• Published 6th Aug 2022
  • 730 Views, 16 Comments

Finn and Jake Meets... My Little Pony - RevvEmUp

A tale of two heroes' next great adventure in another world

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Chapter 4

Sour Sweet is flying around the castle when Flash Sentry approaches her. “Hey, Flash. S’it time to switch shifts?” Sour Sweet asked.

“Actually, there’s something you should check in the relic room. It’s real messy.” Flash Sentry said.

“If it’s a broken vase, I’m not sweeping.” Sour Sweet sighed before descending.

Sugarcoat is at a street corner talking to a crystal pony when Flash Sentry comes. “Flash Sentry. Need something?” she greeted him. “I’m in the middle of questioning a witness.”

“A painting from the relic room’s missing!” Flash Sentry informed her urgently.

“Might be an unscheduled restoration. But since you bothered a recruit instead of somepony else, I’ll check it out.” Sugarcoat said before handing him her notebook.

As she leaves, Flash Sentry looks at the notes and raises an eyebrow. “Unicorn mare… curly red-and-yellow mane… huh, sounds familiar.”

Sunny Flare is sketching in the armoury when Flash Sentry barges in. “Flash! Don’t look!” Sunny Flare exclaimed as she covers her work.

“I’ve received word a dangerous criminal’s cornered in the relic room! We have to get there now!” Flash Sentry informed her hurriedly.

“Sounds like a good opportunity to test out my newest project.” Sunny Flare said as she puts the metal cuff on her front right hoof.

Indigo Zap is taking a water break at the track when Flash Sentry tiredly limps to her. “Indigo… you… in…” Flash Sentry panted.

“Drink this, handsome.” Indigo Zap gives him water from her bottle.

“Guh! Thanks.” Flash Sentry sighed in relief. “We have to get to the relic room, fast! An intruder’s holed up there!”

“Fast, you say? I’ll get there faster than a blink of an eye!” Indigo Zap said confidently before zooming away.

At the relic room’s doors at the end of a hallway, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, and Sunny Flare arrive. “What’re you doing here?” Sour Sweet asked Sugarcoat.

“Move aside, I’ve got experimental equipment to test.” Sunny Flare rudely pushes them aside.

“Don’t break anything then hide it for weeks.” Sugarcoat said sarcastically.

“Will you get over that?!” Sunny Flare roared.

“If you do, Sugarcoat is sure to inform the captain of such a mistake.” Sour Sweet teased Sunny Flare smugly.

“Incoming!” Indigo Zap zooms into her ex-friends, slamming them into the room.

“Watch where you’re going!” Sunny Flare scolded Indigo Zap as they lie on the floor.

“I gave you a heads-up!” Indigo Zap argued as they all stand up.

“Which painting was stolen?” Sugarcoat wondered.

“A painting? I was told there’s a dangerous criminal that needs taking care of.” Sunny Flare said before the doors close, revealing Lemon Zest behind them.

“Hey… everypony.” she greeted them meekly.

“Lemon Zest, glad to see you! Seen anypony fishy around here?” Sour Sweet asked her.

“Maybe she’s the fishy one!” Indigo Zap accused Lemon Zest.

“She does have a habit of bumping into things and breaking them.” Sugarcoat suggested. “Almost like somepony I know.” she glares at Sunny Flare.

“That wasn’t my fault!” Sunny Flare argued.

“Then why’d you hide it?!” Sugarcoat barked.

“If nobody’s going to take this seriously, I will.” Sunny Flare looks at her cuff.

“What’s that doohickey?” Indigo Zap asked.

“Don’t touch it! You’ll ruin it like you ruined my designs!” Sunny Flare cupped her other hoof over her creation.

“I never did anything like that!” Indigo Zap defended.

“Yes, you did!” Sunny Flare insisted. They all argue over each other, to Lemon Zest’s distress as she breaks down.

