• Published 22nd Jun 2022
  • 761 Views, 66 Comments

Button Mash's Adventure - David Silver

It had finally happened. He was in another world, one of adventure and excitement. Many would be concerned, but he knew the rules of that game. He was a pro! The best! With a new sword in mouth, he set out to conquer that new world.

  • ...

10 - Loot Thief

With a pop and sparkle of magic, Button could see the short pony throwing open the chest, but Button was busy battling for his life. "C'mon..."

Burning slammed his hoof down, not on the ground, but on the back of the would-be thief. "You just broke a rule." With a great heaving throw, he hurled the halfling pony against a screeching bush of a monster. "Respect."

Sidestep sliced the reaching branches of another monster free. "We respected your find. Return the favor! How dishonorable."

"You can't blame me for trying." The small pony stuck out his tongue and scurried to the company of his party, sitting with them and watching the battle play out.

"I sure can," huffed Button as he brought down his sword, shattering an enemy into sparkles and xp. "Not cool."

Sweetie booped her party mate on the nose. "He's not wrong. That was very unsporting. I forgot how to unlock this one, but Button sure didn't."

Button grinned at the admission that he had better knowledge, at least in that specific case. "Thank you, Sweetie. We'll be taking that one."

Burning shoved the last enemy back and smashed it into bits with a terrible stomping. "Glad that's settled then."

With the combat complete, Button rushed for the chest. The glow was already gone, but the treasure remained. A book. But not just any book. "Awesome!" He plucked it out with a big grin on his face.

Sidestep inclined her head. "Another historical document? How delightful."

"Nope!" He shook the book at his friends. "This one's awesome. Use it and lightning zaps everything. It's good for the entire game."

Sweetie clopped her face with a hoof. "The thunder tome?! This is where that is? Shoot..."

The dwarf companion of Sweetie inclined an ear at her. "I take it you recognize that artifact then?"

The halfling squinted at Button. "This is no game."

Burning slammed his hooves together. "Remember that before you try to steal from a fellow adventurer!"

Sidestep considered the ensorcelled tome. "Do you need to be a spellcaster to make use of that, or is the magic innate to the book?"

Button offered it towards her. "Just hold it up, give the bad guys a nasty glare, and let the lightning roll in."

Sidestep accepted the offering. "You are too kind, my lord. I will make use of it in your stead to clear our way."

Burning hiked a brow. "Don't you prefer slicing things up personally?"

Sidestep hugged the book. "Lightning is... kindred to me. When there are many foes, this will be put to good use."

Sweetie giggled at the sight. "Well, at least you look like you'll enjoy it. Alright, enough watching Button find treasure. Let's go!"

"Wait." Button rushed in front of her. "Shouldn't we, you know, gang up to figure out a way home or something?"

Sweetie curled a hoof to her chin. "I'm still having a good time, Button. It's right out of one of Spike's comics. You know he got sucked into a comic world once, and he got out. We'll figure out a way, so why not have fun until then?"

Button frowned with thought, advertised by the twirling of his propeller beanie. "You're... not wrong, I guess." He couldn't think of a more direct way to go home, and moping about it wouldn't get him any closer. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Sweetie huffed, turning and putting up her nose. "You're not the only pony that ever liked this game, Button. I'm pretty good at it!"

"It's not a game," noted the halfling.

"Shut up!" grunted most of the ponies present in unison.

Sweetie started back down the path. "Come on. We won't find any treasure standing around here. Maybe see you at the guild, Button!"

The dwarf dipped his head as he turned to follow her. "Nice meeting you all. Let's get through this place and touch bases so we don't stomp on each others' hooves in the future.

The halfling stuck out his tongue with a loud myah before rushing off after his friends.

Burning huffed softly. "Two of them seem alright. We'll share a drink after we get back, but we aren't back."

Sidestep bobbed her head firmly. "We are already here, and my lord requires the treasure we can secure. Where to next?"

Both were looking to Button. He considered his remembered map of the area. "That way." He led the way onwards. "We have actual competition now. I don't think she's lying. And if she remembers things even half as well as I do, she'll head for the chests too."

Burning thumped against Button from the side, almost knocking him over. "We've already proven she isn't as good a scout as you are, Sir Mash." He sounded like he was joking a little with the title. "One of you knew how to get past that puzzle, and they're in my party."

"Let's go!" Button, perhaps inspired, rushed forward. Lightning crashed with a clap of thunder, catching a new group of monsters he'd barely had a chance to see. "Nice." Already, his loyal blade was enjoying that book. But would that mean he wouldn't... no. She was already wading into the thick of things, slicing with her blade just like she was meant to. A way to start fights? Yeah, that was alright.

He sliced one monster across its goblinoid face as he sprayed a tree with an acid stream. "We got this!"

Having the other party put a time pressure on them to press on as quickly as they could, but Burning acted as the brakes. "If we don't survive, it won't matter what we find or don't. This place is already testing us. We're doing great, let's keep the tempo, lads."

The sounds of battle were not their only companion anymore. Shouts, explosions, and mixtures of cheers and groans came from the other party pressing through the forest. That they were there was hard to ignore. "Are we that loud?" asked Button. "I don't think we're that loud."

