• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015
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Imagine Nancy Drew with a thermonuclear capacity and you've pretty much got the idea.


Generosity and Loyalty in Gotham, Equestria's weirdest city. And they don't know why. All anypony involved knows is it's going to be a long night.

Note: This is a farce, not a mystery. Please judge accordingly.

First (of hopefully a couple more) in the Distinguished Competitors series, an Equestria-fied DC AU. Rarity is the equivalent of Sliver St. Cloud. If you're interested in a Marvel variant, perhaps the Super Pony Roomies series has something for you.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )

Dash grunted affirmatively. Rarity tutted to show disapproval, but it made a change from the Radio Rainbow classic ‘I Hate This’ which had been playing on and off over the balloon, train, zeppelin, and this final train ride to get here.

"The train doesn't go straight there? It's like we're crossing over into another universe!

“That’s at least four of the stars somepony like me deserves,” Dash allowed. “On the other hoof, betcha it’s somepony’s evil lair by now.”

Rainbow, look me in the face and tell me you wouldn't live in an evil lair if you could afford it.

It was a copy of that indispensable friend to all adventurers everywhere, the Planetary guide. Rarity, an infrequent subscriber at the best of times but also an incorrigible snoop, noted the cover date. Almost older than both Elements, explaining why this one was so dogeared.

The idea of those super-edgy anti-heroes working for a tourism board is fantastic.

And now, those storefronts were gone, even the areaways buried under all that wanna-be Las Pegasus UGH-ness! She could still hear organs playing competing versions of To Be Beside the Seaside and Once I Caught a Fish Alive.

I can't think anything that'd insult a Gothamite more than getting compared to Las Vegas.

Probably a small price to pay to cut off enough of Old Town to convince tourists it wasn’t as bad as they’d heard, that it was all Cathedral Square and Jezebel Plaza and Amusement Mile until you crossed the Narrowbrough river into New Town. Where all the hotels would be.

Come to that, how much of the money raised in Paradise went into Old City? The East End? Or across the bridge into Narrowborough? She reckoned the unsmiling ponies working the Port, some of whom had to live in the neighbourhoods here, yes dammit, even the one’s with the Nightmare architecture, would know. And wouldn’t have been working there at all if Gotham had given them a choice. Treated their neighbourhoods like actual places.

Ha ha!, Paradise Port seemed to chuckle desperately, See? We’re normal! Normal! No clowns here!

But you aren’t, Rarity wanted to shout. Not if normal means boring, soulless.

I love how much time is spent giving Gotham it's own unique vibe. Anhk-Morport's little brother, the theater kid. (Also good charactor work)

At least Rarity hoped she was. She’d defend Equestria’s brashest burg any day of the week, and she’d hate the reward for that to be trotted down some alley and sold as glue because Rainbow Dash just had to be the designated sassy one.

Rarity is a lady, and she would never be sassy. She makes informed observations.

Hey, Cain and Able are in this!

Montoya watched his wings flap occasionally, a sign of enjoyment. Bulwark’s wings weren’t stubby, he was just so…let’s go with copious that his torso had outgrown them. Even going flat out to tackle a fleeing suspect, the senior detective would always look like he was being held in the air by a pair of empty, waving Mickey Mouse gloves.

"Who's Mickey Mouse?"
"Our future lord and master, probably."

He owned a decent sense of deduction and almost two decades of intimate, bipolar familiarity with the city, so Montoya was prepared to accept (not overlook) little things such as:
–his near biblical slovenliness
–his apathy towards Equestrian etiquette
–various noises he made near constantly, which presumably served some kind of function
–the mystery of why for an herbivore currently masticating an entire plate of turnips he always smelled like a Bellgrove meat packing plant.

He's like if Nobby and Colon were the same person.

“I don’t, but if this is what we think it is then a direct line to Gotham’s number one secret HQ dealer sounds like a good thing to have.”

The Carpenter left town already.

Terrorism could get turfed all the way up to the royal guard, including putting Gotham under martial law if they thought they had to.

Honestly, I just assume Gotham is already under martial law until told otherwise.

Somepony was meticulously re-creating Gotham death-traps and adding deadly new features. And foreknowledge wasn’t much of a weapon when, confirmed or not, old case or not, G.E.U.P. and the Commander’s friend in the cape had to take it deadly seriously. Too many lives at stake not to.

Hm, Hush maybe? Hush's whole thing is that he's so basic he has to steal other people's gimmicks... Or it could be somebody knew. Either way, fun idea!

