• Published 1st Jan 2023
  • 1,924 Views, 325 Comments

Super Danganronpa 2: On Harmony's Shores - Dewdrops on the Grass

Wallflower Blush and fifteen others are isolated in a desert town to see if ponies and humans can get along. But when the place is suddenly overtaken by the malevolent Monohuman, Wallflower must survive the resulting killing game.

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11. Interlude: Log I


Log I

A VHS tape labeled “Log I” is inserted into a player, and the play button is pressed.

“Uh, okay…” Sunset looks down at her tablet, poking and scrolling. “The magic A.I. development is going…” She glances up, then pauses, noticing she’s on camera. “Really, Twilight?”

“Historical importance!” Twilight Sparkle’s voice barks out.

Starlight Glimmer raises an eyebrow. “Yyyeah, Twilight, I’m with her. This is not going to be a very galvanizing meeting. I don’t think future generations will…”

“We have to document this process as much as possible!” Twilight insists. “Do you have any perspective on how huge this is??”

“Better than anyone else, I think?” Sunset replies. “Look, yeah, worlds coming together. It’s big. But…”

“Bigger than big!” Twilight insists. “This is the ultimate demonstration of my entire ruling philosophy! The biggest!! It's what Celestia was…” The camera pans to Celestia, looking serene as always. “Uh… the other Celestia, I mean. The alicorn.”

“I understand!” Celestia assures her.

“…it’s the culmination of why she even wanted me to be ruler!” Twilight’s voice continues. “This is friendship. Connecting ponies to other creatures, and eventually across whole dimensions. This is probably why she even wanted to retire and pass things on to me! This is her legacy!”

“I think,” Celestia offers gently, “your mentor would want you to give yourself the credit for your own accomplishments.”


“Twilight…” Starlight pauses, frowning. “Look, this is a room full of friendship true believers, here, but there’s just a lot of boring elements to this. And.” She dips her head, blushing. “I never think I look good as a human. It’s embarrassing.”

“How about this,” Sunset offers quickly, before Twilight can argue back. “You can record some, but just… ehhhh. We know you. Trust us if we say enough’s enough, okay?”

The camera jostles up and down. “Definitely! I already scaled this down. I was going to make Spike a little camera harness, and…” She giggles nervously. “Right, right. Just a little recording. But I do want to give a sense of what kinds of things we’re doing!”

“Yeah, definitely.” Sunset smirks confidently. “And if Starlight’s embarrassed, keep the camera on me. I look great as a human.”


The recording skips; the same room flickers to view. Sunset is standing next to a whiteboard with incomprehensibly complex symbols strewn across it. “…we get two and a half times as far with each iteration. Once we used Nebula’s enchantment to both boost processing power and house the social mimicry module, it all really started coming together.”

“Whose idea was that?” Celestia’s voice asks.

“Well.” Sunset rubs the back of her neck, blushing. “Starlight and Sunburst had the basic gist of it, and…”

“It was Sunset,” Starlight interrupts. “She’s our magic tech guru.”

“No, hey,” Sunset argues, “it was all of us. We’re a team. I’ve always been good with magic, yeah, and I’m really used to tech stuff compared to you, but we did it together.”

“My goodness, I need to contact my counterpart,” Celestia remarks, softly amused. “It seems none of her former students will give themselves the credit for the amazing things they do.”

“Anyway!” Sunset snaps, face red. “It’ll be self-sufficient, more or less. It’ll run the whole program: transportation, food, surveys, electricity, everything. We can just have our skeleton staff; perfect for keeping the details secret.”

“Secret?” Starlight speaks up, worried. “Is it that big a deal?”

“It’s… potentially a big deal,” Celestia replies. “When news of Equestria first broke, there was a lot of fear.”

“Of what, magic?” Starlight asked. “That won’t be a problem. As long as we can keep a handle on enchanted items going to the human world, and weapons going into our world…”

“It’s not as rational as all that,” Sunset interrupts. “Ponies already went through this. Learning to accept other creatures. But over here, it’s always just been humans. This is a big change.”

“Protesting and riots, just because there’s magic, talking ponies out there,” Starlight mutters. “I don’t think I understand humans all that well, yet.”

“I am a human, and I don’t understand a lot of it, myself,” Celestia says darkly. “APL released another video yesterday. You…”

“Wait,” Starlight cut in. “What? Apple released a video?”

