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8. Change The Future

Twilight sat beside Minxy, She couldn't help but think back on what he had said, something was wrong with her horn but what was he seeing. She turned as she heard hoofsteps approach her, She watched as Rainbow Dash sat beside her. Rainbow Dash looked over at Twilight and wrapped her hoof around her, pulling her in to a small hug.

"I'm sure he'll wake up soon.", Rainbow Dash said, kissing Twilight on the cheek.

Twilight blushes lightly, "Thank you Dash, I just hope we can figure this out, Celestia and I have to leave soon."

"Are you sure about this? with how Minxy reacted maybe it's not a good idea after all?", Rainbow Dash asked, a bit paranoid.

Twilight looked at Minxy, "I'll make sure to be extra careful on this."

"Promise?", Rainbow Dash asked, staring into Twilight's eyes.

"Promise.", Twilight said back.

Celestia made her way to Minxy's room, knowing Twilight was there, but she was soon stopped by Luna, "Is something the matter Luna?"

"Of course, Sister, I believe it would be wise to not go on this trip, Minxy's reaction should be confirmation that this will end is disaster.", Luna stated bluntly.

Celestia began to walk, "I'm sure I can handle them, if this is a trap my power should be enough to be rid of them."

Luna followed, "But sister, Minxy's reaction wouldn't have been so visceral if everything was fine in the end!"

"I understand sister, I promise to take extra precautions on this trip.", Celestia said entering the room.

"Princess Celestia! is it time?", Twilight asked her teacher.

"Indeed, we must set off, Luna will stay here and take care of Minxy.", Celestia said, leaving the room with Twilight following suite.

I awoke and saw the moon rising, I spring up and grab my sword and rush to Luna, "Where's Twilight and Celestia!?"

"They departed 4 hours ago.", Luna said concerned.

"Damn it!", I yell out, flying out a window, shattering it. I flew as fast as possible towards Celestia's energy signature. I saw the carriage still moving, I flew down hiding my energy and began following, keeping some distance. Eventually they began setting up camp, I hid within the forest they were set up in, I set myself up near Twilight's tent. I sat there waiting for any sign of movement in the trees across from me.

Eventually I see movement, I get up waiting to see if it's a threat, as I wait I see one of Celestia's guards exit his tent, I swiftly make my way towards him as I see the creature I saw in my vision, this confirmed this was all a trap. I kick the creature back into a tree. The guard stands shocked for a second before readying himself to fight.

"Who dares interfere with our revenge! our feast!", A voice called out.

I step forward, unsheathing my sword and pointing it towards the creature, "You will not have your way! I am the protector of Equestria! Minxy!"

"I see now, you're a Fox Clan member, allow me to introduce myself! I am Xanthos! one of the sister queens, in fact I've ruled since the war with your species! oh how sweet your peoples flesh tasted.", Xanthos explained.

"I'm more than a member of the Fox Clan! I am the warrior who will destroy you and your army!", I said, determined.

"Oh and how's that? You're weak!", Xanthos said.

I chuckle, "Weak? no, I'm far from that!", I say beginning to power up, revealing my full power.

"Minxy! how did you get here?", Twilight yelled, confused.

"Don't worry about that! you and Celestia get out of here, in fact, everypony leave! I'll destroy all of them myself!", I say turning into my Super Fox God state. I watch as Xanthos steps back confused.

"Impossible! The scroll should have disconnect any divine beings from their power source!", Xanthos yelled.

"That's where I'm different, I'm not divine in the sense of being linking to something like the Sun or Moon.", I step forward threateningly. I look up, staring down Xanthos, "This is the end!", I say before flying past Xanthos and slicing through the five horses behind her.

Xanthos turned around to face her opponent, this shouldn't be possible, a divine being not linked to anything other than their own strength?

I sheath my sword, turning to face Xanthos, noticing her army surrounding me, I see Celestia's carriage heading back to Equestria, I sigh in relief and power up more. "You shall all die here.", I say walking forward towards Xanthos.

Xanthos charged forward ready to bite down, she lands on her hoofs as her prey dodged, she yells as she feels a sharp pain in her side.

