• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

  • ...

6. Building Bonds

[Castle of the Two Sisters, Control and Command Center, 6:00 AM. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

TF-3749 stood as he watched his droids run around doing their duties, some droids waking up from their short term shutdowns to recharge, some droids using recharge kits, some fixing dents with repair kits, and the rest of them moving vital equipment and supplies around. What had been the throne room was now a makeshift Command center of the base, acting as a control room with various types terminals and computers set up, a large blue holographic-table present in the center. A massive machine was also placed against the wall, wires running all the way to the roof, connecting to a large communications relay, capable of relaying messages to the Blade of Serenity.

The structure of the castle, while not fully repaired, had certainly been fortified so it would not collapse under it's own weight while they worked. Using a mix of concrete and steel brought down from the ship, hulls in the walls were patched, and the foundations were reinforced. On the first floor, as TF-3749 had predicted, had been almost completely repaired, as the cracked windows had been replaced, the debris and dust had been removed, and much of the bases vital operations equipment had been moved into the first floor, including a garage for any vehicles they might order from the dreadnought above.

The second floor, while not completely repaired, was also looking a lot better than it did before. And the main roof of the building had been re-purposed for a landing pad, where shuttles could land supplies safely. Of course, they still had to do it under the cover of night, but it was still effective.

TF-3749 then turned to the two large thrones behind him, he began to think to himself, a thing he had originally almost never done, but as of recent, seemed to be doing a lot of. The two thrones were at equal level, and the banners behind them seemed to resemble the moon, and the sun. Perhaps this was originally the home of this nation's royalty before it's decimation... Or perhaps even the capital. Regardless, it did not matter, the thrones could serve as effective command chairs, so he decided to keep them, although he had the banners replaced with those bearing the symbol of the CIS, seeing as Kalani was insistent on the fact it wasn't truly dead, a fact that the Lieutenant Colonel agreed with.

The Lieutenant turned to his second in command, Captain OOM-9164, who was currently holding a data pad and helping direct supplies and equipment being carried by droids.

"Alright, get those metal plates to reinforce the walls of the lower levels, and get those automatic doors installed!" 9164 yelled out to his fellow droids as they worked.

"You seem more assertive and confident than usual, captain."

"Uhh, sorry sir, just kinda-"

"Do not apologize for asserting control and confidence on a situation, those are traits of a truly great captain, one who knows how to lead his men. Now then, when do you believe construction will be finalized?"

"By my calculations... Uhh..." The droid proceeded to count with his fingers. "Three days sir."

"Excellent, right on schedule. Now then, let's see what those other scout teams are up to." The Colonel and the Captain proceeded to walk up to the large communications machine, as they brought a map showing the locations of each scout team, before selecting scout team Beta, and contacting them, as the image of a very cold and snow covered OOM droid appeared on screen.

"G-g-greetings sir... OOM-1921, re-reporting in... B-beta team is d-d-doing f-f-fine..."

"Excellent, but it sound's like you are on the verge of a freeze-down. Have you not found any shelter?"

"W-well, we-we did, but it's still q-q-quite cold... Don't worry boss, we'll be fine."

"Understood, glory to the CIS."

"G-glory to the CIS!" The transmission cut out, as the Captain looked to the Colonel.

"They are definitely NOT having a good time."


[Blade of Serenity, Deck F.]

Kalani watched his droid troops were lined up side by side, each of them holding their E-5 blasters, and firing across the firing range at a variety of holographic targets, with types including clones, storm troopers, and even other droids. The droids did this not only for training, but also in their free time, as it was quite exciting, especially when they beat their record. Kalani, for some unknown reason, enjoyed watching their training.

However, Kalani noticed that the droids were a bit... In-accurate, as he slowly walked up beside one of the droids who was missing a ton of their shots, as he put a hand on their shoulder.

"B1-142, you seem to be having trouble hitting your shots, is everything alright?"

"Sorry sir, just a bit rusty after waking up."

"That is alright, but I believe I should demonstrate true aiming capability. Attention all droids, watch closely as I show you true marksmanship."

"Heh, doubt the boss has got what it takes."

