• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2022
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Ryebuck Coppercap

A 22 year old bean obsessed with Ponies, Trains, and Linguistics. Currently studying Game-Design. Any pronouns are fine by me ^c^


When The Storm King's defeat came, Cozy Glow realized something: Friendship was Power, so when she heard that the same mare who defeated countless foes with the power of her friends —Twilight Sparkle— was opening a school of frienship, she had to seize the opportunity. What she did not know at the time, however, is that she would get more than what she bargained for, even if it does not seem like so at first.

My first fanfic here on FiM-Fiction, and my first pony fic as well.

Any constructive criticism is appreciated, be it about grammar, orthography, awkwardly written phrases, pacing, or any other things!

This fic is in Hiatus for the moment, as I want to explore and rewrite some earlier parts of canon before continuing with it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Interesting start. I like how you used Ocellus as a way to get Cozy in. I wonder if her helping Cozy out like that is the turning point for her in this story going foreword. I'll be looking foreword to the next chapter!

Thanks for the comment!
You'll see if your hypothesis turn out to be true in a few chapters :raritywink:
I hope you'll enjoy the next chapters when I publish them as well :twilightsmile:

Then it hit me: I could disguise myself as her mother.

Ocellus have a good heart to help out other creatures if only she knew what she's helping

I had followed the little changeling and when nopony else was around I started crying. She came to see what was wrong and told her a sob story about how my parents died. I wasn’t certain if they were actually dead or they were alive, but it didn’t matter to me; they could rot in Tartarus for all I cared.

Boy cozy you really are pushing it kid and I don't know what made you go crazy in the first place but maybe in this timeline she should probably learn something

If only...

The next chapter will go a bit into her backstory :raritywink:

But yeah, she's in deep need of help with her inner demons.

Shouldn’t she be at an elementary school if that’s the case though? I mean, Twilight told me this school is supposed to be post-elementary — I shook my head and noticed they were staring at me in confusion, so I quickly righted myself up. Ok, I think I’m rambling, maybe I’ll ask her later.

I mean when we saw most of the students some of the are like the Cutie Mark Crusaders age so I guess elementary students can join in as well

Aw shucks! I rewatched the School Daze a bunch of times and I still didn't notice... Aw well, can just sort-of handwave it away by them just being out of elementary shool :twilightsheepish:

“Oh yeah, sorry Twilight,” I said with a sheepish smile, “the student’s name is Cozy Glow. Anyway, I found this pretty weird, considering how alike they looked, so when they left my office I decided to eavesdrop on them.” At this, Twilight looked at me dissaprovingly, so I quickly defended myself, “hey! I only did it to see if I could solve the mystery,” I pouted.

No you did good Starlight something is definitely is wrong

Ok this is an interesting start of a story so far so cozy heard about the school of friendship and she wants so get in are we all know that she's a little messed up in the mind but once she got there. there was a lot of ponies and creatures attending to the school the only problem is she can't get in without a Parent's signature which she does not have which that raised a lot of questions so cozy got Ocellus to help her to pretend to be her mother which she did and starlight saw them she already has some suspicious of them though but she interview them and after an hour she got in and once they left she hear them talking and her suspicious was confirmed and she reported to Twilight about this and with all that they will keep an eye on hers just in case she's trying to be sneaky well cozy finally made I don't know what she planing but it's not good well I guess we'll find out next time and I do like how you use the Cutie Mark so how is talking
very clever

Sorry, but... my man, do you ever use full stops?

I feel like I get that a lot because I use the voice command and didn't really use a lot of.?! You know the rest

Fimfiction has TTS? Or do you do it via mobile?

Either way, wild.

Mobile I'm using on it because I go out alot

The cutie mark thing was inspired by SoloBrony's Cozy the Hero series of stories.

I found it to be quite clever as well so I decided to do the same for my story :3

This a great start and leaves me looking forward to more!:pinkiehappy:

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far :3

Great work so far! I don't think I see very many Cozy Glow perspectives that take on her schooling days when she's becoming villainous, so A+ for originality from me! If you ever need editorial help, you can just ask me, since I know the process of finding an editor on here can be... chaotic. Love the story so far and the canon Cozy Glow being personalized more and rounded out as a true character during her schooling years!


I started this story since I wanted to give my own interpretation of what Cozy was going through during season 8.

As you said, most of her redemption stories I've read so far start after she's been trapped either in Tartarus or in stone without giving us her perspective of the events at the School of Friendship, which made me feel there was some untapped potential for a story there.

Thanks for offering help with the editing, I appreciate it :3

For now though, I'm just happy so many folks are enjoying this first chapter :twilightsheepish:

Interesting story. Added to my read list. Also following. :twilightsmile:


I'm happy you're liking it so far :3

Interesting start to the story. I like how you used the cutie marks to help keep it clear who prospective we were following. And you made Starlight and Twilight pretty smart and reasonable in how they're going about this.

Though one thing that's got me thinking, the story has an AU tag and already, Starlight and to a lesser extent, Ocellus, have noticed something off about Cozy Glow. So I was thinking if maybe, there was a possibility of Cozy's fall into complete villainy being Averted in this story all together?

Maybe so :moustache:
I have some plans for the story I hope you enjoy :raritywink:

This really interests me. I really love how your going into the reality of the Equestrian school system as well as the backstory of Cozy Glow. I can only hope that Cozy will get true redemption by the end of it. I hope you plan on continuing it.

Don't worry, I do plan to continue this story; I just want to have a bit more world-building with the previous events in this AU before I go on :twilightsmile:

It might take some time though, since I'm kinda slow with my writing :twilightsheepish:

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