• Published 5th Aug 2022
  • 5,968 Views, 183 Comments

The maned ape - sykko

A strange ape-like creature is found in a lab in Manehattan. Its injuries are clear that it was hunted for sport by poachers before being captured.

  • ...


Big Red had been staying at Sweet Apple acres for a few days as the Apples had the room. Fluttershy and Twilight had each wanted to take him in, but the basement of the library had too many sensitive machines for precise magical and scientific measurement and the lack of space to properly move them to ruled the library out, and the cottage, though spacious enough to hold many animals, including Harry the bear, lacked the space for an injured maned ape to properly stretch out. The Cakes had no room to spare, what with Pinkie renting out an upstairs room from them and Cup expecting. Rarity wasn't able to spare the room as her boutique took up nearly all of her building, leaving only a pair of rooms upstairs for her and her sister, and she wasn't keen on kicking Sweetie Belle out of her room. Rainbow Dash's cumulo-mansion that she build with her own hooves was completely out of the question, Big Red would have had to have had a long-term cloud walking spell placed on him, and with his magical resistance, it was anypony's guess how quickly that spell would have worn off.

The Apples had converted one of the barns to allow Big Red to live in. Though they lacked any spare mattresses big enough to hold him, they made a suitable mattress for him by sewing several smaller mattresses together. They made him a few pillows by stuffing burlap sacks with hay and pegasus down that was bought from the Ponyvillian pegasi during their spring molt. They sewed several sheets and blankets together to make suitable bed covering.

Apple Bloom after getting over her initial shock of how big Big Red was, whittled a suitable crutch and cane for him in a moment of inspiration. The youngest member of the Ponyville Apples momentarily frowned at her not getting her cutie mark, before her the excitement of wanting to show the maned ape what she made for him.

Big Red let out a pleasantly surprised series of chattering hoots as a toothy smile spread across his lips. Apple Bloom upon seeing his sharp teeth, got initially scared, folded her ears flat to her head and ducked down low as ancient prey instincts bubbles to the surface. That ended when Big Red scratched her behind her ears and under her chin, causing the filly to let out several happy nickers.


Applejack trod down the stair as silently as she could, taking care to step over the squeaky tread on the fifth step down. For the past three nights Big Red had limped out of the barn where he was housed and paced around it, clearly upset about something, letting out chattering hoots to nopony in particular and gesturing wildly for about thirty minutes before going back into the barn and seemingly settling back down.

Tonight was the same. Something was clearly agitating him.

Applejack trod across the front room of the farmhouse and into the kitchen. Big Mac was in the kitchen, looking out the window towards Big Red and taking the occasional sip from a bottle of hard cider.

Applejack walked over to the ice box, pulled open the door and pulled out a bottle of apple juice. Cracking off the lid, she took a swig of the sweet juice as she sat down at the kitchen table.

"Somethin's got Red set off again tonight."


"Jus' glad that Bloom's asleep, an' Granny, when she lays down, sleeps like a log."


"Ya have any idea o' what could be settin' him off like that?"


Applejack blew out a sigh, got up and walked over to the cabinet. Opening it, she pulled one of the packs of cigarettes that Granny thought nopony knew about. She bounced the red and white pack in her hoof for a few second, then grabbed a box of matches.

Big Mac raised an eyebrow at that.

"We still got plenty o' bottles a-number five down in th' cellar?'

"Eeyup. Why?"

"Imma grab two an' go out to Red an' see if he wants a nip o' th' good stuff. Ah know Ah caint understand a single hoot he makes, but if somethin's got him all riled up, maybe a friendly ear an' some good drink between pals might help him a bit. If'n ya want, Ah can grab three an' you can join us."

Big Mac looked at the bottle he was sipping out of for a long moment. "Nah. One's enough fer me. Dun wanna get schnockered. A hangover'll cut into the work tomorrah."

Applejack nodded her head. She hadn't gotten drunk since she was a teenager, when she was using alcohol as a way to try and hide from her grief and pain after her parents died. "Fair 'nuff. Ya wanna join me with Red anyways?"

Big Mac put the stopper back into his bottle. "Yup."

