• Published 1st Aug 2022
  • 4,530 Views, 441 Comments

Why not? Sure. I'll Marry You. - HAKDurbin

When princess and pop singer Pipp Petals discovered her fiancée has been cheating on her moments before their wedding, she decided to marry Sheriff Hitch who is holding a "Marry Me" sign in the crowd.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Thunder's morning started off uncomfortable as he carried two heavy duffle bags on his back. He and Zoom had only been running Maritime Bay for less than ten minutes, and already Zoom had found a reason to rebuke Thunder for his incompetence. He hoped to grab a smoothie from Sunny and a muffin from another stand on the way to Hitch's house, but neither place was open for another hour. There were fewer ponies on Main Street than when Zoom and Thunder came in to meet Hitch in front of the sheriff's station because many followed Hitch to the end of the borders of Maretime Bay to wish him luck on his first trip visiting Pipp, thus making him feel alone in the seaside town.

If all that wasn't enough, Thunder did not remember how to get to Hitch's house.

Thunder himself couldn't believe he was that absent-minded. He had been to Hitch's house when he, Zipp, and Zoom came there to pick up Pipp during their previous trip, but it didn't occur to him that he might need to go there again by himself. One would think that he and Zoom would go over where precisely Hitch lives during their 2-day journey to Maretime Bay, but it had never crossed poor Thunder's mind until this point. He dared not ask Zoom for directions for fear of being further rebuked, so he was stuck in the middle of Main Street with two duffle bags on his back.

"Aw, pony feathers," Thunder said to himself.

He looked around the area, thinking of which way to go, but his only options were to go east toward the lighthouse, north to a narrow street that went uphill, or back west, where he'd be passing the sheriff's station. He thought of going to the lighthouse and asking Sunny and Izzy for help, but he decided against it, thinking he should try to figure it out alone. Finally, Thunder decided to take the narrow street, thinking he could look for Hitch's house and technically be on patrol by wandering around town.

So, Thunder took a second to force the pain of carrying the duffle bags into the back of his mind and began going uphill on the narrow street. He scanned the houses as he walked by, but none looked familiar. Eventually, Thunder got to the top of the hill, where he could only take a left turn, leading him downhill till he was close to the Canterlogic Factory. Thunder grew uneasy as he realized he could only go in two directions. Either go right in the direction of the factory or go left and risk passing the sheriff's station. He decided to risk it and return to the fountain where he started. If Zoom spotted Thunder, he would say that he decided to do his rounds before going to Hitch's house and keep the duffel bags on his back to exercise while at it. Zoom would never buy any of that, but that never stopped Thunder from fibbing before.

As Thunder walked through the plaza, he saw ponies opening their stores and food stands. Some noticed him passing by as they set up and gave him friendly greetings. Thunder smiled and nodded to hide his struggle with the duffle bags. While greeting the citizens of Maretime Bay, he did not notice Periwinkle Pi walking toward him in the opposite direction, holding folders and papers with one hoof and greeting her fellow citizens. With their heads turned away, Thunder and Periwinkle collided, and Periwinkle dropped her folders and papers, spreading them across the ground. Thunder tried to keep the duffel bags balanced before they fell off his back and landed on the street, one landing on his left side and the other on his right.

Thunder and Periwinkle looked down at their possessions, then looked up, and their eyes widened, instantly recognizing each other. They stared at each other for a moment before they looked away, with Thunder rubbing the back of his neck and Periwinkle rubbing her front hoof. After an awkward silence, Thunder knelt down and gathered Periwrinkle's papers. Periwinkle smiled before kneeling down to help him. Their hooves touched as they reached out to a paper simultaneously and looked at each other again before turning away bashfully, with Periwinkle taking the paper. With the papers and folders gathered, they stood back up, and Thunder gave Periwrinkle the papers he gathered.

"You, ugh, hi - er, I mean, begging your pardon, madam," Thunder stuttered.

"It's okay, really," Periwinkle said. "Here, let me help you with your bags."

