• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 429 Views, 12 Comments

TimberTwi Tales: Timber Spruce's Weekend - CapNTilfy

Timber Spruce has a weekend like no other... TimberTwi Tales #3

  • ...

Night at A Museum

Several hours had passed since Timber ‘enjoyed’ his fantasy with Twilight. He had spent that time mostly to himself, thinking about what he would say if nothing came from their date as he exercised to keep his physique.

Timber shook his head quickly. No, he shouldn’t think of such things right now. He had to stay positive! He felt that he and Twilight had a good thing going, and he didn’t want any negativity to ruin tonight!

Timber sighed as he went into his bathroom, then took a good look at himself in the mirror. He was clean-shaven. He was smiling genuinely. He had a decent outfit on.

“Okay,” Timber said to himself. “Here goes nothing… but it better be something.”

A knock on Timber’s door gained his attention. He walked out of his bathroom.

“Come in.”

Gloriosa opened the door. “Hey there. Just thought I’d send you some positive vibes before your date tonight.” She was well aware of Timber’s relationship concerns, as he had vented to her about them.

Timber laughed softly. “Thanks, Glory. I get the feeling I’m going to need them.”

Gloriosa walked over to Timber. “Whatever happens tonight, I’ll be right here for you when you get back.” She gave him a hug.

Timber returned the hug. “I appreciate it.”

Gloriosa broke the hug. “Now get ‘er, champ!”

Timber nodded, then headed to his car.

Timber arrived at the museum, and he felt slightly nervous. To him, tonight felt like it was going to be a ‘moment of truth’ kind of night. The kind of night that would either solidify his love, or strengthen his uncertainty.

Timber stood next to the entrance, his mind running a mile a minute.


Timber turned his head to see Twilight blushing, and his heart ran alongside his mind. "Hey there," he said. "You ready?"

"O-of course I am! Wouldn't be here if I wasn't!" Twilight smiled and laughed nervously.

Timber blushed. "Well all right then, let's go!"

"S-s-so." Twilight said, still blushing. "How's your sister? I've barely heard from her since we left Camp Everfree."

Timber blinked. "Oh, she's been struggling a little bit. I've been helping her through it, great younger brother that I am."

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. "Didn't Sunset and I give her our phone numbers? We can help her with what she's been going through. Both Sunset and I have been there."

Timber stared at Twilight. "Wait...you have?"

Twilight blushed. "Yeah...It's a long story. You see..."

Timber stood in awe as Twilight recounted her own experience with magical corruption in great detail. How she felt just before, during, then after her transformation. She followed it up with her struggle against her corrupted alter ego, then finished with the moment she and her friends saved Gloriosa.

Once Twilight finished, she blushed out of embarrassment. "You know," she said, “I've never told that to anyone." She looked Timber straight in the eyes. "You must be special." she said, eyes half-lidded and smiling. She suddenly blinked in apparent surprise.

Timber blushed furiously, in complete shock. He barely had enough time to process Twilight’s story before she used his own words on him!

"I-I-I-I think I heard my phone buzz!" Timber barely heard Twilight’s phone vibrate. "Be right back!" She smiled awkwardly, then hurried away.

Timber remained still as his jaw hung open. “What just happened,” he asked himself as he tried to wrap his head around everything. He put a hand to his forehead as he slowly shook his head. His heart was thundering!

Timber took a deep breath, then exhaled as he tried to regain his composure only to see Twilight return.

"Sorry about that," she said.

"You okay," Timber asked worriedly.

"Yeah. I just needed a minute to collect my thoughts… Sunset's been pretty sick since last night and I'm worried about her."

"Oh, I'm sure she'll be okay. If she can survive all that you've told me and my older sister corrupted by magic, then she can totally survive a measly stomach bug." He smiled as he finished his sentence.

Twilight laughed. "I actually said the same thing to myself earlier today." She found herself blushing again. "We think alike, don't we?" she paused for a moment. "Let's check out the new exhibit about caves and bats!"

On their way to the exhibit, Timber saw Twilight take her phone out of her skirt pocket. She looked at her messages, then smiled.

"Good news, I take it?" Timber asked with a smile.

Twilight nodded. "Sunset's fever finally broke!"

"See? We both knew she'd survive," Timber said with a wink.

Twilight blushed and sent a text. "There. Now we can continue with my mind clear," she said as she pocketed her phone.

Twilight and Timber finally made their way to the exhibit.

"Wow..." They both said at the same time.

Twilight's eyes lit up. "This display is...enchanting!"

The room was dimly lit, with realistic models of stalagmites and stalactites in their respective positions. The air was filled with musk and the sounds of bats and water dripping being played over the audio system. Figures of bats were hanging on the ceiling, their beady eyes fixed in stares and their wings spread fully.

Twilight took a picture of the display with her phone. "This one's a keeper." she smiled as she took in all the information. "Oh, wow!" She said as she noticed one particular plaque.


Most caves form in karst.

Karst is a landscape made from the dissolution of soluble rocks.

Twilight could hardly contain her excitement. It wasn't often she learned new things, and she found it thrilling when she did. "I'm so glad we came here, Timber." she said, smiling.

Timber blushed. "Me, too." He would forever cherish the memory of seeing her that passionate!

Twilight smiled. "I'd love to stick around, but it's about time for me to visit Sunset. Text me later, okay?"

"Sure thing. See you later!" Timber waved, then sighed. “...I love you.” He frowned, then sighed. He considered Twilight’s behavior tonight as strange, but not unwelcome… yet he didn’t hear those three words he had so desperately wanted to hear from her!

Timber went to his car, then headed home.

Timber returned home, closing the door behind himself, and Gloriosa walked out of their living room.

“So,” Gloriosa said eagerly. “How’d it go?”

“Well…” Timber told Gloriosa everything that had happened during his date with Twilight. When he finished, he sighed.

Gloriosa cupped her chin in thought as she hummed. “Twilight sounds a little confused… maybe it’s teenage hormones?” She shrugged.

Timber shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine, Glory.”

Twilight blushed with a soft smile. “I’ll call you tomorrow to make plans for next time.”

Timber felt heat rise to his face at the memory. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to bed. Gotta keep that sleep schedule consistent!”

Gloriosa hugged Timber. “Goodnight, bro.”

Timber returned the hug. “‘Night, sis.”

The hug was broken, and Timber entered his room. He fell asleep rather quickly, but not before hearing Twilight’s voice in his head one last time.

Author's Note:

For Twilight's perspective, read The Many Sides of Twilight Sparkle: Romantic