“Enough!” Lemon Zest screamed for everyone to stop. “There is no painting! Flash brought you all here to talk.”

“Then this was a waste of time.” Sunny Flare walks to the doors, finding them locked.

“Looks like it’s stuck. Old castle doors, y’know?” Lemon Zest smiled awkwardly as she discreetly pockets a key.

“I don’t wanna spend another second with you ponies. I’ll break down this door if I have to.” Sunny Flare said as her horn glows.

“Like you did to my glasses?” Sugarcoat said to Sunny Flare’s frustration.

“For the last time!” Sunny Flare zipped to an inch from Sugarcoat’s muzzle. “I. Did. Not. Break them!” she growled, restarting the four-pony argument.

Upon seeing this again, Lemon Zest gulps and takes a deep breath. “I said that’s enough!” Lemon Zest yelled at the top of her lungs, gaining her friends’ attention. “Look at this.” Lemon Zest presents their old group photograph to them.

“This was when we enrolled at Crystal Prep.” Sour Sweet noted.

“I was so pumped to be there, and even more pumped when I met you guys.” Indigo Zap added.

“Oh, my manestyle was so cute back then. Remember when I gave everyone braids?” Sunny Flare cooed affectionately for everyone to nod in agreement.

“This was before King Sombra invaded. We thought we’d never see another day of freedom again.” Sugarcoat remembered sadly.

“What happened to us? When we joined the guard, we were as close as friends can be.” Lemon Zest told them.

“Lemon, things change, for better or for worse. Including friendships.” Sour Sweet told her.

“Yeah, we get better at what we do, like soaring fast!” Indigo Zap boasted.

“Fast enough to lose my designs.” Sunny Flare grumbled.

“For the last time, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Indigo Zap roared.

“You know very well! Three months ago on the fifth, you were doing your so-called ‘patrols’ when you flew past the armoury, creating a vacuum that sucked my designs out the window! I spent an entire afternoon scouring the city for them!” Sunny Flare recounted.

“The fifth? I had night patrols.” Indigo Zap told her.

“You did?” Sunny Flare said in surprise.

“She was. I was with her.” Sour Sweet corroborated.

“Unfortunately.” Indigo Zap rolled her eyes.

“Excuse me?!” Sour Sweet exclaimed furiously.

“I don’t feel comfortable around ponies who ruin my winning streak.” Indigo Zap turned away.

“When’d I do that?” Sour Sweet asked.

“Our fiftieth practice run. You pushed a thundercloud in my way! I saw you fly past me!” Indigo Zap answered.

“I was a couple places behind you the entire time! There’s no way I could even come near you!” Sour Sweet told her.

“Then why were you the first pony I saw when I got outta that cloud?” Indigo Zap interrogated her.

“Because she overtook you.” Sunny Flare answered for he Pegasi to look to her. “I saw it from the ground. The cloud came up behind you by itself. When it did, Sour was already about seven places behind you.” Sunny Flare explained.

“You assumed I did it?!” Sour Sweet asked Indigo Zap frustratedly.

“Uh, guess I did.” Indigo Zap rubbed the back of her neck.

“Sugarcoat, why are you angry with Sunny?” Lemon Zest asked.

“She broke my glasses and hid it.” Sugarcoat answered.

“Did you let her explain what happened?” Lemon Zest asked.

“No.” Sugarcoat lowered her head shamefully.

“I found it already shattered in the armoury one morning, so I hid it to give me time…” Sunny Flare explained as she searches her armour’s pockets. “…To make these.” she presents a pair of orange-framed glasses to Sugarcoat.

Sugarcoat takes it from her and puts them on, and is amazed to see the world clearly again. “These… these are better than my old ones. I can see clearly again!” Sugarcoat looks to her friends in awe.

“I wanted to give them to you sooner, but I guess I was angry, too.” Sunny Flare explained.

“I think I’m seeing a pattern here.” Sour Sweet narrowed her eyes. “Sugarcoat, you didn’t rat me out to the captain, did you?”

