• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 321 Views, 0 Comments

The Wacky And Uncharacteristic Adventures of Circadian - PearlyDoesStuff

[EqG] My name is Circadian Bedside — welcome to my crappy life.

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Sleepless Nights

Like I said, FUCK ME. I can't sleep for shit, and even when I try, the fucking nightmares. I seriously need to get checked out for some stuff, because "magical singing pony world demon trauma" sounds like a sentence straight out of an insane asylum.

So here I am, at 2 AM in the godforsaken morning, scrolling through my phone and cursing my life. Which to be fair, practically just a Tuesday for me. Huh. Something tells me that was an ironic twist of words given prior context, something to do with tacos...?

Anyhow, the problem still stands. I'm unable to sleep. I'll feel this in the morning by feeling more ungodly tired than I USUALLY ALREADY AM.

Convenient jumpcut!

Five hours later, and I was right. I can barely see straight, genuinely feels harder to move than it should, and the constant attempts at shut-eye really do not help that point...

Anyways, I sluggishly get my ass over the kitchen and probably overdose on soda. I'm not touching coffee, I'd rather die of a sugar rush that'd make Pinkie blush. Anyways, tangent aside, my vision's not blurry anymore, so I cook up what is probably easily described as a mistake. Burnt apples... eugh of a lifetime.

I try again and again, consistently hitting an ungodly Nat 1 every time I try to make something more complicated than boiling water. I give up and just slap some ham between two slices of bread. I've survived on less...

I get dressed in probably God's worst combination of colors known to man. What can I say, sleep deprivation does that to you. I can already hear the wailing from a certain fashion stylist. I get out of my house, lock the door, catch the bus and get some of the shittiest sleep ever, I swear that made me feel more tired than awake, and get to school.

I notice that nobody else managed to look as awful as I do, so that's a relief for them. I go to my locker, grab my shit and head to class... where to absolutely nobody's surprise, I collapse on the spot as soon as I sit down. Time to sleep through the day again. Honestly, better ways to spend the day, but don't tell anyone I said that. Bell rings and wakes me up for a break, which I unsurprisingly take by falling back asleep.

I didn't feel hungry at all, morning breakfast attempts killed that for me already. Anyhow, the rest of the day goes by about as expected, with me sleeping through classes (though this time not due to me actively trying to fall asleep) and I'm stuck with a massive pile of homework.

Time to leave, and I catch the bus and hit the hay as soon as I'm in my bed. Hopefully this time, I'll actually manage to get some proper rest.

Author's Note:

So yeah, new chapter after... God knows how long!

School happened, yay.

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