Big Red had turned to go back into the barn that had served at the house for him when he heard the soft thuds of hooves. Turning his head, he saw Applejack and Big Mac walking up towards him. The former had a pair of unopened bottles balanced on her back, and a red and whit pack and a box of matches balanced on the brim of her hat, the latter had a partially drunk bottle balanced on his back. He let out a short series of chattering hoot as he tipped his head at them.

"An' a good evenin' to ya too, Red.", Applejack said as she tipped her hat with her hoof. She dipped her hips slightly to make the bottles slide down her back, she caught them with her tail, then flicked it to send one sailing through the air towards the maned ape.

Big Red caught the bottle out of the air, held it up to let the light of the moon shine through it and gave it a shake.

"Dun worry 'bout it none. It's good hard cider. Sweet Apple Acres' private reserve." Gripping the bottle in her tail, Applejack whipped it around to her mouth, pulled the stopper out with her teeth, spat it into her hoof and took a swallow. Almost immediately she began coughing and sputtering. "Ah think Ah grabbed a couple o' bottles o' th' old stuff." She took a sniff from the lip of the bottle. "Yup! That's th' old stuff!"

Big Red grabbed the stopper in his fingers, twisted it back and forth until it came out with a *pop*. Lifting the bottle to his nose, he took a sniff and let out a hoot. Placing the lip of the bottle to his lips, he took a swallow, it was followed by a wheeze, a gasp, a cough, a shiver and a yip.

"Ah hear ya, brother.", Applejack said as she took another swallow.

Big Red sat down with his back to the barn and took another swallow, followed by a shiver. Applejack sat on her haunches next to him. She pulled the pack of cigarettes and box of matches from her hat. Gripping the paper at the top of the pack in her teeth, she ripped it off to reveal the butts of the cigarettes. Looking around for a moment, she noticed there was no trash barrel nearby, so she flipped her hat upside down on the ground and spat the paper into it.

"Ya want one?", Applejack asked, offering the pack to the maned ape.

Big Red took the pack from Applejack. Hitting the top of it against the side of his forefinger until a couple of cigarettes slid partially out. Pulling out two cigarettes, he offered one to the mare who took it in her lips. After placing the cigarette between his lips, he raised the pack, offering one to the stallion, who waved it off. The maned ape simply shrugged and placed the pack on the ground. Opening the box of matches, Big Red pulled one out, gripped it in his fingers and flicked his thumb across the top, causing it to ignite.

For a split second Applejack and Big Mac stared dumbfounded at Big Red lighting the match with his fingers. The dumbfounded feeling quickly was swept aside when Big Red held the burning end of the match up to the cigarette in Applejack's mouth. She took a drag to ensure the tip was lit before inhaling the smoke and blowing out.

"Bleh! Why does Granny like this brand? It tastes awful.", Applejack said as she rolled the cigarette to the corner of her mouth with her lips. She took another swig from her bottle to wash the taste out of her mouth before taking another drag. "Maybe Ah should buy a pack o' th' good brand fer th' next time Ah drink any o' this stuff again."

Big Red, holding the cigarette between his first two fingers of his hand, took a drag, then blew the smoke out of his nose then his mouth. Afterwards he took a swig from the bottle followed by a small shudder, he let out a series of sad, almost resigned-sounding chattering hoots, gestured out at the night-shrouded world and sniffled.

"Ah wish Ah could understand what yer tryin' ta say, Red." Applejack deciding that she couldn't stand the taste of Granny Smith's preferred brand, snubbed the cigarette and after ensuring the ember was out, tossed it into her hat that was currently serving as a temporary trash bin. She decided to try a simple experiment and began drawing simple images in the dirt with her hoof. "This here's me an' Big Mac an' Apple Bloom an' Granny Smith.", she said as she quickly drew the cutie marks above each simple drawing, minus her sister's as she had yet to receive hers.

Big Red tapped a knuckle to his lips thoughtfully. Standing up, he walked around the simple pony images, studying them.

Applejack felt a bit self conscious, she wasn't the best artist, she was more business-minded.

Big Red let out a series of chattering hoots as he pointed to the crude pony drawing with three apples above it, then pointed to Applejack.

