• Published 1st Feb 2023
  • 635 Views, 35 Comments

The Great and Powerful Trixieverse - Lord King Cocoon

Trixie Lulamoon, one of Princess Celestia's personal students, is sent to Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the Millennial Summer Sun Celebration. But things go awry when a pony from old pony tales appears and disrupts the status quo.

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7 The Return of a Legend

The overnight festivities were in full swing. Flutters, Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane, and the rest of the weather team congratulated themselves on a job well done clearing the sky. Flutters started to show off how much of a party animal she really was and how much she loved making others laugh.

Thunderlane broke apart from the weather team when the Wonderbolts came to address him. They spoke about their plans for their show during the Raising of the Sun. The yellow and orange pegasus, Spitfire, was a good mare. But she tended to be a bit obsessive about overplanning events (she’d probably get along well with Twilight). But it’s that overplanning that makes the Wonderbolts’ events so flawless. But that’s why she’s the leader of the Wonderbolts (that, and her flying skills are unmatched). But Thunderlane was getting an earful for not being in uniform, claiming it as being unprepared.

Rarity and Maud Pie were there, of course, seeing as Rarity was responsible for the decorations. Rarity, of course, was a social butterfly. But Maud… you’d be forgiven if you thought that she was just one of Rarity’s mannequins. In fact, many Ponies likely did believe that, considering just how far they jump when they see her move or talk (a trio of flower gardeners even feinted on the spot).

Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch, or rather, DJ Pon-3 as she prefers to be referred to while performing, were swapping back and forth between classical and modern music styles. But occasionally, they would combine their two very different music styles into one and make them work. What’s even more impressive is that these fusion-style moments were utterly unrehearsed. It was a testament to how in sync the two sisters were. Sometimes, while Octavia was playing, Vinyl would join in to accompany the music. Other times, it was the other way around, with Octavia joining in on one of Vinyl’s sets. The only rehearsed part was specifically for the raising of the sun.

Many members of the Apple family were still on the farm since this was usually a family event for them. The Apple Family Reunion didn’t usually match up with the Summer Sun Celebration though. This being the Millennial Summer Sun Celebration made it a particular case, though. So a few representatives of the Apple family, along with Carrot Top, were there to see to it that the food was always in stock.

Many colts and fillies were running around, ecstatic at the prospect of being able to stay up all night. Some of the younger ones, though, were showing signs of fatigue. They were either too young to be up this late, or they didn’t get a nap in before the event, so they weren’t prepared to stay up all night. It wasn’t uncommon for the parents to let them go to sleep. After all, they were still young. But this was a special occasion. So many parents hoped that their foals if they were to fall asleep, would do so earlier so that they could be woken up to see Princess Celestia raise the sun.

All the while, Trixie was content just watching. Though she did mingle here or there, she was just in awe at how different the Ponies of this little hamlet were different from those of big cities like Canterlot. Many Canterlot Nobles believed Ponies from small country towns like this were just uncivilized hicks who were completely disconnected from society. But the reality was the complete opposite. Even the less snobbish Canterlotians fell victim to believing some of those stereotypes. But the reality was completely different. Being a smaller community meant that nearly everypony knew each other, so nearly everypony was social and welcoming because of it. In a big city, most Ponies were just faces in a crowd. And it’s for this reason that Trixie found herself hoping that Ponyville would never find itself growing too big. Because if it did, this community feeling would be lost in the crowd. It would make for a great tourist attraction though, seeing just how welcoming these Ponies were.

Trixie also noticed something else. Although most of the colts and fillies were playing, there was one filly in particular that the rest stayed away from. It was Apple Bloom. Despite her bad behavior, specifically towards Ocellus, it was still a sad sight to see her be avoided like the plague. That was until a pink filly with a tiara, followed by a brown stallion with a sleek black, slightly graying mane, and a dark pink mare with a blatantly obvious nose job arrived. This family of three seemed as if they’d be more than fitting as Canterlot Nobles. The stallion had an air of authority to him but also a kindness similar to the likes of Fancy Pants. The Mare, however, was so snooty that she looked like she would look down even upon the Canterlot Nobles who weren’t royalty.

