• Member Since 24th Mar, 2013
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I am fuelled by tea and hate. Throw money at me. Ko-Fi.

Comments ( 84 )

Tell me, do you like tea or coffee without sugar?

Entirely depends, really.
With or without is fine, generally preferred is at least a single spoon.
Coffee is verboten.


Can you guess why exactly, I asked you about it?

I can hazard a guess but I prefer direct talk.


This is a direct conversation. Therefore, you can safely take risks and give your answer.

The question remains the same.

Well no, I can't guess why. I could hazard one as I said, but I won't because it could be for any number of reasons and I don't feel like playing guessing games.


Well, then I don't want to continue communicating with you, for a number of reasons, as you put it. I could name them, but I won't.

I'll give you a hint though.

I haven't read your story. But already from the description, I can understand that it's like drinking tea without sugar.

Then I see your issue and you could have simply said it and saved us both a lot of time.
The tagging system exits and the sex tag must be used regardless of if there is any sex or just descriptions of lewd bits.
I don't make the rules, I simply work here.


That's the problem. You don't think like a creator or an author.

What prevents you from creating your own rules? Or are you afraid of something?

You're a rather strange fellow.
What prevents me from creating my own rules is that I'm using a site with set rules, and while it's not massively cracked down upon to step outside of them in certain regards, it's generally frowned upon because then it buggers with the tagging system, and then what would the point of that tagging system be?
It's like queueing up with your shopping, sure you can forgo the queue by cutting in at the right time, but you're going to be seen as an absolute twat for doing it.

11291696 Not at all, just browsing and noticed the author forgot to link the coverart source.


You have started to reason and this is already good. But go ahead. I'm listening to you further. So why exactly did you decide to write "Tea without sugar"? Don't you have any experience with this?


you're so helpful, and that's very nice of you. True, I do not know why you need it, but still... maybe you can tell me too, all this... "the source of the cover"?

I did forget to include that, aye. I'll pop that in.

I wrote the story like this as an introduction. I highly prefer a lewd story that has plot as well as plot. Porn with a story. Well, I generally start with the story first, and if that garners interest the explicit lewdness comes after, but with plenty of lewd beforehand so one isn't feeling they're getting a sore deal.

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted Jul 5th, 2022

11291707 Figured as much.

Also, you write what you want to write. It is your art, your passion, your time. It's a bit funny, after all the porn I've written, but my most popular story ever was just gags and innuendo.


I'm guessing she immediately pushed plans for a new bypass through and showed up at his door with a bulldozer.

Oh aye, I always do.
Following trends is decidedly not my cup of tea.

11291710 Gosh but you're a delightful sort. But, be my guest. Go ahead. I certainly won't stop you from anything.

Have a great day!

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted Jul 5th, 2022

You have over a hundred stories, he'll be there a while.

Quite possibly, although she could just be there to introduce him to a very nice diner at the arse end of the galaxy.

11291724 He will. Won't be the first—won't be the last. Sorry if they have spilled their bile on your stories.

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted Jul 5th, 2022

No harm done, it's mostly self-inflicted on this russian's side of things.

11291732 Well, I'll leave you with a stay safe, and I hope you have a wonderful day, then. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted Jul 5th, 2022

The narration at the start threw me off pretty hard, but it started to grow on me for whatever reason. It does feel like the story cut off right when I got really interested in what came next, what with who showed up at Leon's door at the end there.

I can see what you meant about the inspired by Douglas Adam. I do think he talked about his morning wood issue a bit too much, was starting to get awkward after awhile. At some point, you just take care of it and move on, but I guess you were trying to point out that it was an odd morning given the subliminal message he got what with being mostly asleep when he spotted the sight that can't be unseen. Anyway, overall a fun read. Thanks for sharing it!


Do you have Russophobia?

You are aware that this is a manifestation of Nazism, when you do not like a person for his nationality?

Ta for the comment and feedback, lad.

I would definitely mark this as Mature.

Shame it ends here, as it sounds like either a very awkward or a very terrifying was about to be had.

I'm going to have a nice cup of tea, but without any sugar this time around.

What in the actual fuck is going on in the comment section?

TL;DR: Odd fellow wanted to play guessing games and lost his marbles.

He was sure he'd certainly feel different were the proprietress of the photo an insufferable pony that made others lives a living nightmare, but again, if it was indeed Princess Luna herself, he knew that she was one of the good ones in life.

What if it wasn't a photo of Luna but Nightmare Moon instead?

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

It seems like he made the right choice.
But the question remains whether Luna waited until he made the decision or the timing at the end was merely a lucky coincidence.


You have it written that you are fueled by Tea and Hatred.

Are you sure you don't want to diversify your menu?

For example, freshly squeezed kefir!

the whole time I was reading this it sounded so distinctly British that it made me think of a modern Tolkien or the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy but having only seen the movie and never actually taken the time to read the book never actually made the Douglas Adams connection until reading the authors notes

What the hell even is this comment section?

Edit: Ninja'd by BlackGryph0n's cousin Ebony.

That does seem to be the Russian go-to these days. Want to invade country? They're Nazis, so it's fine. Other countries criticize the Russians for invading a sovereign nation? Nazis. Briefly mention someone is Russian in a comment? Obviously Nazis. Stubbed your toe on the side of a table on your way to the kitchen? Those damn Nazi carpenters built a goddamn Nazi table and put it in your path. The NERVE of those Nazis. They probably even used their Nazi mind powers to force you to stub your own toe on purpose.

Please excuse me, I have to go pick up my eyes. They fell out of their sockets because I rolled them so hard at your comment. Unfortunately for you, I don't have any stories for you to downvote so you can downvote this comment instead.


Well, it's not serious. You do realize that you are trying to tie creativity and politics into one tangle, right? And at the same time they threw dirt at me, and specifically lowered the rating of both my stories.

That is, they committed a vile act, which actually reflects your soul.

But to call me someone who invades a foreign country is at least ridiculous. Yes, I am a Russian person and I am proud of it. And I don't want us to have wars or any quarrels, and I didn't arrange all this.

Did you decide that by this action (to lower the voice of my stories), you helped establish peace? Or maybe you like to stir up war in people's hearts?

What the FUCK did he mean by this

You brought Nazis into this, not I. Don't even try to pretend you're on any sort of moral high ground here lmao. You're doing the exact same thing you're accusing them of doing and PROUDLY proclaiming that you're doing it. Get over yourself, you're not some martyr fighting the good fight. You're just some pathetic wretch looking for excuses, and nothing more.

Committing vile acts reflects ones soul, right? You think what they're doing is vile? Why is it not vile when you do those same things? Your soul is plain to see for everyone here. By your own standards you have a vile soul. Regardless of how you pathetically try to justify YOUR vile acts, they're still just as vile as you said theirs were.

I'm sure you have more excuses and accusations though.

:facehoof: Просто иди в жопу, придурок.

Will there perhaps be a future continuation/sequel of this story?

Do you have Moronophobia?

You are aware that this is a manifestation of Nazism, when you do not like a person for his intellect? 🤡


You're wrong. I even have a little respect for such people. They really have their own peculiarity. And as a rule, they have creative inclinations. That's just they need help to direct their talent in the right direction.

By the way, I noticed that you are most likely pleased to talk to me so far. Because you continue to give me your attention.

So maybe we'll do it culturally? We will not litter the comments and not write words to the public. Write to me in a private message all that you want to express.

I think it's likely best I keep it as a one shot as it hasn't been too well received, take the ideas and use them in a different manner that work better in a different story down the line.

Alright, thanks for the response

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