• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 1,268 Views, 11 Comments

The Random Establishment - wacarb

In Equestria there is a house known as the Random Establishment. Weird things happen in there.

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Super Secret Six Squad (AKA Triple S)

A lot had changed in Ponyville.

Instead of being known as Ponyville, it was now called Ponyville City, as depicted by the new sign, lit dimly by flickering lights.

The name changed slightly and there was also a new sign.

Not a lot had actually changed in Ponyville, when you think about it.

That is to say Ponyville City.

But in the darkest hours of the night, running from the rooftops and flying through the air and sometimes the rooftops, defenders of justice watched vigilantly; except when they were falling off the aforementioned rooftops.

No one knew who they were excluding the ones who were them who knew themselves.

Everyone else who wasn’t them called them the Guardians.

They themselves, however, preferred to label themselves as the Super Secret Six Squad, or Triple S for short.

They were the watchers in the night, champions of the downtrodden, guardians of the weak and writer of the wrongs. That is to say righter of the wrongs. I mean they could write down what is wrong but I meant to write right, right.

This is their story.


Twilight scanned the horizons for anything suspicious. After finding only curious and almost interesting happenings, she slid down from her perch on the town hall and headed off into the night.

“This city is a disease, and I am the only cure.” She muttered to herself.

It had all started two months ago.

Twilight had set up an experiment to uncover the secrets to the elements of harmony, and like all scientific experiments, it went horribly right and gave her and her five friends super powers, just like she meant to.

Twilight stealthily made her way into her hideout under the tree library which she called the Root Canals. As she trotted in, the lights switched on to the sound of her hoof steps and a familiar voice came in over a PA system.

“Good evening, Miss Sparkle. Fight any dastardly villains today?”

“Not today, SPiKE.” Twilight responded to her artificial butler. SPiKE, or Synergetic Polarity in Kinetic Energy, was a program made by Twilight to help her keep track of local happenings. Her old assistant, Spike, made it big in Fillydelphia selling cheese wheels, and sent letters to his pony pals every now and then.

Twilight sat down in her swivel chair and spun around a few times, but in a grim and mysterious sort of way. “Have you found anything to report?”

SPiKE projected a large amount of files and reports on the giant monitor for Twilight to read. She never read them; she just liked having lots of words of the screen to make her seem more intelligent.

SPiKE’s monotonous voice drilled into her ears once more. “It appears Ponyville City has been quite peaceful as of late. Shall I run the daily review?”

Twilight, still spinning grimly on the chair, told SPiKE, “Let’s hear it for each sector.”

SPiKE ran through a list, “North side, peaceful. South side, peaceful and unreasonably happy. East side, peaceful. West side, currently in the turmoils of unholy battle.”

“What was that one again?”

“East side, peaceful.”

“No, the other one!”

“The unreasonably happy south side?”

“NO! The west side.”

“Currently in a state of hell breaking loose with a vengeance?”

“I’m heading out.” Twilight, after a few more bonus spins that she quite clearly deserved, made her way to the exit.

“Will Miss Sparkle be requiring the assistance of the Squad?”

Twilight thought for a few moments, had an ice cream, and then decided, “No, I will handle this on my own. Tell them to wait wherever they are. I’ll call for back up if I need it. Where are they anyway?”

“At the west side, madam. They were there when it started.”

Twilight, ice cream dripping from her lips, muttered, “Damn, they never listen.”

Once again Twilight ran off in the night, muttering grimly to herself and being generally mysterious.


Fire rained down from the sky.

Actually the fire was on the ground because in general fire goes up, not down, but it sounds better when I say fire rains down from the sky.

Sort of gives it that mood, you know?

Twilight moves as quickly as she could to the scene. She heard a distinctive roar from her old foe.

It would appear as though Iron William Wallace, the steel clad minotaur, had escaped from the dreaded keep of Cheerilee’s 3 foot high fence for paralysed kangaroos.

“Damn,” Twilight spoke grimly, sliding down a nearby slippery dip on her way through the city. Iron William Wallace had fought for many days, almost a week, with the local heroes on and off.

“Watch out!” Twilight heard from somewhere near the ruckus, just ducking as a flash of blue passed over her. Rainbow Dash crashed into a heap next to her.

Twilight called out to her. “Rainbow Report!”

RD brushed herself off and replied, “It’s Rainbow Dash, not Report.”

Twilight blushed heavily because she had forgotten one of her best friend’s names, and not because she was currently riding on a swing set as one might have thought. “Sorry, I forgot your name. What’s happening?”

“That damn (sorry, I meant d**n) minotaur, is destroying that tree that looks almost like two lollipops stuck together.”

