• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 700 Views, 49 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Invasion of Manehattan - Guillermo

Roseluck's life had been a constant routine. But that changes when she goes to Manehattan and she becomes involved in a conspiracy against all of Equestria. Luckily for her, there is somepony who can help her, somepony who calls himself the Doctor.

  • ...

The Hive

"TARDIS?" Roseluck asked as she looked at the Doctor, who nodded.

"Yes, it means Time And Relative Dimension In Space."

Roseluck nodded, more focused on the impossible fact before her than on the Doctor's explanation. The mare closed her eyes and she took deep breaths, calming down, at that moment there were more important things. Opening her eyes, she focused on the strange pony.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" she said, making every effort to keep her voice calm. "What were those things? What have they done to my friend?"

"Those things, as you call them, are Symbiotes."

"Symbiotes?" Roseluck asked doubtfully. "And where did they come from? I never heard of them, not even in legends or tales, that I know of at least."

"Obviously you haven't heard of them, not even in stories," the Doctor said calmly. "They are not from this planet."

Roseluck opened her eyes, processing that information, although given what she had seen in just over an hour, the revelation that aliens existed was somewhat minor.


"That's right" confirmed the Doctor.

"So this is an alien invasion," the Doctor nodded, confirming Roseluck's suspicions. "I always thought there would be spaceships."

"Not all invasions will be so conspicuous" replied the Doctor with a small laugh.

"But why use ponies?" Roseluck asked with a raised eyebrow, walking to the center of the room.

"As I said, they are Symbiotes, and they need a host to survive."

"I guess that's why the ponies look so…sick" Roseluck said with a frown. "The Symbiotes must be feeding on something."

"Exactly" said the Doctor with a smile. "Specifically, they feed on the vital energy of living things, although they are usually not as aggressive."

"They seem very aggressive to me" Roseluck said with a raised eyebrow. "They look more like monsters than aliens, and they're creepy."

"This hive at least," the Doctor said, frowning. "The Symbiotes were a peaceful race, and their hosts were the second intelligent species on their planet. Both species forged a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship, they gave them physical advantages and fed them in return" the Doctor smiled, nostalgia in his eyes. "They were a peaceful, prosperous and advanced society based on the coexistence of two species."

"If that is so, why is this hive not like that?"

"That's what I want to find out."

Roseluck watched the Doctor closely, her mind trying to keep up with the strange things she was experiencing. The memory of her friend came back to her, causing concern to appear on her face once again.

"If they feed on the life energy of their hosts... is my friend still alive?"

The Doctor was silent for a few seconds before smiling softly, reaching over to place his right hoof on Roseluck's shoulder.

"Yes, and I swear I will save her and all the ponies affected."

Roseluck stared at the strange pony that she had come into her life, that had saved her. Despite all the events of that day, a smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you."

"Don't give them" the Doctor said as he walked away. "Now, we must get going."

"Go for the queen, right?" Roseluck asked curiously, receiving a smile from the Doctor.

"Right, you are quite insightful."

That earned a smile from Roseluck. The Doctor turned and walked over to one of the screens on the control panel, pressing a few nearby keys and revealing a map of the city and surrounding land, several dots crossed out in red, one of them on what seemed to be the hotel from which they had left. The mare approached curiously, watching as the stallion studied the map.

"What are you looking for?"

"I'm trying to find a suitable place for the Symbiote queen," the Doctor murmured. "I've been looking for a week and haven't found anything."

"What kind of place exactly?"

"It has to be somewhere warm and humid, isolated from outside sounds, and a pond big enough to hold the queen."

"The queen has no host?"

"They would die in a day, no host can house a Symbiote queen in his body" the Doctor muttered. "A month ago, a meteorite fell here" he said pointing to a spot located on a cliff, overlooking the island that was Manehattan. "The queen must have stayed with a host to take her to safety, passing from host to host. But I have looked at all the underground caverns and caves that have pools, but I have found nothing, not even the one below the Alicorn Palace Hotel."

Roseluck watched the screen for a few moments before an idea crossed her face.