Burning laughed at that. "Sure we are. We just don't have much reason to care usually."

Sidestep fluttered her wings fitfully. "Perhaps we should work on that, to attract less beasts to our location."

Button waved at where the last shout came from. "Or... hear me out... Maybe it isn't all bad they're here. There's only so many monsters, in theory. Maybe they're busy with Sweetie's crew."

Burning grunted as a ghostly foe passed through him, which was more painful than one would first think. "If this is them thinned out, then thanks to them for making this easier." He clapped his hooves in a burst of fire, forcing the spectral being back. "Let's focus on keeping our hides intact."

"Right right." Button washed the ghost down with flecks of ice, locking it in a cube that Burning could smash to pieces violently. "We got this!"

The two parties were fairly well matched, making it feel like it was more luck than anything else who would arrive at a chest first. At least there weren't any further attempts to purloin from the other.

"What are you doing here?" Button peered at Sweetie's group, coming to join them around a small fire.

Sweetie shrugged. "There's one rest spot here, and this is it." She pointed at the campfire. "We need rest too!"

The dwarf nodded as he sank down next to the fire. "It's been one hell of a day."

"You can say that again." Burning reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a jug. "For those of you old enough, a drink to celebrate another day well spent?"

The dwarf raised a mug he pulled out with amazing speed. "I'll drink to that!"

Button wrinkled his nose at the drinking exchange between everypony but himself and Sweetie. "I tried the 'adult drink' before. It's nasty."

Sweetie perked an ear at him. "You did?! Naughty..."

"I was curious!" Button threw up his hooves. "Are you gonna say you didn't try anythin'? We're in a whole new world."

"Yeah..." She sank to her belly, chin on her arms. "I tried a few things."

Button perked. "Like...?"

"None of your business." She stuck out her tongue at him. "But they have ice cream that's in whole new flavors." She licked her lips with the memory of the treat. "Mmm... Expensive, but worth it."

The halfling pony rolled his eyes. "She wastes way too many coins on that!"

"Stop harassing me, Featherhoof." Sweetie snorted softly. "So what's for dinner?"

"Featherhoof?" Button sat up. "Do you know a Little Feather?"

Feather perked an ear at that. "That's my cousin, why?" He squinted at Button suspiciously.

Button raised his hooves. "He's a friend! Helped me out when I first showed up and got me going. Huh, cousin eh? He's nicer than you are."

Feather reddened at the comparison. "He's too nice. It'll get him hurt someday... Glad you weren't that case... When did you last see him?"

Button counted to himself with taps of his hooves. "Um... A moon or so ago?"

Sweetie gasped with amazement. "We must have come around the same time! Where'd you end up?"

Button smirked victoriously. "In the air." He pointed up. "Falling really fast. But I managed, and ended up in the first town."

"No way!" Sweetie burst into light giggles. "Lucky..."

Burning grunted as he turned. "Falling? And how did you survive that? How high are we talking, Mash?"

Button pointed up as best he could, waving a hoof in the direction. "I could see the whole continent! It was a nice view, if a little scary..." He grabbed his hat. "This saved me." A lie, but he wasn't sure if he should reveal the birds just yet. "No falling damage with this baby. Um, the original." He reached into a pocket and pulled out the real beanie. "See?"

Sweetie tilted her head. "I don't see, but you survived, so I'm going to take your word for it."

Button considered Sweetie curiously, wondering... "Did you find the sheets?"

"Sheets?" She laughed at the idea. "I know this whole... thing feels like the game, but we don't have sheets, um, outside the guild anyway."

Sidestep offered a kebab of veggies towards Sweetie, held with a wing. "Here, eat. And maybe talk? I would know more of this world you come from. The lord may return to it, and if he does, I will follow him. May I trouble you to know more of it?"

Sweetie's horn glowed as she accepted the skewered veggies. "Looks great!" She took a big bite out of it. "Mmm, and just the right amount of spices... We come from Equestria." She looked to Button. "You alright with me talking about home?"

Button started. "Oh! Um, thanks, for checking... It's alright. Equestria is a big country full of ponies like us." He waved between himself and Sweetie. "Earth ponies and pegasi and unicorns. If you go way up north--"

"--you get crystal ponies. But no elves, dwarves, or halflings." She pointed at the dwarf and halfling in the party as she went over those. "Less tribes, but still ponies."

Sidestep spread her wings out. "They have pegasi, so I will not stand out. I don't wish to bring trouble to my lord."

Burning shook his head. "Sword maidens... You're so set on following your lord anywhere?"

"Wherever he has need of me," agreed Sidestep. "That is my duty. And he is a worthy lord so far. Tell me, does Equestria have wild beasts and brigands in need of battle?"

Sweetie considered that with a soft humming. "Mmm, most of the towns are... mostly safe, but there are plenty of monsters, yep! Especially the further out you go." She waved a hoof into the distance. "The big big big towns, the cities, have ponies that may not be nice."

Sidestep inclined her head. "You act as if you could not adventure before, but your home had monsters. Why did you not adventure there, my lord?"

Author's Note:

Sidestep asks the real questions.

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