Applejack nodded. "That's me!" She raised her head up as high as she could and placed a hoof against her chest. She couldn't help but chuckle at his impression of Granny, the way he curled his fingers into feeble-looking claws and curled his lips over his teeth. 'Ah guess everypony portrays old ponies th' same regardless o' who they are.'

For the next few hours Applejack and Big Red sat with their backs against the barn that was serving as his house drinking the old hard cider and having one-sided conversations. Big Macintosh had decided hours ago to go to bed, leaving the mare and the maned ape to drink and smoke the night away.

Big Red had sketched out simple stick figures of himself and his children. He seemed sad at that. Then he began sketching out an image of Luna.

Applejack could only gawk at the image of Princess Luna. Big Red began animatedly letting out chattering hoots as he made all sorts of gestures with his. She shook her head, trying to clear some of the booze haze from her thoughts. "Princess Luna's been talking to you? When?" She gestured for Big Red to stop, then gestured to the image of Luna in the dirt, then drew a clock face by it. "Princess...Luna...Speak...To...You...When?", she said very slowly.

Big Red studied the new drawing for a moment with a confused look on his face. Applejack sighed, ready to give up and go back to drinking when he placed his hands together on the same side of his face and imitated sleeping. "She comes ta ya in yer sleep?!" Now it was Applejack's turn to feel confused. She had seen somepony who vaguely looked like Princess Luna in her dreams before. Dreams were just a trick of the subconscious, right?

Applejack was snapped out of her thoughts as Big Red began very exasperated sounding hooting. She looked down at what the new image he had drawn. It was similar to the ones he had drawn before, except this one was depicted in a cage with a crude drawing of a griffon nearby. Big Red clenched his fists as he gave snarling hoots through gritted teeth and angrily gestured at the griffon.

'Oh dear sweet Ponysedao, those poachers stole his foal!' Applejack gave an angry snort. "Dun you worry none, sugarcube. Ah'll make sure ya get yer foal back. Ya have my word as an Apple."


The next morning Applejack awoke to the sound of somepony banging on the door. Her head throbbed with pain and her mouth tasted like she had licked a rubbish heap and a charcoal pit. A muffled voice shouted from outside that she couldn't quite make out. "Hol' yer cockamamie horses fer a minute!", she shouted.

Applejack reluctantly sat up and cracked open her eyes. "Waitaminnit! This ain't my room!" She looked around, not only was this not her room, this wasn't even the farmhouse. A snort and a snore caught her attention. Sitting on the floor propped against the wall with his chin to his chest was Big Red. Immediately she rocketed out from under the covers and began sniffing herself. She stank of booze, cigarettes, her unwashed sweat and Big Red's sweat. The one smell she was glad was missing was the stink of rutting, that was something she was glad she wouldn't have to figure out how to explain.

There was banging on the door, followed by Twilight's muffled voice. "Applejack? Big Mac told me you were drinking apple whiskey with Big Red last night. Please don't be ashamed, we've all done dumb stuff when drunk."

"Maud hasn't!", came the muffled voice of Pinkie.

"Yah!" It was clear that Pinkie had made Twilight jump nearly out of her fur...again.

There was a *thump* on the roof, followed by an "OW!"

"Pinkie! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that?!", Twilight screamed from the roof. "You damn nearly gave me a heart attack! Again!" There was scraping on the roof. "Let's see, how do I get down from he--oh no! Oh no! Nononononono! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Applejack was quickly able to deduce what had happened. After Twilight landed on the roof after Pinkie had scared the wits out of her, she had tried to figure out her way down when she slipped on a couple of loose slate shingles and began sliding down. It was going to be only a couple of seconds before she hit the ground.

Big Red woke up at the sounds of the commotion. He looked up at the ceiling then bolted for the door. Applejack was hot on his heels.

Twilight hit the ground hard and laid there motionless in a purple puddle.

Pinkie chuckled uncomfortably at the situation. "Heh-heh-uh...heh?" She held up a foreleg suddenly covered in thirty watches. "Oh my! Will you look at the time! Lookslikeitstimetoopenthestorebye!" As she went to run off in a blur, a lasso caught her by her midsection and yanked her backwards.

