• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
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Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)

Comments ( 30 )

This is the start of a big story to come. Looking forward to reading more :twilightsmile:

Chrysalis won the jackpot and got a real chance for a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.
Changeling had to make war out of necessity, if peace is a option than only a fool would not take it.
Peace is more productive than war.
Also it waste less resources in general.
Not to forget that it spares the population.

Celestia slammed her hands on the large oval table. "She has to leave, now!"

"What is the problem?" Krystal asked as she crossed her arms.

"She's evil!" Celestia exclaimed. "She and I were at war on our planet! We left her there for a reason! Hoping that, without us to feed on, she, and the rest of her kind, would die!"

"Look... Anyone on the Senate has access to the Senate's fleet for support. Anybody could've sent them."

Every ship has identification, inspection of 5he wrecks would give results. Otherwise check who is missing, a solution will eventually present itself.

Exhaling? Can't she keep it up to 10 hours?

So jealous, giving and getting it. The best of both worlds ♡

Champagne pussy is a go?

She passed out from pushing herself with her magic.

Well you can't kill her off with her being the main character on the cover, so I wonder how this is supposed to work out?

Her fleet currently consists of four science and four construction ships as well as ten fighter ships and her flagship. The territories directly surrounding her planet were also hers.

I wonder how long the Equestrians will let her doing that.
They had quite a head start after all.

The head remained still before she chuckled nervously. "I tried nodding, but... Could you help me find my body?"
The changeling queen raised an eyebrow. "Why?" She asked. "I need another species we can fuck for food. You are a robot." She then looked at Abby. "Let's go. She can't help us."

Well, at least Chryssie is very direct...

“I don’t think you’ll be going home in this,” Chrysalis pointed out.
“Yeah, I’ve already accepted that fate,” Jenny replied sadly. “Shame, too. It was s good ship.”

Maybe you can coma back and repair/salvage it later.

“Something wrong?”
Chrysalis hesitated before she stood up. “I’m just… I don’t usually work well with others.”

Maybe she should hire a pony as an ambassador.
I heard they are very good with this whole working-together-thing.
Edit: never mind.

Good premise!
I look forwards to see where it goes.
Especially how the re-introduction between those two goes.

Inspired by: Stellaris

I knew it! (11337944)

A smirk slowly spread across Chrysalis' face. "You want to have sex with me?"
"For proof!" Ruby exclaimed as her eyes shot open and blush immediately filled her face. "To prove to the others."

"It's just to keep the peace! Nothing less, nothing more!"

Weiss was also blushing at hearing the conversation behind her. She scooped some cereal into her mouth before sucking the spoon clean. She then held it up to try and see in its reflection. They’re really doing it, she thought to herself. She went back to eating, despite the orgy happening behind her.

Let's see how long she'll last.

Chrysalis eyed Blake and moved closer to her. "So... what are you?" She asked, getting the woman's attention. "You seem human, but..."
"The cat ears?" Blake asked. "I'm a faunus. It's a species on this planet that are humans with animal parts. Some have ears, tails, scales, et cetera. They were pretty much looked down upon by everyone. Outcasts."
The changeling nodded. "I know the feeling."

Maybe those two species could work together, solve each others problems?

Hopefully Chryssie doesn't forget about the rest of her hive, or her other 'lings.

Unsurprising to her, all of Celestia’s territories had their borders closed to her.
“Always a bitch,” Chrysalis muttered, before she noticed Luna’s weren’t closed. “Huh…”

And I thought it was Celestia who had always preached about friendship...

“So, I… I see you’re doing… well.”
Chrysalis smiled lightly and hung her head. “I’ve lost over three thousand of my children.”
“I’m… sorry.”
Chrysalis sighed and let out a light chuckle. "You know... I hated you for the longest time. In fact, one of the reasons I came all the way up here was to... capture you and use you as a breeder."

Until Starlight has managed to replace all 3000?

Starlight looked up as the Senate ship moved closer to them. "Well... at least I got to die with you."

Chrysalis: *works even harder to not die*

Now, only in socks, Starlight lit her horn up and summoned a thick purple horse cock. Chrysalis eyed it and smiled, leaning back against the wall.
"I missed you."
Starlight smiled. "I missed you, too."

(Plot twist: the channel with Jenny is still open...)

Starlight nodded. "I'll tell Celestia I joined you to monitor your actions. She'll probably give me some speech about how dangerous it was to go with you, given our history, and blah blah blah... And I'll probably have to start... fucking her to keep her calm. She's getting pretty riled up with your presence."

Start fucking her?
You mean you didn't do it all the time? Shame on you!

