• Published 22nd Aug 2022
  • 453 Views, 5 Comments

SODOKU!!! - Idiotboy24

Something truly awful… is coming.

  • ...

It came from nowhere

Ponyville: Middle of the Day

Discord usually never cared much for the ponies, sure they were sometimes interesting but most of the time are just boring.

Nothing could ever really make Discord feel like he should protect them, but ever since the Tirek incident he had been a bit more caring. No longer treating them like dirt, especially Fluttershy who was his best friend.

But today he felt like doing something normal. He didn’t know why, he just had to do something normal, and what way to do it then just… walk!

So that’s what he did. He walked casually through the streets, getting the occasional glare from nearby citizens. All because of him joining with Tirek, but he didn’t care about what they thought about him.

His walk however came to a stop as he felt something odd. Something weird, something… terrifying.

He began to silently panic as he remembered this presence, something he hoped never came here. He quickly snapped his fingers and teleported to the nearby castle, which was owned by Twilight.

Castle of Friendship: Hallway

He appeared in a flash of light, and quickly snapped his fingers again. The Mane six, Celestia and Luna appeared in front of him, they were all confused as to where they are.

They then saw Discord who was peeking out the window, they had never seen him so worried. But they also weren’t exactly happy with being pulled from their important work.

“Discord! What is the meaning of this-“ Luna’s words were cut short as Discord placed his lion finger on her muzzle, he looked scared.

“I know that you all have your, things to attend to and honestly this would be funny had I not had this feeling.” He quickly told them.

“What are you talking about?! Did you do something again?! Or are you wasting our time?!” Rainbow asked with anger.

Discord faced her with a serious look. “Neither of those things. But this is something pretty serious if I say so myself.” He looked back out the window and quickly pulled the blinds down, panting heavily.

They all stared at him with confusion. “What is going on?” Celestia asked, to which Discord motioned his hand for them to come over.

They did so and he allowed them to peek outside. They saw all of the residents minding their own business, nothing seemed off. “I don’t see the problem.” Twilight added.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Look over there!” He pointed towards a certain stallion, one that was not from around here.

“Oooh new pony! I’ve got to say hi!” Pinkie yelled, she was ready to take off when she got pulled by her tail. “Oh no you don’t want to ever go near it!”

The others gasped at what he said. “Why would you ever call a pony an it?!” Rainbow asked with anger.

“Watch closely.” Discord told them, they focused back on the stallion who went up behind a pony and turned into them.

They all dropped their mouths. “Oh that makes sense.” Applejack said obviously.

“Well no shit Sherlock.” Discord added. “Discord! How could you say such language?!” Fluttershy scolded.

“Because first off she didn’t need to say that, and two that wasn’t the worst part.” They all became slightly worried.

“Uh what do y’all mean, exactly?” He slapped himself in the face. “Listen. That thing out there, holds a very dangerous ability, it’s something I have hoped never came here.”

They all felt fear. “Tell us.” Celestia requested.

“It has a thing called… ‘Sodoku’” he whispered. They all heard it.

“Um, what is a ‘Sodoku’ exaclty?” Twilight asked nervously.

Discord sighed. “Let’s just say that thing is a bomb that could go off at any moment it chooses.” The others didn’t understand.

“An explosion.” He inquired, they all let out a collective ‘oh’ before falling into fear. “What do we do?!” Rarity cried.

“One thing… we do nothing.” Discord stated flatly, they all were very much more confused.

“What’s the big deal? We’ll just go pummel it!” Rainbow spoke determined.

“And end up in hospital for a week. Pfft go right on ahead.” He waved his hand nonchalantly.

Rainbow immediately backed down. “So what do we do?” Fluttershy squeaked. “We let nature take its course.” Discord explained simply.

They all shared incredulous looks. “Why should we stand by the sides and do nothing?!” Luna barked.

“Again hospital. And the fact that although somepony will get hurt, at least they won’t be goners. And on the plus side it’s not to destructive. But lets just hope it doesn’t do it with a group.” He looked back out the window and noticed the thing, was gone.

“Oh shit, it’s gone!” Discord exclaimed with worry. Everyone else realised how bad this just got, not only was this thing out and about in Equestria, but it also disappeared from sight. Meaning it could have changed its look.

Celestia and Luna stood up. “I’m afraid we’ll have to leave. We have some important meetings to take care of, but do not fret. We’ll be back to help fix this problem.” Luna explained. They then both disappeared in a flash of yellow light.

The rest of them had blank looks. “They’re gonna be gone the whole day aren’t they?” Discord asked to which they nodded.

Discord sighed but noticed something… strange. There were the six ponies and now a lavender dragon, where did he come from? “Uh when did Spike get here?” The Draconequus asked.

They all turned head and saw Spike standing there. “Hey guys! What’s up?!” The dragon aske with optimism. Discord became suspicious.

“You girls just go over there real quick.” He requested pointing down the hall, they did so understanding what he meant. After they moved a bit of distance away, Discord grabbed Spike who began smiling deviously.

He then started flashing different colours and turning into different creatures and yelled one word. “SODOKU!!!” Everyone went wide eyed until…


The explosion was big but not to destructive, the smoke covered the spot that Discord and the fake Spike were standing. The Mane six all squinted their eyes at the spot, wondering what happened to the Chaos lord.

The smoke cleared up, and laying there on the floor was Discord who was wide eyed staring at the ceiling and covered in soot. They quickly ran over and began saying his name.

Only to receive the sounds of his moaning, which echoed throughout the halls of the castle. The fake Spike was gone with no trace of him anywhere.

A new voice then appeared. “Hey what’s going on?” They all turned to see the real Spike standing there, with tired eyes. He must have been asleep when that thing came in, and took his form.

“Uh what happened with Discord? And why is there smoke in the air?” He asked still confused. They all looked at the Draconequus again who had stopped moaning but he took a deep breath before unleashing his voice of agony. “FUUUUU-“

Ponyville Hospital

Discord sat there with bandages all over him, he was still in pain but not as much. He also smiled, happy it was over. “Is he going to be okay Nurse?” Fluttershy asked.

Redheart nodded. “He’ll be fine just a week and he’ll be good to go.” Fluttershy thanked the nurse silently and smiled at the Chaos lord.

“Don’t worry you’ll be out before you know it!” The pegasus walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. He became flustered and faced her but she was already out the door.

“See you tomorrow Discord!” She called quietly to him before disappearing.

He sat there with thoughts rapidly hitting him but a smile crawled across his face, and he could only say one thing. “Well played.”

Author's Note:

A fun one shot with Discord, hopefully it was good enough.

Anyway see you later.