• Member Since 10th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 42 minutes ago


I am an Eldritch Horror that likes gay horses.



Sunset starts off her day just like any other. Wake up cursing the sun, nearly dying on the stairs, and worrying about how she's totally gonna confess her love to her best friend today. Totally. Unfortunately, what started off as a pretty normal crappy morning quickly begins to come apart when a certain cute variable gets thrown into the mix. Sunset will definitely deal with this in a chill and relaxed manner, like everything she does. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully.

Edit: On the Featured Box from June 17th-21st! Thank you all so much!

Read the sequel here!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

is it Monday?

It's a Saturday that feels like a Monday. Because sometimes, life just be like that.

Checking the clock again, she saw that she might have just enough time, so she ran to the bathroom and plugged in the dryer, trying to clean herself up before Twilight’s imminent arrival. Unfortunately, she did not have as much time as she hoped she did, and there was a buzz from her door. Back in panic-mode, Sunset yanked out the hair dryer and dropped it in her sink cabinet, before running for the door. She realized then that she had never taken out the trash, and pushed it behind the door with her foot for the moment, hoping Twilight wouldn’t notice. Another buzz from the doorbell, and Sunset flung the door open to reveal Twilight standing on the other side, slightly surprised aback by the violent opening of the door, and Sunset’s disheveled appearance.

Just 'YANK' the door open

“Timber Spruce and I broke up.” Sunset’s expression immediately turned sour, and she gave her hair a few more strokes before putting down the brush. Considering her options, Sunset made her way to the “kitchen” and picked up the coffee which was thankfully not scalding hot anymore. She then sat down next to her friend at the couch, passing her a mug, earning a thankful smile that returned to a frown immediately after. Twilight’s expression was somber, but not as distressed as Sunset expected, which means she has probably been sitting on this for a while.


Fun, cute, adorable, and well written. I enjoyed this.

Well, since you ask, I think you did good.

My face right now: :twilightsmile:

Thank you both very much! This story was a pretty big leap of style for me, as a normally deal in long, serious stories. I'm glad you both enjoyed it!

Good Gaia, Sunset, you are such a magnificent disaster. But, you got your cute purple nerd in the end, so let's just call it a win.

This is a super sweet story. I keep seeing it next to mine in featured and got curious. I loved it and kinda wish there was more haha. Plus totally not at all worked up chill sunset is awesome lmao.

pure gay hysterics

LMFAO :rainbowlaugh:


How cute! I actually would love a prequel where it's just Twilight babbling to TImber about how amazing Sunset is and Timber trying to explain to Twilight that she's probably a lesbian, hahaha. I can see it now.

[SCENE: Twilight's bedroom]
Timber: Wow, you have a lot of pictures of Sunset Shimmer in here
Twilight: Yes, and all my other friends too. This is my favorite one, it's all of us from the last school dance!
Timber: Yeah, but...have you noticed that Sunset is in basically all of them? That dance picture doesn't have Rarity or Pinkie Pie in it. And this one of you guys on a camping trip doesn't have Applejack in it, even though I know she must have been there since you guys do everything together. But Sunset is in all of them.
Twilight: Oh, huh...never noticed.
Timber: Yeah...so why is that pic your favorite?
Twilight: I just think my friends all look really pretty in that one. Rarity outdid herself in the outfits and our hairstyles. And she gave Sunset a suit, see, and she looked so good! I didn't realize girls could look so good in suits! Girls should wear suits more often.
Timber: mmhm...would you ever wear a suit?
Twilight: Oh, no, I don't think I can pull it off. But like, Sunset can pull any style off. She has this cool rocker-badgirl style but she looks good in anything! Frilly dresses, suits, pants, even just wearing a dirty shirt and shorts she looks good!
Timber: Right...you know, I did wonder at first why your parents let me up into your room with you, alone, with no supervision, but I think I'm starting to understand...
Twilight: Huh? What's that to understand? They just trust us like the two almost-adults we are.
Timber: .............sure.......