Twilight grimaced moodily and grimly. “No! Not the double-pop tree. We have to stop him Rainbow Fly. Activate...” Twilight paused a few minutes for great effect, “The Leech.”

Rainbow Dash looked uncertain. “I dunno Twi, I’m uncertain,” she said, confirming the aforementioned uncertainty from the narration.

Twilight was currently on the swing set. “I don’t have time for your ridiculously long and unnecessarily padded out over the top wordy running monologues of great length Rainbow Dusty! We need him now!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and activated her power.

It was quite a sight; words couldn’t describe what was happening.

But I’ll try anyway.

It was, kinda, like a bluey, glowy, ummmm, thing?

Yeah words can’t really describe it. All you need to know is that Rainbow Dash now had a giant leech on her head.

“Greetings from the Under Realm, Twilight Sparkle.” The leech said. He had him mouth attached to Rainbow Dash’s head and was sucking on her life force to keep himself powered. Also he was psychic which is how he can speak in case you were wondering.

“Now isn’t the time for games, leech,” Twilight growled mysteriously, while playing a game and Parcheesi. “I need you to call everyone else here to me right now!”

“It shall be as you wish, Twilight Sparkle” the leech replied, and activated his mysterious, hard to explain, power. Rainbow giggled daftly to herself as the leech sucked more of her mind away.
Suddenly, everyone was there.

Not because of magic, but because of super powers.

They’re totally different.

Twilight consorted with her newly gathered squad. Her Super Squad. Her Super Six Squad. Her Super Secret Six Squad.

Triple S!

Twilight turned to Pinkie Pie. “Fluttershy!”

“I’m Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight groaned dark and broodingly. The toll of being the only interesting character was wearing her down. “I mean Pinkie Pie, do you still throw radioactive teeth?”

Pinkie lifted her hoof up, showing a set of green teeth. “Yes.”

“Good. I need you to go throw those at Iron William Wallace.”

Pinkie looked annoyed for some reason. “I was already doing that before you summoned me here.”

Twilight snapped back dramatically, “Pinkie, now isn’t the time for your long winded, excessively intelligibly worded, maybe important but really isn’t, running sentence of a huge long winded, repeated phrases of a long winded monologue! Just go and do it!”

Pinkie ran back into the fray while Twilight continued on. “Fluttershy, use your super speed to provide a distraction.”

Fluttershy looked nervous, “Oh, um, I’ll try Twilight, but I don’t really have much control over it yet.”

Fluttershy readied herself and then, with approximately the same speed as a rather fast lightning bolt, she took off. Sadly, she was not given super reflexes to cope with the speed, and she flew straight into a large rock and knocked herself out.

Rarity was up next, Twilight glared at her. Rarity had the power to eventually turn invisible. “How much longer till we can’t see you anymore?”

Rarity thought for a moment, “I’m not sure. Maybe another three hours?”

“Ok, you go over there and wait till your ready.”

Rarity went over there, and continued to almost be invisible.

With that, Twilight was left only with Applejack and a near brain-dead Rainbow Dash with accompanying leech head.

Twilight turned to Applejack and asked with grim and meaningful intent, “Can you still set your limbs on fire?”

Applejack could set her limbs on fire.

“I can still set my limbs on fire.” Applejack responded.

She set her limbs on fire.


Applejack didn’t have a very good super power.

“IT BURNS! THE AGONIZING PAIN! TRULY THIS TORMENT IS THE WORST PAIN I COULD EVER FEEL!” Applejack screamed, as she ran off in search of water.

Because her limbs were on fire.

Twilight muttered grimly something that was probably deep and brooding, while simultaneously playing on the monkey bars.

She stepped forward to the battle zone. “I guess it’s all up to me again.” She ran up to Iron William Wallace.

Iron William Wallace laughed as he saw her approach, “Hah! We meet again my week old foe. Prepare your pain sensors, for I am about to beat you up with my feets!”

Twilight pierced him with a steely gaze (man I’m writing like a pro today), “No you are not.”

Iron staggered back, “Blast, you may have won this time, but I will return, maybe in a month or so.”

Iron William Wallace fled into the somewhere hidden where he was running, possibly to be heard from again.


And again, all across Ponyville, the ponies were at peace, knowing they were protected by their heroes.

I mean Ponyville City.

And they didn’t know about the heroes because it was a secret.

A super secret.

Six super secrets.

The Super Secret Six Squad!

Triple S.


Oh crap I forgot Pinkie Pie was still supposed to be fighting Iron William Wallace with her radioactive teeth.

If you are wondering where she was near the epic end battle then, um...

You know what I don’t even know, I just completely forgot.

Sorry about that.

(Editor’s note: I have no idea what Parcheesi is)