"Have you looked at the SPA Royal Paradise?"

The Doctor looked away and regarded Roseluck with a raised eyebrow.

"Why would I look there? To my knowledge, it doesn't have any underground caves."

"I know, but that SPA has the largest jacuzzi pool in the city, it is a humid environment, its waters can get hot, it is isolated from the outside and it has been closed for almost a month, at least it was when I came to register me and my friends to the Equestria Flower Show."

The Doctor stared at Roseluck, so long that the mare looked at him nervously.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Something wrong? Quite the opposite!" the Doctor said excitedly, starting to run around the control panel and pressing various buttons and pulling levers. "I don't know how I didn't think of it before! It's brilliant! I never would have imagined it!"

The pipes inside the pillar began to rise and fall as a whispering sound filled the room. A small tremor ran through the place, forcing Roseluck to grab onto something. A few seconds later, everything stopped and the Doctor ran towards the doors, being watched in terror by the mare.

"Those things are out there!" she yelled as she followed him.

"Yes, near the Alicorn Palace hotel" said the Doctor, turning his head to look at Roseluck with a smile. "But we're not there anymore."

The Doctor opened the door and went out, and despite Roseluck's fears, she took a deep breath before following him, and in doing so, she got a new surprise. They were facing the Royal Paradise, several blocks away, illuminated by the light of the moon that filtered between the buildings.

"It has moved," she said as she turned to look at the TARDIS.

"Disappears here and appears there" said the Doctor, close to Roseluck. "Wonderful technology, don't you think?"

Roseluck stopped looking at the TARDIS and focused on the Doctor, flashing a small smile.

"Yes, it is."

"Well, since you've taken it so well" the Doctor closed the door of the blue cabin and turned towards the SPA, "we're going to meet the royalty."

Roseluck nodded, looking at the SPA. With quick steps, they approached the doors, where the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to open them, allowing them to pass inside. They were in a fairly large waiting room, a counter in the center, and a door to the side that gave access to the interior of the building guarded by two ponies from the building's security, and as soon as they saw them, their eyes turned black. While the mare took a fearful step back, the Doctor moved forward showing no fear, even as the Symbiote-possessed moved into attack stance.

"You will not take another step, your daring ends here, you will join the hive."

"No need to be hostile" the Doctor said with a calm smile. "I request an audience with your queen in accordance with Convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation."

The possessed ponies straightened up, staring at the Doctor, and if Roseluck had to guess, they were surprised.

"We should have figured it out, the technology you have access to is not available in this world. You can come through, follow us and we'll take you to the heart of the hive."

The two ponies opened the doors, waiting for their guests to move. The Doctor looked at Roseluck and gave her a reassuring smile, and although it wasn't very effective, the mare tried to reciprocate and walked beside him. They entered a corridor that had doors on both sides that led to different massage rooms, always escorted by the Symbiotes.

"What is Convention 15?" Roseluck asked quietly.

"It is a decree of the Shadow Proclamation calling for a cessation of hostilities in favor of parley and peaceful settlement."

"Are you going to trade these things?" Roseluck asked with a frown, receiving another from the Doctor, one that sent a small shiver down her spine.

"Those things are called Symbiotes, Roseluck, and as far as I know, they're the last of their kind. I'm not going to exterminate them without even giving them a chance."

Roseluck looked at the Doctor's serious face, looking away from him with some guilt.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, they have your friend, it's normal for you to act like that" said the Doctor understandingly.

Roseluck nodded, not very convinced, but when she felt the Doctor's hoof on her withers, she turned to see him smile.

"Everything will be fine, Rose."

Still flustered, she nodded. They both focused on the path ahead of them, coming to double doors guarded by two other ponies, who opened the doors for them. They entered a small hallway with two doors on either side leading to the locker rooms and others in front, and as they passed, they came to the Jacuzzi pool Roseluck had mentioned, air warm enough to generate a thin layer of sweat on the ponies' fur but not suffocating. There were dozens of Symbiotes surrounding the edge, some just keeping watch, others connecting the tentacles that protruded from theirs mouths with the waters, which were completely black.