Actually...now that I've written that out...I kinda want to write this....

Ha, that's definitely funny. If you want to, go ahead. I was thinking that maybe I could write some more following this, but if it has inspired you to do your own fic, by all means.
(Though I actually headcanon SciTwi as bi.)

That is a very believable scenario.

Really good story. Sunset and Sci-Twi are a cute ship.

The beginning of it where it shows Sunset not being a morning person was expressed through some real good description of the morning sunlight attacking her eyes.

Good story and I do love me my SunLight stories (Especially Sci-Twi x Sunset) I just have 1 noticable question to this...

It starts off with Sunset talking about wanting to confess to Twilight and later we learn that she didn't even know Twilight and Timber broke up.
Was she planning to steal Twilight from Timber, make it a triangle relationship, or was hoping to be rejected to get over her love for Twilight? 🤔

I say this from a writer's standpoint, all-in-all a cute oneshot story. ❤x💜

It was more like an exasperated sentiment. She never thought she had a chance, so it didn't matter either way to her. "Get it off my chest" sorta thing.

Got it. 👍 Well, wishing you the best of luck with any possible new stories you might make. (And if they are Sunset x Twilight stories you might see me pop up again.)

I do love these absolute dorks. (And yeah, turns out the girl named Sunset isn’t morning person. Go figure.) Lovely fluff. On to the sequel!

I always loved the gag in Equestria Girls that Sunset wakes up very angry and very confused. As someone who typically wakes up at noon, I really vibe with her.

This is absolutely adorable and delightfully gay. Great work! <3

Happy to hear you enjoyed it! "Delightfully Gay" was definitely the intended vibe.

For now, Sunset decided a much more realistic goal was just to get ready for her day, because she knew well enough that just lazing around all morning isn’t going to help anything, especially her mood. Realizing that a simple splash of water wasn’t going to do it for her, she started the shower and disrobed, leaving last night’s pyjamas on the floor. As she stepped under the water, she was instantly jolted awake as she shrieked in surprise, having forgotten to wait for the water to warm up first. Getting drenched in freezing water definitely got rid of her morning sluggishness, and she stuck to the edge of the shower until the water warmed up to more appropriate temperatures. Sunset sighed deeply, mentally berating herself for forgetting something so trivial. Stupid, stupid. Forgot to wait for the warm water. At least I’m awake now. It really was one of those mornings, and it only seemed to get worse. She dropped her bar of soap on her toes, the shampoo got in her eyes, and the water wound up getting too hot and burning her.

Talk about a not so great way to start her day. :twilightoops:

Twilight’s surprise quickly turned to giggles however, and Sunset cocked her head to the side, confused. “You might want to take a look at yourself in a mirror, Sunset. I think you forgot to brush your hair.” Looking at the mirror hanging by the door, Sunset turned a deeper orange as she realized that her hair was a complete mess, the hair dryer having succeeded in its hasty task, but at the cost of leaving Sunset Shimmer’s hair tangled and pointed erratically in several directions. She sighed, slapping her forehead with her hand as she stepped aside to let Twilight in, who was still giggling. As her friend sat down on the couch, Sunset made her way back into the bathroom, snatching up her brush from the sink and putting it to work, trying not to think about how the source of her woes sat in her home at this very moment. How in the world could she focus on anything but how enchanting Twilight was, after all?

Talk about embarrassing. :fluttershyouch:

“Timber Spruce and I broke up.” Sunset’s expression immediately turned sour, and she gave her hair a few more strokes before putting down the brush. Considering her options, Sunset made her way to the “kitchen” and picked up the coffee which was thankfully not scalding hot anymore. She then sat down next to her friend at the couch, passing her a mug, earning a thankful smile that returned to a frown immediately after. Twilight’s expression was somber, but not as distressed as Sunset expected, which means she has probably been sitting on this for a while.