‘Heh. Maybe she got the nose job so that it would be easier for her to look down on Ponies.’ Trixie thought to herself.

The filly went to Apple Bloom as if she were utterly ignorant of her bully status. But as they hugged, Trixie was thankful that she wasn’t completely alone. Apple Bloom looked up to Big McIntosh, presumably asking if she could play with her friend. The elder sibling seemed to be giving instructions because Apple Bloom was still in trouble. But the look on the filly’s face suggested he gave his permission.

“This place would be good for Ocellus,” Trixie thought out loud, “It’s about time for me to start my magic show.” Trixie walks over to the stage to start her magic show.

Twilight was having trouble sleeping. Something was wrong about her sleeping in Celestia’s bed. It’s not like it’s the first time. When she and Trixie were younger, and one of them had a bad day or a nightmare, Celestia would offer for them to sleep in her bed. They didn’t always stay in the castle. Sometimes, they would stay at Twilight’s home. But for Trixie, her home was all the way in Las Pegasus. And Twilight’s parents couldn’t just take her in. They were more than willing, but they couldn’t afford it. So Trixie would stay in the castle, and Twilight would be there with her so that she could have a friend.

Something that Twilight had never questioned until now was the fact that whenever one of them had a nightmare, the other did as well. They were often very different nightmares. But they always seemed to have nightmares on the same night. So, it wasn’t uncommon for both of them to sleep with Celestia simultaneously.

But tonight was different. The bed was certainly familiar to the unicorn, if perhaps smaller than she remembered… or rather, she was bigger. But the fact that Celestia wasn’t here in her bed with her didn’t feel right. It’s not that she needed the comfort of Celestia, just that it didn’t feel right with her not there. Or perhaps what made it feel strange was the fact that Trixie wasn’t here.

Whatever the reason, Twilight just couldn’t sleep. Maybe she was just worried about the situation she was put in. It’s not like she needed to do much. Celestia ensured that. She just didn’t feel like she was ready for this kind of responsibility.

Resigning herself to a sleepless night, Twilight gets out of bed and walks out onto the balcony. She looks down at Ponyville. Despite being the dead of night, the little town seemed to be active. It was a testament to how the hamlet celebrates special events.

“Heh, Trixie must be having the time of her life down there,” Twilight laughed quietly. She looked up to the moon. She took in the image of the craters that made up the image of the Mare on the Moon. For some reason, she noticed that the image seemed more… she didn’t know what it was. It simply seemed to be… waiting in anticipation? That thought brought her attention to the surrounding area. There were four stars that she didn’t recognize. Twilight took pride in her knowledge of the night sky. And those four stars didn’t belong.

As she watched, she took notice of something else. The interloping stars were slowly moving towards the moon. Based on the speed, the stars would reach the moon in approximately one hour. She looks at a clock. It was 4:32 am. Approximately one hour before sunrise.

Trixie removed the blades from the box and opened it up, allowing the pony inside to climb out. He checked his mid-section to make sure that he was back in one piece.

“And with that, I must end my show,” Trixie called out to her audience, who ended up complaining, “Now now. I’d love to continue. But I’d hate to steal the spotlight from the true star. Or rather, the Sun Princess.”

This got the crowd going, being reminded of why this event was happening in the first place. Trixie left the stage, clearing the magic props as she did in order to make way for Mayor Mare.

The beige mare took the stage to begin the main event, “Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” Mayor Mare said, earning a cheer from the crowd, “In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria…”

Rarity went up on stage, waiting for her cue. Meanwhile, in the crowd, Vinyl Scratch said in anticipation, “…Ready?”

“…Princess Celestia!” The mayor finished.

Rarity pulled open the curtain… and nopony was there, “Huh?”

There were worried whispers in the crowd. One such whisper came from Trixie, “This can’t be good.”

“Remain calm, everypony,” Mayor Mare said, trying to calm the crowd, “There must be a reasonable explanation!”

“Is she playing Hide and Seek?” Flutters said eccentrically.

Rarity came out from behind the curtain after checking on Celestia, “She’s gone!”

The crowd gasped at this revelation. All but one eccentric pegasus, “Ooh, she’s good!”

