• Member Since 9th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen June 4th


A frustrated writer who just wants people to like their stories.

Comments ( 3 )

First off, I might recommend adding the Alternate Universe and Death tags to this, though I understand why you didn't put them (avoid spoilers).


I'm not crying, you're crying!

Well, at least it helped Celestia, her action could probably also have gone backwards turning her jealous.

But overall it's interesting, the desperation can be felt (and the turn of events hits surprisingly and hard) and more going on than what one catches on the first time reading it. :twilightsmile:

Eventually, my priorities changed from protecting you to protecting Equestria. I never realized this back then, but I feel guilty for suddenly shoving you aside. I should have always kept you as my priority.

it makes sense for Celestia to think this, blaming herself for what had happened with Nightmare Moon. prioritizing protecting an entire nation over one beloved pony is the right thing for a ruler to do, but i can definitely see Celestia in her youth letting that priority become neglect, and regretting that

I regret my decision and I always wished that I never shifted priorities. If I hadn't, then maybe I would have found another way to help you or I could have prevented the jealousy and hatred from brewing inside you.

in this case, making sure Luna did not turn into Nightmare Moon and nearly destroy the queendom would have been the same thing as protecting Equestria!

I endangered the lives of so many ponies, even the one of my personal students, but I did not care. The thought of finally freeing you from Nightmare Moon made it worth it for me.

that definitely seemed very reckless with how it played out in canon. that it in it of itself was Celestia deliberately prioritizing Luna over those "so many ponies" adds a very interesting dimension to it all

What happened next is a blur to me, but I remember pulling you close and crying. I remember hoping for the feeling of warmth from your body. But none came. You just remained cold and unmoving on my hooves and I knew that I had failed you. I failed to protect you, little sister.

oof, that is not how i expected things to go! oh yeah, i can see the guilt eating up Celestia even stronger inside after that

I wanted to send you this letter because I want you to know that I am terribly sorry for what happened. I want to apologize so much for my failurento protect you. I can’t keep these feelings to myself anymore and there is nopony here that would understand the pain I am in.

this seems very consistent with this Celestia. sending this letter to (i presume) the Luna that we know and love really seems more for this alternate Celestia's sake than anything else, a way to get the closure she never got.

It was nice to see you well and it filled me with joy to see you happy. Knowing this is enough to bring life into me again and I think that it’s time for me to end my mourning.

Goodbye, Lulu. I will always love you.

and aww! i hope this closure does help this oh-so pained Celestia move on. it is a lot to imagine moving on from. thank you for writing!

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