• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Comments ( 40 )

welp, bad news for Anon. ah well. great story by the way.

Loooool he got her pregnant...or this is spme sort of weird scheme (though I doubt it, Harshwinny isn't like that)

Stay tuned and find out >u>

I love me some Mayor Mare. I love me some Leech. I love me this story.

For those who want to see the full cover image: 426577 on Derpi.

Another for the read list.

Name: Mrs. Harshwhinny Pregnancy Test: Positive


I thought eris removed his memory of all his escapades

Not for this route

For this option, she removed everyone else's memories of what he'd done.

Blushing and averting her gaze, she fidgeted in place. “I’ve been curious about something ~ why is it that you haven’t found yourself a marefriend?”

In spite of his buzz, Anon started. “I really wish I could answer that,” he admitted, wistfully peering into his glass.

Wait. I thought Anon was potentially dating Eris in the previous series, right? It was cute and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

The story with Eris ended with a CYOA.
This series is one of the possible outcomes!

Don't worry though
Everyone's favorite Draconequus may™ appear again

Wait...if this is continuation your previous series, one where eris didn't alter reality to cover up her involvement in these events, the all of those individuals that Anon fucked with...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Nah nah nah

This ain't exactly a spoiler, but he didn't knock up anyone from his prior romp across Equestria. In the Seal the Deal chapter, the one which lead to this series, she did something right before letting him off the hook

If he didn't knock anyone up last series despite the copious amounts of sex... did she make him compatible with any species he chooses to bone?

I don't feel like it would be beyond Eris' ability to make him universally virile

I am a die-hard Mayor Mare fanboy and this fic checked all the boxes. It can't possibly get any better than this. You're number one leach, number one.

Dammmn! So many adventures, now he is reaping the rewards... His Herd will now officaly start and grow within a year to three i guess.
- Harshwinny + 1 :yay:
- Mayor Mare :raritywink:

Many clop show Harshwinny and Mayor Mare together in passion. It seems we have now a Herd made of two very popular mares of the Fandome :eeyup:

Anon breeding service, approved and verile certificate to fertility. Want a foal ? Want the ride of your life getting it? Anon motel get you +S class rutting and breeding service.
*In the small print*
- Rutting services cost extra, breeding if successful is without additional fee for successful impregnation.
Repeatingly getting pregnant don't get tax breaks, but stays impregnation success fee free.
Young adult or stud hunting cougar, service availability for all mares ages. Non Pony females are included for all services.

Come to think about that... considering how many lays he had during his adventure, how many kids he might have had so far?

He really screwed the pooch this time.

I hope this series continues forever. :pinkiecrazy:

And since this is a continuation of the previous series, is this gonna make Anon the Equestrian Genghis Khan with everyone in a few hundred years tracing their lineage to him?

Edit: Just read the author's reply on a similar comment. Looks like Anon's previous escapades aren't gonna result in a bunch of little Anons running around.

Ну, это трёхочковый.

what's your profile picture from? It's vuagely familiar to me and it's going to keep eating at me if I don't find out.

Oh my god thank you! That was bothering me.

Honestly somthing gives me the vibe discord er eris is behind the pregnancy though i am very parinoid

Although I really don't care for the earlier stories in this.....(What would you call these? Sub quests, mini anthologies? Story runs?) Anyway, the stories about this guy. Even though I'm not a fan of the early ones, I absolutely love these last two. "The Customer's Always Right.." and this one. It kind of feels like the story has gotten on track when Discord/Eris clears the past and resets the universe, and the story really gets started in the last two. The last three of these are great stories and I cant wait to see more.

Keep up the good work

The Monk
“-Ahem- Dear Prince Sunbutt, today I learned that you can, in fact, solve all of your problems by fucking them really hard until they pass out. I look forward to testing this new theory the next time one of Twilight’s dumbass little friends tries to pester me into some asinine errand I have no intention of helping them wi-" -NameUndetermined

Janitor, you say? 😘
Now that's what we call satisfaction!

Heh, hehe hahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MWAHAHAHAHAHA *inhales* *wheezes* *wipes tear*
Oh man, that was good

Equestria's centaur breeding program is soon to be in full effect.

Call me vanilla, but something about breeding really is a huge turn on. While I've enjoyed the series outside the Eris and buff Ember bits, I really want more of Anon putting buns in pony ovens.


Always nice to see a pony get knocked up with a big ol bun

Given the prequel and sequel have it, I think you missed the Human tag here :twilightblush:

How the hell did I miss that :fluttershbad:

Name: Mrs. Harshwhinny Pregnancy Test: Positive


Oh no I understand what Eris did to him.
My boy congratulations you're going to be a father, wait I wonder if all the other marriage that he had a relationship are also pregnant.

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