“Oh, no, sorry, that’s the biggest protest group, the Anti Pony League. A.P.L. People pronounce it ‘apple.’”

“Don’t get Applejack started on it,” Sunset advises. “She gets pretty up in arms.”

“Yeah, understandably.” Starlight grimaces, fidgeting. “Who are they?”

“Bigots,” Sunset snaps.


“Like, probably a couple dozen bigots who just happen to be good at hijacking social media algorithms and making videos and disinformation. They’re not a big deal, they’re just good at acting like they are.”

Both Celestia and Starlight glance uncomfortably in the direction of the camera, which dips. “Sunset, we don’t know that,” Twilight’s voice begins gently, but Sunset just shakes her head.

“No. I do. They are not what most humans believe, I know it. Magic and technology… that’ll be hard. But the people, the humans and the ponies. They’re ready. I know it.” Her voice is certain and smooth and firm as she fixes her eyes right on the camera. “You were right, this is the culmination of everything you’ve been doing. This is friendship. Once we finish this pilot program, and we prove to everyone once and for all that Equestrians and humans can live together, it won’t matter how many videos APL puts out. Everyone will see it.”

“That… actually was the issue I wanted to mention,” Celestia offers. “APL knows we’re doing something; they suggested as much in their newest statement.”

“No way they know anything important,” Sunset scoffs. “We have a tiny team working on this. No humans know the location or the timing. And only me and Twilight know the participants.”

“Yes…” Celestia agrees, cautious. “It’s kept me from vetting everyone as much as I’d like.” Crossing her arms, she eyes Sunset evenly, like a colleague. “Are you absolutely certain you trust everyone?”

“Completely.” Sunset answers immediately. “The only staff will be me and Pear Butter, and she is absolutely on our side.”

“Hrm,” Celestia mumbles thoughtfully, then nods. “Indeed, I don’t see any issues there.”

“Yeah. And the participants are a small group. Five Equestrians and eight humans, all chosen by me or Twilight. We’re absolutely sure we can trust everyone.” She smiles confidently, charismatically. “C’mon, it’s just fifteen creatures. We can manage.”

“Fifteen creatures and an AI,” Starlight reminds her.

“An unhackable AI, powered by Equestrian magic,” Sunset insists. “Fifteen creatures and a completely secure AI. We got this.” She’s confident and magnetic and certain. “We totally got this.”

The recording turns to static, and the tape ejects.

Author's Note:

First, a word from my lovely co-author, JCarp, who wrote this interlude in its entirety.

Hi folks, J Carp here. First off, some business to take care of: Dewdrops and I have agreed it's best to take next week off before starting Chapter 2, to get our buffer in the shape we want it. I believe she's making a blog post for general discussion and predictions, and that should tide y'all over during our little vacation.

So, one of the hard things about a story like this is, you have to plan the whole damn thing out in advance. You need to be seeding clues for the mysteries right from the get-go, and the worst thing is to come up with some amazing twist which you can't do because it contradicts something you established offhandedly back in Chapter 1.

But the other thing about that is, you also get to fly by the seat of your pants, because there's no way you can catch everything, especially considering this is a sequel to a massive story with a million details it established. Lots of times, this is serendipity; the stuff you forgot ends up actually making the planned mystery better. Other times, you gotta scramble to somehow make things fit, once a sharp-eyed reader reminds you of it. And let's just say, we've already got some awesome serendipity going, and some awesomely sharp-eyed readers.

The other challenge for me is that I usually find Trixie to be the apex of fun to write, but her situation and relationship with Wallflower here keeps a lot of her personality from manifesting in its typical way. Oh well, thank god for Cranky and Vignette, huh.

I'm so excited for the rest of this, and I'm so impressed and humbled by the readers so far. Wait 'til you people see chapter 2.

Thanks, JCarp!

JCarp has said about all I wished to say, and he is correct: there will be no posting next week. We will post again on Monday, March 27th to begin Chapter Two. Depending upon buffer catchup we may have to do this again in the future for later Chapters; as always, health comes first, and both JCarp and I have health issues that can make it difficult to keep writing sufficiently far ahead. Almost everything we have up till Chapter Two's investigation was written back late last year, after which there was a significant interruption due to my personal health.

But we'll do the best we can.

In the meantime as he said, there is an accompanying blog where you can posit your speculations for future chapters, which is located at this link. https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1009687/super-danganronpa-2-chapter-two-and-on-speculatory-blog

See you in two weeks!