The flaring wing that should either have caused an attacker to instinctively pull up short or get a whipcrack in the face glanced off Sirius’ chest, completely failing to stop him bearing Bulwark down hard, raking at the detective’s shoulder and neck with one paw as Bulwark scrabbled for leverage.

Montoya had hesitated from the shock of their collision and their wild flailing glanced her, sending her spinning to the tiled floor. Great Pony in the Sky, the smell…!

One of Sirius’ clawed feet racked the floor inches from her snout, gouging tracks in the lino. Montoya covered her head and tried to roll into something that wasn’t another customer as wet impact sounds rang above her, carrying over the yelling and clattering of startled customers

She bumped into something that didn’t bump back, head swimming. The dog was clawing at Heavy, why wasn’t he crying out, even he wasn’t that stubborn…

Good use of space, good use of details!

The edge of the cart rammed into the Rottweiler, almost the sa size as him, and sent some of its steel drums cascading into him as f for good measure.

Hoping through a nonplussed daze that this hadn’t given the guy superpowers...


Salford Stalworth is a good ponygramm of Alfred Pennyworth.

Stars above, his grandfather had told him Nightmare Night worthy stories about the Cobblepots, the reason Salford’s father had striven to become a doctor and vowed his son would have at least some passing skill. Butlering and acting, much to his son’s regret now, had been combined forms of rebellion, the former in the name of his father’s dismissal of the latter.

There's probably a good Alfred story in there somewhere comparing how his father impacted his career VS how Bruce's parents impacted his.

“I don’t understand why he doesn’t just kill them all!” the other mare said again.

“I didn’t ask,” Rainbow Dash growled.

“That’s not an argument,” the overgrown filly said smugly.

Of course Cozy Glow is from Gotham.

Rarity, with Twilight-ian perkiness, had suggested using the jaunt as a chance to “do a little reconnoitring, darling!” although Dash had enjoyed the look on the Unicorn’s face when she’d stopped Rarity mid-explanation to point out, uh, yeah, she was an ex-filly scout and training for Wonderbolt scouting missions, she knew what reconnoitring meant.

I always love Rainbow's bursts of competence.

Ooo, Gotham's founding! Nice to see something that isn't an ancient conspiracy or something.

“You know what’s going to give folks ideas, darling?” Rarity countered, hating that her cheeks had briefly reddened and how her coat meant that would show up more than it should. She leaned towards her friend, lowering her voice. “The two of us. Looking like this. While you. Lounge. Like. That.”

Rares, in this fandom all you have to do is stand near one another.

(After a while it's just assumed Sandman doesn't take place in the DC continuity and it's been nebulous about it ever since.)

Wether or not DC takes place in DC continuity is pretty nebulous right now.


"The train doesn't go straight there? It's like we're crossing over into another universe!

Yeah, actually.

The idea of those super-edgy anti-heroes working for a tourism board is fantastic.

It is so easy to imagine Snow as just a gwumpy faced white pony in a suit.

I love how much time is spent giving Gotham it's own unique vibe. Anhk-Morport's little brother, the theater kid. (Also good charactor work)

Thanks! Some of the district names are taken from various Bat comics and media, and others are actual parts of Glasgow.

Hey, Cain and Able are in this!

On that Vertigo note, still haven't decided if this takes place in continuity with that Dash and Death short. I've had an idea for a sort of sequel to that for a while, where the Elements need some kind of huge cosmic knowledge and Dash sneaks off to throw herself off a cliff or something, which puts her back in that "you might or might not die" pocket dimension, and Death shows up with her to tell her whatever they need to know and also to yell at her for gaming their thing like this.

He's like if Nobby and Colon were the same person.

...oh my god.

Oh my GOD.

Hm, Hush maybe? Hush's whole thing is that he's so basic he has to steal other people's gimmicks... Or it could be somebody knew. Either way, fun idea!

It's not Hush, but I do have the basic outline of the mystery. And because it's such a basic outline and I don't have the energy to do a proper detective story, I'm gonna cheat by having Bruce mostly solving it and just needing to tie up some loose ends. In other words, everything going fine until he learns his ex is back in town. (And the biggest mystery of all really is what are the Elements even here for.)

Salford Stalworth is a good ponygramm of Alfred Pennyworth.

Thanks. A salford is a tree and name for a city in Manchester. Haven't decided yet if that's where Salford is actually from and if he slips into a Manchester accent when he's being casual. His butler voice and mannerisms are exaggerated for part of Bruce's playboy disguise though!

Of course Cozy Glow is from Gotham.

That pony who picks a fight with Dash is actually based on this obnoxious power scaling "just kill the joker" person who would go around starting fights on the comic boards here, but I might steal that Cozy idea.