“No, I stood guard at Princess Flurry Heart’s room for five full hours.” Sugarcoat told Sour Sweet. “I may be brutally honest, but I wouldn’t tell on my friends.” she assured.

“Did the captain say Sugarcoat told him herself?” Lemon Zest asked.

“He mentioned a letter… oh.” Sour Sweet answered, widening her eyes at the realization.

“I didn’t write a letter.” Sugarcoat added.

“Oh… um, Sugarcoat… I’m sorry.” Sour Sweet apologized nervously.

“It’s alright, Sour Sweet.” Sugarcoat assured.

“We really should’ve had this talk a long time ago.” Indigo Zap said.

“I guess the guard work took its toll on us, and we were too stressed to talk about our problems.” Sour Sweet added.

“We’re sorry, Lemon Zest.” they all apologized.

“I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t’ve sheltered myself in my music, and just spoke out sooner. I’m just glad to have my friends back.” Lemon Zest apologized as well.

“We’re still friends, no matter what.” Sour Sweet assured Lemon Zest before they all hug her, letting her cry tears of joy.

“Woo! Yeah! Go Lemon Zest!” a voice yelled to everyone’s surprise. They break the group hug and look to the end of the room to see Jake stretched into a vase.

“Jake, you blew our cover!” Finn emerges from behind Jake.

“What’re you two doing here?” Sour Sweet asked them tensely.

“We’re helping Lemon Zest. You wouldn’t listen to us, so we encouraged Lemon Zest to talk to you herself.” Finn explained.

“I guess we have you to thank for bringing us together.” Sunny Flare chuckled.

“And Lemon Zest. She’s the one who came up with all that crud to convince y’all to get back together.” Jake added.

“Finn, Jake, thank you for giving me the courage to talk to my friends. I dunno what I would’ve done without you.” Lemon Zest thanked Finn.

“No prob. It’s what us heroes do.” Finn said as his Cutie Mark glows.

“You’re glowing again!” Jake said as he glows.

“You too!” Finn pointed.

“Does this mean we completed the friendship quest?!” Jake said excitedly.

“Radical!” they both celebrated with a hoofbump, when barging into the room is Twilight Sparkle with a wide smile.

“Finn! Congratulations on your first friendship quest! You’re a true hero!” Twilight Sparkle congratulated Finn with a tight hug.

“Were you outside the entire time?” Jake asked her.

“I, uh, just happened to be in the area when I heard you in here.” Twilight Sparkle answered awkwardly.

“C’mon, everypony. Let’s go on break, together.” Sour Sweet said as she walks out the room with her friends.

As they leave, Flash Sentry rushes in front of the door. “Finn, Jake, everyone! Something’s happening outside! Unknown objects have been spotted entering the city!” Flash Sentry informed them to their shock.

“Sound like more trouble!” Finn declared before they gallop away.

As they hurry outside, a hooded pony emerges from a pillar to spy on them. “C’mon, friends! Let’s make the captain proud!” Lemon Zest rallied her friends.

The hooded pony stamps her leg and pulls back her hood, revealing a yellow unicorn mare with wavy red-and-yellow hair and seething blue eyes, matching Sugarcoat’s suspect description. “Great, they’re friends again.” She growled. “Ruining their friendship should’ve been the perfect revenge for making a move on my little pony.” she locks eyes on Flash Sentry. “Human, pony, I don’t care. He’ll be mine.” she declared before retreating to the shadows.

The heroes arrive in the city square to witness two unidentified objects in the horizon zooming towards them, letting out faint roars. “What are they?” Sugarcoat wondered as she adjusts her glasses.

The objects skid to a stop before them, revealing to be a rusted S.U.V. and a yellow-and-black pony car. The S.U.V.’s back opens up to reveal injured guard ponies escorting an injured white unicorn stallion wearing golden armour, alongside an unconscious pink winged unicorn wearing a tiara.

