• Published 23rd Jun 2022
  • 245 Views, 10 Comments

Other Stories - Partycannon_

Stories that help me pushing through writers block.

  • ...

More Then What You're Made Of

As much as the light wanted to, it could not break through the crooked leaves of the dark trees within the Everfree. However light still existed within such a place, the windows caved out of the tree flooded light to the surroundings. This light touched many masks, some were happy while others were sad. The door to the tree opened swiftly and a yellow filly exited but before closing it behind her she turned back.

"Thank you Zecora!" Apple Bloom yelled into the tree.

The filly shut the door and began trotting out of the Everfree. She followed the path while her mind wondered, 'Ah wonder what a potion making cutie mark would look like?' she thought. The filly giggled to herself as she got lost in her head and she didn't notice as she trotted off track. After a few minutes of wishful thinking she came back to reality and found herself in the part of the forest she didn't recognize. The lighting was very dark and even after her eyes adjusted she still couldn't make out a snake from a stick, she got goosebumps as she looked around.

Sounds of things moving just beyond her sight filled her mind with thoughts of her awaking in a hospital, the filly backed up slowly while her eyes darted from movement to movement, from sound to sound. Apple Bloom felt her tail get touched and she darted faster then she thought possible. High on adrenaline she raced throughout the Everfree, she flew over obstacles and ducked under branches but with a misplaced landing she staggered and suddenly, Clank the filly tripped landing head first into the dark dirt and crooked plants.

"Ow!" Apple Bloom cried as she held her head.

She sat up and her ears twitched as she heard many tiny critters scurry away, with no sounds of immediate threat she let herself recover. Still rubbing her head she got off the ground and trotted to what she tripped on, she noticed a small calming green glow. The filly forgot about her pain as she investigated, she began a light dig into the dirt to find the source of the glow. She shoveled out dirt until she got to a tiny screen.

"W-What the hay.." she tilted her head in confusion.

The filly looked closer at the screen and noticed a still, green circle. She brought her hoof up and slowly lowered it above the glowing circuitry, the green circle moved and seem to look directly at her, she jumped back and backed herself into a tree. The ground began to shift and rise, the filly could make out a silhouette of a pony shape albeit with plants falling off and two glowing eyes staring at her.

"W-Who are you? W-What do you want?" Apple Bloom hid behind her hooves.

Orders Understood

"I am Sweetie Bot!" the newcomer stated. "I complete tasks that are given to me as long as they are within guidelines!"

Apple Bloom lowered her hooves and her eyes adjusted, she saw a pony around her age, a pony with a horn and cotton candy like hair, a pony with glowing eyes and gaps between her fur of what appears to be metal plating. Apple Bloom had a mixed expression on her face, she stood and the glowing eyes followed.

"Wait a lick of a second. You're a robot? Like in those fictional Si-Fi stories and you ain't here to devour our brains?" Apple Bloom questioned the ominous figure.

Orders Understood

"I am a robot, I am not fictional and it is against guidelines to 'devour brains'," Sweetie Bot stated.

Apple Bloom stared dumbfounded until a drop of water landed on her muzzle, she looked up and began hearing water hitting the leaves. "H-Hey you aren't weakened by water are ya? Here come with me-" her eyes widened. 'Shoot Ah forgot that Ah'm still lost.'

Orders Understood

"I am okay as long as there is no exposed wires. I Sweetie Bot will go wit-"

"Sweetie Bot do ya know how to get to Sweet Apple Acres?" Apple Bloom asked as her stress rose.

Orders Understood

"Yes, follow me," the unicorn began trotting.

The yellow filly followed the robot closely, she watched the stiff walk cycle of Sweetie Bot. 'Does she know where she's going?' Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Wait a second, how could Ah forget!" the filly trotted besides the robot. "Hi, mah name is Appl-"

"Apple Bloom, age; seven, occupation; student and apple farmer, in love wit-"

Apple Bloom threw her hoof in the Sweetie Bot's mouth as she blushed. "How'd ya know all that?"

"My system tells me," the robot stated.