There was another gasp from the crowd as a dark mist coalesced on the stage where Princess Celestia was supposed to have been. The mist took the form of a large Pony with wings and a horn. The mist solidified into a black Alicorn with a mane and tail that reflected the night sky.

Ocellus could sense a growing malice coming from the mist. But once it took a solid form, that malice grew exponentially, like a light rain hand suddenly becoming an ocean wave crashing down on her, “Oh no! It’s the mare from that story! Was the Princess trying to warn me?”

“Oh, my beloved subjects,” The mare said, her tone of voice dripping with disdain, “It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces.”

“What did you do with our Princess?!” Vinyl’s artificial voice called out, the Unicorn mare being held back (effortlessly) by Maud Pie.

The dark Alicorn laughed, though there was no humor behind her voice, “Why? Am I not royal enough for you? Do you not know who I am?”

“Ooh, a guessing game!” Flutters said excitedly, “Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty-” Flutters’ rambling became nothing but incoherent mumbles as Thunderlane put his hoof in her mouth to shut her up for all of their sakes.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?” The evil Alicorn questioned, “Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

“You’re the Mare in the Moon,” Ocellus’s meek voice said, though it may as well have been a shout with how quiet the room had become, “You’re Nightmare Moon!” There was another gasp in the crowd. Ocellus was sweating bullets. But they weren’t of fear (or at least, not entirely). She was straining herself.

“Well, well, well, somepony who remembers me,” Nightmare Moon said, confirming what Ocellus said, “Then you also know why I'm here.”

Ocellus didn’t answer. But it was not an act of defiance. Whether it be because of the strain being put on her or simply because she didn’t know the full legend was unknown. Nightmare Moon chose to fly down to the faux filly to get a closer look. But Trixie would have none of that, galloping as fast as her hooves could take her to protect her daughter from this monster. But a wisp from the Alicorn’s mane swiped at the Unicorn, tossing her aside with seemingly no effort at all.

Using her prehensile mane, Nightmare Moon lifted Ocellus’s chin to look into her eyes, “I see. You’re not what you appear to be, are you?” she said, causing Ocellus to gulp in fear, “I can’t have your kind infesting my Equestri-AHH!”

Thunderlane’s attack did little more than startle the Alicorn. But it was enough of a distraction for Maud to grab Ocellus and bring her to safety.

“Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last,” Nightmare Moon said, recovering from the attack, “From this moment forth, the night will last FOREVER!” Nightmare Moon cackled, her mane creating a cloud that cracked with thunder.

“Seize her!” Mayor Mare instructed, “Only she knows where the Princess is!”

The Wonderbolts took flight and attacked the dark Alicorn.

“Stand back, you foals!” Nightmare Moon laughed as a bolt of lightning struck from her mane, distracting the Wonderbolts. Nightmare Moon then dispersed into mist and headed toward the Everfree Forest.

Thunderlane flew out to chase Nightmare Moon. As he did, Ocellus clearly wasn’t doing well. If the ambient malice of Nightmare Moon was like a light rain, and her presence was like an ocean wave of malice, the now terrified ponies of Ponyville, as well as the confusion and fear of all of the ponies in Equestria, was like drowning in a tsunami. Her breathing had become labored, and Maud could tell that she was burning up. And not just because of the involuntary release of her disguise. She was now fully exposed, her true form revealed.

“M-Mom…my…” Ocellus whimpered before passing out.

Trixie had just recovered from the attack from Nightmare Moon when she heard Ocellus’s call for her. It may have been a whimper, but to Trixie, it was the only sound in the world. She dashed to her daughter to see her passed out in her undisguised form, “Ocellus?” Trixie said, her tone just above a worried whisper.

Trixie had taken Ocellus back to their temporary room to care for her. Meanwhile, although many Ponyvillians went back to the comfort of their own homes to get some sleep, there was still a group of Ponies still in Town Hall.

“Maud, I saw that you didn’t react to Ocellus catching fire and changing into…that thing,” Rarity exclaimed.

“How could you tell?” Rainbow Dash cut in, “She doesn’t react to anything.”

“I have an eye for detail,” Rarity explained, “That, combined with knowing Maud for years, results in me being able to see reactions in Maud that nopony else would even detect.”


“It means that Rarity has special eyes,” Flutters elaborated.