“It’s Captain Shining Armour and Princess Mi Amore Cadenze!” Lemon Zest said.

“Shining Armour? That’s your brother!” Finn said to Twilight Sparkle.

“Cadence! Shining Armour! What happened?” Twilight Sparkle asked the stallion in shock.

“Too… many…” Shining Armour groaned before falling unconscious for the guards carry him away alongside Cadence.

“I don’t know what these things are, but they saved the princess and the captain.” Flash Sentry said as he knocks on the yellow car. In response, the car breaks apart into smaller components, rearranging into a humanoid shape with door-wings and a helmeted head with blue eyes upon a metallic visage, terrifying the guards as it focuses on Finn and Jake.

“Bumblebee, what’re you doing in Equestria?” Finn asked it.

“Finn? you’re a pony?” the robot said in surprise as the S.U.V. transforms into a taller, menacing form with a squared helmet, sharp teeth, and asymmetric claws.

“Eighty-One? You’re here too?” Jake asked the other robot.

“You know these… metal things?” Twilight Sparkle asked Finn and Jake.

“They’re friends of ours. We met them on our adventures.” Finn answered.

“We’re Cybertronians from the planet Cybertron.” Bumblebee introduces themselves. “I’m Bumblebee of the Autobots. C-Eighty-One here’s a drifter.” Bumblebee informed them.

“Perceptor sent us to track down something very dangerous.” C-81 presents a purple crystal.

“It’s the crystal core of creatures that attacked Ponyville!” Twilight Sparkle recognized.

“Crystal Terrorcons we call them. We saw them attacking Cadence and Shining Armour, so we destroyed them before they could do any real damage.” Bumblebee explained.

“This crystal, I know it too well…” C-81 muttered. “Dark Energon: the unholy lifeblood of the dark god Unicron. It could spell catastrophe in the wrong hands.”

“The Injector, it can make soldiers from gems… it all makes sense.” Finn muttered as he pieces everything together.

“We have more specimens at my castle. You know more about this material, so you’re welcome to examine them.” Twilight Sparkle offered them.

“We appreciate your cooperation, Twilight Sparkle.” C-81 accepted.

“Ah-ah-ah! That’s Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Bumblebee wagged his finger at C-81.

“You know who I am?” Twilight Sparkle asked in surprise.

“We know all about you and your friends in Ponyville! Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy!” Bumblebee told her excitedly. “I’m a big fan.”

“Oh… is that so?” Twilight Sparkle said nervously.

“Guess this is goodbye.” Finn faced the guard ponies.

“We’ll see each other again soon.” Lemon Zest smiled.

“We’ll be sure to stick together like glue on a scrapbook.” Sour Sweet assured.

“And bring Rainbow Dash! I still want that race.” Indigo Zap raised her hoof.

“Hopefully, we’ll wear shiny new sets of armour by then, courtesy of yours truly.” Sunny Flare said proudly.

“Please don’t stalk us next time.” Sugarcoat said bluntly.

“We’ll talk over coffee, my treat.” Flash Sentry offered.

Finn and Jake wave to their new friends as they follow Twilight Sparkle, Bumblebee, and C-81 out of the city. “Bye, wife-stealer! Bye, Shadowbolts!” Bumblebee waved to the guards.

“Wife-stealer? I’d never do such a thing.” Flash Sentry said.

“Heart-stealer, more like.” Sunny Flare moved in with a smile.

“Shadowbolts? Sounds like a good squad name, don’cha think?” Sour Sweet turned to her friends.

By sunset in Ponyville, Finn, Jake, and Twilight Sparkle disembark from the train as Bumblebee and C-81 transform from their flatcars, tearing off their restraining cables and scaring ponies on the platform.

“I can’t believe I’m in Ponyville!” Bumblebee squeaked.

“We’re here to investigate the Dark Energon. We’re not tourists.” C-81 reminded Bumblebee.