"What are they doing?" Roseluck asked curiously.

"Feeding their queen with some of the life energy of their hosts" replied the Doctor. "It's the only way the queen has to feed."

The two stopped a few meters from the edge of the pool, whose black waters began to move and create ripples that crossed the surface before something emerged from the center. Roseluck opened her eyes, resisting the urge to back away as she watched the monster rise from the waters. A gigantic dragon head, or so it seemed, was coming out, but it didn't have any kind of scales. Its skin was as dark as the rest of the pool, smooth and drooling, its jaws had teeth, although they seemed to be an extension of its skin, for they had nothing in common with the teeth she knew, a crest of fine spines, running slightly down the neck, ending with completely red eyes, contrasting with the rest of its offspring.

"Roseluck, I present to you the Symbiote queen of this hive" the Doctor said calmly.

"You know us, but we don't know you, we don't think that's fair" said the beast, but without opening her mouth, speaking directly into their mind, causing Roseluck to panic.

"She's in my head…" she said, her eyes widening in terror, quickly calmed down by the Doctor.

"No, it's just basic telepathy, she can talk in your mind but not control you or read your thoughts" he argued, relieving Roseluck a little, then focusing on the Queen. "And you're right, it's not fair that I know who you are but you don't. I'm the Doctor, and before I go any further, I want to congratulate you."

"Really?" said the queen, tilting her head to one side.

"Yes, your plan is smart, very smart" the Doctor said as he walked forward. "Infecting the high command of the city so that they don't alert the ponies or the rest of the country was smart, but hiding you here" the stallion turned on his body, pointing to the room where they were. "It's more than that, it's brilliant! Nobody looking for a Symbiote would look here."

Roseluck looked blankly at the Doctor, frowning slightly. Was he seriously praising them? When he stopped, he regarded the queen with a serious frown.

"But still, I must ask you to please leave this planet. You have taken away from these ponies their freedom, their free will, and that is not right."

"That is not possible, Doctor" said the queen. "We are the last Symbiote hive in the universe, expelled from our world by our ideas, and that saved us from the War, if we leave this world, we will die and our race with us."

The Doctor frowned further at the word 'war', remaining silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"That's why I have an offer for you. If you agree to go and give the ponies back their freedom, I will take you to a planet where there is a species willing to voluntarily enter into symbiosis with you."

"Are you talking about living a peaceful way like our race did for generations?" the queen said, seeing how the Doctor nodded. "Never. Pacifism led our race to extinction at the expense of a more belligerent and bloody race."

The Doctor was silent, watching the queen, who began to create several tentacles around her head.

"I'll just say it one more time, take my offer, or I'll stop you, and I can't guarantee that your hive will survive."

"Are you threatening to destroy us, Doctor?"

"If you leave me no choice, I will" the Doctor watched the tentacles out of the corner of his eye, starting to pull out the sonic screwdriver.

Before he could activate it or do anything else, the tentacles shot toward his with speed, causing him to drop the screwdriver and fall to the ground. Roseluck's eyes widened and she took a few steps back, noticing how the Symbiotes around her prepared to attack at their queen's command. The Doctor squirmed, feeling the tentacles tighten around him, especially around his neck.

"Brave words from someone who is about to join our hive" said the queen. "Our hordes will spread to this city, then to the rest of the country, and soon, the entire world. Every species on this planet will join us."

Roseluck watched in terror as the Doctor was imprisoned, the Symbiotes surrounding her, she was finished. Her eyes went to the sonic screwdriver, an idea starting to form, but the presence of those things around her intimidated her. The mare closed her eyes tightly and took deep breaths, she couldn't afford to panic, if that thing was true, everypony's fate... no, everycreature's fate was at stake.

Just as the Symbiotes lunged at her, Roseluck leaped forward, grabbing the screwdriver with her hoofs. With some difficulty, she managed to aim it at the possessed ponies and activated it, causing them to fall to the ground with cries of pain, but the deepest was the queen's. Trembling in pain, the tentacles holding the Doctor weakened, causing him to fall to the ground. The stallion got up, recovering from the blow, and turning to look at Roseluck, who hadn't gotten up from the ground and was still aiming at the Symbiotes.