Thunder smiled as Periwinkle put down her folders and papers and picked up the duffle bag on Thunder's right. Thunder put a duffle bag on his back, and Periwinkle stood on her back legs to put the other bag on the first. Thunder struggled for a few seconds until the duffel bag stopped wobbling, and then he stood up straight with his head up high, trying to mask the pain in his back. Periwinkle covered her mouth to hide a giggle before she began playing with her hair.

"You… you're very strong," she said timidly.

"It comes with a job," Thunder said. "It is essential for Queen Haven's royal guards to be pillars of strength and security."

Periwinkle tried not to laugh again from the way Thunder was trying to act tough.

"I bet it is," she said. "On that note, what is a strong royal guard like yourself doing in our humble town? Are you one of the guards watching over the town while Hitch is in Zephyr Heights?"

"That is correct," Thunder said. "I am heading to Sheriff Trailblazer's house to drop off my and my comrade's duffle bags before beginning my rounds.

Periwinkle looked at Thunder in confusion and turned her head back, realizing that Thunder was walking back toward the sheriff's station.

"Then why are you heading back this way when Hitch's house is on the other side of town?" she asked.

Thunder froze in place with his eyes widened, realizing he had been caught. He chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck again.

"Er, well, I wanted to explore your fine town a little bit before dropping off the bags," he said. "Walking around in heavy bags is good exercise anyway."

Periwinkle tilted her head with a befuddled look. Thunder put on a fake grin to try to look convincing, but while Periwinkle wasn't glaring at him for lying like Zoom would, it was clear that what he said didn't make sense. After a few seconds, Thunder sighed and lowered his head in defeat.

"Okay, I'm lost," he said. "I've gone in a complete circle with no idea where exactly his house is."

"Oh, is that it?" Periwinkle asked, giggling again. "Well, I can show you where it is if you like."

"Really? You sure you won't be late for wherever you're going?" Thunder asked.

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about. I always come to the school very early, so I've got plenty of time before class starts," Periwinkle said.

"Oh, well then, by all means, lead away, madam," Thunder said.

With a smile and a nod, Periwinkle began leading Thunder back to Main Street toward the lighthouse. Thunder mentally kicked himself in the head, realizing that if he walked further west, he might have found Hitch's house, yet he was glad that he didn't since his little detour led him to see Periwinkle again. He glanced at Periwinkle, who was looking down as she walked with a timid smile. Thunder's cheeks turned into a subtle shade of pink, and he dared to wonder if the mare liked that she was walking with him, too. Goodness knows mares had never been known to be interested in him, so it was hard to believe a cute mare like Periwrinkle might like his company.

"Soooooooo, um, when you say you're heading to school, does that mean you go to school like a college or something?" Thunder asked.

"No, I'm a teacher," Periwinkle said. "I teach at the schoolhouse with my friends Mayflower and Peach Melba."

"Wow, I didn't think Maretime Bay would need that many teachers in a schoolhouse for such a small town," Thunder said.

"Well, it's not so big that three teachers are required, I grant you, but you could say it's become necessary that schools have one teacher from each race,” Periwrinkle explained. “Mayflower, an earth pony, has been running the school for years, but a lot of her teaching outside of reading, writing, and arithmetic has proven out of date since all three ponykinds have been united. So, on top of sharing the other subjects, Peach, a pegasus, and I are teaching foals about unicorn and pegasi culture. Some unicorns and pegasi students find it silly that they are being taught what they already know, but it's still important to ensure the next generation of ponies knows everything about all three races. Sunny has also shown us her father's research on Ancient Equestria so we can teach our students about earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi back when there was magic.”

"Really? Is there anything you find particularly interesting from back then?" Thunder asked.

"Oh, tons," Periwinkle chirped. "When there was magic, some unicorns could use it for all sorts of things beyond simply making things float with their horns. There were magical artifacts that Sunny believes date further back than Ancient Equestria. One artifact could wipe out memories, another one was a crystal heart that could protect an entire empire from dark magic, and my favorite is a magical device that, with certain special keys, could create a castle made of crystal."

"A.. castle made of crystal?" Thunder asked, befuddled. "That sounds more like something out of a movie than something that happened many moons ago."