"Nuh-uh, Pinkie Pie! We're gonna talk about ya needin' ta stop sneakin' up on Twilight."

Big Red gingerly checked over the unconscious Twilight, making sure she didn't have any spinal injuries before picking her up. He grunted with effort as he slung the unconscious mare over his shoulder and hobbled back into the barn that served as his temporary home.

After giving Pinkie a stern talking-to, Applejack trotted into the barn where Big Red had just laid Twilight down on his bed. The maned aped let out some grumbling hoots as he rubbed his back. He looked at Applejack, let out a series of chattering hoots and traced out a medical cross in the dust on the floor.


"Did somepony get the number of that wagon that ran me over?", Twilight mumbled as she came back to the waking world. Her head hurt, two of her legs hurt, everything seemed to be spinning and tipping back and forth. Somepony laid some pressure on her barrel as she came to the world of the conscious.

"Dun try ta get up. Ya took a pretty bad fall."

Twilight recognized that twang. "Applejack? Wh-what happened? Where am I?"

"Yer in th' barn where Red's stayin'. He brought ya to his bed after he checked ya o'er. Ah'm guessin' that means any injuries ya suffered ain't spinal."

Twilight tried to remember what happened. "Why would I have fall--Pinkie Pie!"

"Present.", a morose voice said.

Twilight craned her head up and around. She saw Pinkie sitting on an upturned apple basket in the far corner, her normally bright pink tone was muted and her normally messy magenta curls were hanging loose and smooth. She was also able to see clearly that it wasn't Applejack that was holding her down, but Granny Smith.

"Dun ya try an' move 'round none, deary.", the elder Apple said. "Though ya ain't got no broken bones, ya could still have a cun...uh...a conhooziwhatsit...ya know, swellin' up in your brain-pan."

"Concussion.", Twilight said softly.

"Twilight...", Pinkie said in an unsure tone. "...I'm glad you aren't paralyzed. I Pinkie promise that from now on I won't sneak up behind you." She went through the motions of a Pinkie promise.

"Pinkie, go home. I don't want to talk to you right now."

Tears welled up in Pinkie's eyes. "But...but..."

Applejack nudged an increasingly emotionally distressed Pinkie out the door. "Jus' give her some space for a few days, sugarcube. Ah know ya didn't mean ta scare her so bad that she leapt up onto th' roof an' she knows that too, she just needs a couple of days to cool off. Jus' dun talk ta her fer a couple o' days or else she'll say something in anger she'll regret later."

Pinkie nodded and began plodding off towards town, her head hanging low. Along the way she passed Nurse Redheart and Apple Bloom running up the path.

"Pinkie? You okay?", the youngest Apple sibling asked as she skidded to a stop.

"I'm fine, Apple Bloom.", Pinkie answered in a morose tone. "Twilight's mad at me and is probably gonna hate me forever, but other than that, I'm just dandy."

"It caint be that bad.", Apple Bloom said. "It's like that time when Sweetie Belle accidentally broke Scootaloo's scooter. Yeah Scoots was plenty hot, but after a couple o' days she calmed down an' was able to figure out that her scooter wasn't broken that badly, jus' a lil glue, some fiberglass an' a bit o' resin an' ev'rythin' was right as rain. She even apologized to Sweetie for shouting at her. So just give Twi a couple o' days to cool her hooves an' Ah'm pretty sure she'll be right as rain."

Pinkie perked up at that, her coat's color returning back to its normal bright tone and her magenta mane regaining its messy curls. "You're right! I'll give Twilight a couple of days to cool down before I try talking to her! Besides, that'll give me time to best figure out a 'I'm sorry for scaring you so badly that you jumped up on a roof then fell off' cake!"

"Maybe jus' make her a box o' cupcakes.", Apple Bloom said.

"You're so smart, Bloomie-woomie! You sure you're not trying to get your cutie mark in being a genius?"

Apple Bloom began spinning in circles as she tried to get a better look at her flank. "What would a genius cutie mark look like? A graduate's hat an' tassel? An apple onna desk? A book?"

Pinkie giggled as she pronked off to town.