“Aw, c’mon. Live a little, we’re in Equestria!” Bumblebee said as they leave the station, when Spike worriedly waddles to them.

“Twilight, thank- ah!” Spike looked up fearfully to the Cybertronians.

“Don’t worry, they’re friendly.” Finn assured.

“Spike, what is it?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“The crystals, they’ve escaped!” Spike exclaimed before the Castle of Friendship east wall bursts open. They rush to the castle where they find Crystal Terrorcons crawling all over the place, now resembling robots like Bumblebee and C-81.

“Looks like they upgraded!” Finn pointed to them when they hear Rarity screaming from inside.

“The marshmallow’s in trouble!” Bumblebee said before he and C-81 grabs everyone and climbs the building.

They scale the castle to the lab where they find Crystal Terrorcons taking Twilight Sparkle’s friends hostage. “Lemme go, ya oversized glass figurine!” Applejack demanded as she tries to wriggle out of a Crystal Terrorcon’s grip.

“You dunno who you’re messing with!” Rainbow Dash roared.

“We’re too late!” Twilight Sparkle exclaimed

“Please, don’t hurt us…” Fluttershy cried.

Upon seeing her tears, Bumblebee’s eyes narrow. “Let go of Fluttershy!" Bumblebee screamed before priming his plasma cannon.

“Twilight, help us!” Rarity cried out.

“Where’d you get those metal guys?!” Pinkie Pie wondered.

“No time to explain!” Finn brandishes his Night Sword as Jake inflates his fists.

“Hold tight, girls!” Twilight Sparkle shouted.

Bumblebee first shoots a Crystal Terrorcon holding Starlight and Maud Pie captive, freeing them. “Spike, evacuate your fellow supporting cast outta here!” Bumblebee commanded.

“Supporting cast?!” Spike blurted in confusion before Starlight telekinetically grabs him.

“We’ll leave this to you, Twilight!” Starlight Glimmer said before they leave the lab.

As the heroes rush to save their friends, Crystal Terrorcons burst from a wall and swiftly tackle them all into a mirror connected to a machine, entering its reflection like a portal.

“Twilight!” the ponies screamed as the creatures take them away.

The heroes find themselves falling through a rainbow vortex with the Crystal Terrorcons behind them. As the Crystal Terrorcons converge, C-81 grabs one from behind and flings it past Bumblebee’s shoulder. “Nasty abominations.” C-81 pumps a laser shotgun.

“Get over—!" Finn screamed before he and Jake are swiftly captured by the giants. “That all- Aaah!” Finn screamed as the Crystal Terrorcon forcibly tears off his robot leg.

“Let him go!” Twilight Sparkle grabs Finn by his backpack to free him before the giant yank them away, tearing off the bag by its straps before escaping into the vortex wall with them. “No… my friends… Finn…” Twilight Sparkle muttered in defeat as she holds onto the bag.

Suddenly, a group of Crystal Terrorcons ambush her in mourning. “Twilight, look out!” Bumblebee said before pushing Twilight Sparkle away, letting the giants attack him. They overwhelm him with unnatural speed and tear him apart limb-from-limb.

“Bumblebee!” C-81 screamed before firing on the giants with his laser shotgun. They respond by taking Bumblebee’s remains and throwing them at C-81. Before Twilight Sparkle realized it, the last thing she sees is Bumblebee’s dented head throttling at her before everything goes dark.


Comments ( 6 )

More. MORE!!

Then check out the other story of mine that I updated alongside this one. You'll find the connections as you read it.
I also have Adventure Time fanfictions on my Fanfiction.net, but this is the first one crossing over with My Little Pony.

Bumble hunt, I assume?

I was referring to more adventure time stories.

I just have one in the works, but that’s just it for now.

I'm sorry, but WHAT THE FUCK?! :twilightoops:

It's a segue into another fanfic I updated in tandem with this one.

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