"You wouldn't be the first pony to be skeptical about that. Believe me," Periwinkle said. "I wish I could see that kind of magic for myself, though. That kind of magic sounds like something from a Harry Trotter movie."

Thunder's eyes widened, and he stepped before Periwinkle, making her stop.

"You watch the Harry Trotter movies?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, yes. Yes, I do," Periwinkle said, brushing her mane. "I have developed a habit of collecting Harry Trotter merchandise like mugs, phone cases, and action figures, never taken out of the packaging. Silly, isn’t it?”

“You kidding? I like to collect sneakers, and one pair I have has Harry’s sword,” Thunder said.

Periwinkle’s eyes widened, and she gasped as though Thunder said he owned the sword from the movie itself.

“Get out!” she shouted. “Where in Equestria did you find them? How do you know they even exist?”

“Oh, I just happened to find them in my monthly sneakers catalog,” Thunder said. “I also found boots with the magic wings Harry used to fight Voldimare’s pegasi.”

“That is so cool!” Periwinkle exclaimed before her face fell to a look of unease. “But does it bother you that pegasi are depicted that way?”

“Honestly, I find Harry Trotter funny because they make pegasi like vultures, not knowing we can't fly,” Thunder said. “I mean, imagine Harry Trotter flying toward his enemies with his flying boots only to learn that he’s the only pony in the fight that can fly.”

“Oh, my goodness, that would be hysterical,” Periwinkle giggled. “How about if the filmmakers found out how unicorns are superstitious? Voldimare would be casting the vaporizing spell on one of his pegasi minions for betraying him and then realize she’s using magic against a pony with wings made of feathers. Magic, wing, and feather. Four of the words that unicorns perceived as bad words that jinx poines.”

“Oh, yeah. What’s the fourth word again?” Thunder asked.

“Mayonnaise. Don’t ask why,” Periwinkle said.

Thunder tilted his head and opened his mouth to ask what was wrong with the word mayonnaise until he decided to drop it to respect Periwinkle's wishes.

"Alright then, what if they found out about the 'bad words' and used all four of them in one scene?" Thunder asked. "Like, Voldimare is about to cast the vaporizing curse on one of his pegasi minions only to realize that she is using magic and at a pony with wings made of feathers like you said, and then suddenly a giant jar of mayonnaise falls on top of her?"

Periwinkle stared at Thunder for a second before she covered her mouth to cover a snort. She then burst out laughing, trying not to drop her books and papers. Thunder chuckled, growing more comfortable with how the conversation was going.

"That would practically break her brain," Periwinkle chortled. "Forget destroying her seven gems of power. Just throw Voldimare in a giant jar of mayonnaise, and she'll be doing the ritual drenched and mayonnaise for all eternity!"

"That's kind of cruel when you say it like that," Thunder said. "How does that ritual go, if you don't mind me asking?"

Periwinkle chuckled again before putting down her books and papers, then took a few feet away from Thunder. She made a goofy face and stretched her backside as she blew a raspberry, followed by a goofy dance while singing, "Bing Bong." Though it had only been several moons since Periwinkle last did the ritual out of fear of being jinxed, she still felt silly performing it before a stallion in the middle of the road. It was as though she were performing a song or dance that she made up when she was a filly. Thunder burst out laughing, and Periwinkle stopped dancing to give Thunder a hard glare.

"Hey, come on, I get that it's stupid now, but you don't have to make fun of me," she said.

"No, no, I'm not laughing at you," Thunder chortled. "I'm just imagining Voldimare trying to cast the vaporizing spell on Harry Trotter, but Harry points out she's using magic, compelling Voldemort to do the ritual. And since Harry is the only one flying because he has his boots, he could snatch Voldimare and drop her into a giant jar of mayonnaise and close the lid."

Periwinkle contemplated what Thunder was saying before she began laughing with him.

"Oh, my gosh. I can totally see Voldimare cursing Harry Trotter as she begins the ritual again for all eternity," Periwinkle said before speaking in a low voice. "'Harry (bing bong) James (bing) Trotter, (bing bong) you will pay for this (bing bong) atrocity. (Bing bong) I swear it!'"