“And a close bond,” Big Mac added.

“I knew ever since the train ride,” Maud said.

“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Rarity asked.

“I did think to tell you,” Maud replied monotonously, “But it wasn’t my secret to tell.”

“Yeah, well… Nightmare Moon seemed to know what she was, too,” Thunderlane said, “For all we know, she’s been a spy for Nightmare Moon this entire time.”

“That does not make any sense,” Octavia said.

“Why not?”

“Why would Nightmare Moon want to eliminate her own spy?” Vinyl asked rhetorically, “It sounded like Nightmare Moon knew what she was and considered her a threat.”

“Does it really matter what she is?” Flutters asked, “What she is on the outside isn’t as important as who she is on the inside.”

“Flutters is right,” Rarity sighed, “I may not know the full extent of what she is. But I can’t deny that seeing her with Sweetie Belle when they first met was simply divine.”

“And Silver Spoon wouldn’t stop talking about seeing her again when she first met Ocellus,” Octavia added, “It warms my heart to see her with that much energy.”

“And I’m pretty sure that Rumble has a crush on her,” Rainbow Dash said with a cheeky grin.

At that moment, Trixie came out from the guest room. She was desperately trying to hide her emotions, “Silver Spoon, Sweetie Belle, and Rumble are still worried about Ocellus,” Trixie said with a laugh. However, there was no joy behind it, “It’s like they don’t even know that she’s something completely different than what they thought.”

“It’s because they didn’t make friends with what she is,” Vinyl said, “They made friends with who she is.”

“I’m sorry I got angry when I got back from chasing Nightmare Moon,” Thunderlane said, “I didn’t see the moment when Ocellus lost her disguise, so I assumed she was a monster that Nightmare Moon left behind.”

“And you were too proud to admit you were wrong?” Big Mac asked.

“I suppose it was that combined with simply being scared,” Thunderlane admitted.

“I suppose I should explain myself,” Trixie said, “Ocellus is what’s known as a Changeling. As you may have guessed, it’s a race that can disguise itself as something, or somepony else. The disguise you saw was of her own making, so she’s not stealing anypony’s identity. However, Changelings feed on love and kindness to survive. And because of how much of the Canterlot citizens are like, she’s afraid of dropping her disguise for anypony other than those closest to her. Many ponies in Canterlot know of her true form already, which is why she’s so sheltered. Just like how she feeds on positive emotions, she’s also affected by negative emotions.”

“That’s why she reacted so badly to Apple Bloom, ain’t it?” Big Mac asked.

“Most likely,” Trixie said, “Although I’ve never seen her react in such a way. It’s also why she’s so ravenous when she eats your apples. You put so much love and care into growing them that it left an imprint on them.”

“Well, Ah guess we do put a lotta love into growin’ our apples,” Big Mac said proudly. But the jovial moment ended quickly when he saw the distress on the cornflower Unicorn’s face.

“Like I said, she feeds off of positive emotions but also reacts badly to negative emotions. And with the hatred coming from Nightmare Moon combined with the terror that the citizens of Ponyville are feeling, as well as the fear and confusion all around Equestria…it’s too much for her. The negative emotions are acting as a poison to her,” Trixie did her best to keep her composure up until now. But she couldn’t hold it in anymore and broke down into tears, “Ocellus is dying!”

Author's Note:

And now we get into the fun stuff. In the show, Nightmare Moon was a threat, and even if magic can't be used as an excuse to sustain plant life, it could at least be used as an excuse to extend plant life without the sun. Same with the weather. But I added a condition that puts a limited amount of time, and by extension, that much more pressure to succeed sooner than later. And that time limit is Ocellus's life.

Remember the nightmare that Ocellus had? It may not have been accurate. But it foreshadowed how Ocellus would react to the negative emotions connected to Nightmare Moon's return. She didn't know what Nightmare Moon looked like, so she was just a shadow creature in that dream.

Initially, I intended for Ocellus to subconsciously detect the negative emotions of Nightmare Moon, which is why she had that dream. But I'm modifying it to be sensing Nightmare Moon's malice through the connection of the dreamscape.

Also, two chapters in quick succession. I'm sure you're all pleased with that.