disciplined and dilligent, if not a little tunnel-visioned."

"Hmph," came the response in kind. "I focus on the task at hoof. I do what I am told to do and what must be done so long as my honour is upheld." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I, for my part, was told you were an evil monster, and that you would either eat or hypnotise me out here."

"Could do, you know."

Adagio began to chuckle, and although usually so firm and nonchalant, Alesia soon joined in.

"I believe I have taken a liking to you, Miss Snezhnaya. Driven by a lust for distant revenge? Desiring loyalty from those who adhere to you? Cunning and intelligent, yet also has a bold tongue? Yes. Yes, I think you will do fine."

"Which is the siren way of saying I am hired, I presume?" the Severyanian asked half-jokingly.

"Under the condition that you and your soldiers remain absolutely silent about our agreement, and do not screw up before the time is ripe - yes."

Alesia took a visible, deep breath. "Very well, but I must inform you that I won't be a simple collaborator just like that. My soldiers are in large part Severyanian exiles like me, with the rest being Tobuckian zebras. As you can imagine, they would look at me cross-faced if I went back to them now and told them we were going to be fighting and potentially dying for the mind-controlling sea monsters from abroad."

Adagio wanted to grumble, but found herself unable to. The pony was making a valid point, or - as she was assuming - an excuse.

"I will need some sort of compensation and reassurance to be part of our agreement, and something notable at that. Something my mares and stallions can fight for."

"Which would be...?"

"I suggest the lands of the former Republic of Tobuck to be turned over to my governorship once they are under our control, as well as the eastern parts of Chiropterra once those are conquered."

"And you think I will let you take a slice of the pie - my pie - just like that?" the siren countered.

"I am a pony of her word, as I said. I may govern the lands, but I shall of course remain in your service even then."

Adagio tapped her snout with a hoof as she pondered, her tail fin splashing repeatedly as it dove up and below the waterline in quick succesion.

"Something tells me you have an ulterior motive, my dear equine."

"I admit, I have been wanting to settle down somewhat. After my exile from Severyana, I have travelled to various nations in Zebrica to serve them as a mercenary. Tobuck was just the latest stop, in that sense, but I would like to make it the final one."

"You want these lands to settle down as a governor for us. Is that right?"

"I still am a warrior at heart and will continue to serve as a commander, but I desire someplace to call home away from home. A New Severyana, so to speak."

"Tssk. There you are," Adagio muttered with a grin. "That's what I figured this was leading up to."

"My home lives on within me and all the exiles with me. If we cannot rebuild our original home, then we must do so here and ensure our traditions live on through us."

The siren nodded several times. "You know, I would normally wave my hoof at you and tell you your talk about petty traditions and culture is boring, but I find your persistence and dedication rather admirable. I wish the two girls I have with me were as adamant as you on our own task ahead."

A sigh escaped the jaws of the lead singer. She would definitely need to talk to Aria and Sonata about this new arrangement afterwards.

"I accept your proposal. The exact positions of yours will be determined when we get there, but it will be made to make sure it fits our needs."

Alesia bowed her head and placed her right hoof over her chest. "I humbly accept these conditions and thank you. My soldiers surely will, as well."

"To think I'm really doing this..." the siren humoured quietly.

"Doing... what, exactly?"

"Reaching an agreement with a mere pony, of all creatures. It was one of your kind who locked me and my companions away, after all."

"Hm. So I was right after all. Starswirl?" Alesia suggested.

"Don't even mention that filth's name in my presence. The sheer thought... ugh! I won't have it!"

"If it's any consolation to you," the mare argued, "I am no ally to Equestria and its leaders either. They are the reason Severyana fell to the communists, and the reason all I've held dear was lost." She took a deep breath. "Should you look for revenge there... then I would not be opposed to coming with you."

The yellow creature looked on in further amazement. She couldn't help but grin.

"You continue to surprise me, Alesia Snezhnaya. Perhaps there are some very, very few exceptions to the norm, and you ponies aren't all terrible."

The exile smirked at the comment. "I would hope so. If not, then I'll prove it to you in due time, so long as you uphold your end of the deal."

"Don't worry about that. I think we have an understanding here, after all."

"That, we do." Alesia nodded.

"Good. You would best be off then. I will reach out to you when necessary. For now, subtle sabotage is as much as I require of you - and perhaps a good bit of evesdropping where convenient."

"Sabotage and espionage... not my usual deal, but it can be done."

The pony straightened up and raised her right hoof for a salute.

"Farewell for now, Miss Dazzle."

She lowered her hoof and turned around, taking two uneasy steps on the tiny vehicle until she sat where she originally had, just next to the motor.

"One more thing," Alesia froze, one hoof having already reached out for the ignition as the siren spoke to her one last time. "Call me Adagio."

With that, the ancient sea monster dug her face into the water, and her whole, towering form was quickly swallowed up until it looked as if she had never been there at all.

And yet, as the low roar of the engine filled the air around Alesia once again, and her improvised vehicle began to move forward, she couldn't help but think she had seen a smile on the siren's face just as she had left then.