• Published 12th Aug 2022
  • 422 Views, 39 Comments

The Case of the Invaders of Canterlot City: A C.O.P.S. Crossover - Brian Sheil

The Rainbooms and friends band together when criminals from Empire City come to town

  • ...

Lightning Dust vs. Louie the Plumber

Author's Note:

A reckless girl takes on a bulky saboteur in this next chapter.

An air show has come to town. Many people have come to see jets fly in the air to show off amazing maneuvers. Also on the ground, old planes are displayed for many people to see. Looking at an old barnstormer, Lightning Dust looks with interest. Soon, Spitfire shows up.

"Impessive." Spitfire said. "Isn't it?"

The appearance of Spitfire caused Lightning to panic a bit.

"Spitfire!" Lightning gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"Same reason you're here. To check out this air show."

Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're not here to ridicule me? After all, you were very critical pointing out my recless behavior in the soccer field."

"Lightning," Spitfire replied, "just because I criticize your recklessness, doesn't mean I have a mission to get you in trouble."

This gave Lightning a little bit of relief. "You're right. I guess I'm being paranoid."

"Just take it easy. Nobody is out to get you."

The girls look around the area. They soon saw a man with reddish brown hair, wearing a blue jumpsuit with white boots, standing next to a futuristic helicopter.

"Looks like we have an important visitor." Lightning said.

"Don't tell me you recognize this man." Spitfire replied.

"I heard of him. He is Hugh Forward from Miami, Florida. Codename: Bullseye. Specialty: Helicopter Pilot."

The girls look at the helicopter with interest. Soon, Bullseye spotted them.

"Wonderbolts captain Spitfire, I presume." Bullseye said.

"You know who I am?" Spitfire asked.

"I do. I saw highlights of some of your games online." He looks at the other girl. "I'm surprised that the reckless Lightning Dust is with you."

Lightning was shocked to know that a COPS member knows of her. Regaining her composure, she hopes not to be too nervous. "Uh. Hi there."

Bullseye comforted her. "Don't be nervous. I heard you've been curbing your recklessness. And, doing a good job."

Lightning blushed. She's very surprised to be praised by a member of the COPS team. Suddenly, a worker said that some of the jets needed tuning up.

"Something wrong?" Lightning asked.

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." Bullseye assured.

"I sure hope so."

"Probably need a little work before the show starts." Spitfire said.

As the girls continue to look around, Lightning sees a brutal man walk past them. He has stubble on his face, a gray hat, and a gray jumpsuit. This gave Lightning Dust a bad feeling all around.

"What's wrong, LD?" Spitfire asked.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Lightning replied. "I'm checking him out."

Lightning followed the strange man to one of the hangers. She peeks in from outside the window. The man takes off his jumpsuit and reveals a white tank top, gray pants with black suspenders, and brown shoes. Ducking back, she realized who it is. I thought that mug looked familiar.

She was getting ready to face this intruder when Spitfire came up to her.

"What have you found?" Spitfire asked as the girls quietly walked away from the hanger.

"That was no maintenance worker." Lightning replied quietly. "That's Louie the Plumber. The Crooks' handyman."

Spitfire was surprised about this. "I heard of Louie the Plumber. He builds stuff for Big Boss. But, he can tear stuff apart so other Crooks can get anything."

"That's about the size of it. I'll bet he'll wreck the jets so that the show won't go on."

"And, no doubt steal money from the ticket sales during the confusion. We better tell Officer Bullseye about this."

Spitfire runs off. Lightning has other ideas. I better stop this brute. He might do damage before Spitfire comes back with Officer Bullseye.

Inside the hanger, Louie looks at the jet and developed an evil smile.

"This is one hunk of aircraft." Louie said with interest. "Too bad it won't fly." He soon got out his toolbox. "With a few adjustments, this jet will cause a lot of chaos. Then, I'll sneak into the main office to grab the dough."

As Louie was ready for his dirty work, a bucket was thrown, and fell on the floor next to him. Thinking something is a miss, he grabs his box, and exits the hanger.

"Who's out here?!" Louie calls out. "Show yourself!"

He got his answer courtesy of a spray of water from a nearby hose. Louie turned to see Lightning Dust turning off the hose. She then faces the saboteur.

"No sabotaging this show, Louie!" Lightning said.

"The reckless Lightning Dust." Louie replied. "I'm surprised somebody like you would face someone like me."

"I may do crazy things. But, even I won't let something like this show get ruined like you."

Taking out a large monkey wrench, he charges at her. Louie may be fast. But, Lightning grabbed a nearby pipe and clashed with her opponent. They strike at each other as their weapons make a ringing sound every time they hit. Louie got lucky and went underneath to knock the pipe out of her hand.

"So much for your trusty lance." Louie mocked as he raised his wrench. "Now, I'll give you a headache that'll take a whole box of aspirin to remove!"

Lightning Dust started to shake with fear as Louie is ready to strike her. He then heard a loud police whistle. He then saw Officer Bullseye and Spitfire run his way. Louie got nervous and prepared to leave.

"If we meet again," Louie told Lightning, "you won't be so lucky. Bye now."

Taking his toolbox, Louie the Plumber took off. Lightning was relieved to see her rescuers.

"Are you okay?" Spitfire asked.

"I'm okay." Lightning replied as she stands up. "Too bad Louie the Plumber got away."

"Don't feel bad." Bullseye said. "At least you stopped him from ruining the air show."

Lightning Dust was impressed that she's being praised. Spitfire approached the reckless one.

"Bullseye is right, LD." Spitfire said happily. "Now, we can watch the action in the sky."

With that, Spitfire, Lightning Dust, and Bullseye made their way to the stands ready to see the air show.