• Published 31st Jul 2022
  • 429 Views, 11 Comments

Flim Flam's Famous Freakshow - Jest

Rarity has fallen on hard times, and now finds herself a correspondent for a shady newspaper. Worse still, she has to lower herself to 'reviewing' a freak show. Though perhaps this is the start of something amazing.

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First Impressions

Rarity sighed as she looked down on the brightly lit clearing at the easternmost edge of Ponyville. The area had been a corn field a week earlier, but now it was so trampled that it was little more than a mud hole filled with tents in it. The sight filled the mare with dread and she subtly adjusted her fedora and saddle bags, feeling the weight of her notepad and pencils shifting inside of them.

It wasn't exactly a stylish look, and Rarity regretted not bringing boots, but it did have a way of setting ponies at ease. As if the simple playing card sticking out of her hat was a badge signifying the unicorn as a member of the press. Even if the publication she wrote for was a third-rate pulp magazine with a readership smaller than the town she stood in, though no one needed to know that.

Sighing, Rarity straightened her back. “You can't always do what you want Rarity. Sometimes you have to do assignments,” the mare muttered to herself, her frown growing. “Even if those assignments are little more than advertisements masked as journalism which was paid for by the ponies I’m supposed to be reviewing.”

The unicorn considered turning right around and leaving the mud pit as well as the carnival it contained behind her. She considered quitting or at least turning down this job only to think better of it in the end. She had a sister to support now that her parents were no longer around, and with her dress shop having gone under a few years earlier she didn't have a lot of other options.

“Think of Sweetie Belle,” Rarity reminded herself as she gazed down on the brightly lit tents, and the dozens of ponies walking to and fro. “Think of the nice school you could get her into so she doesn't end up where you did.”

With the beginnings of a crude smile crawling onto her face, Rarity proceeded down the hill, the sun behind her and her future ahead of her.

The mud immediately began to cling to her hooves, and though a small part of her cried out in agony due to this small irritation, Rarity stifled that voice. She made a note to check on how much it was to rent this small section of land, as Rarity had a feeling that it wasn't exactly a very large amount. There were better options, ones closer to town, but they probably went for a little more than some random field.

She paused as she neared the large arch displaying the traveling circus’ name, noting that the half-moon-shaped piece of wood was itself quite old, and most of the paint on it was flaking. The Royal Equestrian Circus was a terribly generic name, but Rarity had done enough research to know that it wasn't their original one. This particular circus had started as Flim and Flam’s traveling circus, but after some legal trouble and a bit of bad press, they had it changed.

And then changed it seven more times after that and evidently hadn't bothered to repaint the entire thing each time.

“At least they didn't call it the greatest show on Equis. How gouache would that have been?” muttered Rarity as she passed through the arch and began to look around, flitting through the small crowds and inspecting the carnival games. “Now where is the guide I’m being saddled with?”

“That would be me,” stated a deep, rumbling voice.

“Eep!” Rarity cried, spinning around and finding herself face to face with one of the largest earth ponies she had ever seen.

Though not overly tall, the pony was built like a fridge and had more muscle than four ponies packed together. Their straw-colored mane and tail were both cut short, and atop their head was a battered stetson that had clearly seen better days. Rarity found her gaze drawn to the pony’s piercing green eyes, the journalist trying desperately to figure out what gender they were without having to ask and potentially upset the individual.

Their fur was a deep orange, and upon their flanks were three red apples, mirroring the gems on Rarity’s own flanks. It was at that moment that Rarity realized that she had been staring for an uncomfortable amount of time without saying anything.

“Errr-” Rarity began awkwardly, only to be cut off.

“I’m a mare.” stated the gruff pony. “Though I don't care for labels, so you can call me whatever.”

“So you must be Applejack then?” Rarity replied, extending a hoof. “Charmed.”

The earth pony clopped her hoof against the unicorn’s, dirtying the journalist’s hoof even more. “Nice to meetcha Miss Rarity. You must be that reporter from the sun,” Applejack remarked.

Rarity shook her hoof vigorously while doing her best to hold back her urge to wince in pain. “I can tell you’ve heard of our esteemed paper,” Rarity exclaimed with a false smile.

Applejack snorted. “I heard of that rag. I also know the bosses paid you to write some puff piece about the carnival.”

“Now now, I wouldn't go that far.” Rarity retorted politely. “I am merely paid to observe the establishment and give my thoughts. They have only paid for my presence.”

The earth pony raised an eyebrow. “Sure ya are.”

“Regardless, shouldn't we get moving? I had heard that some important show was supposed to start soon.” Rarity stated, silently hoping to escape the large mare’s piercing gaze and intimidating presence.

“We got a few minutes before the freak show begins. Don't you worry none,” Applejack replied.

“You mean the variety hour?” Rarity corrected.

Again, Applejack snorted. “You can call it whatever ya want to call it. Doesn't change the fact that it's a freak show.”

“Now that's just rude.”

“I’m in it,” Applejack stated.

Rarity cocked her head. “Oh? I had assumed you were the security.”

“I am,” Applejack replied, motioning towards a distant tent and beginning to trot in its direction.

Rarity followed close behind. “So you do both then?”

“I set up the tents, take 'em down, work security, put on a show, do the accounting, cooking, and cleaning,” remarked the earth pony tiredly.

“That is… quite the workload.” Rarity exclaimed, glancing at the deep bags under her guide’s eyes which she hadn't initially noticed. “Why may I ask do you do so much for these Flim Flam fellows?”

“My reasons are my own,” Applejack quickly declared, giving the much smaller mare a firm look. “And I expect you to respect that.”

Rarity nodded eagerly, gulping down the sliver of fear which had wormed its way into her throat. “Of course darling, of course.”

Applejack kept her gaze locked on the other pony for several seconds before she turned away, stopping in front of a large green tent. “I’ll let you in the back, make sure to stand. Seats are for payin customers only.”

“Alright then. Will you be sticking with me during the show?” Rarity inquired.

The earth pony nodded slowly. “I’m up first, after that I’ll come stand with ya so I can answer any of yer questions.”

While also making sure I write something favorable. Rarity thought bitterly to herself. “Sounds wonderful darling. Break a leg, as they say.”

Applejack’s face remained neutral as she lifted the back of the tent, revealing a small stage with curtains on either side and an audience that was only half full. Cheap wooden chairs half stuck in the muddy earth were packed close together, filling the majority of the tent. Hearing the flap fall behind her, Rarity quickly pulled her pad of paper and a pencil from her bag before trotting to the back.

From there she looked out over the small gathering of ponies curiously, idly noting that they all seemed to be local, and most were young. Before she could get too carried away pony-watching, a tall lanky stallion wearing a straw hat stepped dramatically out onto the stage. He wore a striped vest over a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up as well as a black bow tie.

Upon his flank was the image of a single slice from an apple, and his wavy mane and tail were mostly red with the odd stripe of white. He was also painfully thin and instantly struck Rarity as a pony who would sell out his own mother for a good payday from just the look of him.

“Welcome one and all!” exclaimed the stallion in an exuberant tone, a forehoof raised. “To the finest act this side of Canterlot. My name is Flim, and on behalf of both myself and my brother Flam I am happy to present to you the stupendous, variety hour!”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.