Poor Twilight. :fluttercry:

“I just feel like I can really relax around you, Sunset. You’ve always been there for me, ever since the Friendship Games fiasco. I love the girls, don’t get me wrong. But I like to think of you as my closest friend.” To emphasize the point, Twilight leaned over and rested her head on Sunset’s shoulder.

A sign of what's coming next. :ajsmug:

“It made me realize that past the puppylove phase, I really wasn’t interested in Timber that way.” She slowly opened her eyes, meeting Sunset’s gaze in the reflection of the TV. “He helped me realize how much I love you, Sunset Shimmer.”

Knew it! :scootangel:

The world was in slow motion as Twilight made her way for the door, crawling by as she began to turn the knob to leave. Suddenly, it was like a switch turned on in Sunset’s brain, finally moving her into action. Without thinking, she got up quickly, dropping her mug on the floor and letting it shatter. This made Twilight pause, startled by the sound of breaking ceramic. Sunset took the second of hesitation and grabbed her shoulder, spinning Twilight around by force. Holding her by the arms, Sunset stared into Twilight’s eyes for a second, taking in every detail of her sparkling violet irises. The streaks of colour in her hair. The way the sunlight glistened on the surface of her glasses. Time continued to creep by, seconds feeling like minutes as she held the girl who she loved more than anyone or anything else in any world. She memorized everything about her, all of her beauty in the daylight that came in through the window, as if the universe had placed a spotlight on her for this very moment. Even as tears rolled down her cheeks, she was still the most beautiful being Sunset had ever seen, and a pang of remorse stabbed at her heart for causing those tears to be shed. Her eyes closed, not being able to bear the sight of those tears any longer, and then she leaned forward, bringing their lips together at long last.

Just what i was waiting for! :yay:

It was then that Sunset released her grip on Twilight, who slumped to the ground in a daze, wheezing dumbly. Sunset similarly fell over, landing on her back to stare at the ceiling. After several gasping breaths, she cupped her hands over her face, and screamed out in frustration. This managed to jostle Twilight out of her stupor, and she realized what just happened, as well as the fact that Sunset was now screaming. This sudden volume increase caused Twilight to start shouting as well.



In response, Twilight just laughed loudly, unable to control herself anymore. Everything about the situation was just too absurd. She had come here not knowing what to expect, and even after running through dozens of potential scenarios, none of them ended up like this. As she continued to laugh, Sunset slowly lowered her finger, lip trembling. What started as giggle turned to a howl of hilarity, and all the stress of the morning melted off of her. The two laughed together, sitting on the floor for the next several minutes, until they cried from stomach cramps and wheezed for air. As they started to calm down, and collect themselves, Sunset tried to get back on her feet, wanting to get off the cold hardwood floor. Twilight instead tackled her back down onto the and laid her head on her chest, sighing dreamily.

onto the floor and laid*

Ha, it sounds like you enjoyed reading. Or at least I hope you did. Either way, thank you for your enthusiastic play-by-play reactions, they're more or less what I was aiming for.

Oh course I loved it. Your talking to a sciset fan/former sciset fanfict writer! :twilightsmile:

This simple action however, sent Sunset’s brain into overdrive. What is she doing? Is this a friendly gesture, or is it something else? She just called me a friend, but this doesn’t feel like a normal friend thing! Is this a signal to make a move? I have no idea how to read this situation! She took another long, shaky sip from her mug, slurping loudly in a terrible attempt to hide her expression of pure gay hysterics. Thankfully, Twilight wasn’t looking, having closed her eyes as she rested her head. Sunset stared at her reflection in the TV in front of her, her wide eyes and trembling lips betraying just how flustered she was.

Damn, I thought laying your head on someone's shoulder was a normal thing. Me and my friend do it all the time to each other. :rainbowderp:

“It made me realize that past the puppylove phase, I really wasn’t interested in Timber that way.” She slowly opened her eyes, meeting Sunset’s gaze in the reflection of the TV. “He helped me realize how much I love you, Sunset Shimmer.”



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