Nurse Redheart gave Twilight as thorough of an examination as she could given the conditions. She shined a light into the unicorn mare's eyes, poked and prodded everywhere she could. "Consider yourself very lucky, Twilight Sparkle. Other than a nasty bump on the head and severely sprained both hind fetlocks, you're okay. I've seen ponies fall from shorter heights who broke legs and were laid up lame for months. I'd still suggest you getting a magical resonance imaging scan at the hospital just to make sure there's nothing broken." She began wrapping Twilight's fetlocks. "Try not to put too much pressure on your rear hooves for about two weeks. I'd suggest getting a roller chair if you plan on walking more than a few paces at a time."

Twilight nodded, grateful that her injuries weren't more serious. Severely sprained fetlocks were no small matter for a pony, still it was better to be lame for a couple of weeks than to be lame for months. "Thank you, Nurse Redheart."

"Just doing my duty as a member of the Equestrian Civilian Medical Corps."

"On to why I came out here.", Twilight said as she readjusted herself on Big Red's mattress. "I received a letter from Princess Celestia that a new piece of experimental medical imaging technology is being sent to Ponyville General Hospital today. It's called a radio-fluoroscopic imager. I've read several recent scientific articles on this. It uses a small bit of radioactive isotopes in conjunction with a specialized magical crystal lens to take a picture of somepony and see the skeletal structure, and some of the soft tissues underneath the skin and fur. Princess Celestia believes that because it uses minimal amounts of magical imaging, we should be able to get clear images of Big Red's skeleton and should allow us to better determine how long it take for him to heal from broken bones, and I concur with that theory."

"I'm not all that crazy about bringing some machine with radioactive elements in it.", Redheart said. "There was a whole insane health craze about fifty years ago where ponies would take small bits of radioactive materials, stir it into food or water and eat or drink it down. A lot of ponies wound up developing cancer, and there had to be special cemeteries constructed with concrete foundations for each grave so that when the radioactive bodies of the ponies followed that nutso health fad died from cancer or radiation poisoning were buried, the lead from the coffins and the remaining radioactive particles in their bodies wouldn't leech into the groundwater. Now they're wanting to blast ponies with that stuff."

"They're going to only have it turned on a few seconds at a time to image Big Red, then atomic science specialists are going to spend ten minutes going over him with special detectors to ensure he's not received a lethal dose.", Twilight said reassuringly.


After Big Red was put through the rounds of radio-fluoroscopic imagery followed by several minutes of scanning with specialized instruments after each imaging and then put through a specialized scrubbing regimen just to be safe, the big glass slides treated with specially treated alchemical substances were sent to special rooms where photography experts developed them.

Twilight and Applejack sat nervously in the doctor's office awaiting the imagery results. They didn't have to wait long as Doctor Caduceus walked in followed by a line of orderlies that were gently pushing in the developed glass images on repurposed linen carts. The desk and most of the filling cabinets had to be moved out of the doctor's office to make room for the various images of the maned ape's skeleton.

Twilight stared wide-eyed at the skeletal images. "Wow!", she said breathlessly. These images are so crisp and clear! I've seen his magical resonance images, they were fuzzy and looked out of focus." She gently traced her hoof along the images of his hand bones. "They look similar to a minotaur's hand bones, only there's more bones and they look a lot more fragile. An injury to those structures would be devastating."

"I thought the same. But what's fascinating is when you look here.", Doctor Caduceus said, directing Twilight's attention to the image with the broken leg. "As you can see here on his hind limb that was broken, it is a serious injury, but it hasn't left him nearly as lame as it would with a pony."

Twilight noted the broken limb in the images. The broken bone in the lower portion of the limb had the beginnings of a bulb of bone. In the medical textbooks she had read, ponies developed similar structures on their bones as they healed. Big Red's bone lump at a week was at the point where ponies would be in three weeks. "Doctor, do you think that his bones are healing faster because they're thinner?"

"A distinct possibility. His bones might be thinner because of whatever natural, genetic and thaumic pressures that drove his species to grow so tall. It would be a great way to add height without adding much in the way of weight. He does weigh the same as an adult mare."

Twilight hummed thoughtfully as she thought on the doctor's words.