With both stockings and garter belt off, Starlight kissed up Celestia’s inner thigh before she began to lick at the royal pussy lips. Celestia’s moaning escalated and she reached down with both hands to grab Starlight’s shoulders.

Seems like both Luna and Twilight should learn a thing or two from Starlight.

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

But one thing I still don't understand:
Why did Chrysalis fly back to the station immediately instead of waiting for repairs or using another ship? To make a report?

Readers: "A new chapter is out?"

On another note...
Celestia is positively insane. As in bat shit insane. She could literally use a uninhabitable ice planet for demonstration, but instead she killed an entire Eden Planet. A planet that could have been the home of an entire race.

Celestia needs to be taken down hard.

"Fire when ready," Celestia commanded.

Great chapter, works better than a coffee or energy drink :twilightblush:

Krystal looked down at her naked body and stood up. She then quickly followed after Chrysalis. When she caught up, she led the queen to the back where she lowered the ramp. The two then left the ship, surrounded by many nude changelings. Krystal's eyes scanned the crowd, her eyes going from breasts to dick to breast ti dick. So much, everywhere.


Afterwards, the two got down on the floor and finished up with a nice round of scissoring while staying lonely in each other’s eyes. Once they both climaxed and soaked each other’s crotch fur with their juices, they took a little break before heading back.


"Buuuuuut you wanna have sex with yourself."

Huh... She has a good point.

Oh she's mental. She was showing Chrysalis what her weapon could do to living beings.

Well, shits about to get real from here on out.

Features: RWBY, Star Fox, and Sonic

What about My Life as a Teenage Robot?

at first, yes and I was meaning to add that. But Jenny kinda went into the background and I focused on RWBY, Krystal, Sally, and Shade. I may add it later.

Leaving us on a cliff hanger. Damn. Good chapter though

A stealth suit isn't masking emotions i guess, what is the reach if emotions sensing?
Because I call bullshit on fooling someone like a Changeling with a invisible gimmick without further preparations.

Shouldn't Luna know how mutch Celestia has done off the deep end? I doubt destroying a planet would leave a big impression.
Perhaps Celestia dreaming of wiping off Equestria to kill most of the Changelings?

Damn fine juicey parts.

Celestia killed to planets, even Luna can't tolerate that kind of insanity.

Actually Starlight hid from one with just an invisibility spell in the Season 6 finale.

And Luna will have things to say in the next part.

Unless I missed something. I can't help but believe that Chrysalis and Celestia must have a deeper history with one another, that goes far beyond their war.

Celestia's hatred towards Chrysalis is just far too great. I know Chrysalis and her changelings drained ponies tell they were nothing but husk, but that doesn't feel like it's the main reason behind Tia's hatred. I mean seriously! How does that justify building up so much hate that you are willing to wipe out an entire race along with your home planet.

There has to be more between Chrysalis and Celestia that wasn't told, and I think I know what it is.

Chrysalis and Celestia were a couple once

And Chrysalis betrayed her.

"And, how did you manage to get Starlight on your side? After everything you did to us?"

"That, I can't explain. Even I was confused when she told me."

"Told you what? That she loves you?" Celestia groaned. "I refuse to worry about that. Because I plan on putting an end to all this foolishness."

"It's foolish to love?"

"IT'S FOOLISH TO LOVE YOU!" Celestia shouted. Chrysalis went wide-eyed and tried to hold back tears.

Like I said, I don't think we were given the whole story about these two. Celestia's hate doesn't seem to come from fear but very deep pain.

Celestia passed by Starlight. She then stopped and looked at the unicorn. "I don't know if you're developing feelings for this changeling, but I severely hope that isn't the case." She then headed back onto the ship.

Starlight was frozen in shock. Did the princess just threaten her, too?

Or a warning disguised as a threat. Celestia, without revealing her past, was probably trying to protect Starlight from the same pain she felt.

“Why? Because you are pregnant again?” Luna asked, getting a gasp from the unicorn. “You should really watch what you dream about. But… I already made the mistake of betraying your trust and privacy once. I have no intention of repeating the past. So, no. I will not tell my sister.”

Starlight exhaled with relief. “Oh, thank you so so much, I…”

“But… I must stress how important it is that you tread with extreme caution. If my sister gets the idea that history is repeating itself, even I will not be able to stop her.”

“I understand.”

Luna nodded. “I will do what I can to keep her mind off it, but it will not be easy.”

“I appreciate it.”

History repeats itself. Just what exactly is the history that Luna's referring to? Could it be that she knows that Starlight is going through the exact same thing as Celestia once did, but believes things could end differently this time?

Here's my theory.