"Well done Rose!" the Doctor yelled as he quickly approached.

"I... I did it?" Roseluck asked with wide eyes. "Holy Celestia, I did it!"

"Yes, you did," the Doctor said with a smile, holding out a hoof for the screwdriver. "You saved me."

Roseluck blinked and looked at the Doctor, a small smile on his face.

"I... I guess we're at peace" she said as she handed him the sonic screwdriver.

"Yes, I think so" as soon as the screwdriver was deactivated, the Symbiotes began to calm down, but not for long, as the Doctor placed it between his teeth and turned it back on. "Let's go, I think the negotiations are over."

The Doctor helped Roseluck to his feet and they both ran towards the doors.

"You... you won't be able to escape from us. We... we are a legion... you won't be able to stop us" said the queen with difficulty, enduring the sonic attack to which she was being subjected.

"Of course I'll stop you, I'm the Doctor and that's my job" he said turning around to look directly at the queen. "And you made a grave mistake in turning down my offer."

Roseluck opened the doors, being followed by the Doctor, who held the queen's gaze for a little longer before turning away from her. They ran through the corridors at full speed, the few Symbiotes they came across being repelled by the sonic screwdriver that was still active. Leaving the street, they headed towards the TARDIS, stopping in front of its doors.

"Keep it active in case more come" the Doctor said as he handed the screwdriver to Roseluck, who activated it right away, pointing around their.

As the Doctor opened the doors, an infernal roar emanating from the SPA was heard throughout the street, giving Roseluck the chills and drawing the stallion's attention.

"What was that?"

"The invasion... it has begun."

Daisy looked up from the book she had been reading, turning her head to look at the clock, half past ten, and looking out the window, she saw that it had been night for a long time, which made her frown. It had been a long time since Roseluck left, too long, even if she had gone to the basement. A part of her began to wonder if her friend was right and something was up. With a sigh, and vowing that she would lecture Rose if she was okay, invite her to her favorite restaurant if she wasn't, she got up from the bed and left their room.

The hallway was quiet at this hour, but it was still illuminated by the magical lights. Daisy moved toward the elevator, thinking to go to the lobby and ask for her friends, and if nopony was there, she would go to the basement. A few meters away, the doors opened, revealing Lily, who half staggered out, causing the mare to frown. She had told Roseluck that what she was getting to the ponies was equine flu, but as far as she knew, it didn't catch it that fast.

"Lily? Are you okay?" she asked as she approached.

Lily raised her head, and for a single second, she seemed to show panic, but it was quickly hidden by a smile.

"Yes, yes, it's just a little dizziness."

Daisy raised an eyebrow, for the first time that day, she was beginning to see what Roseluck had told her. Studying her friend, she noticed that her fur was a bit matted, as if she had fought somepony, and her eyes were bloodshot with deep bags under her eyes.

"Like the pony this morning? Because he said the same thing."

"Really? Well, you shouldn't worry too much, it's probably just a coincidence."

Daisy frowned even more. Her eyes went to the elevator, whose doors had closed.

"Where's Roseluck? She had come looking for you."

"I do not know where she..."

Lily trailed off, completely silent, confusing Daisy. Her posture straightened and her eyes began to turn black, making her friend back away.

"Wh-what's wro-wrong wi-with yo-your e-eyes?"

"Join us, Daisy, join the hive."


The doors to the rooms burst open, and dozens of ponies with the same black eyes spilled out into the hallway, watched by a terrified Daisy.

"Wh-what's go-going on?"

"You ponies will be promoted to a higher status, joined to the hive " the ponies said at once. "Join us."

The possessed Lily moved forward, opening her mouth, several tentacles coming out and preparing to infect a new body. Daisy tried to escape, but was held back by two possessed ponies, with no choice but to watch as the thing that had possessed her friend came after her, and before long, she would be just another puppet.