Ooo, Gotham's founding! Nice to see something that isn't an ancient conspiracy or something.

Like it says in the notes, the goth look comes from a pre-crisis comics story. Everything around it is just to Equestriaify it.

Oh, this is outstanding stuff. There are a few dubious bits of description—I'm not entirely sure what "an anime forelegs folded pose" is, how it's distinct from a non-anime one, or what the state of kirin-made animation is in this setting—but overall this is an amazing merging of MLP and DC. Eagerly looking forward to further installments, especially given all the history both Dash and Rarity have with Gotham in all its wonder and horror.

And that's saying nothing of just what the relationship is between Luna and Dream. Given her prophetic dreams, I wonder if Celestia's ever interacted with Destiny...

Thanks, got a Marvel series that's further along if you're looking for anything from the other side of the tracks.

I'm not entirely sure what "an anime forelegs folded pose" is, how it's distinct from a non-anime one, or what the state of kirin-made animation is in this setting

The idea is it's that pose characters like Vegeta and Piccolo constantly make in group shots to show they are the cool, tough ones and also to evoke/explain where Dash got the idea that "folding your arms equates to being cool". Specifying it as shōnen anime might work better but anyway, that's the overall effect I'm going for.

And that's saying nothing of just what the relationship is between Luna and Dream. Given her prophetic dreams, I wonder if Celestia's ever interacted with Destiny...

Like I told Kai I'm toying with whether or not this is in continuity with a Dash and Death story I wrote a while ago, but as for the sisters I think I'm gonna leave the exact mechanics as much a mystery as what Abel's breed is. Mentioning that Celestia came gunning for Morpheus at some point just feels like the same kind of "natural" as Twilight exorcising Cyrus Pinkney's ghost or Trixie getting possessed by Eclipso.

Generosity and Loyalty in Gotham

Silver I can understand, but what's the Flash doing in Gotham? Usually other superheroes stay out of each other's "territory" as it were.

Sorry it's insanely late here, but I don't understand. Flash isn't in the story. What do you mean?

Outstanding work with the city's history. Fascinating blend of Equestrian, DC, and real world history.

She was cut off by Cloud finding himself grabbed by the most attractive mare he’d ever been close to outside of certain private dreams. She was even wearing leather, kinda!

Cloud, this isn't like trying to chat up the bartender at 7th Heaven.
Hang on, I think I got my notes mixed up...

She could count on Sweetie Belle’s horn fluting how many Gotham aristocrats would willingly bequeath property to the city, especially a beauty like this.

I do love a good local idiom.

I will confess to an-y-th-ing as long as I don’t gotta hear this guy speak! The purpose of aglets.

It is sinister.

Good to see more of this, especially the continued contrast of Rainbow Dash and anything with the faintest hint of mystery and solemnity. :rainbowwild: Looking forward to more, especially the intriguing possible capabilities of Miss Honey.


I do love a good local idiom.


(For real, thank you. Hope to have more soon)

Yes, Celestia could’ve easily had them all to tea. But using actors, deliberately misleading rumours, specific orders to certain waiters, and even her own telekinesis to cover one of Bruce’s great-great-etc grandmothers in sherry so she’d have to make for the washroom and happen to be passing the diorama at the exact right moment…well, it was something to do.

There's a refreshing honesty in a trickster mentor just admiting they're fucking with you because they're bored.

Yeah, all of the history about Gallivanti was very interesting. Was he based on a real architect?

While far from the root of all evil in the City of Secrets it was hard, working your hooves to the bone for just enough to eat, remembering the taunts of other foals about your ma working up in Jezebel Plaza just because of how close your tenement was to it, not to look across the river at all those glowing signs and sparkling windows and think about all the ponies behind them, who could enjoy themselves. Like that. Every night

"But surely, the poor must feel happy knowing that someone is enjoying themselves?"
"The poor are selfish, dear. If they weren't they'd work harder and become rich too."

What actually happens when a weather factory falls out of orbit? just an explosion?
Oh, that's why the red sky!

A pair of entrepreneurs who would become known as the Monarch Brothers attempted to seize on this when they realised their comedic misadventures, which they later used as the basis for a beloved series of movies, had left them with failed properties stretching almost in a straight line to the East End…

Glad to see after Super-science and Super-villiany didn't work out they were ready to start a new Venture.

Founded by two doctors and a lawyer who couldn’t help noticing the, uh, dragon sized economic disparity between those that flourished after Gotham’s misfortunes and those that didn’t, the Free Clinic saved hundreds of the latter a long journey into the city for aid they might not have been able to afford. More than that, it often offered sanctuary and, with the lawyer’s help, sometimes justice.