Finally they reached the end of the Everfree and the sounds of the storm amplified, the winds no longer getting caught within the tree walls made movement difficult.

"Sweetie Bot, follow me now. I don't know how ponies will react to seeing you," Apple Bloom smirked as the robot turned to the filly.

"I understand, lead the way," the unicorn nodded.

A orange pegasus colored on a blank page, the rain hitting the roof of the clubhouse was calming, Scootaloo smiled as she closed her eyes. Then the door flew open and slammed into the wall as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bot fell inside. Apple Bloom with Scootaloo shot up and began forcing the door closed while the robot watched. Finally they closed the door, winning against the wind. Both fillies sighed in relief.

"Next time Ah'm just staying with Zecora," Apple Bloom laughed.

"Hey Apple Bloom, who is this?" Scootaloo tilted her head at the unicorn.

"She is, um, a robot. Ah met her in the Everfree," the yellow filly rubbed her head.

Scootaloo was dumbfounded as she looked at the unicorn. "Huh?"

Orders: 'Huh?' Not Understood

"Please be more specific!" Sweetie Bot stated loudly.

"AAH!" Scootaloo jumped into a nearby crate, she took out a flash light and shined it at the robot which was ineffective. "YOU WILL NOT DEVOUR MY BRAINS!"

"Scootaloo! You are being rude!" Apple Bloom stomped her hoof.

"B-But Apple Bloom, she is a BLOOD THIRSTY ROBOT!" Scootaloo pointed her hoof at Sweetie Bot as she sat on the ground and stared at the two.

The yellow filly raised her eyebrow to her friend and she looked back with an innocent smile. The pegasus brought out another flash light and held it out for Apple Bloom, she slapped it out of her hoof and dragged her out of the box.

"Scootaloo meet Sweetie Bot!" Apple Bloom dragged her friend to the robot.

"Scootaloo, age; seven, occupation; student and homeless, in love with: Apple-"

Scootaloo threw both of her hooves in the robots mouth as her face became beat red, she hid her face while her mind raced, she had to think of something quick, the pegasus turned back to her friend with a smile. "Apple Bloom can you bring me the duct tape?"

Scootaloo's face met with the wooden ground, she was in pain.

"Ah'm so sorry for her Sweetie Bot, she normally isn't like this," Apple Bloom rubbed the back back of her head.

"I do not understand, what do you want me to do?" the robot tilted her head slightly.

Apple Bloom staggered back a little bit, she brought her hoof up to her mouth and her eyes landed on the unicorn. "Uh, never mind."

"Understood!" Sweetie Bot nodded.

Scootaloo lifted herself off the ground and smirked softly at Apple Bloom, "I guess it doesn't have feelings," she shrugged.

Apple Bloom's eyes narrowed, "Sweetie Bot Ah want you to have feelings and uh, think for yourself!"

Sweetie Bot fell to the floor and her eyes turned off.

"APPLE BLOOM DID YOU KILL IT?" Scootaloo shouted in a panic.

"I-I" Apple Bloom ran up to the robot and checked for a pulse. "S-She doesn't have a pulse!" Apple Bloom started forming tears in her eyes.

"Robots don't have a pulse," Scootaloo said confused.

"Oh yeah," Apple Bloom wiped her eyes.

Sweetie Bot's eyes turned on and both fillies were filled with relief. The robot staggered as she moved to a sitting position, she looked to both of the fillies.

"Apple Bloom? Scootaloo? W-What's going on?"

Author's Note:

I wanted to make this a long running story but couldn't, I don't think I could have kept it up for more then three chapters. I think the struggles of learning how to take control of ones life is a good outline but I'm not sure what I could put into the story to further that goal. I'm a little frustrated that I can't think of anything but when I had an idea to put these stories together I actually wanted to finish them.

This isn't my finest work but it does not serve that goal, its helping me grow and break from the mind prison the Yu-Gi-Oh players put on me. (I played an anti meta deck and now everyone hates me!) Also I find the dynamic between Scootaloo, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom here to be a lot of fun and the story really picked up after the three were together.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter!