• Published 14th Jul 2022
  • 2,001 Views, 8 Comments

Shattered Reflection - Xrevias

I lost everything. They took everything away from me. They will pay.

  • ...


There was nothing here.

I was falling through the empty space, unable to move my wings. I reached into the void, groggily glancing around, tired of the scene; this was not the first time I had been here. Suddenly, it felt as though the tip of my hoof had touched something. My ears twitched at the sound of shattering glass. Jagged fragments of glass reflected a broken version of my form. I could barely see my curly, arctic blue mane, pink coat, and scarlet eyes.

Cozy Glow.

There was that voice again.

You still have not learned.

I grit my teeth, and my brows furrowed. My reflection smirked at me. It was supposed to be me, yet it wasn’t. It was an entirely different entity, mimicking me, taunting me, ridiculing me. I couldn’t muster the strength to move; I was stuck in the freefall.

Rather than tormenting you… perhaps, I shall guide you personally this time.

In the short moment of silence, the broken mirror dissipated into nothing, and I felt a spark of pain grow within my chest. That small spark grew into a scorching feeling throughout my form. I felt like I was being burnt from the inside. I shrieked in pain, and tears flowed from my eyes. I fell through the void as a ball of flames, but I saw a dim light towards where I was falling.

Make this life count, Cozy Glow.


I don’t want to.

I can't.

I relived my life so many times I lost count. The only thing that kept me from believing this was all real was the distorted voice inside my head. At times, it sounded like me, other times, it sounded like anyone else I hated.

Here we are again.

If I knew how to get rid of it, I would have done so already.

Your first victim.

We were in a cavern that Chrysalis had turned into a makeshift prison. Green slime lined the walls, and there were multiple openings where we could keep all our soon-to-be captured targets. Chrysalis trotted in victoriously with Starlight Glimmer in tow. The mare was encased in magic, her mouth sealed shut. The former Changeling Queen tossed her aside, bathing in the glory of defeating her nemesis.

What’s the next step, Cozy Glow? It said in my own voice.

“Drain her magic,” I mumbled to myself. I half-heartedly grabbed Grogar’s Bell and stood over Starlight Glimmer’s immobile form. Particles of magic were drawn from her horn, until she was surrounded by twinkling lights. The Bell sucked in every last light of hope the mare had, rendering her powerless, while it would serve to make the three of us even stronger.

“Where is Tirek?” Chrysalis asked.

I pulled the Bell back. “Still capturing those former heroes or something.”

What’s the next step?

“That gigantic red fool is taking his sweet time.”

“So?” I shrugged. “I bet he’s having the time of his life.”

“And you are not?”

Cozy Glow.

I knew this was the calm before the storm. Everything would go smoothly, and then… It’ll all just fall apart.

“I am.” I shrugged. “Kinda bored with you two doing all the work.”

The. Next. Step.

“There is no next step!” I shouted in my mind.


I shook my head and went to put back Grogar’s Bell on its pedestal. Once I had it in place, I turned around to haul Starlight Glimmer into a cell. I glanced at Chrysalis who had her mouth wide open, as if she was about to say something.

“What?” I asked, waiting for her reply.

I gazed into her eyes for almost a minute. No reaction, not even a blink from her. Realizing something, I ran to Starlight’s body and noticed that she had stopped breathing, yet she looked alive and well.

Fascinating, is it not?

I looked over my shoulder to see my imitation again.

This realm is mine to control.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

Showing you how it must be done.

It snaked its way towards Starlight Glimmer. Look at her. Powerless. Useless.

It set its gaze back on me. For now, at least.

“Is this what you meant by me ‘leaving loose ends untied?’”

Ah! So you do understand.

“I’m not an idiot,” I stated.

Clearly you are, as you’re about to do the same thing again.

“What? Leave her in a cell where she won’t be able to do anything?”

Yes. It rolled its eyes. You lack the resolve to do what you need to do.

I scoffed. “And what might that be?”

It trotted back towards me. It leaned close to my ear and whispered in a sinister tone.

Kill her.

I blinked. I pulled away from it, staring at its face. My reflection's eyes sparkled a dark crimson, as if it were entertained by my reaction. It wore a smile that I had never seen myself make before.


I glanced down to see its hoof covered in flames. It thrust it into my chest. I grunted in pain, and the sound of shattering glass resonated around me.

In that moment, I felt like I had woken up from a deep slumber as my eyes shot open. I was standing back at the podium where we kept the Bell, and Chrysalis stared at me with confusion.

“You have been acting strange, Cozy Glow,” Chrysalis said. “Don’t tell me your fragile pony heart can’t handle how far we’re going.”

I took a deep breath and sighed. My heart was racing. Was that really what I had to do? Kill a pony? Take their life? I had thought of it before, but… it still seemed wrong—very wrong. At that moment, I realized that I feared something other than failure.

But, why?

Only one way to find out.

That’s… true.

“Apparently we haven’t gone far enough,” I said, turning to face Chrysalis.

A grin graced Chrysalis’ face. “Did I hear that right?”

“Yes, you did.” I glanced at Starlight Glimmer who looked between the two of us nervously, struggling against her bonds.

Chrysalis stood up, and each step she took resonated throughout the cavern. A silent conversation took place between us. She glanced at Starlight Glimmer, then back at me. I nodded. To that… she simply smiled.

“Kill her,” I said with restless wings.

Chrysalis licked her lips. “My pleasure.”

Starlight’s eyes sprung wide open. Her pointless struggle to free herself without her magic continued. The changeling snickered, amused by her fruitless efforts. I took a step away, readying myself for what was to come. Chrysalis pinned Starlight’s bound form beneath her, staring into her eyes as the changeling’s horn emitted an emerald glow. Starlight squirmed as Chrysalis brought her horn closer to hers.

I did nothing but watch. I flapped my wings and hovered in the air as Chrysalis did as she was told. I wrapped my forelegs around my chest, and I felt the rapid pounding of my heart. My eyes were locked onto the scene unfolding before me.

I grit my teeth as Chrysalis’ horn finally made contact with Starlight’s. The unicorn’s body spasmed with reckless abandon. Starlight’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as her muffled screams echoed throughout the cavern. Chrysalis cackled manically, and their two voices coalesced into a dissonant melody.

My ears flicked to all directions, taking in every sound I could hear. The crackling of magic, the screams of pain, and the utter joy of Chrysalis in subjecting Starlight to torment before her impending doom. I unfolded my forelegs, placing a hoof on my chest. It felt like my heart was trying to leave my body. Adrenaline surged through my veins. I grew restless the longer Chrysalis took.

Starlight Glimmer arched her back, before laying limply on the ground. Chrysalis laughed as she backed away from the mare. I got a closer look, and all I could see were dry streams of tears coming from Starlight’s lifeless, open eyes. Her mane was left dishevelled, and her coat–or what little I could see of it–had burnt spots all over.

Chrysalis faced me once more with a satisfied look on her face, grin and all. Though, that quickly changed into her eyes widening as she dropped her smile.

“Cozy Glow?” she called me.

“What?” I answered.

“You’re smiling.”

I looked at her, flabbergasted. She responded by conjuring a small, reflective circle of magic in front of me. I stared into my reflection and saw my toothy grin. I caressed my cheek, attempting to wipe away the creepy smile to no avail.


That was all I could say.

At that moment, I finally understood.

I wasn’t afraid to kill Starlight Glimmer.

I was excited.

Tirek eventually returned with his prey. He held the former heroes’ weak forms by their legs and carried them into each of their cells. One by one, I had Chrysalis drag them out, and I told her to do the same thing she did to Starlight Glimmer to them. Like dominos, one Pillar’s fall was quickly followed by another, until none were left to deal with.

Watching them take their final breaths enthralled me. I stared intently as Chrysalis and Tirek took turns killing each of the pillars—who were hailed as defenders of Equestria. I even took glances at the faces of their comrades as they could do nothing as their allies screamed for mercy.

I had a grin plastered on my face the entire time.

I didn’t know that watching them die could be so… so…


And thrilling.

Why didn’t I do this the first time?

If I did, would I not relieve my life countless times?

My failures?


Yet you were the one who made me go through all of it.

Indeed, but look at where we are now.

I shifted my gaze to the pile of bodies left in one of the cells. Tirek threw in Starswirl the Bearded as if he were taking out the trash. From what I could see, tears were still running down most of their faces, though some had already dried up. I saw a small pool of blood gather beneath them. I couldn’t help but smile again. I felt my heart pounding, as if it wanted to burst out of my chest. I let out a tiny giggle at the pathetic state they were left in.

Loud thuds resounded throughout the cavern. I glanced at the entrance and saw Tirek walking in with more prey in hand. My grin grew wider, my eyes widening at the sight of all too familiar faces. One farmer, one Wonderbolt, a dress-maker, a coward, an overly-annoying mare, and a baby dragon.

I couldn’t sit still. I repeatedly tapped my hooves on the ground as Tirek tossed them into their cell. My wings twitched at the thought of dealing with them accordingly. I imagined each of their voices screaming in agony.

And the look on Sparkle’s face when she realizes where her friends are.

“You… ruffian!” A posh voice chided weakly.

Tirek scoffed. “You’re all in no position to complain.”

“Oh, oh!” The Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Are they having a slumber party over there?” She pointed at the cell with ponies piled on top of each other. “They spilled ketchup all over…"

Her companions’ eyes followed where her hoof was pointing. Fluttershy screamed and bolted to the back of the cell, tears streaming down her face. Rainbow Dash and Applejack covered their mouths with their hooves. Rarity gasped before slowly backing herself up to where Fluttershy was. Spike held onto Rainbow Dash’s foreleg.

“P-Pinkie, t-they’re…” Applejack spoke in bated breaths.

Pinkie tilted her head. “Sleeping?”

Chrysalis and Tirek laughed loudly. Tirek even slammed a wall at the pink mare’s antics. I held back laughter and flew towards Pinkie Pie. I landed gently on the ground, staring into her eyes. I reached through a gap in the door and dragged her down to my level. I spared a glance at Applejack who shook her head slowly, telling me to stop what I was about to do. I merely flashed her a gentle smile.

“They’re dead, Pinkie Pie,” I whispered.

Pinkie Pie blinked. Almost immediately after, she tried to pull away from my hoof, to which she found fruitless. I proceeded to hover, and I pulled her up with me. She held my foreleg with both hooves as she gasped for air.

Her eyes reflected mine. I saw a bright crimson glow as I spoke to the mare.

“And you’re next.”

I dropped her back to the ground, flying away. Pinkie Pie’s mane slowly deflated as she glanced between me and the bodies in disbelief.


She’s shut up for once.

A squeaky, but manic laugh reverberated in my mind and in my ears. I wrapped my two forelegs around me in an attempt to contain myself. Oh, how I revelled in the defeated look in their faces, the fear in their eyes, and their helplessness through it all.

I looked over my shoulder to tell them one more thing in between my hysterics.

“You're all next!"

We held them captive for a short while longer. There was one more creature that needed to be dealt with. One that neither Tirek nor Chrysalis would be able to hunt down through conventional means.

No, for this one, we’d have to get…


I tapped my hoof on my chin. What would make him come to us? As far as I knew, he cared little for what happened to ponykind.

Yes, he didn’t care about anyone, except for…

A lightbulb lit up in my head. He couldn’t care less about anyone else, other than…


I locked my gaze onto the pink-maned pegasus. She was already cowering behind her friends, with Rainbow Dash taking front and center. The bold mare could barely stand on all four legs, yet she still attempted to shield her cowardly friend from me.

“W-what do you want with her?” Rainbow Dash snarled weakly.

I shrugged. “Nothing much, really.”

Crimson flashed from inside the cage then in front of me. They shielded their eyes for a moment before realizing that Fluttershy was no longer confined with them. I held Fluttershy with one hoof, letting her dangle in the air. Tears stained my foreleg as she gasped with strained breaths.

“Let’s see how much you can take!” I slowly ignited my horn, leaving an ever so tiny window for someone to intervene. Fluttershy kicked her hindlegs as she struggled, attempting to push herself away for me. I cackled while her friends watched helplessly.

I felt something rush throughout my body. It enveloped me. My breaths became shaky as I held Fluttershy in the air. As soon as I charged up enough magic in my horn, I was blinded by a flash, and, suddenly, Fluttershy disappeared from my grip.

I saw Discord hunched over the pegasus who laid on the ground, shivering. Chrysalis and Tirek were by my side, ready to face the Lord of Chaos—excited even. He caressed Fluttershy’s pink mane before craning his neck to face us.

“What have you done?” he asked coldly.

What I’ve always wanted to do.

I hovered closer to him. “What I needed to do.”

Discord glanced around the cavern. He saw the weakened state of Sparkle’s friends, as well as the pile of bodies. At that moment, I noticed the air around me grow cold, sending shivers up my spine. In turn, I felt a familiar warmth grow within me. It was the very same flame that tortured me. Yet, for some reason, it didn’t feel like I was being burnt to cinders.

I shall give you a taste of my power.

“You have crossed the line, Cozy Glow!” Discord raised his two arms, readying a spell.

I grinned. I had taken down so many others before him. Perhaps, he still thinks little of me. He doubts I would be able to do anything to him.

Well, why wouldn’t he?

After all, I’m just a helpless filly, trying to do things only gods could do.


Discord launched his spell. A beam of distorted light flew towards me. Chrysalis and Tirek fired back, locking the two spells in a stalemate. I’ve fed them enough; they had enough power to keep it at bay.

I knew what I needed to do.

My wings flared and I teleported behind Discord. He quickly flicked his head towards mine, but, strangely enough, there was an orange glow on his face. I stared into his eyes, and saw my wings ablaze, casting a dark shadow around me. I saw my irises glowing crimson, my muzzle had curved into a toothy smile.

He was taken aback. Fear? Shock? Perhaps, both? Well, it didn’t matter, anyway.

After all…

I only had to do one thing.

I raised a hoof and struck Discord fiercely, sending him towards a wall. A massive crater stemmed from his impact, and he was left coughing on the ground. I flew towards him with haste, hovering ever so slightly above him.

“Y-you…” Discord grunted. “You’re not Cozy Glow…” Discord pushed himself up enough to sit down. His wounds didn’t seem to be recovering.

I tilted my head. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I summoned Grogar’s Bell and proceeded to drain Discord of all his magic. Once that was done, I lowered myself to his eye-level, and set my gaze on him in his final moments. I couldn’t help but beam at his current state.

“Any last hurrahs?” I attempted to vex him.

“You’re… supposed to be… dead…”

I never was.

“I never was.”

That wasn’t my voice.

Outside of my control, flames gathered on my hoof. I pierced Discord’s chest with no effort at all. He grabbed onto my foreleg with a talon. He held onto me as his strength faded away, and blood dripped from his form. Eventually, his grip faltered, and his arm fell limply on the ground.

“That’s that,” I said.

I turned to Chrysalis and Tirek, glancing between them and the last group of ponies left alive in this place. They were all trembling with frightened expressions on their faces. Fluttershy leaned against their cell’s door, hoping to be let in.

I flashed them a warm smile.

“Stand down, Cozy Glow!”

I remember that voice; it was far too familiar. Celestia, alongside Luna and Sparkle. Only, this time, I had dealt with her pesky friends beforehand. I grinned. By my side, Tirek cracked his knuckles while Chrysalis’ horn blazed an emerald hue.

“Where are they…” I heard Sparkle whisper to herself. She glanced around, and even out the window, in search of her companions.

Look at her, completely unaware…

That they’re dead.

I flew higher with a spell readied. Once again, I shielded myself from the Royal Guards’ bland attacks, retaliating by sending out enough magic to slam each of them into the castle walls, and some even flew out the window. I then fired a large beam of magic at the alicorns. They shielded it before Celestia and Luna took the air and countered with a combined attack. As I had before, I pulled out Grogar’s Bell and absorbed every last bit of their magic.

The sisters fell to the ground. Sparkle rushed to her mentor’s side while pulling Luna close. She erected a purple bubble of magic in an attempt to shield both them and herself from us.



I giggled behind a hoof. The last dozen times were overcomplicated by the presence of her friends.

I hovered down towards her and slammed a hoof against the sphere. A crack formed, stemming from where my hoof made contact. I peered into the translucent shield with a smile on my face.

“Tell me, Sparkle.”

Twilight Sparkle held her two fellow alicorns closer.

“What use is the magic of friendship without friends?

Comments ( 8 )

Won't lie, I do enjoy an evil Cozy Glow from time to time.

I want more of this so bad! Great work!

I feel like you meant It made me relive my life..." instead of "It made me relieve my life..." in the long description

Is this a time loop? But this time, Cozy and her two villainess "friends" won, because Cozy DIDN'T hold back to kill them this time to have a permanent victory.

And what's with the alternate personality? Is that Daybreaker somehow possessing her? And use some type of time magic to reset the original finale, and turn it more in favor of Cozy and the two villians?

I remember in the finale Cozy did say “it’s time for your complete destruction” so I don’t think she has reservations about killing. But the thing I like about MLP villains is that they try to emotionally break the heroes, which is worse than killing if you think about it. To quote one of my favorite fics “There’s nothing more boring than a corpse”

“Y-you…” Discord grunted. “You’re not Cozy Glow…”

So what is she? That's the question.:unsuresweetie:

Pretty good pacing and the emotional bits pay off pretty well all things considered.

If you pick it up again, it will be interesting to see where you take it from here.

Def has som serious vibes from this song
damm Cozy if only you did that the first time


The way that Cosy Glow finds the TRUE answer for the problem was awesome. The villains in the show try to break the heroes emotionally and mentally because it’s MUCH more painful than a torturous death. But with friends they almost always can get back up, but not this time. This time there luck has ran out, and the blood has been spilled.

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