I watched as my punch had launched her through a few trees, I spin around slicing the flanking horses, as my back was turned I felt Xanthos bite into my shoulder, I elbow her off of me and as I hold my shoulder I burst my aura to keep myself shielded.

"You are a mere mortal! your blood is not divine!!", Xanthos yelled.

"Yeah, I'm mortal, but I'll still destroy you, all of you!!", I shout, throwing blasts at her.

From the smoke I saw a tall figure, I looked up to see the same yellow eyes from my first vision. I stepped back, seeing that it had Celestia and Twilight in his grasp.

"Who are you!? put them down!", I yell.

"Me? you can call me Lord Tirek.", He said smiling.

"Minxy, Go! get back to Equestria and warn everypony!", Twilight said weakly.

Tirek laughed, "There's no point in running! you're too injured, it'll only delay your inevitable death."

I growl, "I'm not running!", I power up more, "I see now that holding back was a mistake! so allow me to reveal my full strength!", my aura flared up, slowly changing from light purple to blue with magenta electricity, my hair now flowing upward. I shout with all my might as I complete my transformation.

I tense up as I begin to blitz through Xanthos' army, then swiftly kicking Xanthos into a tree once more, I look up at Tirek, "Do you surrender or do you also wish to be sent to Tartarus!"

Tirek smirks, and begins to summon his magic to drain Minxy's power, he then realizes it's not magic causing this transformation, it's a natural evolution of power.

"I thought so.", I say as I kick Tirek in his chest causing him to let go of Twilight and Celestia, I slowly guide them down to the ground, I then see Luna fly down.

"What happened!?", Luna asked, panicked.

"I've got it under control Luna, for now, get Celestia and Twilight back to Canterlot.", I turn to Luna nodding, and as she nods back I fly to where Tirek is. I land on the ground, watching Tirek stand up, I also notice Xanthos had made her way over.

"You fool! this is where you die!", Xanthos yelled, completely losing it, but before she could continue she saw a bright flash and then nothing.

As I finished blasting Xanthos I stare up at Tirek, he had Celestia's and Twilight's magic, this would be a tough fight. I charge up and uppercut Tirek and as he's in the air I fly up and launch him back down into the ground. I think about how to extract the magic he stole, I remember the purification spell that I used as an attack a year back against Gloriosa in the alternate world. I think about infusing the attack into my sword as he'll expect a blast attack, as he stands back up I secretly infuse the attack into my sword.

I see Tirek charging forward and I prepare to launch my sword but he launches a blast towards me causing me to dodge, as I do so Tirek slams his fist into me, I cough as I'm launched into a near by hill. I stand up slowly unsheathing my sword and launch myself towards Tirek, my eyes widen as he charges up a massive sphere of energy, I land on the ground and sheath my sword again and prepare my own attack.

"NOW DIE!!", Tirek shouts angrily, and launches the sphere.

"I will not die!! Ultra Shine Flash!", I launch my attack trying to push the sphere back.

"Give it up! this is your end!", Tirek says, laughing.

"A warrior like me never gives up! I embody everything my friends have strived to teach me!, Laughter, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty and Magic!", I yell more and I feel my new form changing, my aura goes from blue to a dark blue with white electricity, "This is it! you're done for!!", I power up my attack more, pushing the sphere enough to give me and opening. Flying through my own attack as well as Tireks, I launch my sword into my hand and slice through Tirek's chest, the purification spell working as I thought, taking his magic away reverting him to his weakest state and I feel Twilight and Celestia's energy return to normal.

I fall onto my back, laughing weakly, "I did it..", I see Luna land beside me.

"You did it, you defeated Tirek, I shall send him to Tartarus, but what about Xanthos and her army?", Luna asked.

"Already dead, but I'll help you out on getting rid of the rest.", I sit up and smile weakly.

"No need, you must rest, my sister and I shall deal with them by tomorrow.", Luna said picking Minxy up and beginning to fly back to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

The Future has come and has been changed for the better, but there are many more threats on the way, there is always room for improvement! What happens next? find out soon!