This refrence didn't get.


Bruce's family had their own franchise before Batman? That makes me feel sad...

“Uh, alrighty,” the mare said in what sounded like a kind of Manehattan drawl and cleared her throat. When she spoke, it was indeed in the exact same way as when she’d first delivered the statement. “We don’t want any head meds…wink!

And she did, beaming.

"Are you actually saying wink?"
"No! Blink blink, innocent blink--"

When Montoya and Bulwark ushered them through G.E.U.P.’s front doors Rainbow Dash whispered, “They got nothing so don’t give nothing away!”

Don't talk to the cops without a lawyer present. Dunno if that's true is Scotland, but it's true in America.

If she had to guess she’d say the E.U.P. had commandeered then overhauled that old airship factory. Even from here she could see an open shutter on one of the higher levels, a few zeppelin noses poking lazily out into the sunlight. No sign of the signal, but she did note a large steel landing pad like thing jutting out of the side of a structure shaped like an observatory. Hmm.

The Bat-Blimp!
Donatello arrives to inform Batman he's being sued for theft of intellectual property.

Did Rainbow know? How? Was that why they were always bantering during those team ups? Had she been one of his sidekicks?!

No, she just to follow him around and beg him to let her join.

The polylingual part of Rarity was too offended by this use of her favourite language to form words. Rainbow Dash, who’s first language was Istallion, could get by in Spanish and knew the meanings of a few Latin names (only ones she found cool, of course), just thought he was even more of a poser than she’d first guessed.

This is a little random but I love the idea that Rainbow knows multiple languages.

“Oh,” Meringue said, dropping the affection and replacing it with a casual tone that made the following somehow worse, “normally I just send someone out to learn all about it.” He adjusted his hat, as if the motion somehow clicked him between personalities. “But sometimes when the going’s getting good on some…bad mojo, the only thing to do is to call yerself a spade and…dig.”

...So, he's William Shatner hosting a horror anthology?


There's a refreshing honesty in a trickster mentor just admiting they're fucking with you because they're bored.

That's how I prefer to write Celly, yeah. Gimme someone's absent minded aunt over a demigod any day.

Yeah, all of the history about Gallivanti was very interesting. Was he based on a real architect?

Nope. Just made him up to explain why parts of Gotham look like giant objects, or why the Bruce Timm side of town looks like it's pulled out of a 50s art deco poster.

What actually happens when a weather factory falls out of orbit? just an explosion?

Details in a later chapter!

Oh, that's why the red sky!

Yeah, it's a working theory. In-story that patch of sky was always a little off, so people assume it's red shift happened because of the weather factory accident because, well, that's when it turned fully red.

Glad to see after Super-science and Super-villiany didn't work out they were ready to start a new Venture.

The Monarch Bros are very loosely based on Del and Rodney Trotter from Only Fools and Horses, specifically (what should have been) the last special when they finally struck it rich.

This refrence didn't get.


Bruce's family had their own franchise before Batman? That makes me feel sad...


The stuff with Thomas and Leslie knowing each other previously was already Bat lore. Threw in Martha being a lawyer because it gave her something to do. Seriously, other than charity and owning a probably fake set of pearls it's never been clear what exactly Martha even did. Her brother and niece get more fleshing out! So yeah, pony-Martha turned her back on the highlife to become a lawyer for the less fortunate and fell in love with Thomas for doing the same. (And the reason pony-Tom's name is "Thane" shall come up in a later chapter!)

Don't talk to the cops without a lawyer present. Dunno if that's true is Scotland, but it's true in America.

It's good advice anywhere. I'd have to look it up but I don't think they can actually question you without legal rep unless you're caught in the act or actually at a crime scene, but Police Scotland's as B any definition of ACAB so it wouldn't surprise me if they changed that up.

The Bat-Blimp!
Donatello arrives to inform Batman he's being sued for theft of intellectual property.

I love that movie for a lot of reasons, chief among them my favourite Turtle getting to kick Ra's al Ghul in the nuts.

No, she just to follow him around and beg him to let her join.

Dash actually hates that Bat's is as good as his rep because it means she has to respect him, even though her first instinct is to make fun of how hard this overaged theatre kid is trying.

This is a little random but I love the idea that Rainbow knows multiple languages.

Oh? (Also looking at your quote made me realise I made a mistake, that should be "Latin words")

...So, he's William Shatner hosting a horror anthology?

Pony version of this guy.


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