Applejack looked closely at the images of Big Red's foot bones. "Ah seen his hind limbs plenty, but the pictures here makes them look like his hands, but also a little like flippers on a fish."

"A most astute observation, Miss Apple.", Doctor Caduceus said. "It's probably an adaptation to help him better stand and walk upright. I think it might be similar to the process that allowed minotaurs to walk upright."

Twilight studied the images of Big Red's skull. "Look at these joints here, doctor. It seems that his skull, like we ponies, are made up of plates that grow together. And look at where his nose meets his snout. There's no bone in it. His nose is much more pronounced on his snout than we ponies. This indicates that it's probably used to heat the air as it comes into the body, considering that the fur on his body is much thinner and sparse."

Sunset paused at the remains of the poacher's camp that had been abandoned for some time. "I hate cold trails.", she grumbled. Pulling off her helmet, she began more closely examining what was left of the remains. Nearby were her hoof-picked team of investigators, forensic examiners, infiltration specialists, and photographers.

Sunset dug through the dirt and detritus. She found a few square-cut nails here, some pieces of burnt planks there, and the shattered remains of a couple of jars. After laying out her findings neatly, she turned her head and called for one of the investigators, "Hey, Blizzard Winds. Come here and confirm my suspicions."

Blizzard Winds, a white-furred pegasus stallion with an ice blue mane and tail and dark blue feather tips, fluttered over. "Yeah, boss! Wha'chu need?"

Sunset gestured at the objects she had laid out. "This looks like a much more organized and possibly larger operation than what most poachers use. This stuff I found from that waste pile over there indicates that they're doing much more than just skinning illegally killed animals, they're also preserving them for shipping."

Blizzard Winds sniffed the remains of the jars. He immediately recoiled his head and rubbed at his nose."Bleh! That smells like a mixture of distilled vinegar, alum and rotgut booze!"

"That's how most poachers preserve cockatrice pineal glands. It's a major ingredient in the production of certain cosmetics and drugs.", Sunset said in a bitter tone.

"But aren't there legit cockatrice farms where the farmers can equinely extract cockatrice pineal extract?", Blizzard asked.

"Yeah, but many claim that domesticated cockatrice pineal extract isn't as potent as wild cockatrice extract.", Sunset replied. "But why would they be harvesting wild cockatrice pineal glands?", she muttered to herself. She gasped when the realization hit her. "Petrification potions! Somepony get me a quill, an inkpot and a piece of parchment!"

Gerald and his iron wolf pack had been searching the buttes, canyons and ridges along the Appleoosa Plateau for any info on the whereabouts of the wagon that may have been carrying his quarry had gone. He prowled around the edge of the frontier town of Appleoosa listening to the locals. His iron wolves were off in the nearby scrublands hunting for food and anything that could be sold on the black market for a pretty bit.

The griffon prowled through the back alleys of the dusty town. He pulled a poncho that he nicked from a clothesline closer about him as he listened and watched.

Gerald stopped at a nearby garbage can. Sitting on top was a three-day old edition of a newspaper, The Ponyville Telegram. He pulled it from the waste bin and began quickly scanning through it for anything unusual that could give him a hint as to where his quarry was. His eyes locked on a headline tucked away in the new happenings section.

Strange new creature in town, ponies perplexed at its preposterous proportions

Gerald read the short three paragraph article. There it was in black-and-white, the tall build, the red mane, the patchy fur, was a description of his quarry. Ponyville was a week away by express train route, two weeks by normal train route. But there was the fact that neither he nor his iron wolves had brought enough bits to afford a train ticket. Plus there was the fact that they had no means to conceal or properly stash their hunting gear. And finally, though it wouldn't look all that unusual for a griffon to be seen riding in a train car, a pack of iron wolves would be outright suspicious. That left travelling cross country. If it was just him, or him and some other griffons, he could fly no problem, using clouds as rest stops and catching thermals, Ponyville would have been a ten day flight. But he had the iron wolf pack, and he knew the risk of leaving them unattended for too long, so it would be a month's trek across the countryside, as long as they ran into no wild weather in the broad wilderness between cities, towns and villages.