Like Starlight, Celestia once upon a time, met Chrysalis and fell in love with her. They were a happy and romantic couple and Celestia was more than happy to birth her eggs. Maybe there was a time when both ponies and changelings lived together in harmony.

I mean:pinkiecrazy: Everything changed when the changelings:rainbowlaugh: Attack.

Turns out that Chrysalis was never actually in love with Celestia. She was just using her and her ponies to birth a large enough army in order to take over Equestria. After all, it was never once stated that the changelings had to give love and this story clearly shows that the changelings do not transform after giving love. Sure, the author no doubt didn't want to add that to her story, but if the changelings can transform after giving love, then why haven't Chrysalis transformed after giving love to Starlight?


The thing is, Chrysalis had been playing Celestia. She deceived and manipulated her. As I said, the changelings only take love, whether it's given to them willingly or by force doesn't matter, in the end they only take and that was exactly what Chrysalis planned to do, take everything from Celestia and turn her and her ponies into slaves. Whose only purpose is to serve their changelings overlords and birth more eggs.

"How can you be so cold?! Those are my... my children!" She yelled, tears filling her eyes. "Starlight's children! How do you think she'll react when she hears you killed her children?!"

"Those bugs will only ever be your children, despite who pushed them into existence.

I believe Chrysalis showed Celestia that despite being their birth mother, their loyalty and true parent will always be the changeling queen herself. It never mattered if you were the one to push them into existence, you were always just a tool to be use, no more no less.

Celestia's heart was completely shattered by Chrysalis betrayal and horribly watch as some of her little ponies who Celestia has always seen as her children were killed and majority were brutally rape. All why Chrysalis laugh.

And even if Chrysalis had the forethought to use an inhibitor ring on Celestia, she forgets one major thing.


With pure strength alone, she easily breaks free from her bonds and begins killing majority of Chrysalis army, including the ones she gave birth to.

Knowing that she has lost. Chrysalis and her changelings fled but they weren't done yet.

Thus, the war between ponies and changelings lasted for years and it eventually it got to the point that the changelings were just too small in numbers and couldn't fight anymore or things were in a stalemate. Either way the chagelings just resorted to capturing and raping ponies. Draining them into husks because they were so hungry, but this does not go unnoticed by Celestia who would try to stop them from feeding on her ponies but to no avail.

The war lasted for hundreds and hundreds of years and by that point, everypony knows how cruel and evil changelings are but the story about how the war started faded into history. Celestia doesn't want anyone to know about her relationship with Chrysalis and made sure to wipe it from history. Not wanting to be reminded of those loving days she had spent with her, thus only focusing on her ever-growing hatred.

And since ponies now see changelings as nothing but monsters the chance of anyone loving them willingly was at an all-time low and Chrysalis began to regret what she had done.

Over time, due to the lack of love, her children slowly began to die, one by one. Because of this, she realized the wrong she had committed. She let her lust for power and control get the better of her. She underestimated Celestia, and now her people are on the verge of extinction. Though she really doesn't want to, she has to capture innocent ponies and throw them to her starving children, knowing that they will die in the end and that it will only make Celestia hate her more, but she does what she has to do to keep her people alive.

If given another chance, Chrysalis would do everything differently. If she could find those willing to give her and her people love. She would become a better creature, but no longer believes that will ever be the case again,

All of them willing to have sex with Chrysalis and give her love. All of them (except Sally and most definitely Jenny) wanting to help repopulate the changeling race. It was then that Chrysalis decided to turn over a new leaf in life and be a good person, something she should have done a long time ago.

She knows there's no repairing the damage she herself had caused between her and Celestia. The sun monarch has no intention of ever trusting her again as her hatred is far too great and runs too deep. Though Chrysalis hopes that one day they could bury the hatchet and move on from the pain of the past and their people can actually live in peace, for real this time.

But we all know that's not going to happen.

Chrysalis went wide-eyed. “Uh… You want to visit a planet full of changelings?”
“Hungry changelings.”
“They’ll devour you.”
“Literally, or…”

That's a legitimate question!

“You just seem so… proper. I can’t even picture you in an orgy. And I can picture Celestia in an orgy.”

:trollestia:: *bonk*

“Wow…” Krystal said with a smile. “I look good.”
“You look hot,” Chrysalis cooed.
The real fox blushed and let out a nervous chuckle. "So... I'm no slut..."
"Buuuuuut you wanna have sex with yourself."

Can we blame her?

