• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 196 Views, 12 Comments

A Study in Silver: A RariTwi Exquisite Corpse - SigmasonicX

Detective Rarity is presented with an unusual missing persons case—by Diamond Tiara of all people. And it only gets stranger from there...

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3. Star Witness (Undome Tinwe)

"So, how did you come to be under the employ of Zecora, Miss Sparkle?"

Since Diamond Tiara was still giving their new guest the cold shoulder and Twilight Sparkle only seemed interested in discussing evidence in the case of the disappearance of Silver Spoon and Spoiled Rich, it of course fell to Rarity to make small talk in her car while they made their way to the Silver Estate.

"Oh, I ran into her while trying to get some, uhh, legally-questionable chemicals for an experiment," Twilight explained blithely, and Rarity had to wonder how the woman had managed to avoid being silenced so far. "Turns out, that's a really bad idea. I'm lucky it was Zecora who found me and explained a few things about how the criminal underground works. There's a lot of work I can do here, and she's very generously letting me learn the ropes under her supervision."

"I see." The informant was an odd sort, Rarity knew, but there was no way that Zecora was simply doing this out of the goodness of her heart. She hoped that the true price would not be too high for Twilight Sparkle to pay. "Well, we're happy to have you along with us."

"I'm not," Diamond Tiara groused, ever the cheerful one. "This is supposed to be a secret investigation, remember?"

"Don't fret, dear," Rarity said. "We shall have this mystery solved soon enough."

The Silver Estate was, of course, located in the most expensive part of town, and Rarity knew that despite her best efforts, her car would look out of place next to the top-of-the-line models parked there. Still, there was nothing to it— they'd just need to be in and out as quickly as possible.

"You're quite certain that the dirt from the crime scene was from Honest Apple Co, yes?" Rarity asked as they got out of the car.

Twilight shrugged. "No forensic methodology is one-hundred percent accurate, but the composition of different soils are about as unique as fingerprints, so I'm reasonably confident in my assessment. However, Honest Apple does landscaping for more than the Silvers, so the deduction of that correlation is not necessarily certain."

"I'm well aware that correlation does not imply causation," Rarity replied. "But you must admit, it's the most likely explanation."

"Given the priors, it does make the most sense to come here," Twilight agreed. "So, how do you want to do this? I'm familiar with a number of different interrogation techniques, but most of those assume that the suspect is already in custody. We don't have much leverage over the Silver family."

"Which is why I'm not intending to speak with them," Rarity said.

Diamond Tiara glanced sharply at her. "Wait, what?"

Instead of replying, Rarity made her way around the house, towards the back, ignoring the large, ornate door at the entrance.

"Hey!" Diamond Tiara shouted as she followed behind her. "I thought we were here to talk to Silver's parents."

"Today is the Celestial Charity Ball," Rarity explained. "I wonder, would the disappearance of their beloved daughter be enough to pull Sterling Silver and Silver Diadem away from the networking opportunities?"

She found her answer in Diamond Tiara's silence. Softening her tone, Rarity added, "It's good that she has someone she can rely on. Friends are oh-so important in this world." As much of a spoiled brat as she might be, the heiress had still lost her mother and best friend. A little kindness would not go amiss.

"Hmph." Diamond Tiara crossed her arms. "I'm not paying you to talk about feelings. What's your plan, Detective?"

"A house like this has many eyes and ears," Rarity replied. "We simply need to find the correct ones." She made her way over to the yard, where a young woman was hard at work digging holes for planting things. At least, that was what Rarity assumed was happening.

The woman looked up as she saw them approaching, her blonde ponytail swinging behind her as she did so. "Howdy," she called out, waving. "Can I help y'all?"

"I sincerely hope so," Rarity said. "Are you an employee of Honest Apple Co?"

The woman's face darkened at that. "I suppose I am," she muttered. "Ever since Flim and Flam..." She shook her head. "Nevermind that. I'm Applejack, at your service."

"Detective Rarity." At that, Applejack immediately tensed up. "We are investigating a disappearance."

"A disappearance, you say?" Applejack said with far too much nonchalance to be normal. "That's mighty tragic, but I'm afraid I ain't heard anything about nobody disappearing."

"Is that so." Given how poor a liar her quarry was, Rarity decided to go on the offensive from the start. "We found traces of dirt at the scene of the crime, dirt that just so happens to be produced by your fine establishment."

"Forgettin' for a moment that our dirt could've gotten anywhere, how the hay do ya know that it's ours?" She was faltering, that much was clear. This Applejack certainly had little experience with deception.

Before Rarity could press the attack, Twilight spoke up. "We found traces of calcite and feldspar in the soil, which means that it was enriched with minerals quarried from the east side of the city. Combined with the organic matter containing digitoxin and l-atropine, the only company that produces soil from sources where the associated plants were grown is yours."

Applejack looked somewhat crossed-eyed at that, but still managed to retort. "Well, that still don't mean we know anything about Silver going missing."

"And when did we say that it was Silver Spoon who vanished?" Rarity asked, going in for the kill.

Applejack froze. "Uhh, I mean..." She stammered, her eyes shifting side to side. "When ya work here, you hear things sometimes."

"If that's the extent of your involvement, then it doesn't make sense for you to lie," Twilight pointed out.

"Now look here." Applejack's fists clenched, and Rarity instinctively reached into her purse in case events escalated. "I'm not gonna have a bunch of strangers show up and accuse me of lying."

"Please," Rarity pleaded. "The information you have could help save lives. Why won't you share it with us?"

For a moment, Applejack faltered. Before she could speak, however, another voice called out from the bushes.

"Because she's protecting me."

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack hissed out as a young teenager with red hair tied up in a bow stepped into view, a determined expression on her face.

"I ain't gonna keep hiding, sis," Apple Bloom said. She turned towards Rarity, and the haunted look in her eyes would plague Rarity in her dreams for a long time. "You taught me that I had to tell the truth, even when it was hard, or dangerous. And I saw what happened to Silver Spoon and Spoiled Rich."