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writing stories to improve my creative writing


You can have anything if you’re rich. 

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 27 )

They're right to be fair. But who cares lol 😁.

While your right, I love Twilight to much to agree😘😂

I can’t help but think Twilight needs to relax about this. (I know she wouldn’t be Twilight if she did but she should.) because while she was given some great opportunities she still had to take advantage of those opportunities.

For every person who was given a unfair opportunity there are about a dozen more who blow the same unfair opportunity

That's a fair opinion, for sure! I definitely made the situation out to be more than it was for comedic effects! I think that's the fun in the story though, that everything is so ostentatious and exaggerated.

Please don’t miss understand. I got what you were doing and enjoyed the story immensely.

I just felt it should be said that opportunity means nothing unless you take advantage of it.

Personally, while the op-ed might be factually correct, I think that it misses the context of the situation. Yes, Twilight was granted massive advantages, potentially unequal ones (parents paying for their children's education is one thing, bypassing a gate keeping prospective students out through noble blood another), but those advantages aren't the only reason for her current position in society. Even had her family been simple commoners, her love of learning, intelligence, determination, and skill at planning could still have helped carry her on a path parallel to, if not exactly the same as, her current one. Twilight was the beneficiary of privilege, including potentially unfair privileges that should be investigated, but she made her current position herself; privilege gave her the blocks, but she was the one to build them into a castle.

This is true, Twilight got so many advantages because of her birth and nothing else. But the reason she is a alicorn and non of her classmates are is because of who she is. Yes the school of gifted unicorns may only have 50,000 students from the wealthiest families. But Twilight is the best of those 50,000. Is that monstrously unfair? Yup! Does that mean she did nothing? No. If Ruth Bader Ginsburg looked through all of Harvard Undergrad(and no where else) to see who would get personal tutelage from her, then if you were chosen you earned it. Sigficantly less then if you were competing against the country or if Harvard was free, but still you accomplished something impressive.

Twilight's life is one of nepotism but it's also one where of her socioeconomic pears, she's the best of the best.

On the contrary, her first castle was a gift from inscrutable mystic forces, and her second was doubtlessly repaired by countless unknown laborers after she failed to prevent it being blown up. And given her views on labor rights, they were probably corveed or indentured, and certainly were not permitted to combine for mutual aid or protection.

I completely agree with that statement then!

Very well said, and I totally agree. Money and reputation were not what allowed Twilight to reach where she is now, it was sheer skill and talent, an immense talent we saw over the course of nine seasons. So not discrediting her work, just adding in a funny perspective as the media we consume tend to luster in a lot of different talking points :)

Love this argument, the paper purposefully oversight how deserving she is of her role for a very skewed and very biased opinion.

Comment posted by PiMan deleted Jul 30th, 2022

Really, it's a demonstration of the importance to consider not what the editorial says, but rather, what it doesn't say.

Has Twilight enjoyed numerous advantages not afforded to others? Yes, that seems fairly obvious. Were those others, upon their graduation from Celestia's tutelage, conscripted into an unending war against the forces of disharmony, degeneration, and tyranny where the everyday risks include insanity, grievous bodily harm, and death? Probably not!

If anything, Twilight's cushy life as a princess is compensation.

Remember kids: The quiet part is often much more important than the loud one!

“And why not? I’m sure some homeless pony would appreciate it,” Starlight jabbed before going into a fit of gasping laughs again.

:twilightangry2:Quit pretending you care about the homeless, Starlight! So you gave a homeless pony five bits, big woop. You know how I know you gave them five bits? Because you haven't shut up about it for two weeks! How about I pay you ten bits to stop talking about the five bits you gave that old homeless guy two weeks ago, huh?!

“Winning the Princess’ favour also allowed for a lot more opportunities, not limited to, access to dangerous wings in the castle, access to every spell imaginable, and information that has not been leaked to the public.’

Not to mention using such favours to bypass laws that apply to everybody else, as the School of Friendship incident demonstrates.

Comment posted by Knight of Cerebus deleted Jul 30th, 2022

On the contrary, that wasn't the use of a favor, that was an exercise of her own sovereign authority. A lawless exercise, to be sure, but the authority was her own and not someone else's delegated to her.

Awesome story! Hope for more :)

Not so much the act of reopening the school, but Celestia deciding to stand by it and do nothing. This sets a dangerous precedent.

Equestria is not a constitutional monarchy. It's an absolute monarchy with remnants of a feudal system.
Twilight is a crown princess of Equestria; Chancellor, ministry of whatever ... it doesn't matter. Neighsay answers to her, not the other way around. He was only able to pull his stunt because he made Twi believe she'd broken the rules. And Twi would never deliberately break the law like that; so she closed the school. When Glimmer pointed out to her that she had it all backwards, she rightfully stopped giving a crap about that racist's tantrum.
He was out of line, to a dangerous degree. Not Twilight.
Realistically, from a princess' point of view, not gelding that jerk was the only dangerous precedent. Unless the sisters overrule her, Twilight's word is the law. Literally. And 'kids show' and all that aside, he only got away with just a slap on the hoof because of Twilight's forgiving nature and because Celestia knew that punishing him would make Twilight feel guilty. Just imagine his fate if he'd tried to pull that shit with Luna. He'd be a wall rug now.

Soo ... I read the story, after several hours I read the first chapter a second time ... and I still got to ask:
What exactly was the point of this piece?
It could've been funny and even thought provoking if you'd stuck with the canon; but this is just 99% made-up "facts" on all sides for the sole purpose of jamming the word 'nepotist' in there.
It could've been a humorous story about the nature of mass media and the effects of things like bias, perspective and context. But it's from it.
And for it to work as a satire at least one element, doesn't even matter which one, needs to be true to the original ... but sadly the characterizations are too far off to make it work.

I recognize that now. It was never supposed to be serious I had thought the prospect was humorous so I expanded on the idea of the simple fact that she grew up wealthy. To be honest, you're right that it lacks merit, it was my first time writing something that lacked any substantial plot and I just wanted to try out writing in a different genre. I think being able to write various degrees of stories will ultimately improve my writing, so I suppose that's why as well. Overall, I did it for fun, and it remains a reminder for me that writing is fun regardless. Now, I would definitely write it differently if given the chance to rewrite it again: changing some of the elements so it can ring true to canon and keep the characters consistent.


Yeah, she pulled a fast one there by declaring he school was outside the existing law.

… when did Twilight have views on labor rights?


Equestria is not a constitutional monarchy. It's an absolute monarchy with remnants of a feudal system.

Source? Other than “because no one ever mentioned one?” Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

And we all know how that one ended.

When she ruled from the bench that Rainbow could bind Fluttershy to a year-and-a-day indenture (Trade Ya!) or when she thought it appropriate to break a strike by threatening to cannonade a picket line (The Summer Sun Setback). To say nothing of Spike.

Who calls the shots in Equestria? On the fly and without anyone else's input or approval necessary?
Absence is the evidence in this case.

As much as I love Twilight Sparkle, it is indeed true that she would sometimes do or say things without thinking because of her rather gifted background, and she can be a bit snooty as well. That said, the article made her out to be conscious of and willfully abusing said privilege which anyone who actually knows her knows isn't true. And to be honest while these traits would be frustrating at times, I wouldn't have liked her nearly as well if she had been a "perfect princess" who's always kind,sweet, etc.

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