"And all of his pegasi followers would just stare at their beaten dark lord, trying not to laugh while the unicorns keep using the ritual as if trying to protect their master," Thunder added.

Periwinkle and Thunder began doing the ritual together, laughing as they went. They went on for about a minute until Periwinkle looked past Thunder to find two earth pony fillies, Peg and Sis, staring at the two adults with their heads tilted. Periwinkle's cheeks flared up, and she nudged Thunder's side. Thunder turned to Periwinkle while still doing the ritual until he looked in the direction she was looking and realized they had company.

"Ms. Periwinkle, are you okay?" Peg asked.

"Y-yes, I'm fine," Periwinkle said. "I was just teaching our guest from Zephyr Heights old Bridlewood culture. Isn't that right, sir?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that's it. I'm learning very educational stuff," Thunder said, rubbing his hoof with a sheepish grin.

Peg and Sis continued to stare at Periwinkle and Thunder, unconvinced. For several seconds, there was awkward silence until Periwinkle cleared her throat.

"Why don't you girls go on ahead to school? I'll be right there after I take our guest to his destination," she said.

"Um, sure. See you at school, Ms. Periwinkle," Sis said.

The fillies began walking in the direction of their school, murmuring about wishing they recorded Thunder and Periwinkle and posted the video on Ponygram. Periwinkle and Thunder continued to blush, not looking at each other until Periwinkle picked up her books and papers and silently gestured to Thunder to follow her again. The two grown ponies walked in awkward silence as they made their way to Hitch's house. When they stopped at his front door, Periwinkle cleared her throat while pulling some of her hair back.

"Well, here it is. Hitch's house," she said

"Thank you. I'll make sure not to forget again," Thunder said. "Have, uh, have a good day teaching."

"Thanks. You as well with your rounds," Periwinkle said.

Thunder and Periwinkle paused, trying to think of something else to say before Periwinkle began walking in the direction of the school. Thunder reached out for the front doorknob and then stopped. He was eager to drop the bags and get his morning patrol but didn't want to part ways with Periwinkle on awkward terms. Thunder squirmed, debating with himself until he dropped the bags and ran over to Periwinkle.

"Say, uh, madam," he said.

Periwinkle turned to Thunder and smiled.

"Oh, you can call me Periwinkle," she said.

"Right, Periwinkle," Thunder said shyly. "Would you be interested in…maybe…"

"Going out to dinner?" Periwinkle finished.

Thunder's face heated up, and he looked away, embarrassed that Periwinkle was onto him.

"Y-yeah," he confessed. "And maybe afterward we could…uh…"

"Go dancing?" Periwinkle asked.

Thunder was thinking of seeing a movie, but the hope in Periwinkle's voice compelled him to play along.

“Sure, and after that, I was thinking we could -”

“Go out for a stroll on the beach?” Periwinkle asked.

“Yeah, and maybe we could meet at the Town Square on…”

“Saturday? 7 o'clock?”


“I'd love to.”







Thunder and Periwinkle stared at each other, smiling, their hearts racing excitedly. Then Periwinkle realized they were staring for so long and looked away, trying to hide her blush.

"Well, I better be going," Periwinkle said.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Better get my bags inside," Thunder said. "I'll, uh, see you on Saturday.”

“I can’t wait,” Periwinkle said.

Thunder's face turned beat red as though Periwrinkle had said, “I love you.” Periwinkle’s cheeks turned to a deeper shade of pink as she walked away, feeling somewhat embarrassed by how she expressed her enthusiasm. Thunder watched Periwinkle leave until she was out of his line of sight, then sighed as he looked at the sky with a dopey smile.

“I got a date,” he said. “I got a date, and she can't wait. I got a date, and she can't wait.”

Thunder opened the door and dropped his and Zoom’s bags on the entrance hall floor before he finally began his morning rounds. As he began making his way back to Main Street, he repeatedly said, “I got a date, and she can't wait,” in a singing voice. For the rest of the day, Thunder carried out his duties carefree.