Krystal nodded. “I see. Then how about a snack?”
Krystal gently pulled the drone into a kiss. She could hear the drone’s wings fluttering rapidly as the kiss deepened. She even felt the changeling’s tongue licking at hers. Both moaned and swapped saliva before Krystal pulled away.
“How was that?” She asked with a smile.
The drone smiled back and hugged her before flying away. Krystal watched her leave with a smile. “Huh. That was easy.” She then turned back to see a line of drones waiting. “Oh, boy.”
"In fact..." Chrysalis began as she snapped her fingers.
Her horn flashed and Krystal's eyes went slightly wide. She reached down to her crotch and felt a bulge. "Uh..."
"She wants to thank you. So, let her."

Too bad the ponies never got those ideas...
This would have helped convince many mares to hep out...

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

11711603, 11711653

Celestia is positively insane. As in bat shit insane.

You mean like this?


Batshit insane? Thestral are triggered now :twilightangry2:

"I know. I just have a favor to ask. In exchange, I will give you a large amount of resources."
Shade hesitated in thought as she took a bite of her apple. "Interesting," she said with a mouthful before swallowing. "What's the favor?"
"If I remember, your suit has stealth capabilities?"
"It can render me invisible, yes. You need infiltration? Or someone spied on?"
"Both, actually."

Infiltrate a species of infiltrators? Won't be an easy task...

“Hey, Weiss,” Ruby smiled. “Already naked? Were you having fun, too?”
“I was being massaged. Then that led to a fivesome. Is fivesome a word?”
Blake chuckled as she squatted by the water’s edge. “I think after four it becomes an orgy.” She then looked down at the water and just stared at it, her own reflection staring back at her.

By changeling standards that's probably on the tame side.

"What if I altered the spell?" Starlight asked with a smile. "Made it so that the fake sperm lasted longer?"
Chrysalis smiled back. "Starlight? It takes about a week for non-changeling sperm to fertilize the egg. There’s no way the spell would last that long.”

Starlight: *smirks* "Don't underestimate me, your highness..."

Chrysalis entered a room of the castle that used to be Celestia’s bedroom. Over the last four days she had it converted into a comfortable breeding room for her friends. She figured they’d prefer to give birth in a nice room rather than a cave.

Better don't tell Celestia!
I doubt she would react well to seeing her room being used for this!

"Told you what? That she loves you?" Celestia groaned. "I refuse to worry about that. Because I plan on putting an end to all this foolishness."
"It's foolish to love?"
"IT'S FOOLISH TO LOVE YOU!" Celestia shouted. Chrysalis went wide-eyed and tried to hold back tears. "All I have to do is remove you from the equation and everything will go back to normal."

Maybe you should consult the Princesses of Love and Friendship before doing anything drastic?

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

Hopefully the little 'lings manage to counter this.
Maybe their underground hives are sufficiently shielded or have planetary shield generators.
Or maybe they saw the attack coming and used their ships to quickly escape, using new cloaking technology they never bothered to hell anyone about.

Interesting theory!

After seeing what Celestia is doing even this thestral would agree with "batshit insane":

A update? Magnificent! Have to still read it, but its oing to be awesome one way or another :pinkiehappy:

I have not changed my mind Celestia is beyond help :trixieshiftleft:, this flashback just makes it more complicated:trixieshiftright:

Okay, it's bad enough that Celestia has the audacity to destroy that poor jungle planet as a "test firing" phrase, that definitely has innocent animal creatures. Then DESTROY Equestria, their own old planet to ashes like that!?

And you potentially and probably caused a nearly complete genocide/extinction of all Changelings, possibly including the poor eggs from the other characters from the other fanchises.

What pissed me off more, is why the hell isn't the likes of Starlight, Krystal, RWBY, Sally, Jenny, and others. Be more super pissed at Celestia by this point, for what happened to the freshly born "kids"!!??

That they kick off Celestia from their "senate", and ALL declare war on her. And I highly doubt that the other ponies and non-pony races will ike that Celestia just casually destroy their own old planet of Equis /Equestria like that!!!

Regardless if the changelings were there or not.

I thought they would be just as rightfully pissed as Chrysalis is, and all want to F**kin KILL Celestia and send her to Hell!?

I know I want to shove the BFG 9000 right on her f**king sun-loving face!!!!! :twilightangry2:

And then tear apart her secret weapon of the "sun laser" with my own BFG 10,000 super cannon!!!!!!

P.S. I see that this version of the mane six were more f***** up than I thought?

Well I feel that Twilight, Applejack, and even Rarity are fine.

But Rainbow, Pinkie, and especially Fluttershy are just really f**ked up jerks!?

Luna sighed before she entered the coordinates for Equestria. “This has gone too far.”

Luna: "I hope the moon is still there. Not only am I very attached to it, my dear sister really needs a time-out..."