Ignoring his troops doubts, Kalani then picked up an E-5 blaster in his right hand, as he raised it into the air, and focused. Using advanced calculations, predictions, velocity readings, and sheer skill, Kalani began to blast each and every single holographic target directly head on, each shot being a head-shot. The other droids watching with more amazement as their general proceeded to show them up. Once Kalani was finished, he looked to the leaderboard above him.


'NEW HIGHEST RECORD: General Kalani, 1000 Points.'

'Congratulations, General!'

Kalani then holstered the blaster and turned to his droids. "I do indeed, still got it." And every droid let out noises of both amazement and laughter, with even Kalani chuckling a bit. He had to admit that... Was truly fun.

[Castle of Friendship, 6:30 AM.]

OOM-5264 hated waking back up.

Believe it or not, being curled up into a fetal position upon powering down was not a comfortable position for the droid, as evidenced when he began rubbing his sore neck after fully standing again, watching his teammates get up as well. Sure, he wasn't really programmed to feel uncomfortable, but even the strongest coding can't stop fatigue. As he and his squad stretched their servo motors and popped some loose sprockets back into place, there was a knock on the door of the room, as 5264 walked up and slowly cracked open the door to see a smiling Twilight Sparkle behind it.

"Good morning!"

"Morning to you too, I guess." 5264 said in a somewhat tired tone, before fully opening the door to let Twilight in. As Twilight walked in, she couldn't help but feel curious about these droid beings, as she then looked to a strange device sitting on the ground.

"What's that strange contraption on the floor?" 5264 mentally cursed, realizing they had forgotten to conceal the communications device, so he used the oldest trick in the book.

"It's a recharge station, it gives us the power we need to survive."

"Ahhhh, I see! Wait, so your saying you don't need to eat or drink?"

"Yep, we don't need anything besides power."

"Fascinating... Must be really convenient to not be bogged down by organic needs!"

"Well, not really, we have to recharge often, or else we just shut down. Of course, shutting down helps us recharge, but still." 5264 watched as Twilight materialized a notepad from seemingly out of nowhere and began rapidly jotting down notes in it, before putting it away and turning back to smile at the droid.

"Well, if you want, you can join us in the kitchen for breakfast."

"Eh, wouldn't hurt." 5264 turned to his troops, signalling for them to follow, but leave their weapons, as the droids followed Twilight out of the room, and through the halls of the castle. 5264 had to admit, it was quite beautiful inside the castle's interior, as much as it's exterior in fact. 7262, being the more academically focused droid of the group, was still trying to wrap his head around how the interior could possibly be bigger than the exterior, while 3956 had trouble on the somewhat slippery floor, before falling on his rear and causing 2197 to burst out laughing, with the other droids joining in and even Twilight letting out a light giggle as 3956 got back up with the help of 2197 and dusted himself off.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up."

The Princess and the Droids finally reached the kitchen, as Twilight opened the large doors to reveal Spike and Starlight already at the table, eating bowls of cereal, or in Spike's case, a bowl filled with gems. The droids appeared confused as they watched Spike devour the gems, before Starlight turned to Twilight and waved.

"Oh hey Twi- Woah! What are those things?" Starlight said as she pointed behind Twilight towards the droids.

"Hey, we have feelings you know!" Starlight immediately felt a pang of guilt, quickly apologizing.

"Sorry, sorry, didn't know you were... Well, you know, alive..."

"Eh, it's all good, you'd be surprised how often we get that kind of treatment." Twilight felt somewhat sorry for the droids, feeling that they were mis-treated for who they were, like the different races of Equestria, as she lightly comforted 5264 by patting him on the back.

"Well don't you worry, cause here in Equestria, everyone is welcome!"

"Well, that's good to hear. Anyways, what's on the agenda?" Spike then looked up from his bowl of Gems and spoke.

"Well, me and Twilight are actually gonna go and help Rarity at the carousel boutique today, so if you wanna help, that'd be nice!"

"Very well then, we shall help you at this 'Carousel Boutique', whatever it is." Twilight's face visibly brightened, as she quickly drank a glass of orange juice, chomped down on a piece of toast, and ran out the front door, with spike and the droids following. "Jeez, she's fast!"

"Tell me about it!"

Author's Note:

Sorry for a bit of a shorter chapter, burn out still didn't die off over my break.