Celestia scoffed. "Different? My poor, naïve, little sister," she cooed, getting an angry look for the blue alicorn. "What if she's lying again?"

Luna: "Well, she didn't blow up any planets for petty revenge. Can you say the same about yourself?"

“Oh, Chrysalis?” Celestia said, making their guest stop and turn around to look at her. “We’re having dinner with our niece whenever she should arrive. You’re welcome to join us.”

Not sure that's a wise idea. Those two have a ... history.

“Princess of Love?” Chrysalis asked. “Very Interesting.” Her eyes then returned to normal. “I bet we could make some long-lasting memories together.”
Cadance blushed hard. “That’s… inappropriate.”

Why? What's wrong with innocent cuddling?

"Positive emotions," Chrysalis corrected. "But love is the most potent. Even more so when taken with sex. And much more so when willingly given. If you choose to have sex with me," she explained as she held out her hand. "you will be fine."

What about a powerful, loving hug?

"Does sound nice. But even though we here in Canterlot know you've changed, it still may take everyone else to get on board with that idea. After all, changelings have been nothing but a plague on Equestria this entire time. I'm sure there are families out there that will never forgive your kind."

Chrysalis: "Yeah, in hindsight we should have attempted the current approach from the very beginning..."

Celestia stared out the front window of her Solar Cannon as she gently rubbed her ring finger with her thumb. She let out a shuddered breath as a single tear fell from her eye.

Is she crying for her home, o for her changelings?

Good chapter!
I look forwards to see what happens next.

I have to admit, the finale overall felt empty. It felt too rushed and barely explained anything beyond that Chrysalis betrays the ponies. Thus, leaving us with far more questions than answers.

Like what happened to the ponies during these months? And how were they able to take back Equestria?

Not only that but I can't help but feel that everyone's motive for doing what they did felt just as hollow.

Chrysalis just a dick.

Celestia is a selfish genocidal dick.

Starlight is a love-struck creepy stalker dick.

And Luna is a I don't give a shit, I want war, dick.

None of these fool motives make any god damn sense. That includes Chrysalis betrayal and she's supposed to be evil.

Without much context or reasons beyond the basics of their motives it just leaves a very empty feeling. Starlight is perhaps the worst. I have been truly rooting for her Chrysalis, but now that we know that Chrysalis betrayal takes place in her time. I just can't see why she's so in love with Chrysalis anymore.

Chrysalis took over Equestria and did............... Well, she held Fluttershy captive and rape her and that's still bad and didn't she say she turned ponies into husks?

Fluttershy turned her head to look away, making Chrysalis frown. "I do wish you'd enjoy this. Do you have any idea how hard it is keeping you healthy? I have to keep these visits short and let you rest longer or you'll become a husk like the rest. Why can't you... just... smile?"

So, are the ponies who were turned into husk, still alive? Because Chrysalis said she didn't kill anyone.

"That sounds like your fault!"

"My fault?" Celestia asked. "You are the one who played with our emotions, lied to everyone, and tried to takeover Canterlot!"

"But, I didn't kill anyone!"

"Until the war."

I'm sorry, this is just very hard for me to comment on because of the lack of Context. Until we know exactly what happened to everypony during Chrysalis rule. It's not easy to say much of anything in relation. Still, I can't see why Starlight would literally betray her people for someone who had betrayed the ponies before.

And don't give me that "Well love makes people do crazy things." BS. Starlight willing to become a traitor and go to war with her own kind for someone she knows who had betrayed someone who loved her. I'm sorry Starlight, but you're an idiot.

Everyone an idiot. Nobody learned anything from any of this and are just about to make things worse with another war.

The changeling queen frowned. "Well, you're not going to be any fun, are you?"

To be fair, you did kinda ruin the day...

Luna ran down the hall after them just as they dove into an escape pod, dodging a magic blast. "GET BACK HERE!!!" Luna screamed.
Starlight launched the pod and set its coordinates to Equestria.

Let's hope Luna doesn't turn the ship around and fire the weapons.
Also, why Equestria? Isn't that planet gone? Maybe rather fly to the Council?

Fox held out his hand to stop her. “Fluttershy told us you'd be here. And we've been watching. Now, your sister, leader of the Solar Empire, started a war with Chrysalis’ Hive and lost. The fight is over.”

Huh? For me it looks like she is winning, not losing.

Chrysalis glanced over at the remains and shuddered. "Okay... I say it's time we stop playing nice. I thought I could play nice!" She looked around as the surviving changelings all gathered around her. "But look around! Playtime is over! I promised you all a conquest! And I plan on delivering!"

I'll imagine you would be busy rebuilding. At least for several years before you could even think about doing something like that.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

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